Forever Golden: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 3)

Forever Golden: Chapter 31


The gym’s loud and crowded, and we have Pandora’s constant reminder posts about tonight’s game to thank for that. She’s been on a roll since school’s started back this week. Typically, girls’ basketball doesn’t get the same fanfare as the guys’, but based on this turnout for game one, that might not be the case this season.

We arrived a little early to grab good seats, and within ten minutes of getting settled, Rodriguez walks in looking like a cult nightmare in her usual all-black attire. She spots us and makes it a point to sit on the opposite side of the bleachers. She’s never liked us, and we’ve never thought much about her.

Until the rumors about her possibly being Pandora started.

Who the hell knows if that’s true, but I’m resigned to keeping my distance from her crazy ass.

“You both owe me for this shit,” Dane announces to Sterling and me, keeping with our tradition of demanding money from each other that we know we’ll never recoup.

He drops down into his seat between me and Joss and I snatch my popcorn off his tray.

“How about I take this off what you owe me for your plane ticket?”

That seems to have jogged his memory as he hands Joss her soda. “Well, yeah. That sounds doable, I guess.”

“Yeah, that’s what I fucking thought,” I add with a laugh.

Another surge of bodies flood through the door.

“Geez, the team must be really good this year,” Joss comments, staring as the swarm scrambles for good seats.

“Either that or our peers are information whores. With Southside being on the team, they knew West would be here,” Sterling says.

Joss thinks about that for a sec and then shrugs, agreeing with Sterling’s deduction.

“But while we’re on the subject of ‘Southside’,” she chimes in again, “isn’t it kind of demeaning that you three still call her that? She’s your girlfriend now, West. Maybe give it a rest? It’s a new year, perfect time to turn over a new leaf.”

I lean forward to peer around Dane’s greedy ass hoovering down popcorn and meet Joss’s gaze. “You’ve met Blue. If it bothered her, please believe she would’ve called me on my shit by now.”

Joss shrugs again. “Guess you’re right.”

I’ve noticed the girls getting closer lately, and I’m guessing we’re reaching that point where it no longer matters that Joss has known me since we were kids, because you know, ‘girl power’ and shit…

I take another handful of popcorn and glance toward the door again. This time, I spot Mike strolling in with Scar. She’s smiling in that blissfully unaware way we all have before our parents do something to permanently mar their images in our eyes. He laughs at something she says, but it’s clear to see he’s on edge. I can tell by how his eyes keep darting toward the empty seats where the team will sit once they come out onto the floor.

My guess? He’s scared shitless about showing up today. Which probably means Blue told him not to come.

I’ve only laid eyes on the guy a handful of times, but this is by far the best I’ve seen him look. His eyes aren’t all glassy, his hair looks clean. Like he might’ve even taken a comb to it.

I’m on edge, though, because if I know my girl, she’s gonna be pissed when she sees him. So pissed I actually feel bad for whoever gets stuck guarding her tonight.

She’s been hell on wheels lately, taking her frustration out on others because she’s furious he’s back in the house. So far, he hasn’t violated any of the many, many rules Southside’s laid out for him, but she’s ready and waiting if he does.

It’s crossed my mind that she should consider lightening up on him—mostly for her own sake—but I dare not mention it. She’d bite my head off for sure. So, as someone who knows what a delicate subject family can be, I’ve chosen to mind my own damn business.

So far, so good.

Someone in Maintenance decided it’d be a good idea to set the heat to ‘hell’, so I pull off my hoodie and drop it beside me on the bleachers. However, when I do, I regret it immediately because Joss takes one look at my t-shirt and starts with that sappy B.S. again.

“OMG! How sweet!” She points at my white tee, at the last name ‘Riley’ written in big, bold letters. “And isn’t that your jersey number? She picked the same one so you guys could be all cute and matchy?” she gushes.

“Here we go.”

“I’m just in awe,” she says. “Can we take a moment to talk about this incredible evolution you’ve gone through since the year started?”


“Absolutely not.”

“I swear I’ll die if that happens.”

These are the collective responses given by me, Dane, and Sterling, hoping like hell Joss spares us.

She ignores us, of course.

“What brought on this idea? I mean, you’re fully committed to this whole ‘supportive boyfriend’ thing, aren’t you?” she adds with a grin.

“Just doing what she would’ve done for me during football. You know, had I not been such an ass.”

“You were such an ass,” Joss reiterates with a laugh.

No point in sugarcoating the truth.

“Pandora’s gonna eat this shit up. You do know that, right?” Sterling asks, eyeing my shirt with a grin.

I shrug, pretending that wasn’t the point, but honestly? This is intentional. I need Southside to know she has my heart, know I care more than I’ve ever cared, because things are going to change soon.

This week has been one filled with harsh realities. Starting with the conclusion I reached about two nights ago regarding my dad. Grandpa made a solid point, and I haven’t been able to get his words out of my head. He’s right about my dad being smart, tactical. Even if we don’t see it, he’s watching us. Watching to see if she’s making the right moves. Watching to see if I’m still head over heels for her or if things are starting to fall apart. Which means we have to play our roles and we have to play them well.

As if the universe just heard my thoughts, the unlikely answer to all my and Southside’s problems comes strolling into the gym.

“Watch my things. I’ll be right back.”

I feel Joss and my brothers’ eyes on me when I stand, grabbing my hoodie before shooting a quick text and heading down the bleachers to the court. When I pass Ricky, he glances down to his phone to read the message.

West: Meet me out back near the track.

If ever there was a conversation I didn’t want to have, it’s this one. Ricky’s been a pain in my ass since the first time I saw him dancing with Southside at the block party. What kills me is the emotion I see in his eyes for her. But tonight, I’m almost relieved he hasn’t been able to let go yet, because his love for my girl might be the only thing that saves us.

“This better be good. It’s fucking cold out here.”

I peer up from my phone when Ricky pushes through the doors, announcing himself.

“Wouldn’t have asked you to meet me if it wasn’t.” I haven’t even gotten into what I need to say and, already, I feel ill.

“What is it?” he asks.

“Honestly, I don’t even know where to start.”

“Well, maybe I should leave your ass out here to freeze to death while you figure it out.” He starts heading for the door again and I just say it.

“Augustin Ruiz is your grandfather, right?”

Ricky stops in his tracks and turns to face me but doesn’t speak.

“I think you’ll want to see this,” I say next, showing the image I’d been studying before he came out here. I snapped a pic of the birth certificate Boone shared with Southside and me, knowing Ricky would need more than just my word that this was real.

“The fuck am I looking at?”

“My father’s birth certificate,” I answer, enlarging the document a bit, zooming in so he sees clearly the section marked Father’s Name.

He snatches my phone and glares at it. With how his shoulders are suddenly heaving, I’m guessing this isn’t what he wanted to see tonight.

“This isn’t possible. My grandfather loved my grandmother. If this shit were true, it would mean—”

“It’d mean he had secrets,” I interject. “Listen, take it from someone who’s been where you are right now. It sucks hearing that sometimes people we respect can really fuck up, but it doesn’t take away from whatever he was to you.”

He shakes his head and hands my phone back. “Nah, this ain’t real. I don’t know what you thought this was gonna prove, but the Augustin Ruiz know, was a good man.”

He attempts to walk away again, but for so many reasons I can’t let that happen.

“Multiples run in your family, right? Explains me and my brothers,” I say. “And whatever went down between Augustin and my grandmother doesn’t make him some fucking monster. It just means he’s human and he isn’t perfect. Who the hell is?” I add.

“He wouldn’t have done that.”

I let out a breath and glance at the document again. “Well, his name being on my dad’s birth certificate says otherwise. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry to be the one to spring this on you.”

A heavy sigh leaves Ricky when he looks away, shaking his head.

“No fucking way we’re related.”

I laugh a bit. “Trust me, I don’t like it any more than you do, but it is what it is.”

He shrugs and glances toward me again. “So, you just wanted to fuck up my night with this shit or what? Can I go back inside now? Preferably before I freeze my nuts off?”

There’s more, but I’m not sure whether what I’m about to share is betraying Southside’s confidence. I just have to assume we’re beyond that now. Besides, bringing Ruiz into all this was her idea.

“Blue’s gotten some detective named Roby involved. Ever heard of him?”

Ricky’s eyes shift toward me. “I have. He let me off the hook a few times back in the day. He was her dad’s partner for some years.”

“Well, he’s on our side now and he needed something tying my dad to your uncle, something to at least prove it’s possible they have communication and could be working this thing together. Blue sent him a copy of what we found. We’re hoping it’ll help his case.”

Ricky’s suddenly quiet, looking off in the distance while he thinks.

“You know… there’s a much simpler way for me to handle your father. A way that doesn’t involve the cops.”

He peers up when he’s done speaking, and it only takes a moment to realize what he means. Apparently, he’d prefer to stop Vin from breathing than to have him sent to jail.

“Believe it or not, letting the police handle things makes shit a whole lot messier,” he adds. “Me and you could easily work out the when and where. I’ll get in and get out before anyone sees me. Then, just like that, all our problems disappear.”

It honestly shocks me how little I feel when he suggests killing the man, but there’s zero emotion involved whatsoever.

“You and I both know Blue would have my ass if I let you do that shit. For whatever reason, she cares what happens to you.”

Ricky smirks when I admit that, but we both know it’s true. She might not still hold romantic feelings for this guy, but she definitely cares about him.

Even if I hate it.

“Besides, this is bigger than all of us. If my dad and your uncle are into what we think they’re into, there’s no telling how many girls are out there, terrified they’re gonna die in this shit. We can’t let that happen.”

As if suddenly remembering the bigger picture, he nods and zones out.

I know I shouldn’t ask what I’m about to ask, and I’m also pretty sure he’ll say ‘no’ either way, but I can’t help it.

“Have you… done something like that before? What you mentioned doing to Vin?”

Instead of answering, Ricky passes a blank look my way. Apparently, it was stupid to ask.

Fair enough.

“On that note, I’m going in.” He turns to leave, but I halt him with two words.

“There’s more.”

Frustrated, he leans back and faces the sky. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”

“I need a favor.”

“Hell no,” he answers. Zero hesitation.

“Poor choice of words. I need a favor, but it’s not for me. It’s for Blue.”

Now, he’s listening.

“I know she told you what my dad’s forcing her to do, and we’re running out of time,” I explain. “While we figure shit out, I think it’s best if we make it look like we’re cooperating with Vin, make it look like she’s giving him what he wants.”

“What the hell does any of this have to do with me?”

My jaw is tense and I’m trying to force the words out.

“Blue and I are gonna have to stage a breakup. It’s the only way, but my dad knows I’m stubborn just like he is, which is why he knew to tell Blue to cut deep. So… that’s where you come in.”

Ricky’s brow arches at me, like I’m speaking a foreign language or something. Clearly, I’m gonna have to spell this shit out.

“If we fake the breakup, I’ll have to keep my distance. Which means I need someone around her who’ll protect her like I would. Someone who loves her like I do,” I add, causing my own stomach to turn.

For the first few seconds, Ricky only stares. But then, out of nowhere, he laughs.

“You’re out your damn mind, rich boy. So, let me get this straight. Your big master plan is to make it look like she dumped your ass and came back to me?”

He finishes speaking and laughs again.

“All I know is, I can’t leave her unprotected. You got a better idea?”

He shrugs and levels a look my way. “Don’t get mad, I’m just realizing something.”

At the risk of knowing I’m about to regret this, I ask anyway. “What are you talking about?”

“Just saying,” he begins, arching a brow as he smirks. “If you think I’m your safe option, Blue’s clearly spared you a few details about us from back in the day. Hell, even from this time last year,” he clarifies.

I don’t say shit, because until he just mentioned it, I thought I was content knowing they dated for a while, knowing he was her first and the last before me. But now, he has me wondering if throwing them together will be like tossing a lit match into a vat of gasoline.

SouthsideI believe in completely. It’s this motherfucker I don’t trust further than I can throw his ass.

“But whatever. I’m in. For her,” he adds, like I’d ever think otherwise.

“If we do this shit, there are three things I want you to remember,” I warn. “Number one, this isn’t real. Two, this is temporary. And three, I’ll kick your ass if you try anything.”

He smirks again, already backing toward the building. “I’ll try to keep my hands to myself, but you know, things happen.”

Before there’s even time to get upset, he starts laughing, probably imagining what’s going on inside my head.

“Relax. I’ll behave. She’d never have it any other way.”

He disappears inside the building just as I hear the announcer starting to introduce the players. While this might be one of the worst conversations I’ve ever had to have, it was necessary. It’s no secret Ricky’s not my favorite person in the world, but one thing Blue’s said about him is true. He’s loyal to her.

And in a world where we can’t even trust our own parents, a little loyalty goes a long way.

Ricky’s on board, now here comes the hard part—getting Southside to agree.

@QweenPandora:Well done, Cypress Prep! Our girls were on fire tonight!

If you missed it, here’s a recap.

Our southside connection was definitely the star of tonight’s game, knocking down a whopping thirty-nine points on her own. She was alert, she was focused, and no one can say she didn’t give it her all.

Especially the girl who caught that nasty elbow to the ribs while attempting to steal the ball from the beast we all know as NewGirl.

And speaking of beasts…

Anyone else spot SeXyBeAsT in the crowd tonight? He waltzed in boldly, paying no attention to our own KingMidas, seated in the stands repping his girl with a sweet t-shirt to show his support.

Careful, NewGirl. Not a good look having your Ex and your Next seated on the same bleachers. One has to wonder, are you giving SeXyBeAsT reason to hold on so long?

Let us hope not, because the king’s wrath would certainly come down hard and swift.

Consider yourself warned.

Later, Peeps.


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