
Chapter Dating 72

Chapter 72

That fucking bastard. I couldn’t believe what Ella had told me. Aaron was trying to use her as a pawn to get to me. I was furious that Ella had even considered joining him. Of course I was. Ella and I were a team and here she was trying to break us apart.

y the fact that she hadn’t

How could she not know that even entertaining Aaron’s offer was going to make us look weak. It already had simply by immediately told him to fuck off when he’d pulled up beside her in his car and told her to get in.

Peter my teammate saw how furious I was during hockey practice and he pulled me aside.

“Yo, Liam, what’s up with you?” Peter said, a concerned look on his face.

I told him about Aaron and how he had found Ella. I told him how betrayed I felt that Ella had spent so much time avoiding me instead of coming to tell me immediately about Aaron and the offer that he had made to her.

Peter frowned, “Look, I get that you’re in your feelings, man, But you have to think about it from Ella’s point of view. I know she cares about you. And wants what’s best for you. She thought that by working with Aaron, that was the best course of action.”

“That’s a bull shit excuse: She knows she can always come and talk to me. I growled.

Peter shook his head as if I was just throwing a kiddy tantrum, “Come on. You know how manipulative and convincing anybody in the Winslow family can be, let alone the current head of the family. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for Ella to make that decision.”

And instantly, I knew that Peter was right. Aaron was the one that was manipulating Ella. He was the one trying to pull her away from me so that he could get directly to me. Well fuck him, that was never going to happen. I was going to him and tell him to stay the fuck away from my girl, from

my mate

The world seemed to spin out of control as I stormed up the steps of the Winslow mansion, Fury and betrayal boiling inside me. I didn’t give a shit. about how huge and imposing the mansion was, it had even felt a litle intimidating that first time that Ella and I had gone together.

Now, the mansion just felt like a symbol of the deceit and manipulation that had infected my life. It was all just lies. I pounded on the door, my knuckles turning white from the force. I kept pounding and pounding, the sound of my banging ringing loudly into the night sky.

The door swung open to reveal a maid, her eyes widening in surprise. She was the same maid that had ushered Ella and I into the mansion the first time we had come, the night of the personal banquet that Aaron had gathered for us.

“I need to see Aaron. Now, I demanded, my voice barely containing my rage. I could see that I was scaring the maid a little bit but I didn’t care. The boss was an asshole and it was unfortunate that she had to deal with my rath because of him.

The maid hesitated, her gaze flicking nervously to the hallway behind her. Do you have an appointment, sir?”

I scoffed. What in the hell kind of question was that! It was so fucking absurd under the circumstances. Her asking that question only made me even more pissed. “Oh. I didn’t know I needed to make an appointment to see my own fucking dad:

She looked taken aback, stammering an apology, I’m sorry, but without an appointment-

Just then, Aaron appeared, drawn by the commotion. His eyes widened slightly when he saw me, but he quickly composed himself, offering a fake cordial smile. “Liam, what a surprise. Let him in, he instructed the maid

She stepped aside, allowing me to stride past her and follow Aaron down the hallway to his office. The door clicked shut behind us, and I could longer all the furry that I was bottling inside me. I turned around and stood right in front of Aaron, for to tor


“What the hell is wrong with you? 1 exploded, my voice echoing off the walls. “You’ve been messing with Ella’s mind, trying to tum her against me. Do you enjoy screwing with people’s lives?”

Aaron raised his hands trying to calm me down. “Liam, calm down. It’s not what you think“

“Don’t lie to me!” I roared, stepping close to him. “I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to manipulate us, to force me games. What do you stand to gain from all this?”

into your

twisted family

He sighed, running a hand down the sleeve of his shirt. He hadn’t lost an ounce of composure. “Liam, you have to understand- “Understand what?” I cut in, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “That you suddenly care about me, your long–lost son? That you have my best interests at heart! Bullshit”


10:23 AM

Chapter 72

Aaron’s expression hardened, the facade of paternal concern slipping. Tine. You want the truth! I want you to join the competition for succession because it’s the only way to prevent Arthur from taking control. My wife’s family is trying to seize everything, and if Arthur wins, they will succeed. Right now, I have no official heir. But with you-

“But with me.” Linterrupted. “you think you can keep control. It’s not about me at all. It’s about your assets, your power. And if I refuse?”

His eyes narrowed. “If you refuse, then Arthur wins, and we all lose, Including you.”

The reality of his words hit me, but I refused to let him see my doubt. “So what’s your brilliant plan? How do you intend to turn me into t Winslow heir?

the perfect

mily to face our enemies. It’s the

“Tve arranged for you to transfer to Royal Imperial University. It’s prestigious,

s, and it will prepare you to join the family, to best option

I stared at him, incredulous. “You really think I’m going to fall in line just because you’ve enrolled me in some fancy school?”

“It’s more than that. Liam,” he said earnestly. “It’s a chance to protect what’s ours. To ensure that you and Ella are safe”


My heart clenched at the mention of Ella. The thought of dragging her into this mess was unbearable. I’ll consider it.” I said slowly, “on o condition: Ella comes with me.”

Aaron’s face darkened. “Ella has nothing to do with h this. She’s not a Winslow

“Exactly,” I shot back. “And I’m not doing this without her. Take it or leave it.”

He stared at me, the tension between us crackling like static. Finally, he shook his head. “I can’t agree to that.

I shrugged, turning towards the door. “Then good luck with your family feud. Because that shit, has nothing to do with me now.

I turned around and walked right out of the Winslow house. I didn’t give a fuck about Aaron and his bull shit family feud. If Ella wasn’t going to be by my side, then I wasn’t going to the stupid Royal Imperial University that he wanted to dump off at


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