Fates Divided: Halven Rising

Fates Divided: Chapter 23

Elena and Derek were ushered into one of Emain’s dorm-like rooms—small, but way cleaner than the dorms at Dawson, and the furniture was all antique. Elena crossed and sat on the bed.

She’d never had the privilege of seeing this part of Emain before, because the Fae had kept them in the laboratory or the gymnasium. Few Fae had entered those parts while Elena and Derek trained. But here, in the dorm section, many tall, beautiful Fae in dark clothing milled about.

And stared. As though she and Derek were freaks. Or enemies of the state.

They were Halven. To Fae, who were being attacked by a virus created by Halven, Elena and Derek were the enemy.

“What happened out there, Keen? You heal quickly and Derek does too?” She glanced at Derek and did a double take. He’d stripped off his bloodied T-shirt and his muscled chest was on full display.

Images of him above her, his mouth and hands touching her, flashed in her mind. Her heart thumped erratically.

Derek wet the T-shirt at a small sink in the corner and wiped his back clean. It had been shredded and bloodied less than two hours ago and was now smooth and healthy. They’d had to hide out for a while before entering the Physics Hall. Derek’s blood wasn’t very discreet, and emergency crews were everywhere. The university had even quarantined part of the quad. Keen didn’t want to take a chance on being seen by whoever was behind the explosion.

Derek pulled out a long-sleeved shirt from his backpack and tugged it over his head.

“Fae and Halven heal quickly,” Keen said. “Fae from birth, Halven once they reach their majority. Derek has been healing since he reached his majority two years ago.”

“But I just reached my majority and I don’t heal like that.”

“You have already healed,” Keen said. “You had sustained a large bruise across your forehead when I pulled Derek off your back.”

Derek shielded me?

He sat beside her on the bed and stared down, hands clasped between his legs.

“And you could not hear me talking to you,” Keen continued. “How do you feel now?”

“Fine. No pain. Even the ringing in my ears is gone.” She glanced away, thinking. “What does that mean? Are Halven immortal like you?”

Leo burst inside the room before Keen could answer. His uniform was impeccable, but dark shadows weighed down his eyes.

Emain had beds. Fae could heal, but they clearly needed sleep. More than Leo was getting, based on his appearance.

“The university is investigating the explosion,” Leo said. “Humans recognized you and Derek running from Marlon St. Just’s laboratory. They are searching for you as we speak.”

Great. So hiding out until they could slip into the Physics Hall undetected had been only half productive. The bomb’s creator hadn’t gotten to them, but the university had connected them to the bomb.

“You will remain in Emain until we find a cure,” Leo continued. “Reparations for the explosion will be made through our campus representatives.”

He turned to Derek, a firm look in his eye. “Why did you foolishly return to your lab when your business is here while we seek the cure?”

“There is no rule saying I can’t go to my lab,” Derek shot back.

Leo sighed like an exasperated parent.

Derek looked at Elena, and she nodded. The Fae needed to know about Marlon. It might help them with the cure. And maybe if they worked together, the benefits would outweigh the risk of the Fae knowing that Derek had helped create the disease spreading throughout their land.

Derek stood and paced the room. “I believe Marlon masterminded the virus.”

“What are you talking about?” Leo said.

“I went to the lab a couple of days ago and found evidence that the fast-acting flu virus we’d been working on had been tested on Fae tissue.” He stopped and turned to Leo. “Elena and I returned today to see if we could recover the ingredient that Marlon indicated in his documentation blocked Fae healing.”

Leo’s face reddened. “How dare you keep this from me?”

Elena sat straighter. “He wasn’t hiding it to prevent you from finding a cure. Derek had every intention of taking what he’d learned and helping the Fae, but you’ve threatened us since we arrived. He feared you’d use the information against him. Can you blame him?”

Derek put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “I only recently discovered the truth about Marlon. These last couple of years, I never knew, Leo. I went to Marlon’s lab a couple of days ago, because I suspected he might have been involved once I learned about the Fae virus. This morning, I returned with Elena to find F-18, an ingredient that was key to making the virus lethal. I’d hoped that if I found it, Elena could manipulate the molecules into an antidote rather than try to pull a healing solution from thin air. We share the same goal. Elena and I are not working against you.”

“That’s all very well, this scheme of yours to create a cure behind our backs.”

Derek sighed. Leo was willfully misinterpreting his words, and Elena was frustrated too.

“But in your incompetent efforts to investigate Marlon St. Just, you now have campus authorities looking into the explosion with your names pinned to it, and they are not so understanding.”

Elena sank her head into her hands. Dawson was within their rights to expel her if they believed her responsible for the lab’s destruction.

“You said you’d take care of it. You can’t let us take the fall for this,” Derek said angrily.

Leo inspected the back of his hand casually. “There may be something we can arrange.” He looked at her, his expression determined. “We’ll discuss it after Elena produces the antidote.”

More leverage to force her to help? Wasn’t she already helping? Or was there something else they wanted from her? Would she be at the Fae’s beck and call forever?

Leo strode to the door.

“What about the guy Marlon was working with?” Derek called out.

Leo stopped and turned. “What guy?”

Derek rubbed his forehead. “There were emails between Marlon and a guy named Beorhtric, both of them using Dawson email addresses. Most of the emails were an exchange of information on general scientific findings and instruments they were using, but Marlon saved the emails with his virus files.

“The emails were friendly at first, then Marlon and the guy had a falling out. Marlon wanted access to more ingredients—wanted to visit Beorhtric—but Beorhtric refused him and didn’t answer Marlon’s last email.”

“Beorhtric?” Leo said, as if surprised. “Many scientists have traveled between Tirnan and Emain, but only one with that name is notable in this instance. If the man you speak of was who I think, he wouldn’t have had anything to do with the virus. He is dead. A transmutation wielder who succumbed to the disease.” Leo turned to Elena. “Your uncle.”

Her uncle?

Elena let out a shaky breath. She had never known her mother’s brother, but she couldn’t help hating Marlon just a little bit more for the loss of so many.

Derek looked over, concerned, and she smiled weakly. She would have liked to know her mother’s family, but right now she couldn’t fixate on it. She had to focus on saving everyone else.

“Beorhtric provided Marlon with F-18,” Derek continued. “That was the only connection I could detect, but Beorhtric didn’t seem to know Marlon’s true purpose, and he appeared to get cold feet when Marlon asked for other things from him. Marlon wanted ingredients only Beorhtric could provide.”

Leo looked down. “Likely ingredients only found in Tirnan. It seems St. Just used a rare connection to our people and turned it against us.” He shook his head. “Beorhtric was a scientist and a brilliant magic user. It is possible he put the differences between Halven and Fae aside and trusted Marlon with an ingredient he thought might further science. He was more patient with humans for his sister’s sake than the rest of us, and he paid a heavy price with his life.” He stared accusingly at Elena.

She straightened, frustrated by the accusation. Beorhtric had been kind to Marlon because his sister, Elena’s mother, had married a human. But not all humans or Halven were like Marlon. Beorhtric had chosen the wrong person to trust.

“There is much to think about,” Leo said. “It can’t be a coincidence Beorhtric was one of the first to fall to the virus. If Marlon and Beorhtric were in communication, it’s possible Marlon passed the virus through a contaminated instrument or some other means before the lockdown with Emain. We may never know how Marlon managed to spread the disease to Tirnan, but now we know he had the means. There is nothing that can be done now except to fight this virus.”

Leo spun and grabbed the doorknob, but before he opened the door he said, “Elena, I will give you time to compose yourself after your ordeal this morning. I expect you at the lab in one hour. Keen will escort you.”

His heavy gaze landed on Derek. “Your room is down the hall, where you will remain while Elena works. Keen has been instructed to intervene if you do not comply. You and Elena have spent too much time alone. I see the danger in it now.”

Leo stepped outside, and Derek followed. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Derek said. “Is this because of the lab, or… Is this a dad warning? If we want to be together, it’s none of your damn business!” he shouted at Leo.

Heat crept into Elena’s cheeks. She sprang up and grabbed Derek’s arm, pulling him inside, but it was like moving an angry bear.

Leo faced them and calmly said, “I will not risk complications. With your lineage, if you and Elena were to… You were never meant to form a connection. No matter what, the lines must remain as pure as possible. Too much dilution has been introduced as it is.” His gaze cut to Elena then back to Derek. “You will assist Elena with her work, but that is all you will give her. Otherwise, you will find yourself dismissed and you’ll never see her again.”

His words confirmed the thought niggling the back of her mind—that her freedom had vanished the moment she’d agreed to help the Fae.

Could Leo really keep them apart?

She wrapped her arm around Derek’s waist. “Let it go. There’s nothing we can do about it right now.”

This time he came willingly when she pulled him inside.

Keen moved to the door. “Say your goodbyes. You have one hour.” He lifted his eyebrow as he stared at Derek.

Elena had the impression Leo didn’t want her and Derek alone at all. Was Keen disobeying him? Leo hadn’t specified that Derek leave immediately, but it was implied. She supposed that was a technical error on Leo’s part. Which meant Keen was taking advantage.

Those angsty moments with Reese last night must have softened him up.

Derek locked the door behind Keen, strode across the room, and slumped on the bed. His mouth compressed into a thin line. “Why does he care if we’re together?”

Are we together? She hadn’t tried to define what they were, but after last night she couldn’t imagine being torn away from Derek. Not when she’d only just realized how much she cared about him.

She walked over and stood in front of Derek, resting her hands lightly on his head. She smoothed the thick, unruly locks of his hair. “I don’t want to think about Leo. I want to be with you while I can.”

Derek leaned forward until his forehead touched her stomach. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

She couldn’t lose him. He meant something to her. Meant more than even she was willing to admit. He saw her in a way no one else did. Yes, he understood her Halven side, but he also saw her nerdiness and magical flaws, and he still thought her beautiful. Still wanted to protect her.

She tipped his chin up and kissed him, releasing all the emotion welling inside her. Fear, love, anger, lust…

When they parted for air, Derek’s gaze searched hers. Whatever he saw on her face, he read it accurately. He stood and scooped her up, kissing her like he’d never see her again. If he hadn’t recognized the danger and acted quickly this morning, maybe he wouldn’t have.

They could heal, but heal from a point-blank chemical explosion? Keen had told them Halven were susceptible to guns. Why not bombs? The only reason Elena and Derek had come away in one piece was because they’d made it nearly to the door before the bomb had gone off, thanks to Derek’s sharp senses.

“I could have lost you,” he said between kisses, putting words to her thoughts.

He eased her onto the bed, his knee parting her legs so he could reposition himself between her thighs in a full embrace. His arms bracketed either side of her head. “I don’t want to lose you.” He leaned down, his lips and breath mingling with hers.

“You won’t. I—I want you.”

“You have me.”

“No. I mean, I want you.”

He looked up and there was a question in his eyes.

She leaned in and kissed him, her fingers trailing over his shoulders and slipping down his sides. She rucked his shirt up his back, wanting to see him without the audience of Keen in the room. And yes, feel him too.

“You’ll tell me if I go too far?” he whispered.

“You won’t. You couldn’t.”

Derek reached back, yanked his shirt over his head, and tossed it aside, the muscles in his arms and chest flexing with the motion.

Her mouth went dry, her brain a bit frenzied. She leaned up and kissed his torso and he sighed. His large hands dropped to her waist and he slowly pulled up her top.

It was as though no time had passed since this morning when they’d kissed and touched, and at the same time, it was as if this moment was all they had left. She didn’t know that with certainty, but she wasn’t taking chances. If she had nothing else, she wanted this.

Elena ran her hands down his stomach, faintly registering Derek unhooking her bra. The muscles on his stomach tensed the lower her fingers got, and a shiver racked his body. He leaned forward, edging her back so they were skin to skin, with nothing and no one between them.

“God, Elena—” His mouth landed on hers, and the heat, the rawness, took her breath away.

She ran her palms around his trim waist to his back, then slipped them beneath his jeans and squeezed the muscles beneath his boxer briefs. Derek rocked his hips forward.

The feel of him between her legs had that urgency she’d discovered when they’d kissed this morning building again.

He covered her moans in a frantic, deep kiss, moving his hands over her breasts, down her stomach to her waist. “I’ll stop whenever you want.”

“Do not stop.”

The “last night on Earth” scenario might be the perfect pickup line—and Reese would give her such shit for this—but Elena trusted her instincts.

The intensity she and Derek shared was real. She wanted this moment with him because she was falling in love with him.

His hand dipped to her inner thigh over her jeans, his fingers swirling over the sensitive place between her legs. She moaned into his mouth and gripped his back, her breaths a gaspy mess.

Derek leaned to the side, slowly unzipped her pants, and slid his hands to her lower back. He eased her jeans down her legs. Just that, the barest touch of his naked stomach and hips against her side, created a lightning storm of sensation.

His hand skated down her leg and pulled up her knees so he could remove one shoe, then the other. He rose and pulled her pants all the way off until the only thing she wore was her panties.

She was pretty shy about her body, but the way he looked at her with reverence and desire—it didn’t matter. She felt beautiful.

His heat-filled gaze took in every inch of her, and he slowly inhaled. “Why do you hide all this?” He shook his head. “You know what? Don’t answer that. More for me.”

He bent and kissed her breast. His soft lips trailed their way down to the top of her panties, then the inside of her thigh. “You are so beautiful, Elena.”

When she couldn’t take those soft, tempting touches of his mouth anymore, she wrapped her hands under his thick arms and urged him up. He covered her with his body and she reached between them, fumbling with the snap at the top of his jeans.

If she was in her underwear, it was only fair he should be.

He eased to his side to give her access and cupped the back of her neck, kissing her deeply as she tried to undo his pants. His tongue distracted her enough that she fumbled with the zipper before she managed to push his jeans down with his help. He kicked them off in a heap beside the bed and rolled her on top of him, her thighs straddling his waist.

Aside from the thin layer of underwear they both wore, she felt the long, hard ridge and sharp angles of his body beneath her.

Elena shivered, her fingers gliding over his chest and arms.

“Cold?” he asked.

She shook her head, but he pulled the covers up and rolled until he was leaning over her, the heat of his body warming her. His hand skimmed up and down her leg, her stomach. Everywhere he touched, her skin ignited. Very effective warming technique.

Derek ran his palm up her chest and cupped her breast, his thumb rubbing the sensitive peak. Her body arched, and he replaced his hand with his mouth, the backs of his knuckles skimming down her belly and beneath her panties.

He touched her the way she’d imagined him doing this morning. The intimacy of it was awkward at first, but then his fingers slid over a place that made her limbs melt and she really didn’t care anymore.

He moved in a steady rhythm over the spot that had her writhing, her hips lifting toward his hand, breaths coming quick as he kissed and touched her.

But she wanted more. She wanted to touch him too.

Tentatively, she trailed her hand down his chest and palmed the part of him that was so foreign, yet infinitely fascinating.

His fingers stopped their deft seduction on her body, and the muscles in his shoulders bunched. “Elena, I don’t think I can last if you do that.”

“I don’t want to stop what we’re doing. I want this. With you.”

He let out a slow breath. “We can wait. I would wait however long you want. We don’t have to do this now. Jesus,” he said, as if coming to another conclusion. “Keen’s somewhere outside the door.” He lifted up slightly, as though he was about to rise. “We shouldn’t do this here.”

She held on to him. “He’s not with us. It’s just you and me, and I don’t know when they’ll let us be together again.”

It was the oddest thing, but given everything that had happened today, the notion of being separated from him was what brought burning tears to her eyes. She blinked them away.

His face went taut. “Those bastards. Don’t worry about them, Elena. I won’t be far. I’ll find some way to stay with you.”

She reached behind his neck and brought his mouth down. “You are with me. Now.” She kissed him and pulled his body closer. “I want this.”

Derek pressed his forehead to hers and took a steadying breath. He kissed her tenderly and ran his mouth down her neck, his hand finding her breast again. “I can’t think clearly when you look at me like that… I promise to find a way to be with you, Elena. But I’m also not leaving you now. I don’t have the strength.”

They kissed and his hands skimmed over every inch of her body. When her breaths grew embarrassingly erratic, he reached over the side of the bed and grabbed something from the pocket of his jeans.

He set a condom packet beside them and kissed her again. She tugged at his boxers, and he slid her panties off.

Derek tore the condom wrapper and fit it on. He settled over her, and she felt him circling and pushing gently where his hand had rubbed earlier.

She wanted this moment, but she was nervous. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him softly.

“You okay?” he asked.

She nodded, and his eyes held hers as his body rocked slowly into her. His head dropped and he kissed her mouth, her neck.

Derek breathed slowly through his nose as if trying to maintain control, and all the while his body entered her and retreated, until there was no space between them.

He stilled. The tips of his fingers settled at her temples as his large hands cradled her face, a look of longing and love filling his features. “Elena.”

Just that one word—her name with so much emotion behind it. He moved again, and she stopped thinking entirely.

She ran her hands over the contours of his upper chest and arms, breathing in his scent, and that fluttery feeling he’d built earlier began again, only deeper this time.

Derek was everywhere, surrounding her body, her head, her heart. Nothing else mattered.

And when that fluttery sensation caused the muscles in her stomach to convulse, she felt no fear, no loss, just love and pleasure and Derek.

Derek lay on his side, his arms locked around Elena, their legs tangled. He waited for his breathing to calm, but somehow he didn’t think it ever would. He squeezed Elena tighter, brushing his mouth along her hairline. She smelled so good. And what he felt for her… She was his. Simple as that. He didn’t want to let her go, ever, let alone leave her room.

Damn, Leo. What an asshole. If Leo thought he could keep the two of them apart, he was wrong. Derek’s ability to Blend meant they couldn’t keep him trapped in one place for long.

“I wish you could stay,” she said, her breath tickling his chest.

He pulled her closer. “I’ll stay if you want me to. Screw Leo. He needs us, not the other way around. And if I have to tell my family what I am, so be it.”

She sat up. “No, Derek. Not if you think they’ll abandon you. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to, because you’re amazing and brilliant, but I’ve lost my parents. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, especially the person I care about.”

Derek snaked his arm around her soft curves and pulled her close, kissing her tenderly. This girl was everything to him.

He had known Elena from afar since the start of school, lingering around her without putting reasons to his actions. He made stupid justifications to himself for why he’d visit his neighbor’s apartment building when he was on scouting missions, though she was no threat. Not to his body. His heart was another matter.

Now that he knew her… She was it for him. He loved her, and he’d give his life for her.

Elena was good, and stronger than she gave herself credit for. And she was important.

Leo and Keen and the rest of them wouldn’t admit how special she was, but Derek knew they weren’t telling her everything. She was more valuable than they let on, and Derek wouldn’t allow anything to happen to her. Not just because he loved her, but because of the good she could do. The world needed Elena, and he wasn’t so selfish a bastard that he’d deprive others of her abilities just to save himself the heartache of losing his family.

“Let me worry about my parents. You worry about staying safe and doing what the Fae ask for now. I promise to stay close.”

Her mouth twisted. “I want to be near you, but maybe we should listen to Leo. We need their help as much as they need ours. It’s not safe for either of us anymore.”

He let out a sigh through his nose. “Though it pains me to admit this, I trust Keen to keep you protected while I’m in whatever room they throw me in for the afternoon. He’ll look out for you in the lab, I’ll make sure of it. And I won’t be far. Call if you need anything and I’ll come running, because I’m the bodyguard.” He grinned cockily.

She smiled at their inside joke, then her eyes dropped to his mouth and her lips parted.

His blood fired. When she looked at him like that, he wanted to—“Elena, you better stop looking at me that way, or I’m going to do something about it and you’ll be late.”

She gave a light pout he didn’t think she was aware of.

“Fine. Have it your way,” she said, but a spark lit her eyes, and she leaned over and kissed him. Adrenaline shot through his body at the press of her naked skin against his, and for a moment, he kissed her back, forgetting where they were.

He pulled away. “When this is all over, there’s going to be a ban on clothing when we’re alone. Only skin on skin, and lots of kissing.” She smiled and just about stopped his heart.

One way or the other, this girl might be the death of him.

They dressed, and Derek dipped his head out the door long enough to threaten Keen with bodily harm should anything happen to Elena.

He stepped back in and closed the door, dragging Elena to his chest and holding her close to his heart. “Don’t leave Keen’s side, okay?”

Derek glanced around as if he could see through the walls to what the Fae were really doing behind closed doors. But again, he wasn’t a superhero and he didn’t have that special ability. Maybe if he did, he could protect Elena better.

“Be careful,” he said. “I don’t trust this place.”

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