Knot so Lucky (The holidates series Book 2)

Knot so Lucky: Chapter 27


I don’t know what the hell happened at the pool, but what I do know is Crew Matthews is full of shit. That football zoomed past me like a fucking ballistic missile locked onto exactly what it was aiming for.

The nosy part of me wants to know why, but honestly, if he doesn’t want to tell me, I’m fine with it. Oddly enough, I trust his judgment. I don’t know what that says about me because he just hit a guy in the face with a football, but here we are.

“Waters?” I offer, putting my bag on the edge of the counter as I walk toward the refrigerator.

But a crashing sound immediately spins me around as everything from inside my bag spills out all over the floor.

“Shit,” I rush out, as my tanning oil hemorrhages out over the marble floors. I look up, noticing Crew closest to the paper towels. “Hey, grab me some, please.”

But instead of jumping into action, he starts chuckling at me because the moment I got down on all fours, my hand slid straight across the floor, leaving me on my belly.

“Look at you…all laid out on the floor. Fellas, take a look at my…erm…our girl. If I didn’t know any better…”

I cut him off, laughing at myself.

“Shut up.” I lift my dry hand for him to help me out, but instead, he takes it and spins me in a circle, making me scream a laugh as the other guys look on, entertained.

“Will someone tell him to stop playing around,” I scold playfully, not at all mad.

Neither of the guys says a thing as they walk toward me and Crew.

I let out a quiet breath because there’s a shift that’s palpable when those two work as a team. And suddenly, I’m pretty sure the goal isn’t to get me on my feet. More like onto my back.

My gaze shifts between them. Their eyes are on my body at the same time, drifting over their favorite parts. I smirk before I huff a laugh. Because I’ve been in a bikini all day in front of these three, but somehow, it’s in this moment that I feel half naked. Completely exposed.

Jesus. They’re coming on stronger than they ever have.

“Or…” Nate draws out, stopping and looking down at me. “Instead of telling Crew to stop, we could tell him to keep playing around. Right, Crew? I think that’s a better plan…”

Crew looks at TJ and then Nate like they’ve suddenly developed telekinesis before TJ chuckles and squats. He runs one of his hands through the oil before bringing it to my legs and slicking it over my skin.

Oh, helloooo.

I hear Crew let out a quiet growl next to me.

“You know what this reminds me of, darlin’?” TJ grins.

“Not a clue,” I whisper before biting my bottom lip.

“Spin the bottle.”

I laugh, throwing my head back before I say, “TJ. How does me covered in oil on the floor remind you of spin the bottle?”

But TJ doesn’t answer me before he looks at Crew and smirks, taking my hand from him.

“I say we spin Eleanor, and whatever lands in front of us, we kiss. What do you think, Crew? You in?”

I smile, not minding where this is going at all.

Crew steals my hand back, gritting, “I go first.”

Oh shit. Here we go. I’m either going to throw up all over the floor, or I’m about to go to sexual heaven. The lord really does giveth and giveth and giveth.

Fucketh the taking away part.

I look up at Crew, then Nate, then TJ, but nobody is looking at me. They’re staring at each other. What is happening? If this is one of those little competitions again, my pussy may not survive, but the soldier in me wants to try anyway.

“Am I spinning myself?” I tease, biting my bottom lip as I laugh.

But Crew’s eyes snap to me, his jaw tense before suddenly, the world whizzes by. He spins me around, making me scream with laughter and land splayed out with my leg next to him.

“You’re nuts” tumbles out as he grabs my calf, lifting my shin to his mouth and kissing it softly.

I suck in a quiet breath, my body stilling as our eyes meet and he kisses it again. Something in his eyes has mine locked to him, and I can feel my chest already rising and falling with a heavier rhythm.

My lips begin to tip up into a smile, matching exactly what’s happening on his face, but the moment is broken as Nate cuts in.

“Don’t bogart our girl, Crew…”

Crew grumpily looks away as he moves over, giving Nate barely enough room to take my hand as I sit up before he spins me.

I’m laughing, squealing, “This is insane,” as I stop with my back to Nate, so I look up at him as he peers over.

He smirks. “Looks like I got lips.”

Nate bends over as he tips my head back further before his lips barely graze mine—graze because Crew’s pushing Nate to the side, which makes me fall sideways and causes Crew’s foot to catch in some oil. He slips around, too awkward for someone athletic, before grabbing the counter and huffing out his words.

“Noooo…nope. That’s not the rule…that’s cheating. You have to kiss the back of her head. That’s what you got,” he rushes out like the sexy spin-the-bottle police.

Crew motions for Nate to do that, and we both start laughing. Has he lost his mind?

“Are you okay?” I offer Crew as Nate presses a kiss to the back of my head.

Crew clears his throat and nods, getting his footing. “Yep, right as rain. I’m good. I’mmmm amazing.”

He has sun poisoning, for sure.

TJ steps up and winks at me before reaching down and grabbing my ankle.

“Fuck this—someone’s gonna break a sixty-million-dollar arm. We’re taking this one to the bedroom.”

I don’t have time to react before TJ starts to drag me like a fucking caveman, sliding me along the floor as I thunder a laugh before I scream his name.

“TJ! You’re nuts.”

TJ looks over his shoulder directly at Crew, halting our movement.

“Would you look at that…she screamed my name. Does that mean I get on her roster? Or are you paying me thirty-K?”

Oh shit. My face swings to Crew from where I’m lying, my mouth open like I wanna say, “Ooo, burnnnnn.”

Except who hasn’t frozen is Crew—who is coming right for us.

Holy fuck.

Crew wastes no time hauling me to my feet, his hand squeezing gently around my arm as his giant frame hovers over me, and those ocean-blue eyes meet mine.

“Why am I in trouble?” I grin.

His voice makes me shudder like gravel across my flesh. “What have I told you about flirting with the bench?”

My tongue darts out over my bottom lip because dominant Crew is one of my favorite versions.

“You said not to because you’re the starting lineup,” I whisper.

“Technically,” TJ interjects, leaning in next to me. “I start too.”

Crew’s face snaps to his, and I try to hide my smile as Crew barks, “Didn’t you and Nate fuck some random pussy last night? You could have gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, fucking crabs—”

My eyes are saucers as Crew looks at me. “Do you want any of those things?”

A laugh tears from me before I shove it back down because, oh fuck, he’s serious. And I get the distinct impression now is not the time to mention the various routes of safe sex. So I shake my head because, damn, TJ’s in so much trouble for that comment.

Never kick a guy when he’s down sixteen thousand.

TJ chuckles and pats Crew’s arm. “You’re right. Wow, I can’t believe I…or that we—” He motions to Nate, who’s leaning up against the counter, smirking with his arms crossed as he nods before TJ continues. “Yeah, that we didn’t consider that exact thing. Must still be all the liquor in our systems.”

TJ touches my waist, leaning in and kissing my cheek chastely.

“Guess you dodged a bullet.”

I’m smiling, but also what? I feel like I’m missing part of the conversation. Nate and TJ take their leave, but as the door closes, I stare at Crew.

“What is going on?”

He shakes his head, hands on my waist, walking me backward toward the bedroom. So I repeat myself.

“No, dude. What is going on?”

He stops in the doorway before he looks over his shoulder and grabs my hand, dragging me over to the couch and lifting me to stand on it.

He’s doing that thing again, making us eye to eye. Why is that so cute?

Crew cracks his neck. “What’s going on is that I want you.”

My eyes search his because, for the briefest moment, my heart stops. Is he saying what I think he’s saying? But then he continues, and I can breathe again.

“I want you to myself tonight. I think I’m all amped up over that guy taking your pic, and I just—”

“He was taking my picture?” I shriek, but Crew chuckles, pulling out the cracked phone from his pocket and tossing it behind him on the table.

“Problem solved.” He frowns before reaching out and touching my stomach, drawing little squiggles in the oil as he speaks. “I want you all to myself. I wanna fuck you bent over this couch again and eat your pussy until you can’t speak. I want to desecrate that ass. I want my cum in your mouth and yours on my cock.”

His eyes lift back to mine.

“I want your body just for me tonight.”

Well, goddamn. I’m not sure there’s been a time when I’ve been wetter. Guys say, “Let’s fuck.” Crew says, “I want my cum in your mouth and yours on my cock.”

For fuck’s sake, give a masterclass already.

“Done,” I breathe out, hands on his shoulders, already bouncing a little before I throw out my thought, suddenly wanting him to know that I want him to myself too.

Don’t do that, dummy. He’s a vacation, not a permanent destination. But my lips start moving anyway.

“And truthfully, I don’t care if the other night never happens again. TJ and Nate are meant for a good time, not a long time. I don’t even want one boyfriend, let alone two additional complications. You know what I mean?”

Crew smirks, holding my waist tighter as he lifts, and my legs wrap around his waist.

His hands are on my ass as he carries me, so I take the opportunity to kiss along his jawline, laughing each time he has to hoist me up because I’m slippery.

The minute we’re in the bedroom, he chucks me onto the bed and crawls over me, letting one of his legs slip between mine.

“Where do you want to start on that list of yours,” I breathe out huskily.

Crew’s fingers ghost my collarbone, then run down over the fabric of my bikini top before he tugs it open and covers his mouth over my nipple.

I suck in a breath, letting my head rub on the bed as I lift my chin. His tongue runs circles over the pebbled flesh as it grows harder between his lips.

He sucks the tender bud, making me jut my breasts toward him and moan.

“Goddamn, that feels good.”

Crew releases my nipple with a pop, his eyes meeting mine again as his hand travels further south, leaving goose bumps in its wake.

He doesn’t say a thing, just stares into my eyes as he grazes over my stomach, all the way down to my bikini bottoms.

But he doesn’t bother to untie them. Instead, Crew slips his hand inside, smirking as my lips part both on my mouth and my pussy as he thrusts between the wetness gathered around my hairs before he massages my clit.

I arch my back off the bed, eyes closing, feeling his lips land on my collarbone.

“I love how wet your pussy gets,” he whispers along my skin.

He pulls his finger out, dragging my arousal back up over my stomach to my tit before circling my wetness around my nipple.

I lick my lips, watching him coat me before he seals his mouth over it again.

“Fuck,” I cry out, running my hands through his hair and over his muscular back.

Crew kisses my desire off me before abandoning my chest and working his way down the path he left, kissing my body. His tongue glides and dips into my belly button before moving further down until he reaches my bottoms.

His mouth covers the fabric, kissing my cunt deeply and making my body buck.

“Oh god.” I exhale harshly, but ever so delicately, Crew slides the fabric aside and runs his tongue straight over my clit.

“Fuck,” I moan.

God, his tongue is magic. Crew maneuvers himself between my legs so his arms are hooked under them. He’s licking and circling his tongue, humming and growling against my clit as I writhe and pant.

My fingers weave through his hair, holding his face to my pussy, as I grind into him, letting him devour every bit of my wetness.

“Oh my god. I love the way you lick my pussy.”

Crew’s large hands grip the inside of my legs as he growls, nipping my sensitive throbbing clit before he lifts my ass off the bed and brings me to his face. He feeds on me before dropping me back down and slapping his hands down my thighs, spreading me wider.

I’m panting and moaning because he’s made it his mission to make me come. It’s so overwhelming that my body’s already quaking.

“Oh fuck. Oh my god.”

He sucks my clit, and I start crawling backward because I can barely take it. It’s too good. I’m too open—he’s everywhere on my pussy. I’m throbbing and trembling, grinding into him and simultaneously feeling like I could crawl up the wall.

But Crew doesn’t stop, groaning, “More. C’mere,” as he follows me, grunting and needing my pussy.

My hand slaps against his back, trying to reach for anything to hold on to as my hips rock against his face.

“Oh god, yes, yes, yes…”

But before I can come, he tears away, rising up to his knees and grabbing my thighs before he jerks me forward flush to him. I’m fumbling, trying to get my bikini bottoms off. But Crew doesn’t give a fuck about that. Without hesitating, he rips them aside, pulls out his cock, and thrusts inside of me.

“Oh my god,” I gasp, whispering his name. “Crew.”

But as I stare at him, gripping the sheets, his chest heaves. He’s hammering inside me, pounding over and over, staring down at me.

And he looks like a fucking god.

“Oh, so now you remember my name?”

There’s no point in pretending I don’t like his arrogance because the way my pussy just got even wetter gives it away.

“That’s right,” he croons, smirking, his jaw slack as his hips work like a damn machine, never slowing. “I felt that pussy start to cry for me. Because she’s my dirty little bitch.”

Holy fucking hell. I may die from pleasure overload.

His voice washes over me as I close my eyes.

“I’m not going to punish her for not screaming my name…”

My eyes are rolling into the back of my head, and I feel like I can’t catch my breath. Crew’s fucking me so good that he will be the bar I set until the end of time.

He chuckles, enjoying what he sees as he continues, his voice ragged.

“Why would I punish her? This little slot and me…we understand each other.”

Crew brings the back of my legs to his chest, holding them there, my stems flanking his face as he rams inside of me over and over. Our skin slaps each time his dick glides out and in my wet pussy as he grinds his words out.

“She comes when I tell her.”

He thrusts harder.

“She takes what I give her.”

Crew slaps my tit, making me gasp.

“And she knows whose cock owns her.”

I’m breathless, my hands running over my body, brazen and wild as I moan, unable to think as he grunts with each thrust.

My whole body is trembling with need as I whimper.

Crew holds my legs with one arm, and with his other, he brings his hand down to my pussy, his fingers rubbing my clit.

He’s literally playing my body like a fucking violin. My breath is shaky at best. And I’m all but screaming as he viciously rubs my clit.


My body keeps climbing, contracting and assaulting me with fucking pleasure as I chase my release.

“Are you gonna come for me, baby?” he whispers, staring down at my wet cunt. “You gonna come all over my cock? Are you gonna be my good girl and gush so much that it’s gonna drip down your ass so I fuck that too?”

Jesus Christ.

That’s all I need. His filthy mouth tips me right over the edge, and I thunder unintelligible words toward the ceiling. My fucking soul leaves my body.

A guttural and deep, visceral cry tears from my lungs as I grip the sheets next to me. My arms spread, body held as he pounds inside me over and over and over, coaxing every ounce of pleasure from my body until I’m suddenly climbing again, hurled into an atomic fucking explosion.

I can’t say for sure that I didn’t just scream his name, but if I did, neither of us understood it because I’m not sure I was even speaking English.

My lips quiver like I’m cold, but my entire body is warm. I stare up at him, breathless, taking him in as his cock moves slower and slower.

Crew licks the shine off his bottom lip, his eyes hooded as he stares down at me, releasing my legs, and they flop down on either side of him.

He’s not done.

Crew pulls his cock out of me, making me gasp before he moves off the side of the bed, standing and stroking himself.

Fuck, he’s so sexy, coated in my cum, his eyes drifting over my body. I swallow, catching my breath as he tilts his head.

“I told you I wouldn’t punish your pussy.” He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and lets it drag out, taking long draws up and down his cock. “Because it’s your goddamn mouth that’s the problem.”

Crew steps back and crooks his finger, calling me to stand in front of him. Involuntarily, my hips rock because I’m fucking turned on all over again. So, I slink off the bed and stand on weak legs in front of him, inhaling harshly as he runs his hand over my breast and up my neck, forcing my chin and eyes to him.

He leans down and kisses me gently at first before he sucks my bottom lip, then lets it go harshly before whispering his words onto them.

“Put your mouth on my cock.”

My eyes close, a rush of pleasure hitting me before I walk my hands down his body and kneel in front of him.

Crew runs the tip of his cock over my lips, letting me taste myself, reminding me of the first time we did this.

“You don’t want to scream my name…that’s fine. But you’re still gonna fucking remember whose mouth this is.”

His fingers weave through my hair, gripping it before his dick thrusts past my lips.

The taste of his precum mingles with me as I suck and draw circles just under the rim of his dick with my tongue. Crew growls, pressing himself further into my mouth before drawing out and doing it again.

My hands find the sides of his ass, loving the way it indents every time he thrusts forward. And I moan, wanting him to know.

“You like that, baby? You like it when I fuck your face like the little slut you are?”

I nod before deep-throating him.

“Oh fuck.” He groans, his breath catching this time. “Your mouth is so good.”

Crew kicks into gear fucking my face, owning the rhythm as he uses my mouth. I hollow my cheeks, bobbing my head as he guides me forward deeper and deeper, making me gag on his cock each time he fucks my throat.

“Yes, baby, that’s so good. Suck that cock.”

Tears spill down the sides of my eyes as he hits my throat again, stealing my breath and then giving it back to me. His deep, heavy pants coming from above spur me on, making me drop my hand back to my pussy and touch myself, wanting to feel this with him.

“Goddamn, I like you dirty.”

He pumps faster and faster into my mouth, until his body begins taking over and racing toward the finish line.

Crew tugs me, grinding into my face, chanting, “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” until his body tenses and he grips my hair unmercifully hard to hold my head in place.

Warm spurts of cum begin to fill my mouth, but Crew growls, spitting his words like an animal.

“Don’t you fucking swallow.”

My fingers rub violent circles over my clit as his cum pools in my mouth.

“I fucking mean it—don’t you fucking swallow a goddamn drop.”

As he finishes, he drags my lips using my hair down his softening shaft, tilting my head back so that I’m staring up at him, still rubbing myself, desperate to come again.

His voice is ragged and deep.

“Open your mouth like a good girl. Let me see my cum inside you.”

I’ve never felt so possessed, so deliciously degraded and fucking owned, until this moment.

I do exactly as I’m told, and I open my mouth to show him what he’s given me. The side of his lip tips up arrogantly as he wipes the back of his hand over his mouth, wiping away the spit on his lips.

“Are you my dirty whore?”

I nod against the force he’s holding my hair, rubbing faster.

“Is that pussy mine to do with what I want?”

I nod again, feeling the precipice.

“Does this mouth know who it belongs to now?”

I nod for the last time.

Because Crew tips my head back further as he leans over me and spits into my mouth.

“Now you can fucking swallow.”

I come. Hard.

Crew scoops me up off the floor, letting me cling to him as he walks us to the shower, kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back.

He doesn’t need a bet to make me delete my roster. His dick just did it for him.

“Hey,” I whisper. “Can you call the lawyer tomorrow because I think we should share custody of your cock. At the very least, I get it on holidays.”

Crew laughs, and I follow, but honestly, I’m only half kidding.

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