Chapter ACHARIUS - What Have I Done?


Only when Chastain heard Acharius’ breathing deepen in slumber did she make her way from the caves. Stomping in frustration.

Acharius’ eyes snapped open as he was left aching inside. Staring at the dark contours of the cave ceiling. Let her go. He told himself. Despite the desperate desire to pursue her.

Yanking twigs from her nightgown, she stalked back through the trees and grass to the gardens. Throwing open the door and barely catching it before it made harsh contact with the wall. She quietly entered her chamber as the sun was fully rising. Dragging herself to her cot she slumped down and released a heavy breath.

“What have I done?” She dropped her face to her hands. “He’s probably warm and cozy in his slumber.”

You’re wrong! He wanted to roar. He was already flattened against the house. Breeches and boots only. The rest of him as bare as the day he was born. His head turned toward her window. Chorded neck straining as he listened to her thoughts. Heard her rushed breathing.

I told her to go. He warred with himself. She’s justifiably angry. Hurt.

It’s not what I intended! Drawing the scent of the dewy morning he allowed, just once, himself to go back to last night. To replay the bliss that’d touched him. How she’d lain next to him for so long. While he savored every second of her softness pressed to his side. Sighing he leaned against the stone wall, staring out. Tuning into her thoughts made his light blue eyes turn glowing light blue.

She considered the foolishness of her actions. Wondering if she’d made a mistake.

A mistake? A mistake! He straightened. How can I be mad now when I was thinking little different a few short hours ago? He swallowed. Tight throat working.

She felt the chill indicating the mist moved in. Her head snapped up like a startled doe. “I know you’re here!” She accused. “Why do you want to torment me now?”

If you were going to be mad, I told you to go, why were you not so before you made love with me a second time? Why now? Afterward.

Mist crept in through her open shutters. A dull gray fogbank. Boots projected from it and Acharius emerged from the window slit and straightened. Wide muscled arms crossing his barrel chest as he blurted. “Was being intimate with me so terrible?”

“I said nothing of the sort!” She leapt to her feet.

You thought it.

“Were you not just thinking it was a mistake?”

Chastain looked to the wall next to her and bit her lip, uttering no response.

“Answer me, woman.” He demanded.

She stared at the wall chewing her lip.

Seeing his orders got him nowhere, he softened his tone. “Chastain, please answer me.”

“No.” She replied belligerently. “Don’t ask me to expose myself...Am I not vulnerable enough?”

His boots creaked on the floor.

Her head turned to watch his approach expressionlessly. She was frozen in shock as he dropped to kneel next to her cot. She gazed into his eyes. Noting something indefinable reflected there.

“Sweet, I saw your soft body in the rising sunlight and felt you warm beneath me as I melted into you. What have you to hide from me now?”

She looked at him with huge green eyes and gulped.

His words were calm. Face composed. Yet, the tone of his voice was sharp with hurt he couldn’t hide. His next words shattered her composure.

“I expect when I love a woman, she’ll be sincere with me. Shade nothing from my eyes.”

“What did you say?” Her eyes flew to the carpet as she struggled to find words. Blowing a heavy breath, she rubbed her sore neck.

“What’s wrong?” Acharius asked questioningly, cocking his head at her.

“My neck is cramped.” She murmured. “I think your cot is more brutal then my own.” She laughed roughly. Jumping when strode behind her and his large hands fell to mold her small shoulders. Tender fingers easing her back until she leaned against his thighs.

Acharius pulled her hair up to massage her neck.

Chastain shivered at the sensations rising within her.

He smiled down at her in his rakish way. Feeling the surrender of her body under his ministrations, he leaned so close she felt his breath on her crown.

Her mind worked frantically to find something to discuss. Anything but the prior topic. “Today, Agatha-”. She began to object.

“I know what she’d do if she found me here, Chastain.”

“Well, she-she” She nervously started again but then forgot what she was saying. Giving up. Subsiding into silence as she tried to refocus. Under the manipulations of his hands it was hard to think.

One fingertip traced the delicate bones of her collar.

She caught a quick breath then mumbled incoherently.

Acharius’ grip tightened on her shoulders. Applying deep pressure. The firm touch drove her to silence.

Still as a rabbit she waited for the predator to pounce. Whole body vibrating with tension.

“Will you walk with me today?”

“I cannot this time, Acharius.”

Giving a swift nod he moved from her. Backing into the fog near the window. Dissipating as quickly as he’d arrived.

Sighing she slumped back. Biting her lip as a tear trailed her cheek to the coverlet.

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