Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 6

Once dressed I slowly opened my bedroom window which overlooked the forest behind the house. I climbed out onto the roof and shut my window behind me. It will automatically lock because the damn lock is busted which I have not figured out how yet. It was not broken the day before. The only way it stays unlocked is if the window is open. After the window is shut I climb onto the branch that sticks out close to the roof. I slowly walk down the branch to the tree and climb up. From the top of the tree I jump from tree to tree without making any noise or moving the trees much. It is a little windy so as long as the wind is blowing anyone will think the little swaying at the top is from the wind.

I finally reach my hiding place after about ten minutes and fifty trees. I built myself a tree house at the very top of an ancient tree. I did not actually build it. The top of the tree actually kind of grew into a shelter type shape. But I did build furniture out of sticks and fallen trees though. I go over to the makeshift bed I made and lay down. Time to relax and wait for the King.

While waiting I find my self thinking about the King and how hot he is. I wonder why he does not have a mate or if he did and she died. But what freaks me out the most is my thoughts and desires for him. I felt drawn to him while we were talking and even now I feel like I need to go to him. Laying thinking about the King has my mind wandering to the future and what it may entail.

I must have fallen asleep waiting for the King because it is now dark. Atleast it was a dreamless sleep and I thank the Gods and Goddesses for that. I really needed some rest. I felt like I was running on fumes earlier. I wonder what has been going on. It is quiet, too quiet. The forest is never this quiet. It is starting to become worrisome. I check my watch but it died around 9pm. Ugh. I am going to have to climb up on top of the shelter to check the position of the moon. But if anyone is around they will spot me. There is a small window at the top of the shelter. If the moon is high enough I will be able to see it, but if it is not then I am out of luck. I go up to the window and see that the Moon is right in view. But unfortunately the position tells me I am about to go through my transformation without help.

I laid back down and started to cry. I can not believe I am going to have to do this all alone. I let myself cry for about ten minutes before I decided that it was for the best because with all my unique looks who knows how my transformation will go. As I lay there thinking about everything that has happened over the past month I did not notice that the forest came alive. The noise in the forest got so loud that it jumped me out of my deep thoughts. I knew it was time and that all was safe. I made my way out of the shelter and on to the branches of the next tree. Just as I was about to walk out in to the open I heard a voice I recognized.

“Chan e, stad. Na tig a-mach fhathast. Chan eil e sàbhailte dhut fhathast. Rach air ais a-nis!”

(No, stop. Do not come out yet. It is not safe for you yet. Go back now!)

I turn back around and re-enter my shelter. Thank the Gods and Goddesses the King warned me. Otherwise I would have been spotted. I do not respond to him because the mind-link I have is not safe to communicate with him privately. I lay back down and tune out the forest. As I lay here I keep wondering what is going on and why I am not safe. I thought with the King here I would be safe. Something must have happened to make him say that. I am glad he is here even though I will have to go through my transformation by myself. I start to drift off again.

I am standing in the middle of the Forbidden Grey Forest again. I start walking just admiring all the dangerous beauty around me. As I walk my body starts to tremble and ache. I push through because there is somewhere I must be. I continue on in the direction my instincts are taking me. I come out to a field of Wolfsbane. The flowers are simply beautiful. I continue on walking to the center of the field. I can not understand why I am not burning or hurting from the flowers but I am grateful. I lay down in the middle of the field and look up at the moon. It is a rare super blood blue moon.

“It is time,” I think to myself.

My body is aching something bad right now but I do not dwell on it. I let my body do its thing because if I fight it will only be worse. As my body contorts and changes I just stay as relaxed as possible. The pain is no where near what I have been told it would be like. My body stretched, filled out, and then shrank. Then I shot straight up to my feet and fell to my knees. My back arched my bones ached and cracked then reshaped. I could feel all of the hair on my body growing at once extremely fast. Then my arms lengthened and my hands reshaped in to clawed misshaped hands. Then my legs lengthened, my knees went backwards and my feet grew bigger with claws. My torso elongated and my face grew a snout and my ears grew larger. I finally stood up and howled at the moon. I started to take a step to go for a run but then my body was forced back down to the ground. I shrank back in to myself. My body did not feel like it was done and I started to worry a little.

“What in the world is happening to me,” I thought to myself.

All of a sudden my body started to shimmer and tingle. Once the sensation was over I was standing on four legs about eight feet off the ground My scales are a pearlescent color that shimmers in the moon light. I have a long tail and long neck. But my wings are more like shimmering air then actual wings. I lift my head to the sky and let out a monstrous growl. I go to take flight then my body drops again and I am lying on the ground in my own body again.

“Ok, so I have two forms. That’s different.” I say out loud.

I all of a sudden have this drive to run. So I get up and just run as fast as I can. I start to slow down when I see a fallen tree up ahead. I do not think I can clear it. But my body refuses to slow and I leap as high as I can and my body changes mid leap. I do not understand want is going on, but all I can see is fire everywhere. I see a lake up ahead and run to it. I stop at the edge and every step I take a sizzling sound happens. The wet ground is drying under my feet. I look down into the water. My body is in the shape of a gigantic dog but all black. I have read lava swirls going all over my body, almost like if I just let it loose I will light up. Just then my body lite up but the fire never burned my body, My eyes were a deep fiery red like the pits of the underworld. I moved my giant head to the sky and let of a screeching growl that could scare even the gods themselves. Then I jumped into the lake. After surfacing I noticed I was in human form again.

“I am so sick of this. When will this just end already?” I yell

I dive back down and decide to just swim for a little while to ease my aching muscles. The cool water feels so good right now. I swim around investigating under the water for about ten minutes when something grabs my leg and starts pulling me to the bottom.

“Oh great now what? Why am I being pulled to the bottom?” I ask myself. Though I do not even have a clue.

I am pulled straight to the bottom. My arms and legs are then bound with the weeds at the bottom of the lake. I look up trying not to panic. I am looking into the most beautiful set crystal eyes I have ever seen. It took me a minute to get past the eyes to notice it was a man that trapped me down here. I remember that I was tied up when I went to reach my hand out to touch him. I started to struggle against my bindings but the guy simply touches my cheek and says, “Leig air falbh.” (let go) I want to scream at him and ask him what he means by let go when my body goes limp and all I see is darkness.

“So this is how I die. Bound to the bottom of the lake by a beautiful man.” I think to myself.

I feel weightless and free. If this is it then at least it was not by the grubby hands of Alpha Jameson. But just as that thought went through my mind I am pulled from the darkness with a rush of water. I slam my eyes open and notice I am swimming to the surface of the lake at speeds I could never achieve. I look to my right and there is a horse like creature swimming next to me. I look back to the top of the lake just as I break the surface. I swim to the edge and notice that I too have the form of a horse like creature. My mane and tail are made out of some type of grass from the lake. My fur is dark midnight blue with little sparkles from the water falling from me.

“Mu dheireadh thall. Bha mi a ‘smaoineachadh nach robh thu a’ dol a leigeil às. Bhithinn air bàsachadh nan cailleadh mi thu cho luath. Lorg mi thu mu dheireadh thall,” A deep voice said in my mind.

(Finally. I thought you were not going to let go. I would have died if I lost you so soon. I just finally found you.)

“This is all getting too much. I have to wake up from this weird dream,” I thought to myself.

“Chan e aisling Christiana a tha seo. Bha còir agad a bhith an seo airson do chruth-atharrachadh,” The deep voice said again.

(This is not a dream Christiana. You were meant to be here for your transformation.)

Suddenly I lose my balance and fall to the ground. My mind, body, and soul are exhausted. I just want to to sleep. So I close my eyes. But instead of falling asleep I get these flashes in my mind. They seem so real. Like they are trying to tell me something. Then it all just stops. I am left confused and even more exhausted. Just as I feel my body start to shift again I scream out in pain. But it is not the shift that is causing the pain. Someone is harming my body in the other realm.

Chan e, lorg mi thu. Chan urrainn dhaibh do thoirt bhuam. Cha leig mi leotha,”The deep voice says again.

(No, I just found you. They can not take you from me. I will not let them.”

I finally realized that its the man from the water speaking in my mind. But why does he care what happens to me. I let my body fade to my other body in the other realm.

I immediately open my eyes and realize it is no longer night in the human realm. I slowly blinked my eyes adjusting to the bright light streaming in through the window. “Wait, what, how did I get here?” I questioned myself. The last thing I remember is going back into my hidden shelter in the trees because the King said it was not safe to leave it. I had gone back in and my transformation started, everything is a haze from there. My body ached something fierce. I know something happened while I was out, just from the pain I was having, but then I do not feel like I have been violated, So I am uncertain of what could have caused the pain. Suddenly one of the many doors in the room swung open and I sat straight up looking towards the door. The King was standing in the door way holding a tray full of food.

I just sat there staring at him trying to put my thoughts together. He walked in and put the tray down next to me and sat in a chair next to the bed. He then started uncovering dishes, shook out a napkin and laid it in my lap. Then he grabbed the fork and loaded some scrambled eggs on it and proceeded to bring it to my lips. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts and opened my mouth for the scrumptious smelling eggs. I slowly closed my mouth around the forkful of eggs and let the fork slide out of my mouth. While I chewed I kept staring at the King trying to figure him out. The way he was acting was so domestic and not something I would expect from the King. He kept feeding me til the plate was empty. He even helped me drink pineapple juice and some water in between a few bites. Once I was done eating he wiped my face with the napkin and put it back on the tray. Then he got back up and took the tray out of the room.

Once the door was closed behind him I jumped up and rushed to the bathroom. I used the necessities, then I eyed the giant shower. I decided to clean up even though I had no clothes to change into. I stunk and needed a good cleaning. I undressed and entered the shower, turning on the water it blasted cold at first then slowly warmed up. I did not mind because the jolt of cold water helped to fully wake my up. I stood there under the water reflecting on the strange encounter with the King. As I was rinsing my hair it finally dawned on me that the whole entire time the King was extremely careful to not touch my bare skin. He would touch any skin that was covered by the blankets or my shirt but that was it.

I started wondering why and all the reasons were running through my head while I was toweling off. All of a sudden the door to the bathroom came flying open and in came the King. He stopped dead in his tracks face turning bright red, then turned back around and slammed the door behind him. I started giggling leaving my musings for now. It was funny seeing the red staining the Kings face. I have never seen a man embarrassed by seeing a naked women. I wrap a dry towel around me and drop the wet one in the hamper. I brush my teeth with a new brush and toothpaste I found in the cabinet above the sink. Once done I decided to leave the sanctuary of bathroom and face the King. I just have this weird feeling that he is still in the other room. Just before I open the door I listen with my newly enhanced hearing. I could hear breathing and pacing. I decide to put him out of his misery and open the door.

I swing the door open and step out of the bathroom. The King stops mid pace and turns towards me.

“I’m so sorry for barging in on you. When I came back you were not in the room and I feared the worst,” The King apologized.

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