Lost Treasure: Into the City

Chapter 9

The next day, I go to the park and find Sky and June. I ask them about Ben. Evidently, he’s the most popular male in school. His parents have money. Like that should matter. Then I ask them about the three snooty females.

The three females are the popular girls. The brunette, Tammy, has had her eyes on Ben since fifth grade. He hasn’t even looked her way, yet my first day and I’m invited to sit with him. That must’ve stung. The blonde, Carol, is Tammy’s best friend. The black hair, Kristen, a tag along.

Sky was amazed how well I handled them. No one has stood up to them before. I was warned it wasn’t over yet. Yeah, bring it on. I don’t want Ben, so really, it’s more of a game. Just to aggravate Tammy. They wanted to fight. Please, I want an excuse to knock them down a peg or two.

I’m sitting at the kitchen table playing a game on my phone Kim got me. Kim is cooking supper.

“Make any friends yet?” Kim asks stirring the gravy for the pot roast.

“Yeah, a few and I also met this mal- ah guy too.” I reply, now absentmindedly scrolling Facebook.

“A guy huh? Already? Well that doesn’t surprise me. You’re very pretty for your age, you look older, um... more mature.” She looks over her shoulder at me as she talks.

“Well, yeah but it caused problems with the popular girls. Apparently, they like him too. They already tried to intimidate me. Didn’t work, though.” I smirk at the memory.

“Bless your heart. Well they’re just jealous, sweetheart. And you shouldn’t let them intimidate you. I’m proud of you, Jewel. If it comes down to a fight, I’ve got your back. But please don’t swing first. I don’t want you starting fights.” She says pouring the gravy into a bowl.

Kim places it on the table along with the pot roast and mashed potatoes. I take out the plates and silverware. We sit, Kim says our prayers and we begin to eat.

The a few days later, wearing blue jean shorts and a pink sparkly tank top, my hair in a high ponytail, a black bandanna on my head; I meet Ben at the lockers. He’s very good looking for a human. I enjoy looking at him, he seems real fit and healthy. So far, his personality is outgoing and confident, but not cocky. But I still don’t get what all the girls see about him that make them throw themselves at him. It’s probably because I’m a werewolf.

Ben introduces me to some female friends. Jade and Michelle.

Jade is a plucky little blonde with brown eyes. Always has sunglasses on or on top of her head. She likes to wear baggy cargo pants or capris, loose t-shirts, and high-top sneakers. Her hair is worn in a low ponytail every day. She has a laid-back perspective. Her favorite thing to do is to skateboard the ramps. I’ve been invited to watch her do tricks, I’m looking forward to it.

Michelle is a little high strung. She calls it living extreme. Every weekend she goes mountain biking at a nearby state park. I’ve been invited to that too. She has light brown hair worn mostly in a french braid and hazel eyes. She likes to wear blue jeans and tight-fitting shirts.

I smile politely. “Hey Ben! I finally get a chance to play. I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” I say as I walk with him to the basketball court. The two males are there, warming up.

Ben rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, me too. Let’s get to it.”

I follow him on to the court. The other guys come in and meets us in the middle.

“Where’s Michelle or Jade?” I ask looking around.

“They had to leave. Jade is grounded for breaking a neighbor's window and Michelle has a dentist appointment.” Chuck replies.

I nod. We decide to play a few games, I’m playing with Ben against Chuck and Buster. Oddly enough, Ben and I make a good team.

I dribble the ball down the right side. Ben runs down the left. He stops near the basket ready for my pass. I stop quick putting my back to Buster who is blocking my path. I roll on my heels to my right, slinging the ball to Ben. He catches it and jumps up, throwing it into the basket.

We win this game. We stop for water.

“You play pretty good!” Ben exclaims patting my back.

“Yeah! I couldn’t help but notice how well you play with Ben. It’s like you guys have practiced beforehand.” Buster laughs.

We all laugh, but I caught a glimpse of Ben looking at me in a way the males back at the Academy. Is he attracted to me?

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