Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 31: Shawn's Nightmares

Shawn thought about what she had done to the male club members. She felt sorry for the woman but they needed to know just what their men were up to when they were not around.

That bitch whore Chari cheated her out of her man and she had to make the men pay for cheating on their women. She wanted to stay behind and watch it all but she couldn't. She could not stay and see the hate in Dreamer's eyes for what she had done to his brothers.

Dreamer cheated on her and lived with that whore for six months believing that her son was his when Shawn knew he wasn't. Now he not only lost the son he thought was his but the chance to be happy with her the one he claimed to love and want to marry. The woman he swore he wanted to have children with. She had to leave.

Gunner woke up hearing soft cries and screams coming from Shawn's room. The pain of her begging Dreamer in her sleep not to leave her, that the whore was lying and that baby was not his.

He heard her crying out please don't leave me Dreamer and then nothing but sobs. Hurtful crying. Then he thought he heard. I can't do this anymore.

He lay in the bed listening. He heard her talking. She must be on the phone. Cammy, "yes can you do me a favor."

" Can you send Timmy, and a few prospects to this hotel and she gave the address."

"I want them to come and pick up the U-hall. No, I can't go to the Viking MC right now."

" I just need to go to the cabin for a while."

" No, that's not it. I just can't be around bikers right now."

"No, I am not going to end it at the cabin. I just need to be by myself for a few weeks maybe a month."

" Yes,"

" fine tell Teddy he and the other guys along with you can come and check up on me but not for about two weeks."

" Fine, ok, shit Cammy."

" I promise I'm not going to kill myself. At least not yet."

Gunner sat up in bed concerned. She wants to kill herself. Goddam Dreamer for what he has put her through. He heard Shawn sigh.

"You know I could never lie to you or your brothers."

" Yes, I have. The last time I cut myself was last night."

" No, it's not deep. I will try."

" What more can I say, Cammy?"

" Alright."

" I have enough money to buy myself a Trailblazer."

" Fine, you can send me some money."

"Yes, I will call you in a few days."

" I will leave the keys to the U-hall under the back tailgate."

" Tell them I love them too. Call you in two days."

Gunner then heard the door open and close. What he would give to have a woman love him like she loves Dreamer.

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