Fae Or Not I'm Coming For You: It's Only The Beginning

Chapter 15

We leave the stage and make the trek back to our apartments in the castle. Once in our apartments Hydrus rushes ahead and gets the shower running. He is already naked and waiting for us. Fenrir sets me on my feet and takes my robe off. I am so thankful that this one is red because the blood all over it almost blends in. It was good thinking on Hydrus’s part. Now that I am undressed I walk over to Hydrus while Fenrir undresses as well. Hydrus helps me in to the shower and steps in behind me. Fenrir joins us a minute later. They position the shower heads so we are all getting hit by the spray. I see that Fenrir has blood covering his face, arms, and it is soaked in to his hair. It is an extremely sexy look for him but if I tell him we will not be leaving for the fights til they are almost over and we need to be there.

The guys take turns washing me while I wash them one at a time. There is nothing sexual about this, it is just pure need of wanting to take care of each other. Fenrir gets out first and meets Hydrus and I with a towel as we step out of the shower. Fenrir dries Hydrus and I off then disappears in to the closet. We follow him in to the closet and he produces a toga style dress for me and a toga for Hydrus. Fenrir is already wearing his along with sandals. Once we are dressed Hydrus makes me sit on the bench and french braids my hair so it is out of the way and showing off my mate marks.

My belly has gotten slightly bigger since the sentencing. My Lycan says it is from eating Alphas Sean’s heart it contained all of the power he stole from people. My babes have been happy since we killed Alpha Sean. I am just glad that I am able to protect them and shift. I thank my Kelpie and Lycan for their help with the Alpha. Then I thank Isobel’s Wolf for helping protect the babes. I know some of the power went to her to help her heal more. She is still too skinny. I want her happy and healthy before I find a young women who is deserving enough to have such a wonderful Wolf.

Hydrus finishes my hair and Fenrir helps me up. We walk arm in arm to the arena. This time I pay attention and see that the walls are a gray color and have bronze swirls creating patterns throughout. The doors are black with white swirls and the floors are white with black swirls. The inside of the castle reminds me of a place I know but I can not place it. There was gold trim around the doorways, floor, and ceiling. It was enchanting to say the least. I can not wait to explore the castle and find all the hidden treasures in it.

We walk through a huge door way that seems impossible but natural at the same time. We enter another hallway, that then opens up on to a balcony that over looks a huge arena with a dome ceiling. Fenrir leads me to a seat and Hydrus sits on my left again. Fenrir sits to my right and we wait for every one to file in and take their seats. We sit for about twenty minutes while every one is taking there seats. While we are waiting Fenrir decides this is the time to confront me about my stunt at the sentencing.

“Chris you know you should not have touched Alpha Sean like that. I would have had a guard drag him up to me. All you did was sully your hands by touching him,” Fenrir says softly.

I sigh and say, “I know and I am sorry. I just get really impatient some times and he was making me really mad. He has always rubbed me the wrong way, and when I had that dream about what was going to happen at that party I wanted to destroy him that day. But I knew I had to wait for you in order to succeed.”

“Dream? You dreamed about something that was going to happen in the future?” Hydrus asks.

“Yes. I have had weird dreams off and on for almost a year. There is one that repeats all the time but more recently more has been added to the dreams. But the night before the swearing in ceremony I had a dream about what was going to happen and who was involved in my pack. I wanted to kill them all and run away when I woke up. But I was more scared because I had not transformed yet and was basically powerless against them. So I had to wait and pray that Fenrir showed up.” I replied.

“Were the Alpha’s and Beta’s here in the arena there?” Fenrir asks.

“There is one down there that is not part of any of this. He looks similar to one of them but this

Alpha was an older version. But some of them were back to me in my dream so I would not be able to tell you all that were involved unfortunately. But I can say with certainty that one is pure and does not belong down there.” I say.

“Which one?” Hydrus asks.

“I can not tell from here but I can feel a pure heart down there that should not be destroyed.” I try to explain.

“So we wait and see if they are truly true of heart and see who is left standing.” Fenrir says.

“Now that, that is settled it is almost time to begin the fight,” Hydrus says.

I completely disagree with them but I do not have the authority they do to disagree, so I say nothing. Suddenly I am thrown back in my memories.

I am standing in the Grey Forest fighting with someone. We keep arguing over the same thing over and over again. I just snap my mouth shut, turn, and start walking away. I can hear them yelling for me to come back and finish with the discussion but I will not. It was not a discussion it was an argument. I and so tired of arguing over the right thing to do. I wish people would stop thinking they have the power over others and realize that the evil in this Realm is corrupting people.

With this last thought I am transported somewhere I have never been. I start turning in circles trying to figure out where I am. Oh boy I know where I am. Crap. I drop to my knees and bow my head.

“Christiana, please rise. You do not need to bow to us.” A sweet voice says.

I stand and look up. There, on thrones are the Gods and Goddesses and they have a very important job for me to do. I listen to everything they say carefully and with their blessing I leave to do my duty.

I come to just as everyone is finally here and sitting. I finally have a calm over me and feel like I can proceed with this. The Alpha’s and Beta’s are all in the arena surrounded by guards. Suddenly the doors to the arena open again and guards walk in wearing heavy gloves pulling a chain behind him. After walking a few feet I see the chain is attached to people. I instantly recognize them. These are the adults that participated in Alpha Sean dirty deeds, but there were more people then I thought here attached to that chain. At the end of the line of people were the people who pretended to be my parents. I looked over at Fenrir confused because I thought they were all supposed to be killed that day. Apparently he changed his mind but for what purpose though. He gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand before standing up to address our people.

“Good evening everyone. Tonight I have a special treat. At first when I went to the Pack Paisley to capture the Alpha, I had issued the order for all of the adults present at the party to be killed on site. But when I found out there were other Alpha’s and Beta’s involved I rethought my decision. I know my Queen is confused because she was under the impression that they had all been killed, but here is my surprise. All of the adults that have been involved in these schemes have come to this arena after thorough investigation and questioning. These adults were caught red handed. But that being said, will Paul and Rose step forward for the queens sentencing of you.” Fenrir announces.

I stand up and stand next to the King as people gasp wondering what is going on. I see the two people who pretended to be my parents step forward. When they see it is me who will be doing their sentencing they pale and start shaking. I grab Fenrir’s hand and hold my other out for Hydrus to take. Hydrus stands up and takes my hand. They are both sending soothing emotions through our bond to help. I stand there trying to figure out what I should do, but then it dawns on me that I want answers before I sentence them.

“Paul and Rose when I ask a question you will answer fully and honestly.” I say to them with resounding power in my voice.

“Yes your Majesty,” they say at the same time.

“What was your part in all of this?” I ask.

“We were the one’s that searched for you. When we found you we gave you a potion that we were given. At first we did not know it would erase your memories because your memories were never supposed to be wiped. The potion was supposed to make you sleep and forget your parents not your entire past. When we found out what the potion really was we brought you to our home and took care of you as if you were our own. We had a daughter before you. She was one of the first to be destroyed by the Alpha. Things had been different before Sean took over the pack. We thrived and were cared for and we had children running around everywhere. Sean took over and that all changed over night. None of us could figure out at first what had caused him to get so powerful. He was born an omega and had no wolf. He was a mean person after finding out he had no wolf and disappeared for years before he came back and wiped out the previous Alpha’s family.” They said but stopped as Rose started weeping.

I gave her a few minutes to calm down before I told them to continue with their story.

“One night our daughter went missing from her bed. We searched the town but we were not allowed in the woods at the time. So we did not dare go in there. Just as we had reached our home to see if maybe she had come home, we heard a blood curdling scream and we knew it was our Ana. We did not even give it a second thought that we were breaking a rule. We just rushed in to the woods searching for her. We came upon the clearing the town used to use on full moons and ceremonies. But what we saw in that clearing was awful. There were dead bodies of children and Sean and his Beta were raping the girls. Sean had our Ana under him and she was barely conscious. We attacked Sean and tried to save Ana. But when he saw us coming he tore her heart out and ate it for the power it contained. We thought for sure he was going to kill us but he did not. He sent us home and said he would be by in the morning.”

“Why would you have not left or sent a message to the King about what happened?” I could not help but question.

“We do not know. We were so distraught with what we saw and thankful that we did not die as well. We just did not think.” They responded.

“So even though you witnessed your own daughter being raped and then killed for her power, you still wanted to go on living. I still can not understand why you would not have informed the King distraught or not. It is one thing to make a mistake under grief and not contact the King that night. It is another thing to not contact him or flee at all. You saw what he was doing and why he was becoming powerful but yet you did not try to stop him.” I say to them.

“Your right we should have contacted the King and we did not. That is a choice we had to make to survive. The nest morning Sean showed up and gave us an ultimatum. Follow him or die. He said before we made our decision he wanted us to find someone for him. This person would have enough power were he would not have to kill anymore children again. He said that person would be taken care of and treated properly and was his mate that had been taken from him. When we agreed to take on his mission he warned us that he had placed people in the Kingdom and he would know if we betrayed him and went to the King. He gave us a potion and said it would make the person forget their parents and make them tired. We believed every word he said. We did not however know who you truly were. You have always been a queen in your own right and I wish I could tell you who you really are but even we do not know. Sean did and that is why he wanted you. Your power is massive and knows no bounds. But when we found you your power was bound already. When we got you back to the pack Sean went nuts because your power had been bound. So he figured that it would break when you were 21 and he was correct but I am not truly positive about that.” They took turns saying.

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