
Chapter 25: Shit.

Elora’s POV

I cried as I watched my best friend Myla left with my boyfriend’s best bud Aspen. I don’t know why but I’ve been feeling emotional lately. Maybe it’s because of the situation that we are in right now. We’ll never know which one of us will be the next to fall ill and change just like our friend Theo already did.

“They’ll be alright.” Logan replied.

I sniff, “I know. I’m just worried.”

“All we can do to support them now is to begin this project so that we’d have some progress when they get back.”

I nodded, “Okay.”

“Get inside and help Nikita with the chores. Vince is already in stand by guarding the back of the house. Erica and Natasha will be with us as we start with the fence. After lunch we’ll start with the self-defense training with the others.”

“Sure. Be safe out here.”

“We will.” he kissed my head, making me flush. Even though we have been dating for years now my heart never stops beating fast every time he is around.

Logan walked me with Nikita and Olivia out in the back where we will start our inventory of our supplies to know what we will be needing for this ongoing calamity. Vince was already there waiting in front of the door as Logan went back in front with the others.

“You guys can start in this section and I’ll start here.” I told Nikita as she nodded walking to the right side of the room with her paper and pen.

A few minutes later I am already slumped to the floor as I count our stocks of toilet paper writing everything down as I move to the next item. I looked at my wrist watch when I noticed that it was already almost lunch time and Nikita, Olivia, and I had to start cooking for the rest of the group.

“Nikita. Olivia.” I called them as they both replied with a ‘yes’, “We should head back inside for lunch. We’ll just continue later.”

“Sure. I’ll just finish counting these.” Nikita replied pointing at the stock of different laundry detergents.

I nodded, “Okay.”

Moments later Vince, Nikita, Olivia, and I are already walking back to the house. I can see the rest of the group busy with their hammers, nails, and other equipment. Erica and Natasha are there watching the boys as they get busy.

“Will you guys start with the preparations? I’ll just go and check on Logan.”

“Okay.” Nikita said, nodding as Vince and Olivia went to the kitchen as I ran up to Logan and I’s room to get some towels and a shirt. When I went down I just got some refreshments and snacks as Vince helped me before making our way downstairs.

I stride towards Logan and as if feeling my presence, we immediately locked eyes. Vince gave the others their share as I walked to my boyfriend.

“Hey.” he greeted, his hands instinctively held my waist as I leaned to him giving him a peck and used a towel to wipe the sweat off his face, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Have some snacks first before continuing. Lunch we’ll be here shortly.”

“You’re the best.”

I rolled my eyes, “I know.” as this time he gave me a proper kiss, kissing me softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck, not minding that he was sweaty with all of the work they did. I’m used to it. Logan is an athlete so each time I watched him during practice or after games this is how we greet each other.

When we broke the kiss to catch our breath Logan hugged me nuzzling his face to my neck. I can feel him sniffing me. He always does that, smelling me. He says that I smell just like home. Which is a huge compliment for me knowing that Logan and his troubles with his family. I loved that he is reminded of me as someone that he can go back to at the end of each day.

I touched his peck lightly when he began kissing my neck as heat shot down to my core. I pushed him lightly before things even escalated. I am not shy to do intimate things with Logan in public but I remembered that we have a lot of things to be done today and we have no time for all of this. This was all supposed to be a vacation where we’ll be able to enjoy ourselves and not worry about anything but with the reality of the situation right now we should put aside these things for the meantime.

“Go get change first. You might get sick. You still have a lot to do.” I said as he groaned just remembering what he has to do.

Logan stepped back from me and immediately took his shirt off. My eyes almost bulge out of its sockets seeing his abs glistening. Being an athlete, he has a lean muscular body but not too bulky that he looks like a wrestler.

I bit my lower lip urging myself to look away and let him change but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. His jeans hang dangerously low on his hips, v-line is visible so does his happy trail. He looks like a hot lumberjack. Suddenly I became flushed and bothered. It’s been a while since we had sex after everything that has happened we didn’t seem to get in the mood but now seeing him like this my body immediately reacted to his.

I think he felt my gaze as he continued to flex his muscles teasing me as a grin formed in his lip. I just scowled at him, making him laugh as he finally wore the shirt that I gave him. Thankfully the sizzling feeling that I felt in my blood slowly died down.

“I’m dressed now.” he said, wiggling his brows as I rolled my eyes.

“I’m going back inside to prepare lunch.” I replied ignoring his smirk flicking my hair as I turned around and went up the stairs when I yelped, feeling his large hands slap my ass. I glared at him as he gave me an innocent smile. But there is nothing innocent about Logan, at all. “Logan!”

“Yes, love?”


“Whatever.” I just said despite my insides protesting.

I just joined the others upstairs hearing Logan’s laughter echo until it was cut as I shut the door. I busied myself with Nikita and Olivia preparing food for the rest of the day distracting myself with Logan and his antics. I mean Logan is just being Logan but somehow with the situation going on right now I felt guilty to have these small moments with him knowing that the world around me is somehow in chaos. That’s why despite my body telling me to just go pull Logan and lock us both into our room and just enjoyed each other’s company I wielded myself to stop flirting with him— in public at least.

A few minutes later we are finally done preparing lunch. We called the others to join us and we quietly ate together. Well at least the first batch of the shift. Logan insisted that we should take turns since someone has to stand guard to keep the rest safe.

As much as I am proud of Logan for taking care of the rest of the group I can’t help but feel worried. Logan is a born leader that’s why I am not surprised when coach chose him to become captain of the team. He is a natural. Stepping up when the situation needs him to. Just like what is happening right now.

We ate first along with Natasha and Erica. Jaden, Logan, and Sebastian stayed outside to become lookouts. I can’t eat knowing that Logan still hasn’t eaten yet but I know I need to do some tasks later so I just took a bite and told myself that I will continue eating later once the others are done with their break.

A few moments later everyone was finished with their lunch so I quickly helped to clean up. Looks like I’m not alone for thinking that as everyone didn’t stay for too long knowing the others are waiting and we all have tasks we need to finish. I was already washing the dishes that the first shift used when I saw something in the forest. The boys were so busy talking that they didn’t seem to notice what was going on around them. After all Natasha and Erica were supposed to be the look outs and they are the only ones to do the labor but they are in the comfort room right now so that they don’t have to go once they are back on duty.

Immediately my heart almost jumped out of my chest as I ran outside of the house. I can hear Olivia’s worried voice and the sound of a plate breaking into pieces. I ran pushing the door open as a loud thud echoed around us. The boy’s attention immediately shot towards me as they looked at me quizzically.

Logan was about to call my name when I shouted, “Behind you!”

“W-What?” Sebastian stuttered.

“Run!” I shouted again as they finally stood in alert looking around them when they noticed that suddenly 3 sickos came out from the tree line. The boys immediately scrambled into action. Logan took out his gun from his holster as Jaden and Sebastian, who were unarmed, ran up the stairs.

“Get away! Get out of our property!” Logan said, pointing his gun to the three of them before slowly backing up the stairs. Worry suddenly consumes my whole being, “I’m warning you I know how to use a gun and I won’t hesitate to shoot you.”

Logan warned the sick people repeatedly but they didn’t seem to listen. He was on the third step of the stairs when one suddenly launched himself on him as Logan shot in instinct. Vince who heard the commotion quickly went out and also took his gun and shot the sickos. Logan was able to shoot one of them again as they began to throw themselves at him and Vince was able to take one out. However, one of them was left still walking no matter how many times they shoot him (including Natasha and Erica who finally joined us after hearing the gunshots) and slowly the other two also rise up after tumbling to the ground unaffected by the bullets.


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