Forever and Always

Chapter Eight

Alexa's POV

“Hey, girlie!” Emily’s cheerful voice greeted me as she playfully nudged my shoulder.

“Hey Em. What’s put you in such a good mood?” I asked, curious about her enthusiasm. She appeared to be deep in thought for a moment before her grin widened.

“I’m not single anymore.” She announced, and her joy was evident. “You know, when you left for your date, Mike came and apologized. He also mentioned that he couldn’t get involved with someone else after he returned.”

“That’s great news, Emily. I’m genuinely happy for you.” I hugged her, sharing her excitement. She laughed and pulled away a moment later.

“Thanks, but let’s talk about your date. Spill the details!” She prodded, giving me a teasing look. I giggled and shook my head.

“Nothing super dramatic, but we had a fantastic time together,” I replied. Emily’s smile grew wider.

“Does that mean you two are officially an item now?”

“Not quite yet,” I answered with a grin.


I found myself in the washroom, washing my hands and glancing at my reflection in the mirror. The hickey that had formed due to Jackson’s actions had thankfully faded, and I was relieved. As I dried my hands with a tissue, I couldn’t help but smile at my reflection.

Suddenly, my gaze locked with someone else’s through the mirror, causing a jolt of fear to surge through me.


His appearance was disheveled, with a black eye, a fractured arm, and various Band-Aids on his face. His hair was a mess, and his eyes radiated a mix of hatred and anger.

“W-what are you doing here?” I stuttered, my voice trembling. He responded with a creepy smirk and a bitter chuckle, not saying a word.

My heart raced as I grabbed my bag, heading towards the door in a hurry. Just as my hand reached the doorknob, he caught my wrist, and I instinctively pulled back, narrowly escaping his grasp.

“Not yet, sweetheart,” he taunted. I struggled to control my emotions and the fear welling up inside me.

“Please, let me go. What have I ever done to you?” I pleaded, tears threatening to fall.

“Oh, my... You’ve done nothing to me, sweetheart. It’s your little boyfriend I have a problem with. You see, I’d go straight to him, but that bastard won’t hurt unless someone he cares about gets hurt. And it’s your pain that will help me exact my revenge,” he explained with a dark chuckle.

His hand reached for my face, and mustering my courage, I pinched his nose, causing him to wince and allowing me a momentary escape.

“You bitch!” he cursed, and I quickly rushed into a cubicle, locking the door behind me. He pounded on the door, demanding I come out.

Fearful and desperate, I dialed Felix’s number, waiting for him to answer. Thankfully, he picked up on the first ring.

“Hey, bea—”

“F-Felix... H-he’s here. Please... come and... get me... Felix,” I trembled, my voice shaky with fear.

“Hey, baby. Tell me where you are,” his concerned voice reassured me.

“W-washroom near the l-lab,” I stammered, still shivering from the encounter. Jackson’s pounding had ceased, and I remained locked in the cubicle. “Felix, I’m s-scared.”

“Don’t worry, baby. I’m on my way, okay?” he reassured me, his voice calming me down. “Just hold on.”

As the pounding on the door stopped, I huddled in the cubicle, too afraid to leave its safety.

Suddenly, a loud crash reverberated through the restroom.

“Alexa!” I breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Felix’s voice.

I cautiously unlocked the cubicle door, and as I stepped out, I met Felix’s concerned eyes. Without hesitation, he pulled me into a comforting embrace, his arms offering solace and safety.

“It’s fine, baby. I’m here. You’re okay. You are okay,” he whispered his words a soothing balm to my fear. The tears that had been threatening to fall finally spilled, and I allowed myself to cry.

“Stop crying, baby. It hurts me to see you like this,” he whispered softly, his fingers gently wiping away my tears.


I woke up to the sensation of movement beside me. Yawning, I stretched but was promptly pressed back onto the couch as strong arms tightened around my waist.

Felix and I were still cuddled together on the couch. His arms encircled my waist while my head rested on his shoulder.

“OMG! What on earth?” a voice exclaimed, jolting me. I nearly tumbled off the couch, saved only by Felix’s quick reflexes, which kept me securely in his arms.

The unexpected voice also roused Felix, who rubbed his eyes sleepily. “Oh. Hey Mom, hey Dad, hey my annoying cousin,” he greeted nonchalantly, his sleepiness evident in his tone.

“Watch your language, kid!” His mother admonished with a stern look.

“Hmm. Why are you all staring at us? Never seen a couple cuddling together? I’m sure you’ve done it at some point too, Mom?” Felix smirked, his playful words causing his parents to react. Aunt Lori blushed, and Uncle John smirked, clearly amused by his wife’s flustered reaction.

Quickly, she darted away, followed by her husband.

Felix and Mike shared a laugh, while I smiled, sitting up a bit straighter. Mike, looking at us with a knowing grin, asked, “How have you two been?”

Felix couldn’t resist a teasing tone. “Amazing. What about you and that Emma chick?”

Mike frowned at Felix’s mispronunciation. “It’s not Emma, it’s Emily. Anyways, we’re good and together,” he replied with a smile.

Rolling his eyes, Felix retorted, “So what? Alexa and I are together too.” I felt my eyes widen in surprise at his confident proclamation.

“We are?” I blurted out, caught off guard by his statement. Felix’s expression shifted to confusion.

“We’re not?” he inquired, genuine uncertainty in his eyes.

I took a quick breath, trying to explain myself. “No, I mean, yes. Wait, what I’m trying to say is – you didn’t really ask me, so I assumed...”

He sighed softly, taking my hands in his. “Alexa Rose Parker, I, Felix William Colton, promise to take care of you, look after you, protect you, and, if possible, love you until death do us part. So, do you, my dear Cupcake, take me as your dearly claimed boyfriend?” he stated formally.

I couldn’t help but burst into giggles at his heartfelt, yet somewhat formal, words. Felix’s gaze held amusement and a gentle smile.

“Hey, don’t laugh, Lex. I’m being serious,” he said, maintaining a mock-serious expression as he waited for me to continue.

I composed myself, attempting a serious tone as I looked into his eyes. “I do.” My statement was met with a bright grin from Felix.

He leaned in, excitement in his eyes. “You may now kiss your girlfriend,” I prompted with a playful smile. He didn’t waste any time, pressing his lips to mine.

In the blink of an eye, that slow, passionate kiss evolved into a fervent make-out session, leaving me feeling more connected to Felix than ever before.

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