Chapter RHYERS - Elsabet's Pain

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Elsabet paced her chamber furiously. Walking past the door repeatedly. Crimson skirts rustling. Rubbing her face ferociously.

Like she’s trying to wash away something. Rhyers watched her from the doorway. Long black hair waving over his shoulders and framing a slim face. Light green eyes intent on the agitated valkyrie’s movements.

“Elsabet?” His voice stopped her in her tracks.

She faced him. Blinking rapidly.

“Do you care to share?”

“One conversation does not make us friends!” She was hissing with hostility.

There’s the valkyrie I knew before.

“No, it doesn’t.” He straightened. “But we’ve had a mite more than that. And I had reason to believe you were coming to learn I wasn’t your enemy.”

“You’re not my enemy.” She spat. Blinking thoughtfully as though surprised the words had come out of her mouth.

He waited for her to process.

“He and Calisto were close friends.”

They were?

He told her that? I didn’t even know that. Rhyers’ darkly lashed eyes widened.

“You didn’t know?”

“No, I didn’t. But that explains how she and Raese met…Bast’s matchmaking…I should’ve guessed.” He shook his head Heavenward.

“No. No!” She waved a finger at him. Arm rigid.

What’d I do?


“Do not smile in fondness regarding him when I’m prepared to set him afire. It’ll only antagonize me.”


“Yes ma’am.” He lowered his head in mock deference.


“Those who know me well sometimes call me, Rhye. I would like it if you did.”

“Well I wouldn’t!”

He gave her a chiding look.

“You’re right.” She resumed pacing. Head turning to keep him in view. “This isn’t your fault. But you’re the same creature as him.”

No, I’m not.

“I like to think of myself as a singular being, thank you.”

“You know well I wasn’t being insulting. It’s very clear when I am!” She said acidly.

That’s fair.

“Elsabet. Calm down. What has you so mad about them being friends?”

“They swam together. Unclothed.”

Oof. I wonder if Raese knows?

“I see why this would bother you.”

“Don’t be patronizing!” She seethed.

“I’m not.”

She tossed him a couple rapid looks and saw the truth of his words.

She badly wants to battle. Probably physically.

“You’re hurt.” He acknowledged.

“I’m enraged.”

“Because you’re hurt.”

“You sound like him.” She bared her teeth beneath a curling lip. Hair sizzling into coarse brown strands.

“Why does it hurt you? I understand the jealousy over him swimming with a naked beautiful woman. But that was before you. So why are you so upset?”

“I’ve never swam with him!”

Wait. I’m not tracking. He shook his head as he focused on catching up.

“You want to swim?” He asked slowly.

“With him.” She nodded. Skirts swishing. She walked faster.

How has she not worn through that floor?

How long has she been up here doing this?

How much longer is she going to? That thought made him grimace. I’m not certain she needs sleep.

“I’ve never interacted with him as a free woman. I’ve had the choice of speaking with him of my own volition stolen from me!”

“I’ve asked him to free you.” He said quietly.

“So has your…Captain!” She tossed an arm. “But he refuses! Because it amuses him to keep me!”

“I don’t think that’s why.”

“How would I know!” She flailed her arms in an exaggerated shrug. “Everything is his terms!”

Rhyers was struggling to follow.

“I’ve never been able to play with him ‘like a child’.”

Like a child? That doesn’t sound like her.

Where’d she get those words?

Bast? Did he give her that ammo? No. He’s not that stupid.

“I don’t even know what it’s like to share a glass of wine with him purely because I wish to!”

Rhyers frowned. She has a point.

How many years has she been here now?

Over two decades?

“And he lays with me.”

What? He does? Rhyers was aware his jaw was slack with shock.

They’ve been together? He didn’t tell me that. He felt a pang of pride for Bast finally accomplishing the feat. Why didn’t he tell me?

Because I’d have found him a fine bottle of sherry and toasted him. And she’d have likely heard…He winced at that thought.

“What is his game, Rhye?”

“I don’t think he plays games with you, Elsabet.”

“Then why lay with me then leave to find mistresses?”

What? He wouldn’t!

Rhyers’ brow knitted. “I don’t think he’d do that.”

“Then where does he go?”

“You know he goes to help us!” Rhyers stiffened. Feeling that old protective fury mounting. “You’re looking for reasons to keep your walls up. Don’t be looking to me to feed them!” He snarled.

“Ah!” She tossed her arms in a frustrated shriek.

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