Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Forty-Three.

Unknown to Lucido Joshua had sneaked in unseen and had located himself with a group of Dryads who were nearby. It had been a dangerous gamble and one which caused loss of life on both sides. The Nephilim had suffered the most in loss of numbers, but the Royal Fay magicians had not planned on losing a single life, but it had eventually necessitated this as to convince the unexpected appearance of Lucido.

That said Kelton and Queen Shellback had also snuck in as a backup for Joshua, and together they used their collective power, and knowledge to set about bringing into play a long-term plan of which the foundations were laid with the guidance of Michael the arch angel.

Time was so strange in Kelldesh, as depending on which set of Orange-dwarf-stars were the nearest to Kelldesh as it took its strange orbital journey, time varied, as did the gravitational pulls and tilt of the planet.

As Kelldesh neared the largest of the suns, the gravitational anomalies increased and during this time massive earthquakes hit the land and ripped up the terrain, leaving even the Nephilim in fear of losing their lives.

It certainly was not a time to be caught outside the palace and its protection fields which Lucido had set into place. As the planet started to shake, fifteen guards were caught out of place and they had stopped what they were doing and set about a fast retreat to reach the protection of the palace. The four lagging behind suddenly fell and quickly Queen Shellback killed them, and then cast a deception spell to make it look as if they were Nephilim.

Quickly they caught up to the rear of the others and only just made it inside the safety of the energy barrier before it sealed itself closed. Then they mingled in the crowd and vanished from sight. There must have been over a thousand guards sheltering in the outer parameter of the palace and over a million plus in the next level and that was not counting any who ventured into the inner sanctuary where Hatchimter, Lucido and the apprentices were housed.

All anchored down during this time of turmoil, as it was unsafe even for the likes of Lucido to unnecessarily risk their lives. King Thalaba had experienced this only once before in his existence, and Tim drew on this, memory to learn what to expect.

Incredibly in earth and Fay terms only a few days had past, yet to Joshua, Kelton and Queen Shellbacks mind, it was almost three quarters of a year, and this took considerable adjusting of the mind. They took any opportunity to sow discord and confusion and gain further intelligence as the Dryads kept them protected and assisted them in infiltrating deeper into the palace and nearer to the inner sanctum.

Eventually the planet passed the largest suns influence and once more settled into the normal disruption of the lessor Orange Dwarf Stars, each fighting for supremacy and effecting the planets gravitational fields.

It was then Lucido returned to his own realm and left his youngest brother in charge of the new acquisitions and to continue with their training. Tim had proved particularly powerful and Lucido had considered acquiring him for himself, but later decided to let his brother complete their training rather than tie up his own time.

As Lucido vacated Kelldesh, he took with him an army of Nephilim three quarters of a million in size, and they in turn invaded Queen Shellbacks land. Well intended to invade, as Melatron, Mac Death and her father Mr Death, awaited their arrival. They also had King Thalaba, Thelmaric and Tesa-Armar waiting to cut off their retreat with their own army of Royal Fay magicians, who had lay hidden in a pocket dimension.

As Lucido led the invasion he expected some sort of ambush, only he thought Queen Shellback would be leading the armies, it was then what remained of the Crow tribes numbering in their millions appeared realising even then the odds of their defeating such giants were minimal.

Only when it was realised that Melatron had also set a trap did the odds start to equal out. And as Lucido saw the potential of humiliation and defeat, he quickly dimensionally jumped taking as many Nephilim with him as he could, and just over four hundred thousand escaped the onslaught.

The remaining Nephilim fought, and took near to a million lives before they were defeated, and this vastly weakened Queen Shellbacks reserves, yet she still held a formidable army awaiting direct orders.

Lucido thought he had escaped capture only to find Merlin and Queen La-Fay along with over two million Royal wizards and guards awaiting his arrival. Immediately Lucido then played his ace card, as he had not known what to expect, but had planned for the worst, over a hundred copies of himself appeared, leaving it uncertain which was the true Lucido, and then Lucido’s personal guards appeared. These were all trained wizard warriors and very powerful numbering over half a million.

In the confusion Lucido slipped away as over 90% of his personal guards, leaving the rest to fight and perish. While this was happening Queen Shellback, Kelton and Joshua made their move and instigated a rescue knowing exactly where Tim and the others would be. Also taking advantage of the lessoning of security who had vacated with Lucido, and in one quick action and with the assistance of all the Dryads which had entered Kelldesh, they were able to implement the rescue and capture Hatchimter rendering him unconscious.

As he awoke Hatchimter found himself shackled and drained of his powers and energy and was greeted by Death who was gently laughing as now there were only two remaining to be captured.

“How it pleases me to see you Hatchimter, I have awaited this day for so long, and now you are mine,” he said as utter fear gripped at Hatchimter, knowing now it would take a literal act of God to free him, and that he knew would never arrive.

Sandu, Kissilder and Buckless were pleased to be home among friends, although they had aged in appearance and magical abilities. King Thalaba, Thelmaric and Tessa-Arman were over joyed their plan had worked and to once again have the students back in their care. Tim, Kelton, Joshua and Queen Shellback stood before Michael the arc Angel and they each reported their part and actions taken, and then, and only then were they permitted to mix with the others.

Word eventually reached the Royal Courts of Queen La-Fay and Merlin’s victory and of the death of so many Nephilim, however all were sad to learn of so many loss of lives and of Lucido’s evading capture yet again, knowing now that any future attempts were to be almost impossible as the fallen Seraph would now be over alert and expecting subterfuge.

There were celebrations as both schools united in one huge party, and lessons were cancelled for a week, soon banter as to who would have won the Rang match started and with Vlad Academy stating they would have won, and that it was they through the snot brothers who saved Highfield players from been kidnapped.

Highfield retaliated that it was they who played the major part in the rescue of three Vlad students, but did concede that the snot brothers was a brilliant master plan and might well have slowed them down.

Yet Joshua and Tim kept quiet as to what their plans had been, as they had not wanted to tip off the team should there ever be a return match. King Thalaba realised however that his son had used him and turned the tables by having the Dryads report the king’s intentions and Tim taking advantage of this and had turned it against his father.

King Thalaba thought for a time how unsporting that was, until he laughed as it dawned on him, that was exactly his intention and admired his son’s tenacity and fortitude of mind to have brought this about.

Soon all was forgiven, and a level of respect had grown for each other’s abilities. Kelton had taken the next step in recovering and had sought his friend’s forgiveness, and once more felt part of the Comradeship from the others.

It was more difficult for Kelton to say goodbye, but he felt it was right to remain in Queen Shellbacks service. He was no longer the young student he had once been, and life was different now, few had taken actual lives, and it was something he wished on no one. However, Kelton was pleased to learn the Royal Court of Fay had ruled a return match of Rang was to be played, only a period of recovery and rest was needed, also time to organise events.

Kelton knew his place in the Rang team was secured if he wanted it, and one additional surprise awaited him. Merlin and Queen La-Fay informed him that they had agreed with King Thalaba and Queen Shellback to have selected students sent to Queen Shellbacks kingdom to train under her patronage as apprentice magicians.

This meant that now Kelton need not feel alone, and that Queen Shellback had instructed him to oversee the new students training under the rule of her father Melatron. Kelton was overjoyed as Sandu was among those students and he looked so forward to getting to know her better.

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