Detained: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 4)

Detained: Chapter 65

The warm breeze brushes across my skin as I sit with Jax on the skiff waiting for Frankie to give us the all clear to climb up onto the yacht. I squeeze my eyes shut as another gunshot goes off. Jax fidgets next to me, clearly itching to get up there and join in. But, Frankie, Luca and Mikhail seem to have it covered.

I whip my head around as a splash comes from behind me. As I look up at the side of the ship, I can see Mikhail’s black balaclava as he hurls a second body over the railings.

“How many people are on this damn boat, Jax?”

He gives a dismissive shrug, his tongue clicking in his mouth. “He’s a mafia don. He was always going to have some protection.”

I tap my fingers on my jeans. Another shot fires and I stand. Fuck this. I can reach the ladder, why should I sit here and do nothing?

Before I can even move, Jax abruptly steps in front of me, his gaze piercing and serious.

“Frankie gave me my instructions. You don’t move until he says. Now sit down, Zara.”

I raise my chin, waiting for a response, but he shows no sign of flinching.

“Sit. Frankie is doing just fine.” His tattooed finger points at the hard bench behind me.

I slump back down, letting out an exasperated huff as I push my aviators up to perch on the top of my head.

Despite his constant teasing, he has Frankie’s back. He wants Romano dead as much as we all do. My heart aches for him. Today could heal some of the pain he carries.

“Jax, we’re all good,” Frankie calls down. I blow out a breath and look up at him holding onto the metal railing. As the sun hits his tanned skin, it highlights the bloodied state of his hands.

He walks over and confidently scales down the steps onto our small boat, the sound of his footsteps blending with the lapping of the waves.

“Ladies first.” He winks, tapping my ass as I squeeze past him to the stairs.

“Jesus, this is one hell of a yacht,” I say. Its extravagance is almost overwhelming as I glance at the bar area in the dinner lounge.

“It will be a shame for something worth so many millions to go up in flames,” Jax chuckles behind us before sliding open the glass doors and heading to the bar.

“No booze until we’re done, Jax!” Frankie calls out.

“Yes, Dad.” He holds up his hands and sits on the leather couch.

“You all good here?” Mikhail asks as he walks over. I expect him at some point to remove his mask, although I can imagine his face is as scary as the rest of him.

As he stands in front of us, I crane my neck to look up at him, and a shiver runs down my spine. I’m glad he’s on our side.

“Yes, Miki.” Frankie nods.

“I’ll get in position with the rest of my brothers,” Mikhail says, and disappears over the side.

“Anything yet from Enzo?” I ask, looking up at Frankie.

Tension radiates from his tightly clenched jaw.

“We have five minutes.”

This will all be over in less than half an hour. Then, we can start our lives again.

“Let’s go get ready, baby.” He presses a tender kiss to my temple and guides us towards Jax. A sound shifts my gaze to the corner of the room where Luca appears, dragging the body of a waiter with blood pouring from his wounds that leaves a trail on the polished wooden floor.

“Zara, behind the bar for me,” Frankie demands.

I don’t argue with him. Even if I have a vest on, I know it isn’t enough. As I attempt to leave, he seizes my wrist, yanking me back towards him, and crashes his lips onto mine.

“One more taste, just in case,” he whispers against my lips.

“I won’t let anything happen to you,” I reply.

“I know, baby. I love you.”

I feel my heart rate increase as I lock eyes with him.

As my hands travel down his back, I can’t resist giving his ass a playful squeeze, only to be met with a stern look. One I know I’m going to get punished for later. I give him a sly wink before swiftly darting behind the gleaming gold bar. Dropping onto my knees, I reach for my gun and pull the slide to make sure I have a bullet in the chamber. I position myself strategically, ensuring I have a clear view of the door through the narrow gap.

Jax and Frankie stand on either side of the main entrance, their guns raised and ready. Luca is waiting just behind them, hiding in the shadows.

“Copy that, Enzo,” Frankie says.

I hear an engine outside and my palms start to sweat as my nerves kick in.

This feels as euphoric as I thought it would. I can’t imagine how Frankie must feel.

I want this for him, for us both.

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