Chasing Rainbows

Chapter Part Six

                “I didn’t think you were that serious about me!” Emma was suddenly nervous. This was all so bizarre, and self consciously she swiped a lock of hair behind her ear.

Jacob’s eyes widened, “I never joke about a beautiful lady! You ARE my lucky omen! I CAN’T win without you!” Sipping his whisky, he watched her struggle to reply to that.

                “Well I happen to be at a loose end,” she finally offered, “but I don’t think I’m that lucky!”

Though the flush of pleasure that swept over her face and neck told him that she was flattered. And that was a good sign in his book.

                “Where’s the bride?” He knew so little about her, but he knew that she was in Vegas with her best friend, a last weekend of freedom type thing, oh and that she had issues with her parents too! Some club to be in, hey?

                “Sleeping off too many tequilas...and vodka...and something strawberry flavoured! She’s not normally so...enthusiastic!” And she wasn’t. Whilst Isobel was great fun, she was a teacher, and common sense nearly always won through. Until this evening.

He laughed, “the perils of a bachelorette!”

Emma shook her head, “a hen party, that’s what WE call it!”

Jacob leaned closer, “so you being English makes you right? Can I just remind you whose country you are in?”

Emma leaned back and gave him a coy smile, “Obama’s last time I checked, and I’m sure he has no objections!” Then moving back towards him she added in a whisper, “and it’s not good etiquette to upset your lucky charm!”

Oooh! Sassy! Jacob grinned; he loved the spice of this girl, “you’re right! A hen party it is!” And he felt a heat shoot through him that wasn’t linked to his anxiety over the coming game. Oh yes, his good luck charm could very easily become TOO much of a distraction. He had to keep a rein on his rather neglected libido!

She didn’t want to seem smug, but there was something very rewarding about winning a verbal battle with a cute stranger. And she’d definitely bossed that one.

                “So what time does your game start?” She changed the subject, wanting to bank a very definitive ‘Emma wins 1-0’ compartment in relation to that last exchange.

He glanced at his watch, “an hour. But I want to take you somewhere first? There’s something I need to show you!”

Emma couldn’t help but hesitate; after all he WAS still a stranger. “Is it far?” When he shook his head, she excused herself for a moment and walked over to Eve and Angelina. “I’m off to be lucky charm for that man there, the one from last night. Will you keep an eye on Isobel until I get back?”

Eve nodded then leaned close, “of course! Have you seen who Caleb brought for me?” She nodded towards a rather unusual looking man who was drinking orange juice through a straw. “NO WAY! I’ll look after Iz, you have fun, okay?! But keep in touch! Stranger danger and all that!”

Laughing Emma turned back to Jacob, and he was now stood a few feet away looking at her with a smile. He cut such a staggering sight in the middle of the glamorous casino in his jeans, t-shirt and a linen blazer, he was the epitome of uncool chic, and with his messy blonde hair and those piercing blue eyes, and the slightest hint of stubble on his square jaw. Then her eyes dropped to his feet, he was wearing brown leather vans. She shouldn’t like this man, for SO many reasons, but even his fashion faux pas appealed to her.

                “Show me the way!”

Laughing he took her hand and tucked it into his elbow then led her out in the reception.

Jacob stopped at the concierge, smiling with familiarity at the grey haired man who had a weathered and friendly face, he was immaculately dressed in the livery of the hotel, and polite beyond belief as he returned the smile and nodded his head in recognition, “Mr Coren.”

                “Hi Sidney, do you have”

The smile remained on the older man’s face as he dipped his eyes to Emma for a moment, she felt her heart skip a beat as he lifted a large well wrapped parcel from behind the counter and handed it to Jacob. He then thanked the older man before leading Emma across the reception.

In one corner of the large reception was a small secluded area that housed a sofa, Jacob led her there, then encouraged her to sit. Crouching in front of her, he placed the box on her knees.

                “A little thank you for last night...and tonight...”

She bit her lip in nervousness, and it gave Jacob that same warm feeling that her sassy comments had earlier. Her eyes studied him, waiting for the reassurance that he gave with a smile. Then he watched as her hands gently tugged at the ribbon and paper, slowly revealing a very elite looking gold box.

Emma gasped as she saw the inscribed signature that topped every box of Christian Louboutin shoes. Her eyes flashed to his, question in her eyes. He could only grin like a buffoon, helping her to pop the lid of the box to reveal the shoes she’d spent far too long admiring.

                “They’re my size!” She announced in shock.

Jacob grinned, “last night, after the poker game, when we were sat in the bar, your shoes fell off. I could see the size written inside.”

Emma shook her head in wonder, “I can’t accept these!” She looked up at him, “this is too much!”

Jacob grinned, “you have to accept them for TWO reasons! One - your luck brought me a win last night, my life line, and two, your legs were made for these shoes!” Without further ado, he pulled off her tried and trusted black heels, then proceeded to slide the dream shoes on to her feet.

And to Emma it was the most erotic sensation in the world, a man, and a cute one at that, sliding expensive and VERY luxurious shoes onto her bare and sensitive feet.

Jacob admired her feet, his eyes lingered a little too long on her shapely legs, and then met her eyes, but not before taking in that cute lip biting thing that she had going on again. “Perfect!”

Placing her shoes back into the box, he rewrapped it, then added, “Sidney will hold the box for you, until you’re ready for it. Will you join me for a drink before the game?” He had uncurled to his full height of over six foot and was extending a hand towards her to help her out of the chair.

She took the hand and ignored the tingles of excitement she got from being tugged into his ridiculously high shoes. She staggered to find her balance, and it took Jacob’s firm hands to steady her, then she grinned.

                “Lead the way Mr Coren!”

As they approached the room that was to host the final game, they were met by a hostess and led to a designated area where there was food, drink, all the hospitality you could require. Jacob declined the canapés that were laid out on the table to their right, but he took a whisky.

                “Nerves!” He whispered into her ear, “can’t eat a thing! Have what you like...make the most of the hospitality!”

She shook her head, “I’m too nervous for you! You’ve blown a grand on these shoes...” Despite the words when she looked down at her feet there was pure pleasure in her eyes. Then she shook her head to clear the pleasure those shoes brought, “the thought of you losing you remaining money...what will you do?”

Jacob’s grin was full of bravado, but for Emma there was a huge chink in that armour, “I’ll survive...somehow. But I’ve got to lose first!”

Emma couldn’t share that optimism, but she smiled as they made small talk, and waited until show time.

There were seven players, and to Emma’s eyes they all looked, older - or rather more mature than Jacob, but also in their impeccable suits and Italian leather loafers, they exuded a confidence and a surety that she feared he didn’t reciprocate, but she’d never known a man so comfortable as him. He dropped into the conversations with great ease, and she hung on his arm like an attentive partner and they both seemed to portray an image of a high powered couple who belonged in the cut throat environment of a half a million dollar poker game.

                “Here we go!” He announced as the dealer moved into place at the oval shaped table, and before taking his place, Jacob smiled at Emma, then swept his head down to plant his lips on hers.  Before she realised what was happening, or more importantly what he was doing, he’d disappeared across the room. Bewildered she raised her fingers to her lips, touched the place where his lips had been, and it was in that moment of confusion that she met his eyes across the room, and he gave an outrageous wink, and instantly anger replaced the apprehension. He may have bought her the ultimate dream shoes, but that didn’t mean he could take liberties and kiss her like that!

Emma’s anger didn’t last long. The room was hushed and the game was more tense than anything she’d ever experienced. And she wasn’t alone, a few rushed and cheap hands fell to several of the players, but fortunately no one person took advantage. So despite it all, there was no threat to the overall lead.

Fortunately, Jacob was neutral to the major hits, and he entered the eighth game in a reasonable position. But one man fell in that hand. Slowly but surely they played each game, each hand, and a few of the less fortunate players bowed out, but remained in the room, watching the drama intently.

Every time Emma looked down, her glass of wine was topped up, she had no idea how much she’d drunk, but it was the only thing keeping her calm whilst the rest of the room dissolved in tension. Taking another gulp she watched anxiously as the mountain of chips at the centre of the table grew, the ante upping with every circle of the table.

She knew a little about poker, but found the whole indifference by the players, to what amounted to a huge amount of cash disturbed her. Jacob was staring at the other players, his cards face down in front of him, and he looked calm, fairly relaxed. She didn’t know him well enough to make any other comment on his demeanour. If she were an acquaintance then she’d have recognised subtleties, a raised eyebrow or a flared nostril that would betray his nervousness. But outwardly, there was nothing.

So if he wasn’t worried why was she??

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