Lost Treasure: Into the City

Chapter 10

The rest of the week was about the same. I met up with Ben, Chuck, and Buster. Michelle came one time, and I found out Jade didn’t care for basketball. So, after a game with the guys I’d go skate with her, so she didn’t feel left out. Ben seemed disappointed.

Jade taught me some tricks; she was amazed how quickly I caught on. Little did she knew, werewolves have excellent balance and coordination. So, once she told me where to put my feet on the board or how to get the board to flip in the air, it was easy.

This weekend, Michelle is taking me mountain biking with her uncle. They usually meet up with his friends there. They have an extra bike for me to use. Because it is not safe to use a bike you are unfamiliar with on the mountain, I’ve been riding it to school.

Tammy and her crew have been avoiding me. I seen them at the diner a few times, if looks could kill I’d be dead. I can’t help Ben sat next to me...really close.

I don’t know how else to tell him I’m not interested in him. I enjoy his company along with Michelle and Jade. But he’s not getting it. He likes to touch me, in subtle ways; he brushes the hair out of my face, uses any excuse to touch my hand or rub my back.

I never have been strait forward and said no, but I wriggled out from his touch. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, I try to drop hints. I need to be more direct, but when I look into his eyes, I almost feel sorry for him. I just can’t bring myself to mangle his dignity. Not in front of everybody anyway. He is my friend.

Today is no different, I go to the park to play a few games with Ben. I find Tammy and her posse instead. Along with a large group of other kids. Apparently, they’ve been waiting for me.

Tammy stands a step ahead between the other two. Her hands on her hips. A smug, angry look on her face. The other two have their arms crossed.

With a raised brow, I set my bag down my face emotionless. Then I sashay over, a demeaning smile grows. Stopping about two feet in front of Tammy. I know the game, but does she?

Challenging a werewolf is no small thing, even as pups. Even in the wild, there is a more dominant pup in the litter.

It appears that she spread word around saying she was going to fight me. I won’t kill her, but I’ll make sure she’ll know her place from now on. I’m an alpha’s daughter, this disrespect won’t be tolerated.

I pop some knuckles on my right hand as I put my left on my hip. I stand my tallest and square my shoulders. I look her in her eyes down my nose keeping my chin level with the ground.

I can tell my body language has disarmed her. She takes a step back, in a trance staring back into mine.

“Is there a problem Tammy? I thought we had an understanding.” I say bored and rolling my eyes.

“Yeah, I thought so too, but you didn’t get it. I told you to stay away from Ben. He’s too good for white trash like you. He only hangs out with you because he feels sorry for you because your parents are dead.” Her voice getting more confident as she went. The last word laced with venom.

It hit me to the core. I could care less if it were true, but for her to bring up my parents’ death. A fire ignited in my core that blazed hot and unquenchable. I ball my fists, my whole-body tense. I’m trying to rein in my temper as I grit my teeth. In a blink I have her by her throat slamming her body against the lockers, her feet off the ground.

Her body quakes in fear as she gasps for air. I get close to her ear. I whisper through my teeth.

“My parents’ death is none of your business. Those words pass through your pretty little lips again and I’ll rip them off. Ya'll have no idea the trauma I’ve been through. If it were you in my shoes, ya'll would be a dribbling mess in a mental hospital." A insidious grin on my lips. In my thick as honey sweet southern accent I coo, "I could put you in a regular one if you want. I don’t want Ben; he is just a friend.”

I step back and let her fall in a heap, she coughs and grabs her throat. I turn to see a fist coming at my face, I catch her wrist. In her momentum I clothesline her with my other arm. She falls on her back looking up. I look down to see it was the blonde.

I look for the third chick. She stands still, frozen. I walk toward her, but she turns and squeezes through the crowd to get away. Tammy regains her bearings. I turn to face her. She helps her friend up.

I fold my arms and lean on one foot, tapping the other foot. I glare at them. They decide to come at me together. I roll my eyes and get into a fight stance.

Tammy swings a fist at my head while the other goes for my stomach. I dodge both and step back. Tammy has swung so hard, when she hit nothing but air, it continues around to clock her friend in between the eyes.

In her confusion, I grab Tammy’s arm, bringing it behind her back. I kick her feet out from underneath her bashing her face off the earth. Her friend was still on the ground seeing stars.

Tammy struggles against my weight. I put my knee into her back. I lean down, I see her profile. Her forehead is bleeding, and she’s crying.

“Do you submit Tammy? I am more dominant and will not tolerate your disrespect anymore.” My tone is smooth and calm.

She nods with a sniff. I get off and dust my hands. I grab my bag and sling it on. Then I get on the bike Michelle let me borrow and go home, a wistful smile on my face.

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