Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 10.

Please Note:

Bold sentences mean their wolf is talking.

Reminder: Wolfs names

Zion’s = Zeus



Yeshua=Yehu (Yeshua is hybrid warlock and werewolf)

Azah when her spirit takes control it’s in italics

Italics could also be thoughts 💭 or mindlink

Bold Italics=🐺mindlink

Azah POV

Disappearing into the light I’m not aware of where I am going. Everything seems so white and bright until I enter a dark forest. It was pitch dark. My naked legs were moving cautiously as if they had a brain of themselves. The sounds I could fathom were the crispy sound each footstep of mine made, distant hooting and howling sounds; overpowering all these was the pounding of my heart.

I kept moving, with the lurking fear of being pounced upon by an animal. Cool winds giving me chills, regretting now that I wore shorts instead of jeans. Walking further I hear the waterfall falling over the stones and pebbles. The sound is clear, sharp and mesmerizing.

Where am I? Deciding to head to the sound of the waterfall. I see her again, glowing majestically like the Moon. She walks to me and I froze in awe.

“Hello Azah, you finally came.” When she talks it’s like she signing softly to me.

“Yeah, I guess. I just want to know what’s happening to me?”

Of course, I’ll tell you.

I chose your family to hold the genesis gene for the spirit of Goddess. There are many more families who also have this gene, but your family specifically is named after me. I am the Moon Goddess, the creator of werewolves, the all-seeing eye of the night. Providing Moonlight in the dark sky. I control the mating, shifting and patronage of female werewolves, especially the Lunas. The necklace you have around your neck is an heirloom of your family. It is to be worn to the one I have blessed to be my true vessel. The necklace is to bond us partially until we are whole together. I am spiritually bounded to the necklace as you are physically bonded to it. We cannot part ways till death calls.

“And what if I say no.”

My dear, do you not see me? I am you, there’s no saying in this anymore because I’ve been a part of you since the day you were born. Now that you’ve reached age we must complete our bond, if not death will find you quicker than usual and I will not be able to protect you or my children from the dangers of the world ahead. Your migraine will be excruciating. Day by day you are slowly dying. You are not whole my dear Azah. Not without me.

Your mother knew the effects, and she took the cost temporarily.

What do you mean by that?”

Her cancer. One vessel cannot hold two spirits for long.”

I couldn’t believe it. I am the reason she had cancer? She said she was selfish, but no, instead she is selfless. She is willing to sacrifice her health so I can live the life where I can be the master of my fate. There has to be another way. I’ll do it for my mom, and for myself. Deep down I knew if I didn’t accept her, my mom would try to do everything within her power to keep me alive. Even trade her own life for me. I didn’t want to live with that burden and guilt. I just couldn’t.

Numb, feeling physically and mentally deadened. Struggling to swallow down a still-beating heart.

“I accept.”

A violent gust of wind blew through the tresses, sending loose leaves and tall grasses dancing with powerful passion. In coldness it rouses me to alertness, I am lifted higher and higher. Feeling the connection become stronger and letting go, easing myself through the transformation as my entire being is unified with the spirit. My internal senses and sensory perception is heightened.

We are one.”

“We are one.”

We said in unison.

A deep blue werewolf shining bright cautiously walks to me. He stops as he reaches next to me and howls a great howl.

Welcome, you have searched for a great length of time. You are home.” bowing his head down in submission.

“Who are you?”

I am the Yehu, also Yeshua’s wolf. I’m an Epsilon, who serves as the pack guardian but before any other, I serve as your guardian. To protect the Moon Goddess and her vessel. The Moons have been honoured to carry out this duty for generations. And we’ve been searching for you.”

You must go, Alpha Zion will be waiting.”

“You’re not coming with me?”

What kind of guardian are you then?

I must send a message to our family. Where I’m going will not be safe for you yet. Your body is too tired to travel there. You must rest first before using your powers Azah. Being a vessel to a goddess spirit can be overwhelming especially when you’ve just united. Think of the Luns Garden, and you will be taken there.”


Zion POV

The cool morning breeze awakes me, forcing me to open my tiring eyes. The Luns Garden welcomes me with the sight of the rising sun, casting a rosy hue across the morning sky. How long did I sleep? I look to my left and see my clothes next to the tree trunk. Remembering now that I made the decision to shift in case Yehu needed Zeus. As I am putting on my shirt I hear a crackle from someone’s footsteps. The scent is familiar, someone from the Moons family is here. It must be Azah since her scent is the only one I have not familiarized myself with. With this new scent, came a vigorous amount of power. Yehu mind linking me and quickly putting me up to speed. So Azah is the true vessel.


I sense Azah approaching closer, turning around I am awestruck by her beauty and grace. Her auburn locs are long and loose. With a beautiful oval face, and her flawless ochre colour skin much like the mellow brown light that bathed the forest. Azah wore a white sheer long gown and I can see through the shape of her breasts. Gods those curves. Zeus and I were alert. Eyes only on her, my heart racing eager to hold her. Panic rushes as we see her faint on the ground. Rushing to her, and lifting her up bridal style.

Why couldn’t she be our mate? Asking Zeus. He’s been quieter than usual. Pushing the thought away as I glance down at her face. She grabs hold of my shirt and looks up at me for a quick second before she finally closes her eyes. I summoned the mansion to take us to my house instead.

She’ll be safe, I promised.

Here in this moment, I had never wanted anything more in life than her. Sending a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess that she had chosen me to be her mate.

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