Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Ten

“RORI!” he screamed. I caught him as he jumped onto my chest.

“I’m here Astreal, you’re safe now,” I promised him. He rubbed his head in my chest cooing and shaking.

“We better Rori,” Astreal said happily.

“Yes, we are.” I agreed. Loki gazed at us in awe. I looked at him and smiled. “Thank you.”

He nodded at me, “This was unexpected.”

I looked down at Astreal, relaxing in my arms. “Yes, it was. But, it’s over now.” Loki escorted us back to the castle.

“Rori, your Father has sent word that there will be a party here at the castle tonight, in celebration of your awakening and a belated birthday,” Hyland announced. Loki sighed with a hint of irritation. Rubbing his forehead and looking to be lost in thought, he didn’t appear to be pleased with this celebration.

“Is that normal?” I questioned him.

Loki looked at me with a torn expression, “Nothing involving you ever seems to be normal” he answered harshly. “This celebration your Father has called for, the guest list is made up of only the marriage candidates and the Council.” I felt a feeling of irritation flow over me. Though I should be used to my Father pushing this marriage thing, I’m not. Nor am I the slightest bit happy about it. I had thought we had already resolved this; apparently not.

“What’s this counsel?” I grumbled. Loki took a deep breath he places both hands on my shoulders he turned me to face him. His grip tight, yet they had a calming effect. Rather than seem like he was trying to scare me, Loki looked concerned and serious.

“Rori, this Counsel is made up of members who help your Father rule. Think of them as his top advisors. They are not going to be pleasant for you. You need to try and be as pleasant as you can. Your true power is unknown to us all. We can only speculate, this is something that they don’t particularly like. They will try to push your buttons and tempt you to react. Do take care to keep yourself in check as much as possible.”

The way Loki is talking, it was as if this counsel’s attendance is nothing but some type of trap. How annoying, he plans a party that I don’t even want, then goes further by inviting people I don’t know; and expects me to be all right with everything. “Most of all, keep Astreal out of sight. If they were to see him they would know that he is not a rumor and that can be very bad for the both of you.” Loki warned.

Astreal sat in the window seat, watching as Hidi brought in dresses for me to try on for this party. There were short dresses, long dresses, poofy dresses, thin dresses, vintage dresses, trendy dresses, and fabric for a new dress.

I’m feeling overwhelmed by the many choices. It’s moments like this, that I wish Cathy was here. She would be able to pick the right dress in two seconds. She has always been the girly type. I tried on each dress Hidi brought me. They all fit a ‘T’ and looked amazing. Eliot and Carter came to see what dress I had picked out. They both sat on my bed with Astreal as I walked out in the last dress Hidi had brought to me. It was a traditional, full-length gown. The torso and bust area was covered in gems that looked like broken glass, and even “scattered” down onto the bottom of the gown. The name of the gown was Dark Night. As I looked in the mirror I saw a Dark Princess before me. I was unsure why I felt that way. However, I liked the way it looked in a dark way.

“It’s dazzling” Eliot cooed.

Carter came up and tucked my hair back so it was not covering the front of the gown. “This is very becoming on you, Rori.” He complimented.

“Oh my!” Hyland screamed as she walked in. “That is amazing!”

Hyland, Eliot, and Carter all examined me in the dress. I started to think about the Halloween party. The dress that Carter sent me. The one that I had arrived here in. The way it made me feel as it hugged my body and the elegance it showed; then in the painting; my mother wore the same dress; it made her look extremely beautiful. I felt a small pain in my chest, thinking of her happy and alive gave me this pain. Interrupting my thoughts, Carter stood up and announced, “guests will be arriving soon so we best go get dressed as well.”

I waved them off then looked at Astreal. I should send him to a safe place before they arrive. “Come Astreal. Let’s get you settled” I called as I left the room. We walked to the highest room in the castle that we were allowed in. I opened the door to a room in the tower.

“Must Astreal stay here?” He asked with a sad tone.

I can’t believe I do have to do this but I had to hide him per Loki’s orders. I looked at him, his eyes full of sadness and confusion. I knelt down to him “Do you understand that the guests tonight can’t know anything about you being here?” I questioned him. Astreal nodded and looked down at the floor. Standing back up I concluded “Well, maybe we can find a room closer to me so you won’t feel so lost. Will that work” I asked?

Astreal jumped up with joy. “Yes, Rori. I will stay. No guests.” Astreal ran off and was quiet.

I sat on my bed waiting for the time that I would have to go down and greet “my” guests. I wondered what would happen during this party. I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I stood and faced the door. The door opened abruptly.

“What are you doing” Loki paused for a moment “Everyone is waiting. Come on, you’re late.” I snickered at his reaction. He looked at me questionably.

“Loki, didn’t you know, the guest of honor is never late. Everyone is always too early.” I joked as I took his arm and allowed him to escort me.

“Remember Rori, don’t let them get to you. Keep composed at all times” Loki warned. I nodded as he opened the doors to the Ball Room.

There, before me, were men and women in gowns of extravagant design. “The Princess”, Owen announced. They all turned to look at me. One by one each came up and greeted me. Zoon, Gale, Raven, Jeptha, Emery, Clement, Uriah; six men accompanied by six women come over and greeted me. I greeted and played nice with everyone, though it made me uncomfortable to be around the candidates, or so Father puts it. The men and their wives were most unpleasant. From Loki’s reaction, they were the Counsel he had warned me about. After greeting everyone here I still had yet to see Father. I turned to Loki to ask where he could be but Loki was in intense conversation with one of the councilmen.

“May I have this dance, Princess?” Raven asked. I looked over to see Raven looking at me with a fire in his eyes. Though I wished to turn him down, it would not please Loki much less, Father, if I were to do so. I remember, Loki told me that I was to “entertain and make the guests happy till I was dead on my feet”. This was not a notion I was happy with, but it must have something to do with the politics of the demon realm. “of course, Raven”, I said flirtingly, as I accepted his hand. Raven led me out onto the veranda, where there was a classical band with a violin, piano, harp, flute, small drum set, and a trombone.

There was an opulent buffet table outside, just as there was inside, with towers of finger foods, fountains of refreshments, flowing over into a giant bowl at the base and a server to attend to the guest’s requests. The gravel leading into the garden was now covered with a glossy and smooth dance floor that had an elegant, parquet wood design. Gently, Raven led me to the dance floor and we began to dance. He seemed an expert dancer, gliding and twirling me on the floor. As the music slowed and ended, I thanked Raven and excused myself; he held my gaze, his eyes were dark, and without looking away, kissed my hand.

I almost made it to the house, only to be asked to dance again; after dancing with each candidate, even Eliot and Carter, I found myself in need of refreshment; as well, I wanted to know where my Father was. I walked inside and found Loki to be nowhere. As I made my way to the refreshments table where Hidi was stationed, I felt someone following me.

I turned around to see the council following closely behind me. They all walked together in a group, like some type of herd. I turned, forcing a smile on my face and said, “Yes, may I help you?” I asked as pleasantly as I could.

One man, with dark hair, looked at me with disgust. “So you are the child. What do you know of the politics in the demon world?”

The lady to his right spoke up immediately “What kind of leader do you think you would be? Can’t you honestly think you would rule alone? You will need a husband of the demon denomination who knows these things. One cannot expect a human to understand.” She scoffed at me with her frail white hands waving around.

The others just glared at me. The dark-haired man scoffed at me “A creation such as you, should never have been allowed to live.”

With a smile on my face, I answered them simply, “Well if I decide to wed, it will be my choice, now won’t it. Till then, I see no need to address such pointless talk with the likes of any of you. Do try to remember, that this is my life and not yours. It will serve you well, to keep out of my business.” I turned away, amazed at my own words and the strength in the way I said them. I moved to exit, only to find Father standing behind me.

“Very well put Rori. Shame on you all. Bombarding my daughter in a manner as this.” He scolded them. “That comment about my child’s life will be addressed later.”

I was excited to see him. Looping his arm through my own he led me out to the dance floor and demanded a dance. “I’m so happy to see you.” I beamed.

He smiled back at me “Forgive my tardiness. There was something I had to attend to before I could join you.” We talked about the party and how serious Loki looked as he watched over the party. He told me about how my mother loved these parties and was so excited for me to have my own. It made him sad to talk of her. I watched, as Emery walked toward us.

“Excuse me, your Highness, but you are hogging, Rori. May I have this dance, Princess?” Emery jokingly nudged me; I nudged him back, harder.

“I told you, never to call me “Princess!”

“Ah, yes. I have hogged her attention, huh. Well, I will make up for it.” Father held my hand and called the party. “Attention everyone. We’re going to play a game”, he announced. For some odd reason, I get the feeling that I won’t not like this game. All the guests came out to listen to Father as he gathered us all on the veranda. “For this game, Rori will go and hide somewhere in the castle. The first person to find her wins a weekend with her alone..” He declared proudly.

“Do I get a say” I exclaimed?

However, Father continued as if I had not spoken at all. “...the rules are you may not use any powers or magic of any kind to find her. Once found the winner will get to choose the destination and when. I think all is fair.” Father concluded. I gazed at him dumbfounded. I was yet, again, offered as a prize. I wonder if he is really this dense or if he’s toying with me. While everyone was agreeing and talking it over, as to who will win, it hit me.

Astreal! If they go roaming the house, someone is sure to find him! Oh, this is by far, the worst timing ever. I looked at Loki. He leaned against the wall with his hand on his forehead thinking hard. I can only assume he was thinking the same thing I was.

“Rori. I hide. No guest, Rori. I hide well.” Astreal’s voice called to me.

Be that as it may, there is still a chance. “Stay hidden’ Astreal. Don’t let anyone find you.” I pleaded with him “It is very important that no one finds you.”

“Yes, Rori.”

“Not that this game is not enticing in the slightest, Your Majesty; however...” Clement looked to Father a bit concerned “...This is Loki’s home, he knows it well.” Clement pointed out.

“Yes.” Zoon agreed “An unfair advantage being as the Princess lives here with him, Eliot, and Carter.”

Thinking over their objections, Father turned to Loki “Then Loki, Eliot, and Carter, will start twenty minutes after everyone else. This poses a fair chance for all now, right?” Father questioned as he looked at Zoon and Clement. They nodded and clapped for Fathers’ fair adjustment. Placing both hands on my shoulders Father smiled “Go hide and have fun, Rori. You have four minutes.” He then pushed me out the ballroom doors and closed them behind me.

“You have got to be joking” I groaned as I started walking down the hall. I had to think. I needed to hide so it was hard for them to find me, and then, hopefully, they would get bored and give up; then again, I should be found quickly so no one finds Astreal, but if I were to be found quickly, then they would think me slow and unworthy. I was in a quandary. All I could do is hope that Astreal is hidden.

I stopped and found myself in front of a door on the third floor, one that I had never seen before. Unlike the other doors, it was hidden behind a turn. If I had not stumbled upon it just now, I may have never found it. Looking at the door I wondered where it led. I opened the door, it squeaked, and I went in. The wall lanterns lit as I came to them, then went out after I was passed.

I found this intriguing. Just where does this hall lead that it has to be so covert. The hall ended in a divide; on the right was another hall and to my left, was a spiral staircase. This was perfect! The odds of someone finding me here were minimal. I went up the staircase. It felt like I was going up for ages util I reached the top that opened up in a tower room. I just realize that I am at the top of the North Tower. The only tower Loki told me to keep out of. I felt a rush of adrenaline from the excitement of being here where I was forbidden to go. On the other hand, what would happen if Loki were to find out this is where I was hiding? That got me to thinking why was I forbidden to come here in the first place?

I kneeled on the floor to shut the secret door and glanced around to see a largely covered painting; furniture and boxes peppered the floor. I could hear Father yelling for the game to begin. I felt my heart skip a beat. It was time to see what would happen.

I wondered why Loki had all this placed up here in the north tower. I started uncovering some of the furnishings. First, a love seat that looked to be from the Victorian era; then a vanity with a huge mirror, it looked familiar. While I looked at the mirror, I could see a figure in it. Oh my God! a figure in the mirror is looking back at me! The figure slowly took shape. I wanted to turn and run, but I was frozen to the spot. My stomach felt funny as I watched. then it came into focus.“Mother?” I gasped. She smiled at me and nodded. “This can’t be, you’re dead.”

“Yes, but this is no ordinary mirror; This mirror allows the souls of the dead to speak and be heard. If only for a time” she explained. In shock, I watched her. I felt like I was in a dream; like I was floating in a fog as I looked upon her. “How I have missed you. You’ve grown up so much. You’re a young woman now. I wish I could be there.” She started to cry.

I felt my heart race within a hollow ache. How I wanted to have her hold me. I wanted to feel her touch. I just wanted her here with me so much. She looks just like she did when I was young. Never aging. “I miss you too,” I responded still in a daze.

“Rori!” Astreal called.

“Not now Astreal.” I brushed him off.

“Rori! Danger!” Astreal warned.

Shaking my head I looked at the floor; only I was not on the floor I was in midair. “What?” I gasped. The fog I had been feeling, was lifting me and I realized I was being held by the yellow-eyed demon.

Looking right back at me, he smiled “I win” he bragged.

I thought about screaming but what would that accomplish. He already has me; not only am I in a vulnerable place, but I am also in a secluded place.

“Rori!” Astreal screamed in my head.

I placed my hands on the demon and pushed as hard as I could. When my strength didn’t free me, he laughed, amused. “And they say you came into your power” he mocked, as he laughed. Letting go of me, I fell to the floor with a thud. “Ow,” I cried out in sudden pain. I had landed on my ankle and twisted it.

“So, let’s talk about our date.” He chuckled.

I scowled at him “I would never go anywhere with you, don’t be delusional” I exclaimed.

He started laughing again. “Oh, really. I don’t think you have a choice. You see, I won. I don’t need your approval at all.” He smirked. “If you could do anything about it, you would have when you realized I was holding you. I did hold you gently, did I not? I can be gentle as you can see.” Proclaiming his ability to be gentle, he sat on the vanity.

Nails dragging down wood pierced my ears, “Rori!” Astreal screamed.

The demon looked up at the scratching. “A pet?” he asked.

′Get help Astreal.′ I told to him.

“Yes Rori” Astreal agreed then took off for help.

I need to distract him from Astreal. “You didn’t win; you cheated, whatever your name is; furthermore, what makes you think you have not been noticed?” I probed.

With a large grin, he looked back at me. “Yarh, you may call me Yarh. As for being noticed. Not a problem, I have an investor who is looking out for me. Mutual interests and all. So that is no concern to me.” his arrogance started to show again.

“The night is young, so you may be surprised yet” I suggested.

Yarh scoffed at me. I struggled to stand up for a moment. Yarh didn’t offer help nor did he find it entertaining. “Have you thought about my proposal?” he inquired. I limped over to the loveseat and sat down.

“What proposal was that?” I hissed.

“Ha, you are a feisty one, I will enjoy that. Of our marriage, was that not my proposal, or did you forget so soon?” Yarh’s genuine expression of confusion intrigued me.

“Oh, that.” I rolled my eyes “It was more of a threat than a proposal” I mocked.

Tapping on the door filled the background. “Rori, It’s Emery. I found you. You can come out now.”

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