Celestial Gardens(The Last Star Trilogy #2)

Chapter 8

We talked through the whole night. When we got tired of the cafeteria we took a walk outside, underneath the Stars. Alfred was really good at conducting Virgo, even though he did well, I was obviously better.

I told him everything. I told him about my friends, school and even what it was like to live in Hydrus.

“No, but really,” he started. “Magda never talked about me?”

“I did ask her once if I had a grandfather or not and she just said he passed away a long time ago.” I admitted. “The question seemed to bother her so I didn’t ask for an explanation.”

“Oh, well, I suppose we all have to move on eventually.” he didn’t sound disappointed. More like he expected it, but he wasn’t disheartened either.

Crimsyn State was quiet and asleep. The Stars were the only source of light. We were Stargazing outside the girls’ quarters. We had to talk in loud whispers because we didn’t want to disturb anyone.

Then something popped in my head. I was hesitant to ask but I just had to know. “Can I ask you something?” I mumbled.

“Go ahead,” he said.

“Did you bring me here because you needed me here or because you wanted me here?” I blurted.

He was a bit embarrassed, judging from the blush spread across his face. But I really wanted to know.

A small part of me hoped that it was because he actually wanted me here, I know these people need me here too but I wish Alfred wanted me here because I was his only grandchild.

For some reason, I’m glad he didn’t answer right away. He thought long and hard about what I said.

“Annabelle,” he sighed. I turned to face him. “I know it may seem as if I only brought you here because it was finally time for you to be a part of all this but honestly, I thought about your grandmother, your dad and you ever since I left.”

“But I did what I had to. I would have brought them here with me if they would have understood. And the only reason you’re here right now is because I want you here.”

I smiled at him and he did the same.

“I’m glad you said that,” I grinned. “It’s good to have a family member I can talk to.”

“Same here,” he raised his hand.

“Now tell me,” I said. I concentrated hard on Virgo and it sent a shot of pain through my entire body. Nonetheless, I didn’t stop. “What’s your favorite Constellation?”

“Easy, Ophiuchus.” he answered, a smile spread across his face.

“It’s not Virgo?” I challenged, making the Constellation shine brighter which only made my head throb and the Signs on my wrists were burning.

“Maybe second favorite.” he said.

I finally stopped which made me a little dizzy. “I think I should go to bed now,” I yawned.

“Yeah, it late.” he agreed. “You have a training session tomorrow with Raelynn.”

“What?” I yelped.

“Yes, someone is going to have to get you in shape.” he pointed out.

“Fine,” I snarled.

“Goodnight,” he waved.

“Goodnight,” I said lethargically.

Alfred walked to the Conference Hall, I don’t know why he was going there, maybe he had battle strategy to work on or a late night meeting. I didn’t bother thinking about it too much.

Instead, I quickly got under the sheets and examined my left hand. I couldn’t see anything because it was pitch black but I touched my wrist and knew that it wasn’t good.

My skin felt as if it had been scratched off, burned and it was peeling off. I don’t think there was any blood.

The Ophiuchus Sign was almost gone. I could see a little bit of the symbol but it looked like a painting that had been ripped apart.

The Virgo symbol was still visible and untouched, and I’d like to keep it that way.

I covered it up with my sleeve, hiding my secret and I don’t plan to divulge it.

“Wake up!”

One shout from Raelynn and I was out of bed, literally! Because I fell face flat on the floor.

“I’m up!” I said defiantly.

“Or down,” Raelynn muttered.

I got to my feet and unraveled the blanket with was tangled around me. “I didn’t ask for a wake up call,” I pointed out as I threw the blanket on the bed.

“And I didn’t volunteer to help you out of your weaknesses,” she shot back. “But here we are.”

“I don’t remember you being this rude,” I narrowed my eyes.

“And I don’t remember a descendant of Ophiuchus being so fragile,” she crossed her arms.

“Excuse me?” I clenched my fists.

“Excused,” she said, and exited the room.

“What is wrong with her?” I said under my breath, but I was audible.

“What else did you expect from her?” Phoenix answered. “You want her to play nice while you cry your eyes out?”

“I didn’t ask you,” I said through gritted teeth. Trying hard not to punch Phoenix I went to the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

“Pray to the Stars she comes to her senses,” Phoenix said to the other girls. Her voice was muffled but I made out her words.

I washed my face and for a minute I looked at my reflection. The dirty mirror made me look even more disgusting than usual.

I was weak and broken. And these muscular girls think they can beat me, they can. They think I’m a spoiled rich girl who couldn’t even lift her finger, maybe I’m spoiled and maybe I’m not physically strong but I’ve gone through enough things to make my emotional barriers strong. Well...kind of.

I’m not going to let them break me this time. I curled my fingers around the porcelain sink.

I can do this, I can do this. I kept repeating that in my head as I ate breakfast and as I walked side by side Nathan as he lead me towards the gymnasium. It was located right across the weapons room and it was full of treadmills, weights, stationary bikes and equipment I couldn’t even name.

Raelynn was already waiting inside. Nathan stood in front of me with his hands on the door frame, he was blocking my way.

“This is where I leave you,” he said dramatically. But I could see the warning on his face.

“Haha, very funny.” I said.

He stepped forward, put both hands on my shoulders, “Good luck!” he cheered a little too loudly and it made Raelynn jump. I heard a few things falling and knew Nathan had ruined any chance I had of making a good impression on her.

“Nathan, are you leaving or should I drag you away?” Raelynn snarled.

“That’s my que to leave,” Nathan squealed and ran away.

The gym was smaller than the cafeteria and almost as big as the girls’ quarters. Raelynn was at the end of the room , leaning against a wall with a jump rope in one hand.

“Come, princess.” she spat as I approached her.

“I’m not a princess.”

“You’re a pampered princess,” she rephrased.

“Just start the torture already,” I whined. Immediately I wished I hadn’t said that, I sounded like a child and to everyone here I was already a spoiled brat. I didn’t want to feed into their assumptions.

“We’re going to start by building your legs,” she lead me to the treadmill and I stepped on it.

“Ever work out before?” she asked.

“No,” I replied.

“Of course you didn’t,” she smiled grimly. “This should be fun then.”

She pushed some buttons and I started walking, after a while I was running and I don’t know why running outside is any different than running on a treadmill.

I was already drowsy from last night and this work out wasn’t helping.

“Today’s leg day,” Raelynn informed. “Tomorrow we work on your core, schedule your archery and self defense around all that and then you’ll learn how to use a Star Stone properly.”

“Okay,” I shrugged as if it was nothing.

“I’m surprised at how fast you are,” she raised an eyebrow.

She was determined but fatigued, still she looked pretty. Her cherry red streaks were dull, an indication that she hadn’t dyed them in a while. She was dressed in black leggings, a grey shirt, jacket and brown boots.

How she managed to look attractive in those clothes remained a mystery to me. Her big, beautiful eyes were purple and blue today but they changed from that to green and pink.

I have to admit, I envied her for having such pretty eyes. And no matter what mood she was in, her ambience always made everyone energetic and cheerful.

I’ve been doing this for maybe thirty minutes. That’s when Raelynn said it was enough. I was relieved but that wasn’t all.

Next, she tied weights to my ankles and then I had to walk on these steps, the kind in shopping malls. I did that for another thirty minutes and then we were outside.

“That was intense,” I commented.

“Next come the knives!” she cheered.

It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Raelynn actually gave me pointers and I hit a target more than once and I was actually really good and it and even stranger, I was enjoying it. Even Raelynn was cheering me on.

I only got a few cuts but I didn’t mind. It wasn’t anything serious. When we stopped I begged to go one more time and she let me. I missed the target only by a few inches.

“Can I go again?” I pleaded.

“No,” Raelynn grinned. “But I’m proud of you for trying and for being passionate.”

“Thanks,” I smiled.

“Good job,” she punched my shoulder lightly.

“This isn’t so bad after all.” I confessed.

“Thank the Stars!” Raelynn gasped. “You’re getting the hang of it.”

I chuckled and Raelynn did the same. “You deserve a reward,” she said.

“No, that’s okay. You don’t have to.”

“I was going to go to the lost and found and grab some new clothes for you since those are completely sweaty now.” she said, pointing to my clothes.

“Oh,” I looked at myself, she was right.

“You go and get in the shower,” Raelynn told. “And I’ll go get you a new outfit!”

“Sure,” I said. Her joy and energy reminded me of Lyra. These two would have been friends in no time. Maybe I’ll get to introduce them one day. Raelynn skipped away.

I looked up at the sky, it was blue and orange. Almost night time. The Stars weren’t clearly visible but I still found Virgo and Ophiuchus.

I know I shouldn’t have but it happened before I could allow myself. Ophiuchus lit up in green, my head started throbbing and my Signs started burning again.

I tried to stop manipulating the Constellation but I had no control over it. My knees buckled and my vision was blurry.

After Ophiuchus calmed down, I got to my feet and straightened up as if nothing happened. I managed the walk from here to the girls’ room and locked myself in the shower, avoiding everyone’s stares and questions about how my day went.

I peeled off my clothes and washed them in the sink with soap and water. I hung them on the towel rack to dry while I washed myself.

The water was cold so I had to be quick. I grabbed a towel and Raelynn knocked on the door and handed me what she found.

A long red shirt which fell to my knees, black leggings to match hers, a black leather jacket and I put on my boots.

“You look nice,” Raelynn complimented as I stepped out of the bathroom, drying my hair with a towel.

“Thanks,” I grinned. “So do you.”

She had undone her braided hair and now it was wavy. Her ears flashed with jewels. They were artificial of coarse but still the multi-coloured earrings complimented her eyes.

“By the way, Nathan is waiting for you outside.” she informed.

“Okay,” I replied and walked outside to find a worried Nathan.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Never been better,” I sighed.

“Looks like it went well then,” he looked as if invisible weights had been lifted off of his shoulders.

“Want to take a walk before dinner?” he suggested.

“No, my legs are killing me.” I complained.

“I know, but it’ll be worth it.” he promised.

“I hope so,” I prayed.

Nathan’s hair was a mess. He was dressed in the similar baggy clothes I had been wearing.

“Where have you been?” I blurted.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I haven’t seen you much ever since we got here,” I noted. “I only pass by you sometimes and when you actually do talk to me it’s because you have to, not cause you want to.”

“Well, I;ve been catching up with everyone and getting back into my old routine and also spending some time with my mother.” he listed.

“Oh,” I felt bad that I hadn’t met Nathan’s mom yet. “Where’s your mom?”

“She’s usually in the kitchen, her room is behind the cafeteria and I sometimes stay there too.”

I nodded. So she’s the one behind all the nasty food.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Nathan smiled. “Don’t blame the meals on her. You should see the ingredients she has.”

“Oh, I wasn’t...”

“Yeah, yeah.” he cut me off. “Whatever.”

We started walking towards the cafeteria. “A lot has happened here.” Nathan said to no one in particular.

“Huh?” I puzzled.

“I mean,” he hesitated. “I was in that dungeon for way too long.”

With the intense workout, my headache from Stargazing, the memory of being in that prison cell and the longing to see my friends, I was anguished.

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