Hers (Blood Ties Book 2)

Hers: Chapter 32

So, that’s what this was about…it wasn’t about money at all, was it? It was about goddamn information. I dragged my fingers through my hair as my mind raced, stuck on that open folder in the warehouse. One filled with details of the hit on Ryth’s father. I tried to piece it all together, until I slowly became aware of Ryth.

She was the center of it all.

Her dad, her mom…that goddamn place.

She trembled standing there, her eyes wide and filled with shock. Fuck if she didn’t look like she’d bolt from this damn house any goddamn second. Do something. Tobias just scowled at the damn door, oblivious of her. But I wasn’t. Not in the fucking slightest. “Princess.” I moved closer, commanding her softly. “Hey.”

She jerked those wide eyes to me, panic igniting.

“It’s all going to be okay,” I murmured.

Her lips trembled, drawing me to her. I didn’t see the kid who’d moved into our house anymore. I saw the fighter, the one who ran from that place, desperate to get back to us, just like we’d fought to get to her. We had more history together in the past month than Natalie and I had had in years.

I wanted to protect her, wanted to love her. I wanted to give her the kind of home she hadn’t had, one filled with loyalty and love. I stepped closer, tilting her gaze to mine with the tip of my finger under her chin. I’d tasted her and fucked her, and Christ, if I didn’t crave more. “Stay with us, okay?”

Her panting breaths were out of control. Shit, I needed to get her out of her head. So I did the only thing I could think of. I lowered my head and kissed her. Still, she was stiff and unresponsive. Desperation surged as I moved closer, taking more. Warmth caressed my mouth. She trembled, but those breaths slowed, moving deeper. I cupped the back of her head, spearing my fingers through her hair. And slowly, so damn slowly, she drew away from those panicked thoughts and into me.

“They won’t come.” Tobias spoke as I deepened the kiss. “They can’t trace us, not now. They won’t be able to do a damn thing, we’ll make sure of it. And when they realize that, they’ll leave us alone.”

His words were meant to be comforting, but they just drew me away from the feel of her. I gently broke away, lifting my gaze to hers and found that glint of fear now dulled.

“Stop talking and kiss her, Tobias,” I murmured. “She needs to feel and not fucking think.”

But Tobias just glared at the door. “I need to run or fuck, but if I do fuck you, little mouse, it won’t be something you need. It’ll be a goddamn punishment.”

He headed to the door, yanked it open, and left. I clenched my jaw. Selfish fucking asshole. I glanced at Caleb, who just scowled. “Well?” I barked at my older brother.

But he just winced as Ryth turned away. “I don’t need anyone kissing me, for fuck’s sake.” She tore away from me…no, she tore away from Caleb. “Least of all him.”

Least of all him…

I looked from her to him. “What the fuck is going on with you two?”

Caleb just looked cold and detached.


Ryth slammed the bedroom door closed behind her. I stepped close to Caleb and jabbed my finger into his chest. We didn’t have time for this. As if we didn’t have enough enemies at our goddamn door. “We all agreed to do whatever it took to get her out of that place. I know you had to do some fucked up things to get close to her. But whatever it was, whatever happened between you two, you need to flip the switch back, C. Get back on the right team. Fix it, or you’ll lose her forever.” 

I winced at the stab of pain in my side, then lifted my hand and braced the wound. But I was unable to shake that goddamn folder from my head. The last thing I wanted to do was leave, but if I stayed, neither of them would speak.

They needed a catalyst. A reason to bring whatever this was to the surface. And they needed to find it without me being here. I headed for the bedroom at the end of the hall. On the single bed sat a duffel bag filled with weapons that Freddy had left us. I didn’t need to look too closely to see the numbers had been filed off. Don’t ask, right? That was one of the perks of belonging to the mafia. Right now, I’d take every weapon I could get my hands on.

I shoved a gun into the waistband of my jeans and walked out, cutting Caleb a glare before stopping outside her door. I lifted my hand, wanting to knock and offer words of comfort. But what comfort could I give?

In the end, I just left, closing the front door quietly behind me. I climbed back into the running Ford and backed out of the driveway. I needed another ride, one that wasn’t fucking stolen.

I made my way through the Rossi neighborhood. The streets were damn quiet. No one caused trouble here, not unless they wanted the damn Mafia after them. I headed west, unable to shake that fucking folder from my thoughts. If I could just find where her damn father was…then I could stop this.

I’d stop it all, and I’d save her…

It’s all that drove me.

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