Chasing Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (Dark Love Series Book 2)

Chasing Us: Chapter 27

I sit still while staring out the window with my hand entwined in his.

There’s nothing but light shining over the clouds. We’re heading to London after spending a month traveling through Europe. Nikki and Tate were gracious enough to let me go, especially knowing it won’t be long before I can’t travel.

I’ve never been so relaxed yet excited in my whole life. The worldwide destinations I got to experience, tropical islands to historic architecture, and since I was constantly reminded it was our honeymoon, the sex never stopped. Lex was insatiable, and here I thought I was bad. There were days when I was sore, and those were the days we ventured out of the room to sightsee, but it only ended up with us back in the room for more hot sex.

As the plane touches down at Heathrow, I can’t contain my excitement. It’s my first time here, and all I can think about is meeting the royals. Yeah, like that is going to happen, but everyone knows the Queen of England, don’t they? Lex, on the other hand, looks tense. I offered to give him a blow job on the plane, but he kindly refused, much to my disappointment.

I take out my phone, snapping photographs of Big Ben as we drive past. It reminds of the Griswolds’ futile attempt to exit the giant roundabout which, in turn, makes me laugh out loud. Eric is so jealous and gave me a long list of places he wanted me to visit, including some hot gay club. Why am I not surprised?

It doesn’t take us long before the driver pulls up at Lex’s apartment. He rarely speaks about his home, almost avoiding the topic every time. I was shocked when he agreed for us to come to London, but according to Kate, he needs to tie up some loose ends in the London office before finally making the move to New York. I’m annoyed he failed to mention that to me resulting in a mini-fight followed by some hot sex on the beach in the Greek Islands.

We ride the elevator up until it reaches the penthouse. He keeps his hands to himself, something is definitely wrong and Lord almighty, he is as stubborn as a mule.

As the doors open, my jaw drops.

“Holy shit, this is your digs?”

It’s almost four times the size of mine, and now it makes sense why Lex complains about us buying something bigger in Manhattan.

The design of the apartment is an open-plan loft with dark wood floors, and the furniture is mainly white. It doesn’t look lived in or very homey, to be brutally honest. The building itself is modern compared to some of the older structures around it.

“So, are we just going to stand here, or will you take me to your room and fuck me? Because I’m still annoyed you didn’t accept my blow job which, might I add, was served to you with no strings attached,” I point out.

He relaxes, and that beautiful smile as always melts my insides. Placing his arms underneath my legs, he lifts me, carrying me up the stairs.

“Our room, Charlotte, not mine.”

Lex opens the door to the bedroom, and before us is a king-size bed. I’m giddy at the thought. It’s like seeing your boyfriend’s bedroom for the first time, except we aren’t in high school, and he is my husband.

He places me gently on the bed. No doubt if I weren’t pregnant, he would have just thrown me. I wait eagerly as he removes his jacket, throwing it over the chair before climbing onto the bed and over me.

“Do you know how many times I’ve imagined you in this bed?”

“Probably the same amount of times I’ve imagined being in this bed.”

“I’m warning you now, I won’t last long. Expect me to fuck you, and fuck you hard, and then I’ll make sweet love to you all night long,” he whispers while nibbling at my ear.

“Well, I…” He forces his lips onto me, his body pressing against mine, but somehow, he manages not to put pressure on my stomach.

“I hope you’re not attached to this blouse.”

I’m just about to speak when he rips it open, the buttons tearing apart as he buries himself in my breasts. My body caves, pushing out the image of Eric having a heart attack because the blouse was vintage Valentino.

His hands slide up my skirt, gripping my ass so tight making me squeal with delight. I try to wiggle out of my panties, but Lex has other ideas, pushing them aside and ramming his cock into me.

Whoa, steady on.

Lex is like a magician because I didn’t hear the buckle of his pants. Sliding himself in and out, he pushes in deeper, his mouth sucking hard on the base of my neck until he runs his tongue along my collarbone, and I’m coming undone.




“Good morning, Mrs. Edwards.”

I can barely open my eyes, the jetlag has worn me down as well as the constant lovemaking. I turn to look at the clock, seven-fifteen. Where the hell does Lex get all his stamina from? That will make it what, New York time, and count back five.

“It’s two in the morning in New York if that’s what you’re trying to figure out.”

“You look very handsome… edible…”

I feel the pool form between my legs. God, my husband is so yummy in his perfectly styled outfit. He sits on the edge of the bed, and I can’t help but admire his vest with his gray tie tucked beneath it. Fuck me sideways, backward, and forward. This man knows how to dress, and vest porn is where it’s at.

“Did you know a suit to women is like lingerie to men,” I tease.

He yanks the bed sheet off, admiring my naked body.

“Like a naked body to men,” he leans forward, sucking on my nipple. I squeal with delight because the sensation is so much more intense while I’m pregnant. My breasts are almost double in size, and I am finally showing enough to field a stranger’s question as to whether I’m pregnant or just ate a burrito.

“But I can’t be late,” he tells me, pressing his lips tight. “Rain check?”

I pout. I know he has to work, and that it has been eating him up while we were traveling. “Go, I’ll see you tonight.”

“How about you drop by the office before lunch, then we can grab something to eat?”

With a smile, I nod, still excited by the fact I’m in London. There’s so much I want to do today as long as I can muster up the energy to get out of bed.

“I need to go. I’ll leave you alone to snoop around. If you’re looking for my secret porn stash, it’s on my computer. The password is Charlotte69Edwards.”

“Are you kidding?”

“Would I kid about you and 69s?”

He kisses me goodbye and heads out the door. I linger in bed for a while, checking my phone before my stomach rumbles, and the kitchen calls. I take my time looking at his books, his wardrobe, running my hands along his perfectly pressed suits before I make my way to his computer. Okay, so I’m curious. I mean, who wouldn’t be, right?

I log on, and in the Documents area of File Explorer, I find the folder titled ‘Private.’ I roll my eyes—how creative—but as I search, I’m not prepared for the folders to be categorized, so I send him a text.


Me: I never figured you to be so anal about anal.


I laugh at myself. Where is Eric when I need him? He’d have totally enjoyed that comment.


Lex: Having fun, I see. I’m very anal over your anal.


Oh damn. Your own fault, Charlie. I decide to shut down and head out. There will always be porn. I’m dressed in jeans, knee-high boots, and my fancy jacket I bought back home. My hair is let out loose, and the weather has cooled overnight. New York is cold, but London enters the freezing-my- tits-off zone.

I make my way over to Lex’s office and arrive at the top floor. All at once, his staff runs in circles. They are mostly blonde, a few redheads, and ebony hair, but not one brunette—what a control freak. I walk up to the desk, and a young twenty-something-year-old greets me. Quite possibly, everything about her is fake from tits to nails. I smile, asking to see Lex.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, do you have an appointment?”

“Firstly, I’m probably only a few years older than you, sweetheart, so how about we skip the ‘ma’am’ crap? And second, Lex is my husband.”

“Excuse me?”

“I think you heard me, now will you call him or…”

I hear my name being called. It’s Kate. As soon as I see her, my face lights up. She runs over and hugs me tight.

“Sod off, Christine, you’ve been warned about being rude to clients before.”

“She isn’t a client, she claims to be Mr. Edwards’ wife.” She laughs.

“You’re damn right she is. Come with me, Charlie. The stupid, stuck up little…” she mutters to herself. “I’m so happy you’re here. Eric is running around like a headless chicken without you. He texted me like five minutes ago reminding me to remind you to buy some fancy hand towels to go with his tea towel?”

“Gross. He said he wanted to have a royal hand towel by his bed in case of emergency.”

“Oh, my days, so he can squirt on the queen’s face?”

We laugh together as Kate holds the door open for me. Lex sits at his desk. Looking up to see me, he smiles. Someone is on speakerphone, but he motions for me to come in. Kate leaves me, and I stand by his desk unsure of what to do. He pulls me into his lap, and I sit there, uncomfortable, listening to some guy trying to convince Lex it’s a breach of contract if he were to pull out of a deal.

Lex merely states he isn’t pulling out, but is only able to complete the work from New York. I grab his Post-it note and scribble some legal advice and his rights. I pass it to him, and he reads it out loud. The jerk on the other end let’s out a loud sigh before agreeing with Lex. In a polite way, Lex tells him to go fuck himself before hanging up on him.

“Are you sure you don’t want to head up my legal division?”

“We’ve had this conversation, and besides, I don’t want to report to you. I don’t want to report to anyone, hence, why we own the practice. But, if necessary, I can call you boss in the bedroom?”

He kisses me deeply. The few hours we were apart sucked balls big time. Speaking of which, I can suck his balls right now. Charlie, you horny bitch, seriously just chill.

“I can’t do lunch. If I work through, I can be home around six? I need to get some proposals drawn up.”

“Fine, fine, but if I max out my credit card at Harrods, it’s all your fault.”

Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his wallet and hands me his Amex.

“I’ve been meaning to give you this.”

“What the hell for?”

“To use. What do you mean what for?” he asks, annoyed.

“Well, for starters… I can take care of myself. I don’t need your Amex.”

“Why do you have to be so stubborn all the time? Take the fucking card. I feel like a broken record. My money is our money now.”

“Yeah, and I sound like a CD with a scratch. I’m not ready to accept that. Give me time.”

He tries to do that intimidating glare he does, the one that makes his staff hide in their cubicles but I’m not having a bit of it. I am a goddamn lawyer, and I know he hates the fact I am trained to ignore this type of intimidation.

After the ‘showdown,’ he manages to stop being a prick and kisses me goodbye. He promises to meet me back at home after I enjoy London and manage to hunt down Eric’s royal hand towel, which will now be referred to as the royal chicken rag.

I’m barely able to press the button on the elevator as my hands are so full of shopping bags. Yes, I became some sort of shopaholic, buying beyond-adorable British baby attire.

As the doors open, I drag my tired feet through the living room, dumping the bags on the sofa. I’m exhausted, the jetlag still tiring me as well as this shitty weather. Pulling my scarf off, I walk toward the bedroom until the sight before me stops me dead in my tracks. The blood drains from my face, my heart beats erratic as I drop my scarf trying to make sense of what I’m seeing.

“Sorry, sweetheart, thought you were Lex.”

The woman lets out a disturbing laugh, and yet I’m still tongue-tied, trying to think of something to say. C’mon, Charlie, wittiness and comebacks are your specialty. Yeah, maybe not when a woman is practically naked and handcuffed to your husband’s, no, our bed!

“How did you get in here, and who the hell are you?”

Interrogation, okay, let’s start with that.

“My name is Roxy, and I have a key. Lex gave it to me years ago during the time when he couldn’t keep his hands off me,” she answers calmly.

“Past tense. What makes you think you can still barge in here and expect the same?” I try my best to control my tone, but this is personal, and I’m not in the courtroom defending a client. My feelings are hurt. Lex is a fucking jerk, and any sense of rational thoughts go right out the window along with any pride I have.

“Sweetie, Lex likes his regulars. You must know that, just like the way he likes his sex. Rough and dominating. He likes his women to take him all in. He likes it when we let out a cry as he slams his cock into us, the way he takes you from behind, face down, arse up. He likes to finger our arse, not one but sometimes two…”

What the hell am I listening to!

The tears are on the verge of slipping, but I put on my poker face. Don’t let this bitch get to you.

“If you think this bothers me, then your loss. It’s the past, Roxy. We all have one…”

“No one can tame Lex, let that be a lesson learned.”

“Well, I’m the one wearing the wedding ring, doll face,” I struggle to say, hoping my nerves won’t betray me.

The sound of footsteps echo throughout the hall, and I turn around to see BJ inside.

“Roxy, what the fuck are you doing here? Take that beastly fanny of yours and leave them the fuck alone.”

“BJ, what a pleasant surprise. You want to do a tag team again?” With a shrill in her voice, she licks her lips. It’s impossible to ignore her fucking vagina as she purposely spreads her legs.

“Belt up, Roxy. You’re not welcome here anymore. Now get your shit and leave before I drag you out of here,” he warns.

He walks over and hugs me as I’m barely able to hold it together. I allow myself to be comforted by him because my mind’s going crazy with so many questions needing an answer. We are interrupted as Lex runs through the door, out of breath, his eyes darting between Roxy and BJ, then a look of sorrow as he focuses on me.

“Roxy, how the fuck did you get in here?”

“Lex, baby, remember… you gave me this key? The night both you and BJ had your cocks in my pussy.”

This is too much.

I pull myself out of BJ’s embrace and head out of the room.

I can’t cope.

The sordid image is now ingrained in my brain, and I want to erase it, but no, I can’t fucking drink!

“Charlotte, please wait!” Lex grabs my arm, but I manage to slip out of his grip.

“Don’t touch me…” I warn.

“Please don’t leave me, Charlotte. Remember, you were fucking Julian. You were even going to marry him.”

My head spins back to face him. Is he fucking serious comparing my once-loving relationship with Julian to this whore who took in two dicks at a time!

“I’m not going to leave you. However, I need to be alone right now. And since you want to bring Julian up, how about I tell you about all the times he fucked me in my apartment, on my bed, on the kitchen table, on the couch, in the shower… maybe now you will understand how I feel.” I storm out of the apartment so fast not realizing BJ is trailing me.

“Charlie, wait!” he calls out.

Stopping in my tracks, I wait because I have no idea where I’m going alone in a city which holds so much of Lex’s past. “C’mon, love, let’s take you somewhere and talk.”

BJ is fast becoming my favorite person to be around, purely because he knows I’m pregnant and can’t drink. He does the next best thing—he takes me to a chocolate café. Now, the chocolate fondue fountain in the window alone is enough to make me forget for a few moments that Lex is a big-ass jerk.

We sit in a booth near the counter as the waitress reads out the menu to us. BJ tells her to give us the sample plate. My body is battling with my mind, the anger slowly subsiding, and the scent of sweet confectionaries lingering in the air.

“They make all the chocolate in that kitchen.” BJ points to the back somewhere.

“You come here often?”

“Ahh, cat’s out of the bag. Let’s just say I’m a regular, and women love chocolate when they need consoling.”

My shoulders shake as laughter finds me. It’s his go-to place to bring pathetic, depressed women, and no doubt after he fills them full of chocolate, he fills them full of sperm.

“BJ, why don’t I expect anything less from you, and I’ve only known you for like two minutes?”

“Listen, Charlie, back there—”

“He was single, he enjoyed sex, dirty sex. I get it.”

Fuck, it hurts like hell, though.

“Okay, I won’t argue that, but you gotta hear me out. I’ve never met a chap who was as miserable as Lex. You’ve changed him, Charlie, for the better. Don’t listen to Roxy, let it go, and move on. Christ, that Roxy makes Pamela Anderson look like a virgin.”

I let out a small chuckle, momentarily distracted when the sample plate of chocolate, including the mini fondue fountain, is placed before us. We sit in silence while I allow myself to get lost in chocolate heaven.

“BJ, tell me what happened… with Roxy?”

“Aww, c’mon, love, you don’t want to hear that. It’s done, and Lex ain’t gonna go back.”

I remain silent. I’m going to push him, stupid guy code what-happens-in-London-stays-in-London bullshit.

“So, tell me, have you brought Kate here?” I smirk, switching topics.

“Blimey, Kate is a tough bird. She ain’t one to break down in tears and talk a donkey’s ear off about her relationships. No, Kate and I met through Lex. He won’t let me talk about it, but basically, I shagged her a few times. Quite a gun in the sack, that one,” he chuffs.

“Kate would cut your balls off for saying that.”

We laugh together as we dig into the fountain. My God, it truly makes me forget all the shit that just went down. “Thank you, BJ, for bringing me here and allowing me to vent, but just so you know, my pants belong to your best friend, so there’s no getting in there.”

“Anytime, love, you know where to find me. And listen, send my regards to Emma.”

I raise my brows. “Emma?”

“Yeah, Viagra’s one hell of a powerful motherfucker.”

I leave the café still in shock that BJ screwed Emma. I want to text Emma, but I have even bigger things to deal with as I walk into the apartment and find Lex sitting on the couch, slumped over with a drink in his hand. His eyes are bloodshot as he turns and looks my way. We sit in silence as I try to find the right words to say. We are both hurting, and I’m not the innocent one here, either, after I shot my mouth off about Julian fucking me everywhere under the sun.

“We both have a past, but I don’t like secrets. Tell me what happened?” My voice is calm. It’s my court voice, the one I use every time the opponent is on the stand trying to get away with some ridiculous alibi.

“What’s the point, Charlotte? It’s done.” His voice is croaky. Has he been crying?

“Because if you don’t tell me, then my imagination will run wild. However, my imagination is probably in for a rude awakening.”

He remains still, pouring himself more liquor.

“We fucked her several times. Yes, what she said is right. Most of the time I was out of it on coke, but sometimes I was well aware of what I was doing.”

Ouch! Do I need to ask any more questions? Why the fuck are women built with this stupid need to know every vile detail of their partner’s past when they are well aware of the hurt and pain it causes when they hear the words.

“Once, in college, I got really drunk at a frat party and let a guy grope my boob while I was Frenching his friend.”

Lex’s shoulders move up and down. I’m confused as to why until I realize he is trying to suppress his laughter.

“True story. There, I give you my almost threesome encounter.”

“Charlotte,” he murmurs, the emerald green in his eyes clouds as he reaches out and touches my wedding ring. “When Roxy sent me a text saying she was in our bed, I thought I lost you.”

I ache for him.

All of him.

This isn’t his fault. I know he can’t control the past coming back to bite him on the ass. I was callous, and the Julian stuff was uncalled for, but I do have one more question to ask.

“You said you never did brunettes. She had the same hair color as mine?”

He gazes at me, confused. “She was blonde. I barely recognized her today.”

Forgive him, Charlie, stop being a fucking cold-hearted bitch.

“You hurt me with what you said about him.” Lex barely manages to get the word ‘him’ out, the pain killing him, and I contributed to that.

“I’m sorry I said those things. Yes, they are the truth, but I said them because seeing her and the way she spoke to me about what you did to her left me absolutely gutted.”

The truth is out, and it’s impossible not to notice his body recoil. I wait for a sign for like ten minutes, and then slowly, he places his arm around me and pulls me into him. I find my nook, getting lost in the place I call home.

“We can do this, okay? I can’t promise the past won’t drag itself up, but I promise never to doubt your love for me.”


Slowly, I unbutton the top of his shirt, sliding my hand against his chest and allowing it to rest on his heart. With every beat, I know it beats for me, for us.

“So, what now?” he asks, stroking my hair as we both sit quietly on the couch with our thoughts.

“Food, shower, then anal.”

Lex shakes his head, laughter escaping him.

“I’m hoping this sticks, and it’s not just pregnancy hormones?”

I tilt my head, caressing his chin with my hand. “Something tells me it’s not pregnancy hormones, Mr. Edwards. I think you’ve hit the jackpot.”

“What a lucky man I am,” he says with a cocky grin.

“The luckiest in the world.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.