Divinity Of The Lost Elements

Chapter 11

Sora POV

After long hours of waiting to be glamorized, the time had arrived.

Usually, the Era temple is exclusively open to those with power. Today was different, all of air elementa and other elementa were welcome in the air temple.

I had forgotten how magnificent the Era temple is. The temple was all white, decorated with elaborate sculptures made of plaster and mirrored pieces of glass. It is said that in certain places of the temple, when it is a clear day the sunlight reflects off of the mirrored glass pieces. Making it difficult to look at without the proper eyes. This was one of many tests Ilmari had to go through to determine if he was truly the true guardian of air elementa.

I stood in place of the temple in disbelief. The ornate sparkling white exterior looked shockingly surreal. Walking further inside spellbound by the stunning features of the temple something stood out the most. I continue to walk over, crossing the white bridge. Once I crossed the bridge I found myself in a different world. The contrast between the sparkling white exterior and the fiery golden hues of this place is stark.

There it was.

A tall statue of a wolf. The statue played with the light the way honey teases an unsuspecting sunbeam. It looked like tea…warm, orangey-brown and I was so intrigued by the warmth’s intimations so I found myself trapped. Circling the statue for who knows how long.

“Captivating isn’t it?”

Startled, I shifted my gaze to where the mellifluous voice was.

There was a mystery in his smile. A smile that I haven’t seen in almost a century. It shines and warms me, his eyes that always cut through me and everything else to see the true things in this world.

In me.

He walks towards me with a trigger-like tread, wearing an all-black floral suit. His lush jet-black hair is coiffed to perfection and his face is perfectly proportioned to each other. Those eyes have the same startling clarity of the colour of the leaves, the very hue of life.


As mad as I was with our previous disagreement, within seconds all that anger slowly melted away. It is that smile that had me fixated and unable to move. I found myself searching for words to respond but I couldn’t.

He whispered this time and said, “captivating isn’t it?”

The only time I ever see his eyes turn crystal-like is when he’s looking at me. Yet again here I stand, seeing my own eyes reflecting gold as ever.

“Ye… ye.. yes,” finally able to speak out loud.

breaking eye contact I glanced back up at the statue. “I didn’t know this was here.”

“I wasn’t talking about your statue.” He said.

“Ahem.. hem.. Your grace.”

“Oh!” I stepped back not realizing how close Azul and I were. He didn’t seem bothered by the interruption, instead, he continued to look at me.

Shy, I lowered my head down. It was unusual for someone in my status to lower their heads and it didn’t make a good appearance on the security guy to see me lower my head to whom he saw to be a commoner, a Von.

Azul didn’t move nor was he fazed by the security guy who just gave him a look of disgust. I picked up my gown and started rushing back.

“Will you dance with me!” He shouted across the hallway.

I stopped and turned back around.

He repeated, “Will you dance with me? Just like old times!”

A sudden flash memory of our past lives; a day where stars wink with enchanted dreams. It was just us amongst the stars and he took me softly in his arms all the while melting me down with his charms as he whispered, “Will you dance with me? Will you dance with me forever, Sora?”

How could I ever forget that day when we made the stars watch in awe. Almost in jealousy as we swayed in the night like fireflies.

“Always!” I responded.


Azul POV

I don’t know what made me say that but it excites me to see that she remembered.

Approaching her and seeing her doe-brown eyes melted my heart. How can I ever miss the clarity of her copper-brown skin and the way her glamazonian figure swayed in her long dusty blue mermaid dress.

Her songbird-sweet voice responded, “Always!”

I watched her leave till she was no longer in sight. I turned to face the statue of her wolf. Many people don’t know that Sora is the golden wolf that they’ve been anticipating to come and save them.

All because she was able to keep herself from shifting in front of others for such a long time.

I roamed the statue once more before heading to the place that I dreaded the most. The room where they will announce her union. My wolf and I had other plans, we weren’t excited to be in the same room with the guy who will now be Sora’s mate.

Let’s challenge Ahau..

Ilmari is testing us, he would never suggest challenging Ahanu. He wants to reveal something, and we can’t afford for others to know. Ever.

I don’t GIVE A DAMN about those fools! You dare place me here to watch this boy take OUR LOVE!

Cosmos listen, I don’t care for them either but we must be careful.

CAREFUL! CAREFUL? HMPH! Just know if you can’t control me I will unleash myself and take her.

You have been warned.

I rolled my eyes, and mumbled “Great.”

It’s frustrating enough, having to find a way to get Ahanu alone. Now I have to worry about stopping my wolf from creating chaos in the room.


I wasn’t surprised when I entered the large ballroom. Everything from the quartz vaulted ceiling with scalloped edging to the quartz marble floors just screamed out what a true Air elmenta signature design should be. Air is colourless and plain but there was nothing plain about this room.

Although this event is meant to bring all elementas together you could tell who were the outcasts. Everyone else wearing the colours air of elementa. The main one would be white sometimes sky blue but to not get confused with the water elementa’s many choose to stay with white. Whereas the Vons, lightning elements, all wore black. That has been the colour we are forced to wear everywhere and at all times.

The irony is that air and lighting are so much alike, both obtain their powers mostly from the sky. Yet here we are standing at the far back away from the main stage. No one bothered to tell us that we were to wear the colours of the air. I curled my fists, closing my eyes to block rage from quickening my blood.

I told you.

Far ahead were five high throne chairs. All designs in the specific elementa which would’ve been where all five guardians sit. Again there should’ve been a sixth one for the guardian of lightning. I watch as they announce Ilmari’s arrival. Some traditional air elements who are nomads clap loudly with pride as they watch the only guardian presented.

I put my hands in my pocket, leaned on the wall and blurred out the rest of the announcements and entertainment. Then finally Ahanu appeared from afar. His face hardened in concentration as he was looking for someone, circling till his eyes locked with mine.

Ahanu ambled forward with a purpose, pushing whoever stood in his way. A cold gaze was fixated on me and only me. I only broke eye contact to glance over where Imari sat and of course, he too was focused on Ahanu’s whereabouts.

I just hope he wasn’t foolish enough to encourage Ahanu to challenge me. I looked back at Ahanu and observed his movement. It was rage that had consumed him, completely and uttered rage.

When he was near all the Vons moved aside. I could hear whispers as they connected the dots of who he was after and searched for the answer to why. He stopped in front of me.

“Rumours say you too have made offerings to the divines to have Sora as your mate?”

Offerings? Hahaha.. Leave him to me… We saved him and this is how he will repay us. Disgrace?

This must be Ilmari’splan, to invoke me? Is this the best he could do? What does he want from me?

The crowds nearby gasp, and the Vons begin to whisper.

The corner of my lips moved up a bit, forming a smile but my eyes remained cold.

All I needed was to get inside of him and retrieve his memories. I can’t do it here without people thinking I’m a sins, and there’s no better time than this. Just in a few minutes, this dumbass will possibly be mated to Sora.

Even if I find a place to retrieve his memories quietly, his daring action has gotten him waaayy up my wolf’s shit list. There’s no way I’m leaving here now without fucking him up somehow.

“Rumours, that’s all they are. We can go elsewhere and talk about this quietly.” I said.

“Hmmph, GO WITH YOU! A son’s traitor.”

Strike two.

He came in closer to me and started to repeatedly poke my shoulder. “You. You. You are nothing. Don’t think because you have your grandfather as an elder that makes you eligible to even be with Sora.”

He poked me again.

“Your father was a traitor.”

He poked me again.

“Your mother was a traitor.”

He poked me again, “You are nothing but a traitor’s blood. Useless to this world.”

I grabbed his hand and all of a sudden he burst out into an almost maniacal laughter then he went quiet when he saw my eyes. I could see from the reflection of his eyes that my eyes had blackened. Electric pulses have now been generated outside my body. Each pulse generated by the rage mounted on. There was no going back, he would die by my hands today.

Ahanu tried to freeze my hand that still had a hold of his. I formed a smug look.

“Did you forget this traitor’s bloodline?”

“I hold the will of fire, the son of a powerful Von, and…”

I leaned forward so he could be the only one to hear, “I am Cosmos. The father of all darkness.”

Cobalt flame formed around us, trapping him and I only.

His eyes glowed.

I howled with laughter, You now bring forward your wolf? After I just revealed to you who I am? Do you think you will come out here alive?”

“If you kill me they will know!”

Look around you? Who are they?”

We were no longer at the ball. I had teleported us to a deserted forest. A place Vons only came to bury the dead because they made no room for us to honour our dead beloved.

He was frantic when the realization hit him. Searching for a way out, he couldn’t shift because I had already observed the majority of his energy. Leaving him with just enough to make things interesting.

And who said I will be the one killing you?”

“Then who will it be!” he yelled.

He was already in a fighting stance.

Your mind. I am only here to retrieve something. The rest will be all determined by the strength of your willpower.”

I was nice enough to wipe away his memories when the sins were inside of him. Let’s see how well he will adjust to remembering every excruciating moment with the sins.

Your mind will be your prison.”

I emit a telekinetic wave that’s powerful enough to immobilize him. Allowing me to enter inside his body with ease, completely possessing him. In seconds thousands of imaginary flashes. Observing all the necessary memories and skipping the ones that weren’t useful to me.

After some time I teleported us back to the ball and unpaused time. I left him there completely immobilized. The crowd around was shocked. Ilmari came rushing through the crowd and grabbed my shoulders, which was a big mistake. I was still emitting multiple electric thunderbolts.

An intense blinding light burst out, throwing Ilmari halfway to the other side of the large room. Where he landed the floor cracked.

The entire room fell silent. There isn’t a living person in this room that would dare challenge a guardian let alone their powers against one.

My jaw clenched as I fixed my gaze on him. This was a challenge and I could see that he knew that he had gone too far. Ilmari quickly got up and stopped others from approaching me.

Good because this was a warning.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath in and out. I don’t care much to look at other people’s expressions but as I turn to my back I see many people wearing black, kneeling, heads bowed, and their right fist placed on their chest in a signature Von’s stance.

One man stood up and yelled “BEHOLD OUR VON GUARDIAN!”

Shit! Shit!

A discharge of electricity erupted out of their bodies. Bright flashing lights lit up like fireworks. All pledging their allegiance to me. I remember this happening before when they had done the same with my father. This was the Von way. Little did they know that I was not their leader, I do not wish to be their leader.

This was meant to be a ceremony where all announce their mates or bounds but instead, it turned out to be where Ilmari tricked me to reveal my identity as the Von's guardian.

I looked in his direction and formed a smirk. He gave me what I needed, which was Ahanu memories and he got what he wanted.

For me to show myself as a guardian. To be held responsible for the next action Cosmos takes.

Which will disappoint my people once again.

I gave him a scrutiny look before leaving the room.

He very much knows.

What I fear for him, is what Cosmos will do to him or anyone else who knows.


Sora POV

I am outside ready to leave the Era capital and find my way inside the Kia-Zul library. Till I hear Azul scream shaking the entire temple. Pillars of smoke surge into the tar-black sky, and lightning flashes across the sky. A clunking sound could be heard from the sky. It’s as if a huge anvil is being dragged across the vault of heaven against its will. This wasn’t Azul’s summoning. It was Cosmos’ summoning the chaos of thunder.

There is no time for me to rush inside by foot, if this is truly Cosmos’ summoning then I have no choice but to teleport myself directly to where Azul stood. Before Azul could summon his deathly thunderbolts and destroy the temple, I quickly rushed to him and took his hand. Taking him far away. To the wonders of the universe. We stood in a pool of water, surrounded by infinite blackness with millions of specks above- and all around was starlight.

His home. The universe.


He blinked as his eyes adjusted back to his regular sight. I could hear the steady sound of his heartbeat, his energy responding to the flow of my serenity powers wrapped around him in comfort.

“I could’ve assembled it back up,” he said.

His posture suddenly stiffened and let out a forceful breath.

“If I do anything out of the ordinary, Sora.” He held both of my hands and wrapped them inside his. “Find a way to kill me.”

I pulled my hands away from his with a look of terror.

“What did you do Azul?” I muttered.

“Just promise me…..”

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