Dream of Us

Chapter Chapter Forty-Three


Dyani’s POV.

“Dyani? Dyani?”

I can hear the worried voices of my mates, but they sound so far away. I try to focus in on them but my head hurts, the same dull ache that comes with a minor headache. As I take a mental check of my limbs, noting that my body is fine, my mind catches me up on the previous events. My mates marked me, meaning my memories should have returned.

It’s like someone has flicked on a light switch above my head. Every memory that I’ve tried so hard to recall returns to me in a flood. All of the glimpses and snippets I’ve recalled return with all of the missing pieces in place. It’s like I’ve just absorbed an entire textbook of information, I remember everything.

I remember my mother. Her smell, her laugh, the sound of her voice. She would read to me before bed. There are bad memories too, ones where she would hold me as she cried after arguing with my father, although I didn’t really understand it at the time. There are ones where she is laid up in bed and I’m told she’s too sick to see me. I remember her funeral and crying like I’ve never cried before.

Amongst the sad, are the happy. I can recall the very first time I met my mates. I was frozen in place, staring at the three most handsome boys I had ever seen in my life. So many memories of us playing and laughing and loving each other. I want to cry at seeing them all in my mind, so many happy moments forgotten, all stolen from me by Inteus. He’s lucky he’s already dead.

“Dyani, please, we’re worried.”

Voices break through my happy recollections. I try again to open my eyes and, this time, my body responds. The soft lighting in the bedroom is kind on my returning sight. I blink up and find my mates leaning over me, concern all over their faces.

“I’m okay,” I rasp. I have to cough to clear my throat so that I sound normal again. “I got my memories back.”

They grin down at me.

“Really? You remember it all?” Calian asks excitedly.


Denali breathes out a sigh of relief. “I’m so glad that worked.”

“Welcome back, Ani,” Nuka grins.

The cold air enters the bedroom and breezes over my body, helping me to calm down from the tidal wave of emotion I am feeling. It also reminds me of what their marking did. My mates sit back to admire their handiwork. I’m a boneless mess on the bed, sprawled out like a starfish, leaking juices between my legs and drops of blood from their bites.

Yet, I’ve never been happier.

“That was intense,” I tell them, pointing at the destroyed windows. “Was that meant to happen?”

From the frowns on my mates’ faces and the looks they exchange; I know the answer is no. At the very least, they didn’t know that would happen when they marked me.

“It’s a testament to how powerful our bond is,” Denali observes.

“Super fucking powerful,” Nuka mutters under his breath.

I smile up at him. His erection is pointing upwards away from his body. I reach for it and stroke him again, eager to finish what I started earlier. He looks down at me in surprise.

“Ani?” He asks curiously.

“What? You didn’t think we were going to stop and clean up the mess, did you?” I tease, gesturing at the windows, or lack thereof. “We’ll do that later. Right now, I want to finally feel all of you.”

He gulps at my words and looks at his brothers for confirmation. Calian’s eyes are locked onto my pussy as he jerks himself off in slow strokes. Denali’s eyes are ablaze with desire as they meet mine. His jaw clenches and he raises up in his knees.

“Who would you like first, Dee?”

“It’s gotta be you, Den,” I whisper back.

He looks pleased with my response. The others don’t argue, they nod along in agreement.

“Tonight, you can have each of us singularly. In the future, we’ll try taking you at the same time, okay?”

I nod eagerly at his suggestion. “Yes, I’m good with that.”

Denali settles between my legs. I keep playing with Nuka, who thrusts his hips to pump his dick into my tight grip. Still touching himself, Calian shuffles around to my other side and takes it upon himself to play with my nipples.

I’ve been so excited to finally complete the bond with my mates, I had forgotten the normal fear that the majority of virgins feel right before they have sex for the first time. This moment has been years in the making, I’m finally losing my virginity at twenty-five.

Denali looks into my eyes, watching my reaction so that he is ready to stop at any minute. I give him what I hope is an encouraging nod. I breathe in through my mouth and out through my nose as he positions himself between my legs. I think of it like getting a vaccination, relax and it won’t hurt as much.

I keep that advice in mind as the rounded end of his dick rubs up and down my folds. He finds my entrance and pushes gently against it. I feel the resistance immediately and focus on relaxing my muscles. He pushes again and the first inch stretches me out. I inhale sharply through my nose, surprised by his girth. He watches me carefully and pushes forwards again, entering inside a little more.

The stretch is uncomfortable but doesn’t hurt. I nod at him to continue. Denali draws back and slides forwards, making me take another inch. As he repeats this, I squeeze Nuka’s dick and focus on Calian’s mouth on my nipples. Only seconds later, he has filled me completely. There is a mild ache below my waist from being so full, but it’s offset by the incredible feeling of being totally connected with my mate.

Denali grabs my ankles and lifts my legs, making me bend at the knees to tuck them closer to my body. I understand why he has done this when he flexes his hips and enters me even more deeply than before. I let out a moan to show my approval for this position. He chuckles and thrusts faster, knowing I can take it.

He begins to really move, fucking me like I’ve watched guys do in porn, only with far more love and attention. The slaps created by the continuous joining of our bodies are oddly erotic. They fill the room and distract me from the chill coming in through the broken windows.

Nuka pushes my hand away from his dick and I know it’s because he doesn’t want me to make him cum. Instead, he starts sucking on my other nipple. With Denali between my legs and Calian and Nuka torturing my nipples, my second orgasm hits me like a freight train. My body convulses under their touches, reaching euphoria again.

As I’m catching my breath, Denali reaches his peak. He growls in pleasure and pulls out suddenly. His magnificent cock, covered in my juices, releases across my stomach, painting thick ropes of white across it. He catches his weight on his arms, panting heavily. My other mates wait patiently for him to move out of the way, and then Calian takes his place.

I don’t realise how empty I feel until Calian fills me up with his dick. He doesn’t make me take him inch by inch, he stuffs his full length inside me, filling me to the brim. I lift my legs for him, letting him go as deep as he can. He lets out a grunt and begins to thrust at a steady pace.

Denali disappears and reappears moments later with a cloth. Calian keeps fucking me as Denali cleans his mess off my stomach. Nuka moves his kisses up my body, over his mark on my neck, which is incredibly sensitive, and to my mouth. He kisses me as Calian fucks me. I’m in seventh heaven, loved and surrounded by my mates.

Nuka pulls back from our kiss to watch the show. Calian speeds up as he gets closer to reaching his peak. Like Denali, he pulls out at the last minute and empties himself across my chest. He thrusts his hips forwards as he moans, sending the spurts onto my breasts. A drop lands on my chin and I swipe it up with my finger before sucking on it.

“Fuck,” he breathes, sitting back on his heels.

His dick is still hard, leaking more white drops from the tip. He steps off the bed to clean himself up and Nuka settles between my legs. He smirks up at me, entering me in one thrust. I gasp at the sudden motion and clench around him, he growls in approval.

Nuka bends down over me so that he can kiss me while still thrusting into me. I can feel my own excitement dripping down to my asshole. Being with three guys in one night is fulfilling every fantasy that I’ve had since I met my mates. I remember dreaming about this before I lost them.

I can tell when Nuka is close because his thrusts speed up. I cling onto him, holding on tightly as his thrusts get sloppy and more stunted. He finally pulls out and releases across my stomach, stroking himself with his hand until he is thoroughly spent.

“Why didn’t you cum in me?” I ask him when he has recovered.

“Next time,” he promises.

I think it is because he didn’t want to overstep. My other mates didn’t cum in me, so Nuka didn’t.

They clean me up and carry me over to our giant bath. All of us get into the tub and soak in the hot water. I feel so relaxed and unbearably happy. I have my mates back, I have my memories back, I have a family and a future and everything I could ever want.

I’m on such a high that I forget all about the windows, so it’s a bit of a shock when I go back into the bedroom and find the temperature has dropped dramatically.

“Those damn windows,” I mutter.

“Leave them, we’ll fix tomorrow. Tonight, let’s sleep in our own rooms,” Calian suggests.

Not wanting to choose between the three of them, I retire to my own bedroom and fall asleep with a smile on my face.


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