
Chapter New Horizon

Several months had passed since the end of the world was forestalled. Citizens of Farenai had been assisting the restoration of the city of Inchaya, and the city was slowly recovering from the damage it had sustained in the Chimera attacks.

The Aquala University however had been untouched until this day, as a small boat arrived at the broken docks. The University itself was in a state of disrepair following a fire that overtook the island.

Roisin stepped off of the boat, followed by Dex and Ruby.

"You sure you're ready for this, Roisin?" Dex asked.

"No, but I've never backed down before" She shrugged. Ruby had grown slightly, but was still a small dragon. She flew into the skies above to get a better view, as Roisin and Dex headed to the old foyer. The sign that had once hung over the doors now laid on the ground, the smell of ash was strong.

Roisin stepped inside, and looked around, Ruby flew into the atrium, and frowned as she looked at the destruction.

"After the progress the city made, it is sad to see the University in this condition" Dex frowned. Roisin nodded as she looked over at a staircase to an upper level.

"Is it safe?" Roisin called up to Ruby. Ruby flew down and landed on the stairs, testing them.

"They feel sturdy enough" Ruby nodded, as she took flight once more. Roisin and Dex climbed the stairs slowly, taking it a step at a time. As they reached the top, they looked around the second floor of the atrium, the fire damage didn't seem as bad here.

"I guess the fire didn't claim everything" Roisin smiled. Dex nodded and walked over to a noticeboard that hung on the wall, it advertised various sporting events that took place around the University. Ruby meanwhile flew around the ceiling, inspecting the damage to the roof.

Roisin spotted a doorway on the far end of the atrium, the door seemed to have rotted away over the months. She made her way over, and Dex and Ruby followed her. As they headed through the doorway, it led to a winding staircase, there was little to no fire damage the higher the staircase went.

Eventually they reached an intact office door, with a name written across a placard that sat above the door.

'Principal Mizu Kimura'

"Here it is" Roisin sighed, as she put her hand on the handle, recalling those fateful final moments, in which Mizu laid down her life so that Roisin may live.

"We're here, Roisin, don't worry" Dex smiled.

"Yeah, just think of the burgers we can eat when we get back to the city" Ruby said proudly, the thought tickled Roisin, and she let out a small giggle.

"Okay" Roisin nodded, as she turned the handle and opened the door to the office. In front of her the office sat in pristine condition, aside from a little dust, the large windows had grown dirty, but otherwise the room was undamaged.

Roisin let out as sigh as she walked over to the desk. Mizu had left her laptop on the desk, as well as a few belongings, as she had left in a hurry. Ruby landed on the desk and began reading some papers.

Dex walked over to the window and rubbed the dirt with his sleeve, though the window remained dirty on the opposite side, mostly blackened by smoke, he could make out Inchaya in the distance.

Roisin sat down at Mizu's chair, and smiled.

"I'll do it" Roisin nodded, Ruby looked up in surprise and Dex turned to face her.

"I knew you'd accept it once you arrived" He chuckled.

"I guess Inchaya is our new home then, Principal Luna" Ruby cheered. Roisin nodded as she rubbed Ruby's head.

"It's the first step to correcting the mistakes of the past. Mizu saw it better than anyone, the Academies were a broken system, that only taught students how to fight. Defence is important, but I feel we should teach students how to use their power responsibly. That should be the goal of the Universities. Knowledge and logic" Roisin explained.

"I agree" Dex smiled, as he sat on the desk, facing Roisin. "I... uh" Dex scratched his neck, as Roisin raised an eyebrow.

"What did you do now!?" Ruby yelled as she hit Dex lightly, Roisin let out a small laugh, and Ruby smiled politely at Dex, letting him know she was teasing.

"I accepted a job as a teacher, here at the University. So I'm kinda glad you accepted" He chuckled nervously.

"Well, I guess that's us sorted then" Ruby grinned. "Now how about them burgers?" She asked.

"Fine" Roisin laughed. "Let's go" She smiled, as she stood up, the three of them left the office chattering, as a picture of Mizu as a child and Roisin's mother, sat on the wall by the window.

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