Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 22: Hidden Cameras

At the Rage Riders MC, I had a friend come from the fire department. Told Panther that all the smoke detectors needed to be replaced even those in all the bedrooms. Panther said that if it needed to be done to get it done. I sat at the back table drinking a beer watching my friend walk away grinning to bring in a ladder.

He walked by me and winked. Phase 1 of the revenge is being put into place. I didn’t have to worry about the tapes because everything would be recorded on a new laptop in my room. I would later review the tape of the night and delete what was not needed.

I would open a file for every Valkyrie and club member's girlfriend and send the video to the person it needed to be sent to. The guardian’s room was across the hall from mine. I remember when Donna came.

She was beautiful and nice and treated everyone with respect. She didn’t deserve what happened to her. Any more than I did. I heard his door open and close. I looked through the peephole no one knew I had and saw that club whore come out of his room. What the fuck.

He never stopped sleeping with her, now she is moved into his room. That would definitely not sit well with Donna. Donna did nothing wrong but that mother fucker was sleeping with that whore a month after he made Donna his Valkyrie. I can’t wait to send videos to Donna.

This is going to be good. Robin is such a bitch. She thinks she is Valkyrie's material. She isn’t. I can’t wait to let the girls know just what these men are doing behind their backs.

"I called Cobra and told him about the club whore named Robin and what I just saw."

"He said thinks call me if you find out anything else."

" Oh, I will send you video’s if you put them on the big screen tv and she and everyone else see them."

" I will call and let you know when."

" Fine" Cobra said and hung up his phone.

"He went and told Blaize what he was just told."

Blaize grinned and said. "He really is a dumb son of a bitch, isn’t he?"

Cobra said. "She will call when she is ready to send some video’s he said. She also told me we should put them on the big screen tv where everyone including Donna can see them."

Blaize said "your informer is something."

" Problem is, she is not my informer. She wants her own revenge and won't stop till she gets it."

After hanging up with Cobra my phone rang. It was Falcon.

Falcon said "we are on our way back to the clubhouse. Get a room ready next to Guardian’s with two cribs."

" What?" Falcon said.

"Donna gave birth to twins a boy and girl Guardian is bringing them home with him."

"He is going to take care of them until Donna can be found."

" On it" I said.

I hung up the phone and yelled. "Get the room next to the guardian’s ready."

Pointing at two prospects I said.

"Take the van and go to town and buy two baby beds, sheets, blankets, and baby clothes for a boy and girl age one year."

"Then get your asses back here."

" She pointed at three club whores. Go wash the walls down and mop the floor."

Everyone started running to get things done before the president, VP and enforcer returned to the clubhouse. The room was ready by the time they arrived with the twins.

As the twins were carried in everyone surrounding them.

"They said those are beautiful babies."

" They look like there mom and not their dad."

They were sleeping so they were taken to their room and put into the cribs.

"Guardian thanked everyone for getting the room done and said how nice it looked."

"As the club members returned to the bar area they were told they don’t know who took Donna. No trace of her could be found at least not in Ohio. They had to take her out of the state but they have no real leads at this time."

They found out that the Diamond MC's VP had family in Van Wert and that was why they were there. Visiting his family. They still don’t know it was them that kidnapped Donna. It will be a very long time before they can figure it was a setup.

Guardian entered his room and lay on the bed. He was asleep before Robin dared enter his bedroom and climb into bed with him. Guardian rolled over in his sleep and put his arm around her. As he brought her close he said.

"I missed you, Donna."

Then his eyes snapped open and turned on the lamp by his bed.

"What the hell are you doing in my room he yelled."

" Robin whimpered and said. I thought because we have been having sex since you made Donna your Valkyrie and she was no longer here you would let me sleep with you."

He got out of bed put his jeans on and dragged her to his door. He opened his door and shoved her so hard she hit the door across from his.

"Stay the fuck out of my room and my bed."

He then slammed the door shut not carrying she was standing naked in the hallway.

Guardian did not know that his doorway was being videotaped. Robin had been in his bed for a good hour before she was thrown out of the room. It would look like they had been doing something other than sleeping since Robin was naked. I grinned as I saw it through my peephole.

"This is getting good" I said.

I climbed back into bed and fell asleep with a smile on my face for one. Revenge is so sweet.

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