Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 12

(Chapter song ‘U Can't Touch This' by MC Hammer)


Sometimes, in order to show people the error of their ways, you have to make them take a step back and reflect on why they’re in the position they’re in.

Jax doesn’t realize how controlling he is and he refuses to listen to reason so, it’s up to me to control the situation and show him his mistakes. Maybe if he sits in my ‘friend zone' as it were, he’ll change his ways.

Clearly, he wants to start up again. His actions at the pub proved that. If he didn’t want me, he would have paid no mind to the gentleman talking with me. If he wants to perform those actions as a ‘friend' then he can stay that way. We start things on my terms, full stop.

I’m sure it won’t be too long before he drops his chauvinistic attitude and starts actually trying to cooperate with me.

I rub my nape and walk up to the administration desk to book our teams practice time on the field.

The stadium is busy with players, fans and family, but a loud round of giggles overpowers the normal sounds of walking and talking.

I turn and a watch a swarm of young girls push their way through the crowd. They’re all just ecstatic then I see why.

I face the group, cross my arms and kick out a sneaker as Jax walks in the middle of school of estrogen. This is the third time this week, I’ve had to suffer his pathetic, ‘male dominant’ display and it’s starting to grate.

He puts his hands up, holding a pen in one hand and paper in the other. His ear to ear grin shows he’s just loving the attention or at least pretending to.

He stops and the mob stops too.

“WHOA! OK. Now, ladies, if you want me to sign the name, you have to behave.” He jumps. “Eh! That’s not behaving!” He looks behind him as a few girls giggle.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. How far my gender has fallen.

He turns back and takes names. He hands it back and grabs another one. He looks at a girl and leans his ear to her. She whispers a secret to him and he pulls back. “Ok. But only one.” He holds up a finger and leans his cheek to her. She kisses it quick then giggles with her friends. They all bounce like school girls.

“Oh, give me a break.” I growl.

He stands straight, hands back an autograph and our eyes connect. He smirks at me and my eyes narrow. He turns back to the women and flirts some more.

He lets a few more kiss his cheek and I’ve had enough of this foolishness. These women need some self worth.

I blow a breath and stride his way. He sees me coming and finishes up. I stop outside the group and cross my arms.

“Ok. Thanks, ladies! That’s it. You can grab more tomorrow.” He puts up his hands and jumps again. “Eh! That’s not what I meant!” He scowls as he looks behind him and rubs his backside.

The ladies all giggle and start to leave.

He points to a girl as I approach. “I’m watching you.” She giggles with her friends, waves and walks down the hall.

I tap my runner as I chew my cheek.

“Hey, Rey. What’s up?” He walks to a common sitting area and I follow.

“I know what you’re doing.” I say as he sits down and crosses his arms.

“I’m not doing anything.” He says innocently, but I know it’s a lie.

We both look at the last of the girls who wave and giggle as they leave. He smiles and waves back.

He thinks he’s being clever, but I see right through it.

“You’re trying to get a rise.” I arch a brow and let him know his gig is up.

He laughs. “I’m not trying to rise anything. If you get a rise out of girls hanging off me, that’s a you problem.”

“You’re going to sit there and say you didn't have an ulterior motive for that display?” I say snarky.

“No. I didn’t. I was entertaining fans.” He picks at his shirt. His smugness is sickening.

“Oh, please. The groping. Kisses. The charming smiles. I know you, Jaxton. You hate attention.” I narrow my eyes at him.

“That’s not true. I like pleasing my fans. If they want a kiss, I’ll make them happy. The question is, you friend zoned me so, why are you so pissed?” He arches a brow.

“I’m not angry. I’m annoyed that yet again, a man preys on a woman’s sexual attraction for him for his own agenda. It's disgusting.” I lift my chin.

He stands and walks to me. “If you’re jealous, just say so.”

I huff out a laugh. “Jealous. Of you? Not a chance.”

He shakes his head and stares into my eyes. “Not of me, of them. I see it, Rey. You’re mad because they were touching me and, because of your superiority complex, you can’t.” He smirks, ticks his head and bounces his brow.

“What a load of…” I take a deep breath. “All that was, was a pompous egotist trying to get attention…from me…and it didn’t work.” I turn and walk away with my nose in the air.

“That’s such bullshit!” He laughs.

I spin around and his attitude is plastered all over him.

“Are you saying you didn’t use those women to gain my attention?” I walk to him while pointing down the hall.

He shakes his head. “No. What’s bullshit is, isn’t that what you were doing at the bar with that guy? You knew I was there.” He steps closer.

“I was just talking with him! I didn’t make you go cave wolf!” I throw up my hands.

He points in my face. “Groping your ass in front of me is not talking, Rey. You did that on purpose.”

“I did no such thing.” I scowl.

“Oh, yeah you did. You know how I get and I know how you get. The only reason you’re pissed now is because they can touch me and you can’t. You’re so jealous, you can’t stand it.” He leans back and fold his arms, ticking the corner of his mouth up.

“That's bollocks. You really are the most vain, self-centered man I have ever met!” I yell under my breath.

He leans to me. “I may be that, but at least I’m not a fake. Face it, Rey. You can’t stand to see me with other women. You’re pissed because the shoe is on the other foot now.” He leans back with a smugness I want to smack off.

“I am not.” I grit.

He wags a finger. “Oh, yeah, you are. You wouldn’t put this much effort into a fight if you weren't.” He steps closer. “Sorry, Audrey. You had your shot. You aren’t the only one who wants the Lax Man.” He smirks and I’m fuming at the cockiness dripping off him.

I point in his face. “I don’t want you and I don’t care who you sleep with. This little game of yours won’t work.”

He grabs my hand and holds it. “Judging from the little wrinkle in between your eyebrows, you’re a liar and it’s working perfectly.”

I reach up and feel the wrinkle in my brow. I press my lips together and rip my hand out of his. I glare at him. “I don’t care.”

“Whatever you say, Queen.” His lip ticks up and I scowl hard.

I whip around and storm down the hallway, feeling the wrinkle every two seconds. I look back and he waves. “Oof.” I stomp to the elevators.

I get on the lift and slam my back on the back wall with my arms crossed. “I’m not jealous.” I grumble as the doors close.


My practice game was horrible. I couldn’t make a shot to save my life. Every time I went to shoot, that girls lips were on Jaxton and I'd lose my concentration.

“Stupid girl.” I mutter to myself. “It’s ridiculous.”

I scoop the ball and run down the field as our practice defenders move in.

I whip around them and try to see the net.


I’m not listening. All I see is Jax challenging me and trying to make me sink to his level. It pisses me off.


I deke around and run to the circle. I shoot a side shot and it goes way wide. I had no business shooting from that angle, but for some reason I thought the only way to beat Jax is to be better than him…at everything…and now I’m so flustered, I can’t even think.

“What the hell, Oakland! You want us to lose?” Red storms over to me.

“No. I’m sorry. My heads just not in it.” I rub my nape and blow out a breath.

He leans to me. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head. “I’m just…I’m just tired. I’ll be fine after some rest.” I give a small smile.

“You better be. I need my star player.” He grins as he slides his hand onto the back of my neck, making me internally wince from pain.

“I’m going to rest. We’ll practice later.” I say quietly.

He kisses my forehead. “Ok. See you later.”


I grab my stuff and head out to the locker-room.

Opening my locker, I throw my stuff in and sit on the bench. I lean on my knees and rub my neck, massaging the pain.

“You ok?”

I turn to see Jax, damp in a towel. His hair has that wet, just towelled look I always found so attractive. My stomach does a little flip then I reign it in. We're just friends.

“I’m fine.” I mumble and stand. I pull off my sport bra and grab my regular bra.

“You don’t sound fine. Practice wasn’t good?” He walks closer.

I glance at him and turn my back to him as I do up my bra in the front. “It was fine. I’m fine. Really, Jax.”

“What the hell?” He rushes me and grabs my head and my shoulder. “What the fuck, Audrey?”

“It’s nothing.” I clench as pain hits my neck. I rip his hand off and face him.

“A black, big ass bruise on your neck is not nothing.” He scowls, leans to me and crosses his arms.

“It’s nothing. I just took a stick the wrong way.” I give a little smile. “Clumsy me." I shrug.

He eyes me. “Do you not remember what I do for a living?” He points to my neck. “That’s a bruising pattern of a fucking punch. Who punched you? Was it that Red guy? Is he fucking hitting you?” He growls.

“No! Jax…Leave it.” I finish getting dressed, close my locker and push past him.

He follows me. “Audrey, if you’re being abused, you need to tell me.”

I spin around and narrow my eyes. “I don’t need to tell you anything. Stay out of my business.”

He glares into my eyes. “If someone is hurting my friend, that makes it my business. Tell me.”

“No one is hurting me, Jax. I appreciate you care, but really. I can handle it. I'll see you around.” I glance at him and walk away.

Jax may care about me, but I’m sure if he knew exactly what was going on, he wouldn’t for long. No, it’s best he doesn’t know. I know it’s not a good situation, but it’s beneficial to me and that’s all that matters. Soon, I’ll be able to get out and I’ll breath easier. For now, bruises are the least of my worries.

As I walk to the elevators, my phone rings.

I stop and answer.


“How's the tournament?”

I smile. “Could be better.”

“Well, I have some news that will cheer you up.”

My smile turns to a grin. “It’s not.”

“Yes, it is. It arrived this this morning. I haven’t checked it, I was waiting for you. I know you’ve waited a long time for this.”

“I'll be there in an hour.”

“See you then.”

I hang up and do a little dance to the elevators. “Yes!” All the aggravation of the day melts away because of one single crate.

I rub my neck as the lift rises. This will change everything.

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