Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 7.

“Come to me.”


My eyes snapped open to the sound of my own voice yelling in desperation. A nagging sensation came abruptly as if I had lost a huge piece of myself. Feeling incomplete. I began to hug myself, tears streaming down my eyes.

“Azah, Azah.” My mom quickly underneath my duvet and hugs me.

Tears still stream down, I notice my father looking around cautiously, and my brother leaning at the wall near my door room.

Speaking in a quavering voice I ask “What happen, mom. Why do I feel this way?”

“Eos. Honey, It’s time for them to know.”Dad said softly.

“Aadi. Please not now.”


“Tomorrow,” she answered as she hugs me tighter and starts humming the sweet melody she once sang when I was young. Swaying me back to sleep.


Upon waking up I recall the dream all too well. I couldn’t stop crying, and I didn’t understand why.

Sitting up and placing my head on my bed’s headboard, I notice a note that’s left next to my breakfast.

I hate to see you cry, My Sweet Azah. Love always your Baba.

He must’ve been really worried. Getting up I went to unlock my full-length window. Drinking my orange juice and enjoying the glistening sun. Its sunlight is warm and not harsh. The birds chirping and the breeze feels cool. While the leaves of the plants are covered from the dew drops.

My cell phone rang, seeing it’s Sara “Hi what sup.”

“Hi girl, what are your plans today?”

I wanted to check out the town’s library and search for answers that my mom is so reluctant to tell me. But instead, I answered, “Nothing much, why what up?”

“So there’s this bonfire party for senior class today. You can’t miss it! It’s the talk of the town, the whole senior class will be there, and some last year high school graduates. You can’t say no to this Azah!”

Offering me no choice too, “Yeah sure, what time?”

“Be ready by 6:00. Our driver will pick up last.”

“Uh Sara? Where is it?”

“Moon Heights Hill. You live around there, don’t you?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Figures, the whole Moons family lives around there. The bonfire is gonna be at the Moons Mansion. Yeshua always hosts the bonfire party.”

“Oh. Ok. Well, will I be welcome at the house?”

Sara chuckles “Dress sexy, drink and the rest will be history. It’s not Yeshua’s house. It’s the whole Moons bloodline house. Send your location, and I’ll text you our plans.”

“Alright, thanks, Sara.”

“See you soon love!”

Hanging up, I hear a knock as the door gradually opens.


“Azah please sit down.”

“I’m not yet prepared to tell you my side of the story. But I realize there are some parts that I can no longer hide. It is after all your history too.”

She opens a blue leather necklace box, there lay the aurora borealis pure crystal pendant necklace. The same exact necklace that she or I wore in my dream.

“Azah my family carries a unique gene. The genesis gene to be specific. My sister is named after the moon goddess Selena, and I am named after the goddess of dawn Eos. They exist, and their spirit is much alive and real. You will learn more from your spirit, she will tell you everything that you need to know. This belongs to you.”

My mom places the necklace around my neck, the moment it touches my skin the crystal moon shape pendant began to glow. A tingling warm sensation spread throughout my body. I tried taking it off a moment after but before I could my mom took my hands and said

“Azah, you are its rightful possession, the necklace can never come off till the day you die.”

“Why did you leave this town?”

“I didn’t feel like I belonged here. I wanted to be the master of my own fate; I wanted to choose who to love, and I wanted to live more and be known more than the daughter of the Moons. In the end Azah, my ambition blinded me for the most. I didn’t anticipate how my choices would affect you.”

“You could’ve done all of that and still be here. No?”

My mom laughs hollows

“You know I thought I would find my own love without the influence of the Moon Goddess mate bond. But instead, I couldn’t escape the pull of the mate bond. By moving away and marrying your father I thought things were going as I planned. I didn’t have to come back here. Instead, the goddess of fate decided that my daughter will be blessed with the true genesis gene instead.”

“So you came back, because of me.”

“Yes and No. No, because I am content with my life and the choices I made. I have no regret.”

“And Yes, because I didn’t want to regret not giving you the chance to make your own decision base on the destiny that store in for you. When you turned sixteen and started experiencing these headaches. I knew the spirit was calling out to you.”


This mate bond she mentioned; “Mate bond?”

“A mating bond represents a unique and very rare bond between two individuals. It is higher than the bond of a regular married couple. It’s considered to be very sacred. The feeling of that bond is undeniably the best feeling you could ever imagine having. Your soulmate.”

Soulmate? “I’m human. Does that apply?”

“Your Dad is.”

“How did that work?”

My mom starts laughing “I was very directed with my feelings, and he wasn’t used to that. I knew the moment I saw him, he didn’t. As a result, I did the leading and he followed.”

’You’ll find yours.” Giving me an affectionate hug as she reassures me.

“Umm Mom I’ll be going to a bonfire party.” Deliberately leaving out the information of where the bonfire party is going to be located.

“They still do those?”

“Wait this….”

She interferes with me “ Your uncle Helios would throw these bonfire parties at the Moons Mansion twice every year. One right before the Blue Moon event and the other celebrating the end of the year. They were wild and memorable. No one ever left sobers, some would even sleep over the night and day. ”

Raising one of her eyebrows “Why? Are you going?”

Shyly responding “Yes.”

“Be careful Azah, there are still a lot of things you don’t know. For one the Moons Mansion is bigger than it appears.”

Departing from me to my thoughts as I wonder about this infamous mansion.


Waking up disoriented from my long nap. I see my mom and Joshua both at different ends of our u-shape sofa, unbothered by my movements as their attention is on the flat-screen watching Outlander.

Both are obsessed with the series. Examining the time, confused as to how it got so late. Seeing three text messages from Sara. Shit. I text her my location and rushed to the room to take a quick shower.

“Make sure you have the pin to the keypad lock. Your dad changed it again!”My mom yelled as I left the room.


“TRY AND YOUR DEAD,” Joshua yelled.

Whatever. Connecting my Bluetooth to my google speaks and placed my shower cap on. I entered the shower to start my short shower concert.

Finishing up; My locs were in a round bun up the top with an olive green wrap. Had on my large golden hoop earrings. Black TDE crop top, black shorts, and olive Mcguire platform flip flop. After checking my outfit out, my cell phone rings.

Aïssatou calls just in time.

“We’re outside babez.”

“Cool, be down there soon.”

Took my portable charger, along with other things and place them in my tote bag.

“Guys! I’m leaving!” I shouted while heading out.

Joshua and my Dad were already at the driveway talking to the driver. And of course, my dad is talking to the driver while Joshua takes a picture of the car’s license plate.

Overbearing much. Kissing my dad on the cheek “done?” I ask sarcastically.

“Take care sweets.”

As the car drives away, I gave them one last wave of goodbye.

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