Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 113 The Strong Young Warrior

Chapter 113 The Strong Young Warrior

Dame had been waiting for this moment, for the group to face the Light Faction with everything they had without the help of the items around them. It made the situation quite clear; if they had never had the Dark Magus items to begin with, they would have already lost this fight.

However, the main reason why Dame had come up with this strategy, or more rightly, Fixteen had, was because of the homing effect the gauntlets had. In order to use them, Dame needed to land a perfect hit on his target first.

Although the two of them were the same Pagna warrior rank, Beatrix was just far too skillful for him to land a hit normally. Even with the external Qi punches, it would be something difficult for him.

Which was why they had to use the tactic of surprise. The Light Faction was worried about every single member of their faction, and Beatrix was no different. Seeing her people suddenly being overwhelmed, she would lose focus, and that was the time to hit her with everything they had.

"Now, let's see if this thing really works!" Dame ran forward, and then when he was close, he threw out a fist to the side.

Beatrix was confused by this; she saw the Qi leave his gauntlets up in the air and then swing around. It was coming straight for her. Making a quick judgement, she decided to dash forward and head toward Dame; she wasn't going to run away.

"All I need to do is time it perfectly so I can deal with both of you!" As she got close to Dame, she jumped up in the air and spun her body; her sword broke through the Qi blast, and before she landed, still swinging her sword, it clashed into the black gauntlets, swinging Dame's fists to the side.

Quickly, he retreated back and threw out a couple more fists toward her. 'She's incredibly skillful and can adapt to the situation extremely fast. No wonder she's known as the hope of the Light Faction.'

Now that Dame had used the power of his gauntlets, Fixteen, Carlson, and Kirk were now helping out the others, since the effect of the pills would only work for so long in the first place.

However, they were all stage 4 Pagna warriors. The main issue was Beatrix, which usually meant that all of them would be needed to keep her busy, but since Dame was able to at least hold her off, they could help out in the rest of the battle.

One of the Light Faction members thrust his sword into Kirk's large round belly. The sword was swallowed whole and then when extended out, it pushed the warrior back. Fixteen had leapt in the air, punching the person straight in the head, sending him to the ground so he couldn't get back again.

Carlson had managed to also come in time as he went and axe-kicked a sword down from above. When the sword and his heel clashed, the sword had broken in half.

This was the large difference between stages in Pagna warriors that was hard for them to overcome with skill alone. The three of them were doing quick work as they took out warrior after warrior, but that's when they could see something happening off at the back.

The fighting had been going on for a while now, so it had spread, and that meant there were warriors all over the place, and they had reached the back.

Two of the more skilled Light Faction warriors had slashed down two of the Dark Faction members, cutting across their waist and kicking them to the side, and now they had set their eyes on a person who had been at the back this entire time.

"You, you are a shame even to your own Clan!" The Light Faction member shouted.

"We have been watching as you have been running around avoiding confrontation while your fellow teammates fall. You are scum that doesn't even deserve to be called a warrior."

The person in question that they were talking about, and that they were pointing to, was Raze.

'I thought they would have finished this whole thing up already, but it looks like Pagna warrior fights go on a lot longer than mage battles due to their strong bodies and skillful techniques!'

Fixteen could see what was about to happen. "Crap, that young one won't stand a chance dealing with two of them on his own; we have to help!"

But the three were far away. They had been looking around the area to help those that most needed it, and this young warrior certainly needed help. The three of them charged ahead, trying to get to the young one.

'I just hope he can hold them long enough for us to get there in time.'

The young one, seeing the two of them approach, instead of running away or retreating, had gotten into a stance. He then lifted his front foot up and slammed it onto the ground.

The moment he did, a large amount of Qi was displaced in front of him. For a moment, the two Light Faction warriors felt uneasy as they felt the wave touch them and displaced their next step.

'Wait… that can't be, is that the?'

Before Fixteen could finish his thought, the second step was cast. Pushing off, flowing smoothly into the second step, the Qi from the first had flowed perfectly, and the warrior had burst through the air with his sword.

He slashed it with his strength and power, cutting right through the other's blade and right at the neck of the other warrior without hesitation. Blood spurted out before the Light Faction body fell to the floor.

The movements weren't over yet though, not stopping, the warrior then proceeded with the third step, pushing both legs together and went ahead to thrust right into the other Light Faction member's stomach.

He had managed to block the strike with his sword, but a crack had been made. contemporary romance

'There's no doubt about it!' Fixteen thought, watching it all. 'That's the Descending Steps, and he just used three of them in one motion.'

'Ah crap!' Raze thought as he saw his sword had been stopped. 'I thought I could get them both by surprise. These steps worked out better than I thought, but because I don't know how to use a sword, my actions might seem obvious. Oh well, it doesn't matter.'

Raze then lifted his foot again, reproducing the first step, as the wave of Qi accurately disrupted the warrior. Raze went to use the two-step shift and punched the guy in the stomach before following up with swinging the sword to the back of his head.

The two Light Faction warriors who were at the same stage as Raze were dealt with without him even being harmed. This achievement was a great one, but to Raze, he simply thought those that he had fought against had to be weak.

Fixteen had stopped just short of the young warrior in disbelief. 'We had a warrior on the first floor that was this skillful? Someone who could perform three of the descending steps in succession. Is that even possible? The fastest in the clan's history was Dame, and he had learned three of the steps by the time he was a 3rd stage warrior... Is he really a first-floor warrior?'


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