Here's to Odd Dreams and Petty Things

Chapter The Passerby


I see his smile, that one that brings me happiness. To see him, it brings me such bliss.

His hair blows, the wind gently brushing. I can’t help but feel, like I am seriously crushing.

He’s sweet and kind, and he loves me too! I want to hold his hand, what should I do?

He brushes up against me, the feeling of admiration. I want to feel his lips upon mine, but I fall into temptation.


The tears I shed are full of hate. That my existence was once a fate.

I cry out to anyone near. This place, this time, it’s my greatest fear!

I know someone is there, they can hear me scream. I suddenly wake up, it was just a dream.


I stepped into the shower, water smooth and warm. I thought about what we had talked about, and the thought did me much harm.

I sat down and cried, still soaked, but now with tears, but I opened my eyes to reveal some different colors here.

Blood dripped down, I just saw for a minute, but I started to cry more, and panic.

I reached to find where the bleeding had come from, My mom told me, my nose bled from so much emotion.

I cried all night, while writing this. I know some people are happy, but I want that one wish!

That Night of the Unforgettable Kiss

A dark night fills me with wonder, I dream of my true love’s kiss. I sit on my bed, my thoughts like thunder, as I think of my much enchanted bliss.

I look to my window to see something, and I sit up to make it clear. My heart thumps with an unforgettable sting, of my true love being near.

I walk to my window, looking about, searching in the darkness outside. When a haunting voice calls, not a shout, but for me calmly to confide.

I step out my window, a hand reaches to me, as I step on the cold ground to him. I think in my head how this is meant to be, but my mind seems to suddenly swim.

He takes my hand and grabs my waist, telling me to hold on tight. I fall in his arms, and feel that taste, of a vampire kissing me at night.

I’ve dreamed of that kiss, me with him, to feel the way I do. When he kissed me, it shook every limb, like an emotion to me that’s new.

That kiss, oh that kiss, changed my life, from the second he called to me. My life now is filled with strife, of haunting victims, you see.

I love my guardian, but feel so bad, of wanting to take that night back. I see in his eyes that he knows I’m sad, but there’s no way he can cut me some slack.

He gave me his love, but offered in return, a life of an unforgettable desire, the night he made my heart freeze and burn, of becoming his immortal vampire!

The Dance

We dressed as ourselves, went to school. The lights were phenomenal, all colorful and cool.

We walked around holding hands. We embraced in each others thoughts, and listened to our favorite bands.

As your glances, made my breath get caught. A song came on that we did not like, so we said to each other, ‘We’ll dance for the other half of the night.’

And that we did, we danced forever! Until the room slowed down, and couples grouped together.

We joined together, your hands on my hips. Too bad the teachers were watching, or your lips would have been with my lips.

The song was romantic, and we were as one. Until the song stopped, and that kiss was my greatest fun.

Right after that, another came on. We danced again, lovingly until the song was done.

The kiss I received, was the last of the night. It was also the last time I would enjoy your site.

The Darkness Inside Me

I can’t lift a finger, I can’t think one thought. I can’t trust anyone, for I feel distraught.

My mind is blurry, my eyes can’t see. I feel around to find what’s in front of me.

The darkness takes over, my mind going blank. I feel all alone, as if my heart just sank.

Can someone help me? I can’t find the light! I’m stuck in my own darkness, and I’m losing the will to fight.

My skin crawls with thoughts of many things unknown. My heart is growing cold, and I’m scared to the bone.

All I see is darkness, no more sunshine or rain, I just want someone to call out to me, so I can see once again!

I cry this tear to you, to tell of my last dream. I’m stuck in my own darkness, and this is my last scream!

The Door

A vision I’ve had in almost every dream. I’m scared out of my wits, but I can’t seem to scream.

I walk down a hall, it seems more and more. Finally it ends, I’m in front of a door.

I try to open it, but it’s always locked. I always hear a clock that always ticks and tocks.

I don’t know what it means, but I wake up terrified! I need to understand and get this dream clarified.

The Dream

There is a dream, that won’t leave my mind. It’s there every night, but it’s really hard to find.

The dream of a man, our battle engaged. He makes me so angry, so I strike him in rage.

He falls to the ground, the moment slower than the last. He looks up and smiles, his eyes so glassed.

He says some things, but the thought of it just stings. I cry in my sleep, only to hear what his voice brings.

I jump to his side, him telling me who he truly was. He was my long lost love, fighting me for a cause.

I cried at his side, not wanting him to ever let go. He held my hand, but left after our first hello.

I don’t live today, but strive on that dream. I can’t think of anything else, so I live to redeem.

~My Memory...~

The Dream (2)

Her wrists are burning, but she is only dreaming.

A face appears, and it’s the only thing she’s seeing.

What is it that he wants?

He’s talking, but she can’t quite hear his words.

He grabs her wrists, which really, badly hurt.

He screams at her, with no sounds, just pain.

She wakes up suddenly, with her blankets blood stained!

The End

The world is nice, quiet, peaceful, but bad things happen, it loses all the people.

All perishes, flame amidst all. There will no longer be a winter, spring, or fall!

The Girl

A strange girl lived, she had no friends. No matter how hard she tried, her life would never end.

The scars on her wrists were proof of her pain. She also had scars on her back, from being hit with a cane.

The girl was skinny, she hardly ate. On her grave stone, carved was “Be Peaceful, Kate.”

The End or Not the End?

One night we sit, in a park under the stars. We cuddle together, watching the passing cars.

I want this moment to last, but end for another. I want to spend every moment, with him and I together.

This moment is frozen, and feels like it’ll never end. But I want it to, for more moments like this we’ll spend.

To end or not to end, is that the question? Is this moment okay, or will it be our last cession?

The Journey

For one moment we’re strangers, the next we’re friends. Life sure does change, and when you need it to, it can mend.

We talk, we kiss, we flirt, I miss.

Your laugh, your cry, your voice, you try.

I love you, you love me. For a while, we’re meant to be.

Then a tragedy, you can’t anymore. I cry and run out the door.

We’re now enemies, and again strangers. We’re not together anymore, to guard each other from many dangers.

I’m with another, you the same. We’re never to talk again. I’m happy, but without you I’m lame.

I’m sorry, you are too. I still love you, if only you knew.

The Lonely Man

A lonely man sat by a grave, all by himself the way he always had.

He coughed and grumbled, like most men do. The poor man was so terribly sad.

He worked in the graveyard, carving tombstones.

He was so lonely, he sang his own tunes.

Until one day someone took his place in carving names.

He had died sick, and alone, like his mom, who did the same.

The poor man was always so alone, but people say he liked it that way.

So by himself, in his grave, is where he’ll always be by himself, always.


I sit in class, bored while writing. I don’t want to go home, my parents are fighting.

I go to class, it’s just the same. My life is different, weird, lame.

I learn new things, but I’m just me. it’s easier for them, why can’t I see?

They’re popular and make good grades. They’re calm and don’t seem afraid.

They don’t know who I am. I’m invisible, at least to them.

~This year, being 2006, this poem was selected and published in ‘The Southern Sampler’, an important goal I had.~

The Man in the Mirror

I see my reflection right there, as I peer into the mirror. His face that haunts me so unfair, Everyday it’s getting clearer.

He looks at me, a questioned look, his eyes more caring than before. He haunts me for my soul he took, For now, I am she he adores.

He smiles at me, sly yet gentle, his face paler than I have known. This time last, coincidental, to sit beside him on a throne.

Him offering me him as fellow, him knowing I wouldn’t refuse. Through the mirror I did follow, not knowing there would be abuse.

He hit my head to make it twirl, searching all around me and through. Stuck in this terrible world, forever more, then I knew.

The Man of My Dreams

I’m stuck in my house, every summer break. I can’t stand it in the end, I dread every wake.

I’m bored out of my wits, I can’t stand it any more, until one day, a man came knocking at my door.

He talked to me smiling, as if I were his best friend. He wanted to know if I had some milk he could lend.

I got the milk, and stood by the door. ’You can come over whenever, if you need any more.′

I said those words, to that strange fellow, who seemed quite happy to see me, but he was also so mellow.

He went and left, walking slowly with a sway. I closed the door to open it the next day.

The man was there, but not for milk. He wanted something from me, like my red dress of silk.

He asked me on a date, to that I said yes. So the next day we went out, and I made sure to look my best.

We walked through the park, a midnight stroll. We talked about everything, until chemistry took it’s tole.

We went quiet for a minute, I looked up at the stars. We walked a little further, as he glanced at the cars.

‘It’s beautiful out tonight,’ I said with glee. ‘Yes you are,’ He said as he turned to me.

He slowly leaned in, my heart leaped for joy! I had never been kissed for real, just by a silly boy.

The kiss was wonderful, as smooth as a light beam. But the kiss ended then, I had woken up from the dream.

I was sad that it wasn’t true, that the man was no more, until a second later, there came a knock at my door.

The Mirror

She looked in the mirror as if she knew, her future held her as grass does to dew.

She was pretty, with red hair and eyes of brown, like she had been painted or drawn in a famous town.

She hoped for love and wanted more, maybe to kiss for real, with rosy lips like she’s read before.

She wanted someone to hold and be held by. For someone to be there and wipe away her tears every time she’d cry.

She’d read about guys, Prince Charming and others. Not guys who are rough, just like older brothers.

The mirror could not tell what to do, but a second later, through the door came a clue.

A man of figure, swept her off her feet, and gave her that kiss, she never thought she would meet.

The Misery I Know

The Misery I know, is here as we speak. It grabs at my heart, and can be quite bleak.

And yet she is here, on this website right now. So let’s all say hello, and send a friendly bow.

For she is one of my lifelong friends, and I know she plans that until the end.

I wrote some things, you’ve probably read, about her and I. Is it all in my head?

She sometimes brings me Misery and woe. But for right now, she’s the friend I’ll always know.

The Night Belongs to Them

The full moon calls their unknown names, their furs gleaming in the light, they howl messages to call a secret greeting, to run as a pack in the night.

Their speed increases as they run, faster and more graceful than the wind, for they are the wolves that howl to the moon, who run when their spirits ascend.

The mountains hide them from the world, but they feel as if they could fly. They run as one, but for the need to be free, and to watch as the stars shoot by.

They are mysterious to some who don’t understand, who only offer to condemn, so if you spectate such a sight as I’ve offered, you’ll see that the night belongs to them.

The Only Thing That Matters

I dyed my hair, I think it’s my style. My aunt says she hates it, and that makes me feel fragile.

I love the color black, and thought it would look good. I just wish she’d lie, I really wish she would.

My friend says, through his constant chatter, that I’m the only one who should like my hair, and that’s the only thing that matters!

The Passerby

I sat outside every day, watching as people walked by.

Happier than ever, when I saw the Passerby.

I enjoyed his sight, his darkness and wonder.

He never glanced to me, which made me even fonder.

I sat in summer, autumn, winter and spring, in snow, sleet, rain, or shine.

Each and every day, and never did I whine.

He wore a cloak every day, me not knowing why.

I just sat on my bench and just watched the Passerby.

One cold snowy day, I started to not be fine.

He glanced to me, walked to me, but I started to decline.

He took me home to which I laid, not knowing what to do.

I was sicker than I had ever been, and I didn’t know it was you.

My old friend from long ago, I had watched nigh.

Not knowing how important you were, that certain Passerby.

That night I did not know, I was soon to die.

He told me he loved me, that amazing Passerby.

The Phantom

He hides in shadow, as if he knew. He can’t leave the darkness, what is he to do?

He is disfigured, but so very kind. He sings as if he could control your mind.

If you meet this clever man, let him lead you through the dark. He may have effect on your life, a creative, loving spark.

The Rain

I sit at the window, watching the rain fall. Each drop of it’s own, water in a ball.

It’s amazing, the rain, how it happens and ends. How amazing it feels, when upon you it descends.

It feels clean, as nothing else does. To me, it just happens because.

I enjoy feeling the rain caress my cheek. But the sad thing about it, it usually only comes once a week.

How the rain falls, and softly slides down my skin. I wait outside, anxious for it to begin.

It’s steady as a leaf, yet can quicken when it chooses. The sun being hidden under the clouds, and the light it loses.

It soaks my hair, my eyelashes too. I love the taste, like each drop is brand new.

The wetness of it all, making me feel so exuberant. If someone tried to move me, I just know they can’t.

But moving was an option, for I wouldn’t stay for long. I listened to each drop hit the ground, creating their own kind of song.

I watch each drop, seeing the pattern as it falls. But I soon have to leave when my mother calls.

I stand for a second, letting it soothe me for the last time that day. For the next time it happens, I’ll be happy, that’s all I can say.

There’s a Saying-

There’s a saying-‘to follow your heart’, well, it’s not as easy as throwing a dart.

I’ve been sick, sad angry and hurt, yet still, for some reason, I have the ability to flirt.

Guys come through life, one after another, and you think you’d be his forever.

Well, I’m here to tell you that love can’t last forever. If you and another think so, then go be together.

But I’ve been ridiculed, made fun of, and much more and you don’t have to listen to see what’s in store.

You have a choice between either good or bad, and that choice leads to another, happy or sad.

So choose wisely, and don’t choose the path I made. Make love last as long as it can, and never let it fade.

The Same Way As He

He’d known her for a while, and grew to love her each day. He asked her to marry him, and that here’s where she could stay.

But she dumped him, for fear of being tied down. As if he’d fill the apartment with water, and she would surely drown.

So he went on with life, shutting everyone out. But he didn’t know that heartbreak is what life’s all about.

For another woman loved him, but he could not see. So she shut herself out too, and would be the same way as he.

The Spring

The water flowed into a spring, all around the birds loved to sing.

The water cold, sounds she knew. If she swam, she felt as if she flew.

The water surrounded her, following her every curve. She loved the water, and it didn’t strike any nerve.

Her arms flowing forward forward and back, persuading her that she would not sink like a sack.

She dived underwater, her face fresh and cool. What she didn’t know was what she did made her a fool.

The Sunset

I sit on the porch, the sun going down. The colors of the sky, make me feel like in them I could drown.

Yellow and orange, could there be a better mixture? It’s not turning pink. Will the sky be like in the future?

I sit and ponder, when will the world end? Will I be alive, but how long will time extend?

I pull my legs to my chest, my legs holding my arms. I sit and think of the future, will I be alarmed?

The colors amazing, like nothing else in the world! The colors so wonderful, they made my head twirl!

The sun finally set, a firework blast of light! The colors spectacular, all so bright.

It’s phenomenal, nature, and what it can do. I stand to head inside, the world would end, that I knew.

The worries never cease, and the thoughts never die. But instead of thinking of them, I head inside.

The Taste and Touch of Him

The taste of his mouth, the touch of his skin. Wanting to know, when this love will begin.

The thought of his essence, of his presence known. To daydream of him, and to briskly pick up the phone.

I want to feel him here, with me in my bed. For his thoughts to subside, his voice in my head.

The taste of his mouth, renders in mine. To feel his touch, and then to stop time.

To feel him against me, warmth only when colliding. For my feelings to let loose, instead of mysteriously hiding.

I taste his mouth, his lips so sweet. The feel of his touch, every time we meet.

The Tears

She sat beside him, his hand cold in hers. He had been sick for what felt like years.

No matter what, she stayed by his side. She wanted herself to be his guide.

She soon started feeling him slipping away, and she just scooted near. There’s nothing she could have done for him, except shed a tear.

The Thoughts of Love

Is that the right person? Am I noticed? These are some of the thoughts of love, and they only get worse if you don’t focus.

Who is that person, standing over there? If I say hi, will they really care?

You can choose to risk it, or give in to your yearnings. You might find your true love, and get rid of that heart that’s burning.

Who can I be, to a person like that? If I stare, will they swat like a cat?

It’s your choice to choose, like everyone else does. It’s up to the other person to choose, and that’s only just because.

What if they reject me, and I feel worse? I could feel terrible, like I was struck with a curse.

So follow your thoughts, but mostly the main part. Love will come eventually, if you follow your heart.

The Way You Choose to Live

The knowing of no one, of people living around you. That for once you meet someone, that feels the way that you do.

I have witnessed new, and thrown away the old. But to live on with life, is the best way, I’m told.

I’ll meet new friends, and lose some good. But I know if they really were there, they would have stuck around my neighborhood.

You can take my advice, if there is any to give. To live on with life, the way you choose to live.

The Window

I stare out the window, colors swirling.

I’m moving fast. The window fogs up.

It’s now raining. The rain pelts down, blowing in heavy sheets.

We pass a dead tree, alone and bare.

The trees get denser, thicker, scary!

Leaves cover the ground, making the unseen.

I wonder what’s out there, what I don’t see.

This is Halloween

Fairies and goblins, princesses and queens. To allow everyone to dress up, even in their teens.

I may not know Halloween, or how it all came to be. I just love the thought of witches, and how the full moon calls to me.

I love walking on the streets, with people not caring in how you look. Whether your character is your own, if you created it by yourself, or if it came out of a history book.

So again I say, I don’t know who made up Halloween, but that person must have been smart. To think of a good way to earn candy, free of charge with smiles, unlike Wal-Mart.

I love to dress as a morbid fairy, like I will this year. So when I pass people on the streets, they won’t just be staring in fear.

I want to express my love for this mysterious holiday, so I can have a night to be frightened, when a death reaper comes my way.

I love to dress up, and to be acknowledged, complemented and seen. For the happiness of children is high, on the night of Halloween.

This is Me

When I look in the mirror, I can’t see me, the person I am, or what I’m meant to be.

I try so hard, to figure it out, that I cry each night, only screaming to shout.

No one TRULY knows me, no, not anyone at all. No one knows how I feel about walking in the fall.

I haven’t found myself, so I have to wait for my hidden key, but for right now, this moment, I am just me.

[Thoughtless Words]

The thought that seems to burn and bind the drowning actions of my mind. The daily struggle to lose it all, and the sensations left to make them fall.

My feet lost from the ground below, though it’s not my fault it had to go. My mind sent it away, though I don’t know how, but I’m stuck in a forbidden place right now.

The screams I gave, the emotions not here, for how am I to live without fear? None of this makes sense, what creates anew? I will try my best to make it through.

The awful reactions to my heart’s desire, the longing sensation of what I require. What caused all this, can logic lead it through? Though faith evades me now, I know just what to do.

This trap is long, endearingly hard, though to break away I must fly. Tonight I will survive, passion as my regard, and destiny causes me to die.

Thoughts of Death

The thought of death pursues the mind. That thought you think is hard to find.

Can you make it, in this world we know. Or will you be sent, to the world below.

I don’t know what will happen, or when. Just beware of the future, or your dying end.

Thoughts of Tomorrow

There’s a story to be told, but I’m not sure where to begin, it starts when I’m old and most is just a sin.

So where do I start and how will I ever know if my broken porcelain heart will choose which way to go?

My story began anew and yet I still am lost but my pages are left askew and it all comes with a cost.

So which step to follow and what to leave behind is the question I must swallow although I’m truly blind.

Life has many doors and windows I must go through, but I hope it all restores me in the end when I am due.


In time there is love, hope, dreams. There may be something there for you. In time, I know, it’s not what it seems.

You might see it the way I do. Time might fly by, slowly move, or just be normal.

You might love someone and not feel a thing. In time the relationship might fall, and make the partner feel as a king.

I feel that time could be on our side, but I know that it isn’t always true. It’s not my choice to decide, to accept time is for you.

Time is of the Essence

A time for love, a desperation for touch. A time for people to look for such.

A time for hate, a dying vow. To wish time would stop, for you to die now.

A time is of the essence, that’s all I really know. That time will move at it’s own pace, either fast or slow.

Time will stop, one day or another. You may die alone, or along with some other.

Time is of the essence, so make few mistakes. Love someone, live life, but don't leave many heart breaks.

To Keep You Forever

His voice that calls, I hear above no other. I feel what he feels, and it’s as smooth as butter.

The enticing feeling, when I touch his skin. I can’t help it, but I have to touch him again.

His smile he gives, I retrieve, but no one else does. I remember the old days, I don’t know, just because.

But these days are better, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I feel as if I could jump up and sing.

Knowing him, has given me a cause for celebration. He’s brought out the true me, and in clarification.

So thank you my love, for showing me the real you. I want to keep you forever, and that’s what I'll to do.

To Live

To live is to die, to die is to live.

To love is to hate, to hate is to love.

Why do we do these things, if they just lead to one another?

To live and to love, why even bother?

I live by choice, thinking something better will come along.

But others just end their lives, as if by song.

I believe there is truth in almost everything you hear, but if you don’t believe that yourself, everything will seem unclear.

Decide whether you should live or die, love or hate.

I’ve figured out my life so far, and I know I will trust in fate.


She betrayed me, stabbed me in the back. I can’t trust her any more, because her reaction was like a smack.

She yelled at me, she pained me inside. I can’t be near her, or for her, I cannot confide.

I will find another friend, even though it might take until later. I will no longer be friends, with that rude, stubborn traitor.


We pray for their safety, for them to come home in one piece, that what they do in a foreign country brings the US peace.

We want them home, and yet they’re doing a good deed, but we yearn for their love, for that’s what we truly need.

Come home to us, be near and safe. Be in our arms again, so we can hold faith.

But stay if you must, for you’re saving us, unless you have to, don’t leave life, unless it’s just.

But remember one thing, you’ll always be in our hearts. Til death take hold of you, we will never be apart.

True Love

A goth/punk girl lives, who was lonely and sad. Until a guy came along, who made her quite glad.

Her dreams of a kiss, his of love until. Their love blinding each other fit to kill.

How long they’ll be together, no one knows. Probably until the Earth establishes no more snows.

To them I wish luck and love. May their love fly high, maybe like a dove.

True Love?

First of all, this man was adorable. Second, he adored me just as he did himself. I thought he’d be the one, but I was so wrong.

We went to the dance, with my friend but still together. My friend was sad, but we were so happy. We slow danced about five time, each ending with a kiss. We walked around holding hands. He was very quiet although. He didn’t seem himself. I know I’m supposed to be writing about a bad date, and trust me, after I tell you this, you’ll believe it was one.

A couple days after the dance, my childhood dog died. I was mortified. I went to school and hooked up my two friends, but the second afterward, the man told me,

‘We need to talk.’

Now those are never a girl’s favorite words, especially in a relationship. I had gone out with this guy for about a year and a quarter now. He said he wanted to break up for his own reasons. So I say that dance/date was the worst of my life, for he knew the next day he’d break my heart, and yet he still acted like he cared.

I don’t know how long it took me to get him out of my head, but that dance was so beautiful, and yet terrible at the same time. I can’t seem to forget it, so I just write about that monstrous night.

Two Opposites Combine

Sango lost her family, but not her brother. Sesshomaru lost his family too, but that, to him, doesn’t really matter.

Sango slays demons, as Sesshomaru kills any. They would have never suspected each others company.

Sango went to find Haiku, as a path she walked through. Up ahead was none other than the stunning Sesshomaru!

His fine cheek bones with those undying eyes. Had all she heard about him been lies?

But of course, Sango had to keep in mind that he was her enemy.

So they weren’t on great terms, but they didn’t mind talking too much either. He greeted her with, ‘Where’s my half-wit brother?’

‘I suppose he’s with Kagome,’ as if she knew.

‘Where’s that perverted monk? Isn’t he always with you?’

Sesshomaru didn’t know her that well, and she knew that for a fact. She knew Miroku was with another girl, it was one of her knacks.

‘What is such a powerful person doing in this place?’ Sango asked in wonder.

‘Why, trying to find amusement.’ Sesshomaru said, happy he ran into her.

They both sensed something weird, like they were both very happy. But they were different, and neither ever sappy.

‘You look quite tired, you should rest.’ Sesshomaru said in worry, but he also knew that she was in a hurry.

’I probably shouldn’t, I have to find my kin.’Sango said, and knew their conversation was just about to begin.

’You seem different from those other people. Why do you travel with them?′ Sesshomaru asked, trying to make her stay.

‘What made you ask that?’ Sango asked, wondering why she herself felt that way.

Sango sat to rest on a rock nearby. Sesshomaru just stood. ‘Well, at least you have a weapon,’ he stated,‘That’s good.’

Sango just nodded, she didn’t know what else to say. She did want to find her brother, but she could stay with him for the rest of the day.

They mumbled about demons, and how they are pests. How Miroku is a pervert, and Inuyasha not his best.

The sun started to set, as Sango felt so much protection. They both loved each others company, and especially their affection.

Sango blushed, then Sesshomaru knew, she was feeling alone, and he was too!

So night came quickly, and Sango had no choice. She had to stay with him, and listen to his smooth, caressing voice.

She flirted with him, as he flirted back. Even when she felt hungry, he gave her a snack.

They talked all night, and this you will not miss. Sesshomaru grew feelings that night, and even gave her a kiss.

The future of these two fighters are for your beliefs only. Will they stay together, or will they grow very lonely?

Only I know about their horrid future. Naraku will kidnap Sango and Sesshomaru will try to save her.

The rest of the story is full of sadness and wonder. But Sesshomaru hurts Naraku, and best of all, saves her.

They were all scratched up, from head to toe. But the problem now was the question, ‘Is he/she my friend or foe?’

Now, the story ends happily, and you know just as I do. They fall in love, tell everyone, and their are no longer just two.

Two Worlds

I live in two worlds, one drenched in uncertainty. The other, for me, is quite a mystery.

I belong in one world, where my family lies. this world, a new world, a promising guise.

One world is easy, like breathing fresh air. this world, my world, I wish to share.

I live in two worlds. Both I call home. I cannot combine, to do nothing but roam.

I love my both worlds. For they have created me, Not able to fit both, but I the returnee.

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