Lost Treasure: Into the City

Chapter 20

I’m sitting on a bench in Nichol park. I get here early to eat my danish and espresso. I slept a few hours. I’m still in my running clothes along with my black riding gloves that I cut the fingertips off. They cushion the knuckles during a fight. I enjoy watching the sun rise and the dew sparkle on the grass.

A few people have come out to jog or walk their dogs. So, it’s quiet. My thoughts wander to the anticipated fight. I haven’t trained or practiced since I fled my territory, so I’m out of shape. I hope who ever my opponent is won’t be bigger than me or older.

It shouldn’t be too bad. Back at home I loved to fight. I looked forward to it every day. The high I get is addicting. The adrenaline pumping through my veins, my body enjoys the movement.

I finish my breakfast and pick up the paper. I start to wonder why Logan would want a mock fight right here out in the open. I bet that fight I saw a few weeks ago was actually a mock fight. That means I could be facing three opponents. I review the training I’ve learned to fight multiple. Satisfied I notice three females crossing the street. They stop in the middle of the large concrete circle that is just inside the park.

Two females are dark-skinned and the other is the color of clay dirt roads like back home. Their glossy black hair bounce as they walk with a purpose. I have a feeling they are ones I need to fight. I check them out from behind the paper.

The all look to be 5′9 and around 16 years. They are of average build and fit. They’re wearing tight fitting shorts, tank tops, sneakers; and beautiful.

The clay skinned female has her long mahogany hair braided down her back, stopping just at the waistline. The other two females have short hair. It’s not time yet so I look back to the paper.

I’m eager to get this over with. My mind is sharp and my body fidgets craving the adrenaline that fuels it. My feet bounce with anticipation. I look up and notice a crowd is gathering around the females. I pull out my phone to check the time.

I fold the paper and stand. I stretch my arm and legs. My heart rate picks up and I can feel that fighting fuel slowly fill my veins. I square my shoulders and keep my chin up. I start walking toward the group.

The one thing I know is first impressions are important, even in a fight. If I can intimidate them before the first swing, I may be able to win. I have an advantage already; they think they’re fighting a human. Not a she-wolf with alpha genetics. I relish the thought of the look on their faces when they realize the truth someday.

As I get closer, I gaze at the large number of people here shaped like a half circle, the three females in the center. I push my way through and stride confidently to the center.

They turn to me in unison. Their gaze is intense. I have a cat like grin on my face as I center my stance and casually fold my arms behind my back. I glare into each of their dark eyes. I’m calm, my heart is beating fast, but not irregular. I’m pumped, preparing my muscles for action.

I can hear their heart beats quicken. The one female standing in the middle combs her fingers through her pixie style hair. The clay color female to the left focuses on my ear making it look like she is staring me down. The other female to the right is clenching her teeth, her eyes a blaze.

The female to the right asks through clenched teeth, “You Jewel?”

“Yup”, I pop the p.

I drop my arms to my sides; I pop a few knuckles with my thumb. I lean my weight to one leg lifting the other to stretch the hamstring.

"So, we going to start or are we going look at each all morning ” I say flatly and bored.

Then I wink at pixie in the middle. Her nostrils flare. Clay face gasps and the other female throws her fist toward my face which I catch inches from my face.

Her eye pop wide, I swear they were going to fall out of her head. She tries drawing it back, but I have a firm grip on her fist. My face is emotionless. I look at her hand then into her eyes. The crowd goes oddly silent. The other two in shock.

“Let’s dance, sugar.” I say then blow a kiss as I drop her fist.

I back a few steps and drop into a fight stance. My body is ready, my adrenaline is in full force. My brain is buzzing, but super clear at each of their movements. I feel loose and light on my feet.

Clay face comes at me first. I need to know what they can do so for now I’m going into defense mode. Plus, it will tire them out.

She alternates between punches and kicks. I block and duck. As her leg swings over my head as I drop low, I jab at her stomach knocking the wind out of her. Her body folds in half. As I stand, I drive her face into my knee. Her knees buckle and she crumples to the ground, she’s out cold.

The crowd explodes and going absolutely crazy, jumping, screaming, cat calls. One down, two to go. I turn to see them coming at me together. I crouch, smiling like a fool.

Bless your heart, it just got real.

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