Forever and Always

Chapter Eleven

Felix’s POV Continued...

“Why did you do it?” I asked Penelope earlier, still grappling with the irrationality of her actions. “Why would you want to hurt her? She never did anything to you.”

“Of course, she didn’t. But you did. To my brother!” she yelled, her voice thick with resentment. She blamed me for taking away her brother’s popularity and was seeking revenge through Alexa.

But our focus shifted as Officer Harrison entered the room again, inquiring about the commotion. We explained the situation, with Penelope admitting that Jackson had manipulated her into harming Alexa.

Officer Harrison then took charge, asking probing questions and unveiling Jackson’s intentions. Penelope divulged her brother’s jealousy and desire for revenge, which only fueled my frustration. I vehemently defended my actions, countering her accusations and clarifying the circumstances.

The realization that Jackson had been harassing Alexa in such an awful manner hit me like a punch in the gut. I felt a surge of protectiveness for her, along with a fit of simmering anger directed at Jackson.

Suddenly, the room shifted as Alexa’s weak voice called my name. I hurried to her side, offering reassurance and comfort. Seeing her awake and safe was a relief beyond words.

As she rested, Officer Harrison resumed his questioning, addressing Alexa’s well-being. She handled herself with strength, confirming that she was recovering. The officer extended his assistance in dealing with Jackson’s actions, and she bravely agreed to provide a statement.

Once she had finished recounting her experiences, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of anger and sorrow. Alexa had endured so much, and it was infuriating that Jackson’s actions had caused her pain.

As the conversation concluded, Officer Harrison left the room along with Penelope. I returned to Alexa’s side, my heart heavy with the weight of the day’s events. But the sight of her lying there, recovering and safe, filled me with a renewed sense of gratitude and affection.

I sat down beside her, my hand finding hers as we shared a moment of quiet connection.

“We’ll get through this,” I whispered, my voice laced with determination. She nodded softly, a reassuring smile on her lips.

The next day, Alexa and I sat side by side, her hospital stay finally coming to an end. The room was suffused with a sense of relief, and the door swung open to reveal Officer Harrison once again.

“Ms. Parker, Mr. Colton,” he addressed us, his tone professional yet empathetic. “The car that put you in this accident was driven by Jackson Jameson. He was drunk inside and had an severe accident when he went ahead on the road. He’s dead. It’s a drink and drive case. I assure you, we’ll do everything in our power to ensure justice is served.”

As he left, I turned my attention back to Alexa. We exchanged a look that conveyed a mix of emotions – relief, uncertainty, and a glimmer of hope.

With Officer Harrison gone, we found ourselves alone in the room once more. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of emotions, and as our eyes met, an unspoken understanding passed between us.

“I’m just glad it’s over,” Alexa admitted, her voice soft yet firm.

I nodded, my gaze never leaving her. “Me too. And we’re in this together.”

As our hands found each other’s, I felt a profound sense of unity – a shared strength that had carried us through the trials of the past few days.

With our hospital stay behind us, we returned home, the familiar surroundings offering a sense of comfort. As I lay in bed beside Alexa, the weight of recent events still lingered, but so did a renewed sense of closeness.

“Why did you do it?” I murmured, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

“Why did I do what?” she replied, her voice soft and curious.

“Why did you decide to be with me? After everything that’s happened, the danger, the chaos… why?”

Alexa turned to me, her eyes searching mine for a moment before a tender smile graced her lips. “Because, Felix, amidst all the chaos and danger, there’s something real between us. Something genuine and powerful that I can’t ignore. I love you, and I believe that together, we can face anything.”

My heart swelled at her words, a profound sense of gratitude washing over me. I leaned in and kissed her gently, the warmth of her lips against mine reaffirming the depth of our connection.

“You’re right,” I whispered against her lips. “No matter what comes our way, we’ll face it together.”

As I held her close, I realized that the trials we had endured had only solidified our bond. Our love was strong, unyielding, and capable of weathering any storm. With Alexa by my side, I felt an unshakable sense of hope, and I knew that as long as we were together, we could overcome anything life threw our way.

And as we lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, I found comfort in the certainty that our love was truly forever and always.

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