Hers (Blood Ties Book 2)

Hers: Chapter 4

The surgeon slipped the surgical cap from his head and walked toward us, a grave look of worry etched on his face. He glanced at Tobias, then settled that focus on me. “Are you the family of Nicholas Banks?”

“Nick,” Tobias answered, rising from the hard plastic seat along the hospital corridor. “His name is Nick.”

“Nick,” the doctor repeated.

“He’s our brother.” I rose with Tobias, my pulse pounding, my voice sounding strange. “Is he…”

“Alive,” the surgeon hurried to answer. “But barely. He’s lost a lot of blood. The knife barely nicked one of the major arteries, any deeper and we’d be having a very different conversation right now. To say it’s a miracle your brother’s alive is a massive understatement.” His bewildered expression said it all. “I honestly don’t understand how he survived.”

“I do,” I murmured, remembering the desperation on Nick’s face when he’d looked up at me, slumped over the steering wheel.

Ryth, he’d croaked. Ryth. 

“We’ve given him four units of blood so far and we have more on standby. Once he comes out of recovery, we’ll assess his situation and give him more if he needs it. But for now, we’re keeping him…”

“Sure,” I nodded. “Whatever you need to do.”

“He’s one determined man,” the surgeon added. “I don’t know what happened, but he had an angel watching over him today.”

Mom’s face rose from the darkness of my mind. I knew I wasn’t the only one thinking the same thing.

Tobias swallowed hard. “When can we see him?”

“Once he’s conscious. But we’re keeping him heavily sedated. You might not get much out of him. ‘

“That doesn’t matter.” I shook my head. “That doesn’t matter at all.”

A nod, and the surgeon glanced at Tobias. “I’ll have a nurse come and get you when he’s awake.”

I just stood there, watching the guy turn and leave, before I sank to the hard seat once more.

“Jesus.” Tobias’ voice shook.

I didn’t trust my own. I could only lower my head into my hands. Nick was alive…he was alive, and that’s all that mattered. Relief flooded through me. I closed my eyes and tried to remember how to function.

“It was mom.”

I opened my eyes slowly and turned my gaze to Tobias.

“Mom saved him today. That’s exactly what she’d do,” Tobias insisted, his stare pinned to me. “That was her all over.”

I nodded slowly. It was…it was so her to protect her sons. She was selfless and driven, and I could just see her standing there, screaming and savage, when Nick fought for his life.

Pain bloomed in my chest with the image. I didn’t know what I’d do if I’d lost Nick too, so soon after her. I’d fall apart…even more than I was right now. I’d fall apart with no hope of putting myself back together.

“That was Nick’s blood on dad.”

I flinched and jerked my eyes to his. “You don’t know that.”

“Don’t I?” That dangerous tone was back in my brother’s voice. “Let’s just see what our brother says when he’s awake.”

I wanted to argue, wanted to tell him to take the words back. But a shiver of apprehension tore through me. All I could see was the blood on dad’s shirt, and hear the lie when he said he’s at the hospital. If he didn’t stab Nick himself, then he’d seen it. Either way, he was involved, and had still had the balls to come home. He couldn’t even stay with him…

I leaned my head back against the wall as Tobias took a sip of his coffee. “It’s cold.”

“I’ll go,” I answered, pushing myself to stand. “Wait here in case the nurse comes.”

My brother nodded, looking up at me, and in that moment, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I lengthened my stride, fighting the urge to break into a run, and headed not for the vending machines but for the elevator.

I wanted to run, and keep on running. I pressed the button and stepped inside as the elevator doors opened, and closed my eyes as it carried me down to the foyer. My head was dull and throbbing when I opened my eyes and stepped out.

I heard nothing.

I felt…nothing. 

Just the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins and the burn at the back of my throat. I tried to slow my breaths as I strode out of the lobby of the hospital and plunged into bright, piercing sunlight.

My hands shook as I headed across the parking lot to where Tobias had parked my car. I couldn’t look at the Mustang, not yet. I kept my focus on the Lambo’s midnight blue paintwork as I hit the button and slid behind the wheel

I should be up there, should be sitting beside my brother, waiting for Nick to wake. But I couldn’t. Not yet. I yanked the door closed and sat behind the wheel, staring at the bushes planted at the edge of the lot. He’d betrayed us…

“You piece of fucking shit.” The words slipped free as I punched the steering wheel. “YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!…I trusted you!” 

Desperation howled inside me. I sucked in a hard breath and tried to keep from completely losing my shit. “I trusted you.”

Ryth…Nick’s whisper came back to me, stopping me cold.



Her name hummed in my veins. She was a storm brewing on the horizon, rumbling, igniting. I could almost taste her ozone. The rear-view mirror is where I lifted my gaze. I needed to get her out of that place. I needed to get her out of there nowThe Order…

The Priest’s image came back to me. The stitching on his crisp black suit. That same stony, detached look I’d seen before. Panic surged. The same panic I’d pushed away at the wedding when I’d thought I recognized him before. But the place that came back to me wasn’t a compound behind razor-wire. No, it was in the depraved, secret clubs of the elite where powerful men didn’t just fuck women…they bought, traded, and owned them like property. 

“Fuck, let it not be the same.” That panic thundered inside me. I rubbed the back of my neck, then pushed open the door and climbed out.

I needed to get back to Tobias, to be the big brother he needed. Then I needed to get our little sister out of that place, whatever it was. I made my way back through the parking lot and into the hospital, riding the elevator up to the fourth floor. The hiss of the vending machine was the background for my thoughts. I grabbed fresh coffee before finding Tobias pacing the floor like a caged animal.

“Where the fuck have you been?” he snapped.

I handed him the steaming cup, watching as he unthinkingly took it.

“We need to get in there,” he snarled. “We need to find out what he knows.”

My little brother didn’t need any more stimulation, but not having anything in his hand was worse. “Drink your coffee, Tobias.”

He flinched as rage sparked in those dark eyes. Still, he did as he was told, blowing on the coffee before taking a sip. Words of war hung heavy in the air. I’ll fucking kill him…I’LL FUCKING KILL HIM. My chest ached knowing this was what our family had come to.

Our mother’s cancer had almost broken us, but then when Lazarus reported about my father cheating, that had driven Tobias toward revenge. That was bad enough. But when he brought Elle and Ryth into our lives, we were ready for war…until Ryth…

Ryth changed it all.

I’d almost forgiven him, almost given into his selfish attempt at happiness—the surgery doors pushed open up ahead and a nurse strode out, scanning the hallway until she settled on us and headed our way—I’d almost forgiven him for one smile on our sister’s face.

But now…now I wanted blood.

“Mr. Banks?”

I met her gaze. “Yes.”

She glanced at Tobias. “Your brother’s awake.”

He strode to a nearby garbage can and dropped the coffee inside. I followed, taking a first and last sip, steadying myself for what we were about to find out. We followed her through the doors and along a hallway, making our way to a private room where our brother lay.

His eyes were closed, his lips pale as fuck. I froze in the doorway as Tobias moved to his side. “Hey. You awake?’

Nick’s eyes fluttered, then opened, moving from Tobias to me. For a second, he didn’t speak, then he licked his lips. “Ryth.”

“We couldn’t get her,” Tobias answered. “But we will, even if I have to go in, guns blazing, all on my own.”

Nick glanced at me. He knew…knew more blood would be spilled.

“No, no guns.” I stepped closer. “But we’ll get her. We’ll get her back and we’ll figure all this out.”

Nick gripped the bedrail and pulled.

“Hey!” Tobias barked, and lunged, pushing against Nick’s shoulders. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m going…” our brother slurred. “With you.”

“The fuck you are.” Tobias looked my way, his gaze demanding I say something.

But Nick wasn’t backing down, baring his teeth. “Get the fuck off me, T.”

Tobias leaned closer. “You were fucking stabbed!”

The words stopped Nick. He breathed hard, then glanced at me. Panic flared as he frowned.

“What happened?” I asked. “Tell us everything.”

His scowl deepened. ‘I was at home, at the apartment, I mean. I remember grabbing my things. Something made me drive to the school, I can’t quite remember. But when I got there, I saw dad’s Mercedes…”

“Go on.” Tobias urged, his tone dark and dangerous.

“I got out, thinking something was wrong, then I was fucking hit from behind. They had a damn taser, got me down and into that damn van. I fought as hard as I could…but there were three of them and they were trained.” His eyes widened and fixed on mine. “They were fucking trained.”

“Ryth.” Tobias drove him closer to the truth.

“By the time they dragged me into the warehouse, I’d been tased and fucking stabbed. They brought her in, kicking and screaming. Her mom was there…and dad, as well. They said something about not messing up their plans, and they took her away.” He closed his eyes and winced. “I tried to fight, but they had me handcuffed.”

“Dad…” I murmured. “He saw you were hurt?”

Nick nodded, and the sight was a punch to my gut.

“I don’t care about that,” he added. “I only care about getting her out of there.”

“Is it some jail?” Tobias asked, then looked my way. “Some fucking girls’ school?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know.” But inside, that fear grew.

“He did this.” Tobias turned and paced the floor. “Him and that goddamn bitch!”

I wanted to tell Tobias to drop it, wanted to keep him close, as close as I could. But if he was going after dad and Elle, then he wasn’t going after the compound. Either way, I had to keep him safe. A shiver tore through me as I answered. “Then we find out the truth.”

“Get her out.” Nick held his side as he dropped back onto the bed. “Whatever it takes. Promise me.”

It was me Nick stared at. Me Nick made promise. “I will. Just get better. We need you.”

A soft knock came at the door and a nurse entered, moving to his side. But we were already done getting all the information we could.

I hated leaving him, but I hated leaving Ryth more. We left and headed for the elevator. We walked in silence, stepping inside when the doors opened. Neither of us stopped at the front desk, we just walked back out into the sunshine and headed for the Lamborghini. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, brought up the details for the towing company, and called them to take care of the Mustang as I climbed in behind the wheel.

Tobias slid into the passenger seat without a word. The silence was chilling as I backed out of the hospital parking lot and headed for home. It felt like we’d been here forever. But it’d only been hours since I’d pulled in, screaming for help. I focused on driving. The moment we got near the house, Tobias spoke.

“You stay out of my way, Caleb,” he warned. “Got me? Just stay the fuck out of the way.”

I’d almost lost a brother today…the fear of that was enough.

Now I was about to lose my dad, too…

Only there was no sign of the Mercedes when I pulled into the driveway. Only Tobias’ black Jeep sat there. Tobias was out before I could kill the engine. His heavy steps echoed like thunder as he slammed through the front door and raced inside.

“Where the fuck are you!” Tobias screamed as he threw open the study door, then turned back.

“T,” I called as he raced past me, taking the stairs two and three at a time. I was right behind him, driving myself hard to keep up.

Tobias was a savage as he slammed against their bedroom door and tore inside. I swallowed harsh breaths, staring at the mess of clothes discarded on the floor. “What the fuck?”

“They’re gone.” Tobias left dad’s walk-in closet and went to mom’s.

No. Not mom’s, not anymore.

“Fucking bitch!” he screamed. His face was a mask of menace, teeth clenched and bared. The whites of his eyes were neon as he went to the bathroom.

The room was a goddamn mess. Bottles and makeup were scattered everywhere across the counter, some on the floor, crushed under hurried steps as they raced to leave. I could almost hear dad scream, Leave it! Just fucking leave it!

So, they’d abducted Ryth…

Had Nick stabbed…

Then they ran.

“His offices.” Tobias jerked his gaze my way.

“Go,” I urged. “Call me as soon as you find anything.”

Tobias nodded and left, flinging himself through the doorway and back down the stairs. The snarl of the Jeep’s engine came seconds later, almost smothered by the squeal of tires. God help my father when Tobias caught up to him, but there was no one else who would.

I looked at the destruction they’d left behind. Whatever was happening, they’d thought of themselves first, and fuck the rest of us. I strode out of the bedroom. The house was so goddamn empty without the sound of her laughter and moans.

I climbed the stairs, made my way to her bedroom, and pushed open her door.


That’s all it’d taken to tear her away from us.

They said something about not messing up their plans, and they took her. Nick’s words resounded in my head as I stared at her bedroom. Whatever it takes. Promise me. I stole a breath. “Whatever it takes.”

 The memory of her assaulted me as I stepped into my bedroom and glanced at the bed. Her bare ass driving against my fingers, her pussy quivering as I’d made her mine. Hunger hit me like a blow, more dangerous than I’d ever felt before. If she was in that place controlled by the Order…then there was only one way to get her back. I reached for my phone and pressed the number for my contact.

“Banks,” the male answered. I could almost hear the smile on his face. “Long time, no bullshit, brother.”

“Evans,” I said carefully, my voice stony and controlled. “You’re still with Copeland?”

“Yeah. Why, you want in? You know Major has a thing for you. You’d have a damn fine office waiting for you tomorrow. Hell, it’d probably be bigger than mine.”

“That’s not why I called.” I licked my lips. “You still have those connections? The ones with Davidson and Hale?”

There was silence from the other end before he answered carefully, his words muffled against the phone. “You know I don’t take part in that scene, same as you.”

Revulsion burned in my belly. “But you still have those connections, right? You can still…get me in?”

“Do you know what you’re asking me to do?” His voice turned low and desperate. “You know what happens there. You really want in on that?”

I closed my eyes, remembering the young women they’d paraded in front of us, like lambs to the slaughter. Women that were trained to never say no. “I think I’m in trouble,” I answered. “And I need your help.”

“Trouble…” His voice turned stony. “What kind of trouble?”

A shudder ripped through me as I closed my eyes. “I think those bastards have my goddamn sister.”

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