Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 108 The Library Of Skills

Chapter 108 The Library Of Skills

At the academy, students were settling into their new facilities. Both Safa and Simyon were in the Dark Blue Headband group. As stated by the academy, they were to wear it at all times or at least have it on them while around the academy.

Of course, there were some exceptions, such as when they would go to clean themselves and when sleeping at night. The dorm they were in was fairly large in size and was nice inside, considering it was the lowest-colored headband group.

There were two floors, with a large open area in the middle. Here, there were sofas and tables, but there didn't seem to be anything worth doing in the area. If anything, it just seemed more like a place for them to mingle when they were allowed to rest.

The rooms were then dotted around in a rectangular shape, with hallways going along the center, with more rooms branching off. From top to bottom, the place would look a bit like a maze.

What was important to note was that the first-year students were on the first floor, while the second-year students were on the second floor. The instructor had called for a meeting for the first-year students and told them all to gather in the main hall.

The hundred students had lined up with their headbands on and stood straight. They looked up as they could see the second-year students staring at them from the balcony. Quite a few of the second years were smirking, while some of them had eyes that looked like they were ready to quit, to just get out of this place.

"We instructors will regularly instruct you and help you with your progress as you grow as a Pagna warrior. At times, we will call you for assessments. Whether that's training, tasks, or entering another dimension.

"However, a lot of the time, you will be expected to self-study and progress on your own. Which brings me to your first task! We will be visiting the academy's library; here, you will select one technique book of your choosing.

"Remember to stick to the areas that are marked with the same headband. After selecting a skill book of your choice, you will have one month to memorize and learn the skill. Make note, I did not say to perfect the skill.

"Every month, you will be able to enter the library again and select a new skill book. That is 12 Dark Faction skill books a year. You may think the skills of your clan are superior to what you find inside, but I assure you that there is no broadening of your knowledge, and who knows what you will find."

Simyon was pumping his fist; he was determined. He wanted to grow stronger, and he was finally getting to be what he wanted to be a Pagna warrior. Since he came from no clan, this was really the only way he could learn skills, so he was ready to give it everything he had.

"Before you go," two more instructors came from the side, pulling crates into the main room. They were filled with sacks, and as they opened up the sacks, the eyes of the students started to sparkle at what they could see. contemporary romance

"It's Qi pills, and look how many they have!" the students couldn't help but speak out. Their clans would have given most of them Qi pills already, but perhaps one every 6 months or so to help with their development, but here they were seeing them as if they were candy.

"As you are part of the Blue Headband group, each student is entitled to two pills each week. This is more compared to the Yellow Headband group and the Red Headband. I'm sure you know by now that you guys are considered the weakest.

"Which is why, being in this group, we will help you grow as much as we can. These 10-year Qi pills are useless on those that are already on the second stage, or close to it anyway. So it's much better in your hands; use this wisely."

The students came up one by one and grabbed the Qi pills. When Safa went up, she noticed that there was another boy by her side. He had red spiky hair and placed the band on its side. What was most notable, though, was the eye patch on his left eye.

When he and Safa looked at each other, he winked.

"If you didn't know that was a wink, not a blink. It's hard to tell with the one eye," Liam joked.

After getting his crystals, he walked up to Safa and then flicked one of the balls in the air. Almost instinctively, Safa caught it.

"That one is for you, pretty lady. I hope your brother doesn't mind," Liam said, looking at Simyon, whose face was turning a little red.

"I'm sorry, bro, I don't like sausages, otherwise, I would have given you one as well," Liam said as he turned away and walked back to the others.

Simyon was somewhat just standing there in disbelief; he wasn't quite sure what had just happened.

"He doesn't like sausages, what does that even mean?" Rushing forward, he stood on Safa's side with his body blocking the way of who Simyon would now deem as the perv, Liam.

The students were off, and there was no time to use the Qi pills yet. Instead, they were being directed to the library. They were following in a single line, walking around the giant courtyard.

There were multiple large buildings, and it was hard to think that they all were related to the academy in some way. As they were walking, they could see the other headband instructors, and following behind them were their students as well.

Everyone somewhat glanced at each other; that was until they had finally reached the library. It was a large round building like a pagoda but was incredibly wide, to the point they could just see the edge.

There were five floors as well, so it wasn't as high, but still impressive.

"All students have 1 hour to select a skill book of their choice. The books that you are able to look through the shelves are colored with the same color as your headbands. There are other instructors inside, so if you are caught looking at other books that don't respond to your color, you will be punished.

"You might think that this isn't fair, but skills are separated for a reason. This is to help in your own development. Some require more Qi, some require advanced Qi control, and so on. If you think you have been wronged, then challenge a different colored headband student at the assessment."

entering, he now knew that was impossible.

With that said, the doors to the library were opened, and immediately everyone rushed inside. At first, Simyon had planned to stay by Safa's side, especially with a perv on the loose, but after entering, he now knew that was impossible.

On the first floor alone, there had to be at least 10,000 books, maybe even more. It was impossible for them to go through each and every book in an hour to see what's best for them. So the only thing they could do was split up.

"We're in the academy, so things should be okay. Just wait for me when the hour's up at the entrance, okay?" Simyon said, to which Safa nodded.

With the two of them split up, Simyon went around in search of a book that would help him. He remembered Raze's advice, that he would need a technique that was related to a metal element. Whatever that was.

The only thing Simyon could really go by as he searched was the name of the skill books on the spine. He could see some other pupils had already picked up a few books and were reading through them to see if they matched.

'I guess they have no clue what type of book they're going for, but I have some idea of what I want,' Simyon thought.

He scanned walking side by side, searching for what he needed. So focused, he soon realized he had bumped into another student.

"Oh, sorry?" Simyon said. He noticed from before that his body was harder than others, so when he knocked into others, they would usually fall over, but this student hadn't done so.

"It's okay, I don't mind if it's you," Ricktor said with a smile, his tall self overlooking him.

Simyon's heart started to thump louder as a mix of emotions were coming over him from seeing this person.

"I was actually looking for you," Ricktor said with a smile. "You did a good job last time, which is why I wanted to give you another task. You see, I heard that the Blue Headbands get two Qi pills each.

"But we only get one, which isn't really fair, is it? So I was wondering if you could convince the other Blue Headbands to hand over their Qi pills to us. If you can't, I won't be very happy, and I might need to do something else to cheer me up."

Ricktor said as he started to touch the bottom of his crotch.

'What is wrong with this guy!'


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