Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chapter Chapter Five

Chapter 5

Heavenly aromas assaulted their noses when everyone arrived back at Phil’s that night. The house looked like an army of housekeepers had attacked it and for a moment, they wondered who and why. Then from the kitchen, they heard some humming and opened the door to look. Six jaws dropped in shock at the sight that greeted them. Phil had yet to come home.

Debra was in the kitchen, putting finishing touches on a prime rib dinner, stirring an au jous sauce. Fresh rolls had just gone into the oven and a fresh green salad was almost finished. The rib roast was resting after leaving the oven in preparation of being sliced. A dozen baked potatoes sat in aluminum foil, steaming, ready to be devoured. And Debra was in the middle of it, in an apron, her hair in a ponytail, singing classic 50’s rock and roll.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Jared asked, the first to find words.

Debra looked up and smiled at the others and then shrugged. “What does it look like? I’m making dinner. It will be ready in about 15 more minutes. So if you all want to relax. There’s a pitcher of martinis on the sidebar if you are interested.” Then she went back to her meal as if it were the most common, every day thing instead of something new to them all.

Darin opened his mouth to say something and Jer just shook his head and motioned for them all to follow him into the living room and wait. She hadn’t said anything, but from the feelings Jared was getting from Debra, this was part of a plan and she didn’t want anything to blow it.

A few minutes later, when Phil came home, Jared felt the tension in the air, like just before a storm. With a silent warning, he made sure everyone would keep quiet about what was going on. Then Phil came in and stopped.

“What am I missing?” Phil asked after the silent greeting and the wonderful smells coming from his kitchen. He didn’t know what was going on, but he had a feeling he wasn’t going to like it. Just then Debra came into the living room, a big smile on her face, apron still on and slightly damp.

“Ah, Phil, I’m so glad you are home. Can I get you anything? Dinner will be done in about ten minutes.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek, then glided over and poured him a drink, handed it to him with a smile and went back into the kitchen.

Looking from the drink in his hand to the closed kitchen door, Phil tried to figure out what had just happened. Carefully setting his briefcase on the floor by the door, he went into the kitchen to find out just what Debra was up to.


“Yes, Dear?” She didn’t look up from the salad as she tossed in a few cherry tomatoes.

“Debra?” Phil was a little more insistent, setting his glass down on the table. He walked over and tried to take the salad tongs from Debra’s hands.

She turned on him faster than he was prepared for, her eyes glittering blue with just a hint of green in their depths. “What?” She hissed.

Taking a step back, unprepared for this encounter, Phil wasn’t sure how to proceed. But now he knew what was up and like he thought, he didn’t like it. He took too long to answer and Debra turned away again and went to the refrigerator and took out three different kinds of salad dressing and set them on the table next to the salad bowl.

“Debra, why are you doing all of this?” Phil asked, staying out of her way, knowing that in the mood she was in, it was dangerous to get too close, at least it would be if it were Tris.

“Doing what, Phil?” Debra asked, again in the fake, sickly sweet tone she used when he got home and she greeted him. Pulling the rolls from the oven Debra started putting them in a linen lined basket then covering them with another linen cloth to keep them warm and moist.

Phil reached out and took her arm, turning her to face him. “All of this. This…this nineteen fifties housewife routine; it isn’t like you and I don’t like it.”

It wasn’t his mistake; her eyes were flashing more green than blue at the moment. He felt small hairs on the back of his neck stand on end and goose bumps traveled along his arms.

Debra started to answer and then stopped, shook her head and started again. “But, Phil, Darling, I thought this is what you wanted. Someone to hang on your every word, someone to always be at your beck and call, someone who would do nothing but see to your personal comfort. So that’s what I did all day. I cleaned your house, cooked your dinner, and am planning on doing so for as long as you’d like me to.” Her tone was the same false happiness, but the glimmer in her eyes betrayed her real anger.

Phil almost threw her away in his disgust as she so accurately mimicked all those girls from Boston who had tried to gain his attention. Then he realized that is exactly the impression he was giving her of what he wanted. Before he could think of what to say, Debra shook her head, took off the apron, threw it at his feet, and stormed out the back door, closing it with a quiet yet final click.

Phil walked back into the living room and looked at the expectant faces of his friends. “I want to apologize to all of you for acting like a spoiled brat. I will try to remember that I’m not your boss. I have to go find Debra and apologize to her as well. While I’m out, you might as well enjoy the meal Debra made for all of us. Just please, save some for both her and I.” Phil then walked out the front door and tried to follow that small light within his heart that spoke Debra’s name.

A mile away was a park with a playground. The full strength of the summer heat had yet to be realized and it was still early enough to be light outside. A cooling breeze from the ocean stirred the leaves and gave the empty swing a gentle push. In the open field near the playground, a group of boys were playing football. There was a family enjoying a picnic away from the devastation of the recent earthquakes in the pavilion near the center of the park.

Parked on the street on the north side of the park was a dark blue compact. The man sitting in the front seat was watching the young woman sitting in the swing. He had been watching her since he came across her walking here a few blocks away. In fact he’d been watching for her pretty much every day since he had first heard rumors about her the day after the big one. She hadn’t appeared to notice him yet, for which he was grateful. He was able to just watch her and get a better feel for the woman he desperately wanted to get on record as being something out of the ordinary.

She was young, early twenties at most, with long light auburn hair pulled into a ponytail, and large blue eyes. Her figure was petite and well-toned, much like a young gymnast or figure skater. The way she was sitting in the swing, making toe designs in the sand, made her appear young and vulnerable. It was a pose he had yet to see her in, whatever her name was, and it made him curious as to what would trouble this woman so much that she would let down her defenses. Maybe this was his one shot at approaching her and not having her run away from him.

Debra heard a car door close but it didn’t register in her mind that she should pay attention to it. She was at a total loss as to what to do with Phil. He didn’t want her independent and he didn’t want her hanging on his every whim and he wasn’t happy with something in between. She wasn’t sure what he wanted and at this point in time, she wasn’t really sure she cared. If the truth was told, and she was honest with herself, she was having second thoughts about staying in California at all. The peaceful life of a waitress back in Idaho was sounding better and better to the over-stressful life she knew she would lead here.

“That was quite a sigh. Want to talk about it?”

Debra jumped at the soft male voice coming from the swing next to her. When she recognized the pesky reporter, why couldn’t she remember his name right now, she closed her eyes and sighed again. When had he shown up? Considering how distracted she was, anytime.

“What do you want? I haven’t heard of any miracles happening lately.” Her voice sounded tired, even to her. She took a moment to really look at the man they had all been avoiding since that first night.

He was tall, well to her everyone was tall, with sandy brown hair and light brown eyes. He wasn’t bad looking and she could see a hint of a dimple in his left cheek. Then she blushed as she realized he noticed her checking him out and smiled at her.

“I don’t want anything. See, no tape recorders, no video, nothing, just a person wanting to know if you need a friend. I’m Marc Geffries, in case you didn’t remember, and I just thought you look like you need to talk.” Marc wondered for a moment what she thought about him. He knew he was good looking and many times he traded on that to get a story, but this time, he wanted her to like him for him, not because he could make her famous by putting her on the news.

Debra looked down a moment and then back to Marc and smiled at him. “Well, Marc, there is a house a mile or so away filled with people who want to be my friend and who I consider good friends. There is also a man wandering around the city looking for me who wants to be more than a friend but who doesn’t really know yet in what way. So if I wanted to talk, I could do it with any one of them. I came here because I needed to be alone, to think, to regroup, and to unwind.”

Marc just nodded and turned to look out over the park and the horizon from his vantage on the swing. “I can understand that, Miss…..”

“Debra, is this man bothering you?” Phil asked, coming up behind her and leaning against the side post of the swing set. Both Debra and Marc jumped at his voice and he crossed his arms across his chest. “Well?”

“No, I’m okay. I was just enjoying a little peace and quiet when Marc here came over to find out if I was okay. I guess it looked like I was somewhat distressed.” Debra said and then began to swing as high as she could, pumping her legs as if her life depended on it.

Marc got off the swing, carefully walked around it so he wouldn’t be hit by Debra, and stood next to Phil. “I recognize you, Mr. Bennington; I just wanted you to know.”

“I’m sure that many people recognize me, Mr. Geffries, just as they recognize you. Are you trying to get something from me?” Neither men looked at each other; both concentrating on Debra and her almost frantic bid to reach some unknown goal neither could fathom.

“No….and yes. I’m not after anything at the moment, it’s just like Debra said, I noticed she looked troubled and thought I would offer her my friendship. And yes, there are many questions I wanted answered about you, Debra, and the others who have been playing hero to our fair city. But I’m not going to ask them tonight, somehow, it doesn’t feel right.” Marc said and watched as Debra vaulted from the swing and stuck a perfect landing in the grass about twenty feet away. “She is pretty amazing, isn’t she?”

“Yes and I don’t want you bothering her. So if you want to ask your questions, make an appointment at my office and I’ll see what I can do about answering them. Just leave Debra alone.”

Debra turned and watched the two men for a moment. She heard what they were saying and could almost see the invisible lines drawn in the sand between them. Then Phil pushed away from the swing set and walked to where she was waiting, Marc just watched them and shook his head sadly.

Phil stopped next to Debra and turned to look back at Marc, nodded once to him, then reached for Debra’s hand. Shaking her head, Debra pulled her hand away from Phil and looked between the two men. “I am not a prize.” Then she stalked away from both of them, irritation radiating from her.

Marc walked over to Phil and put a hand on his shoulder. “I’ve said it once and I’ll keep on saying it; that is one hell of a woman. Good luck, Phil.” Then Marc walked to his car and got in, leaving Phil to watch as Debra rounded a corner and vanished between two trees.

Sighing and shaking his head, Phil wondered if he was ever going to do or say the right thing that wouldn’t make Debra run from him. He had come to apologize for acting like a spoiled school boy. Now he had offended her again by letting Marc know he was looking out for Debra and if she wanted he would fight for her. “Will I ever get it right?” Phil asked the sky and then turned to walk home. Maybe he would get lucky and she would be there when he returned, if not…well he just hoped she would be okay.

Chaos sat back on his cushions and pondered Phil’s question. It bothered Chaos that Debra’s reaction to such a simple declaration was so angry and fearful. He would have to take a look around Sheagnek’s library again and see if he couldn’t find the right trigger to help Phil and himself better understand Debra. For the moment, though, he would look after Debra and make sure she was okay until she was back in the safety of the Circle.

Serenity had also heard Phil’s question and was troubled. Perhaps she should take a little more active role in Debra’s life, guide her a little more. Then she thought about it and shook her head. If Debra couldn’t stand on her own, then she wasn’t the right vessel to do what needed to be done in the future. Phil and Debra would have to work out their relationship problems on their own. Then Serenity chuckled as she realized what the whole problem was. Phil was wanting to take the role that Serenity almost picked up, a guide and protector to Debra, and Debra was fighting it. She didn’t need a guide and protector any more than she needed a second head, what she needed was someone to believe in her and let her try her wings. She wondered if she should answer Phil’s question. Nodding, she planted the thought in his mind and let it take root and grow on its own. They were her champions after all.

Phil stopped outside his house, his hand almost touching the doorknob as a thought hit him from nowhere. He had come to California to get out from under his parents and what they thought was best for him. He had come here to test his wings and find out for himself what was best for him. Debra was trying to do the same thing and he was acting like his parents had before he left. If he didn’t want to drive her out of the state and back home to Idaho, then he had better figure out how to let go of his protective instincts over her and learn to trust that she would find her own way to go.

Feeling better, Phil entered his home, whistling, just as the other six had finished eating dinner. He smiled at them, fixed himself a plate of food, took it to his office and set it on his desk. Then he retrieved his briefcase from near the front door and took it to his office. He paused at the doorway and looked into the living room. “When and if Debra comes home tonight, please tell her thank you for dinner and that I’m sorry.” Then Phil locked himself in his office and started going over the paperwork he brought home from the work.

The other six looked at each other and then at the stairs as Debra started down them. She had beat Phil home by a good fifteen minutes. “I heard.” She said as Mike opened his mouth to relay Phil’s message. “I wonder what happened on his way home that opened his eyes…. Oh well. I’m glad you all liked dinner. But I’m bored, why don’t we go out tonight and catch a movie?” Debra walked between Mike and Darin and wrapped an arm around each of them. “Okay?”

Grant laughed and made a grab for Emily’s hand. “Sounds like a winner to me. What’s playing and where?” Jared offered his hand to Karen and smiled when she took it and the seven of them left Phil alone in his house to go out and enjoy a little free time.

Phil watched them leave from the window in his office. She was home and safe and for the first time since meeting her, he had done the right thing. It was going to be hard, but now the waiting would have to begin. Debra would have to come to him and he would have to be patient enough to let her.

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