Captured: Highgate Preparatory Academy, Book 1

Captured: Chapter 38

As I curse Ash every name under the sun, I hear footsteps coming up the hall, back towards me.

That sounds like more than just one person…

My suspicion is confirmed when Ash walks through the door, followed by Loki, Jax, and Kai. I take in a sharp inhale as they fan around the bed, all looking down at me with matching expressions of hunger and appreciation on their faces.

“Black certainly is your colour, Pretty Girl,” Loki drawls, his emerald eyes practically on fire as he takes me in, naked and tied up in the black ropes.

My nipples harden to points under their gaze, my pussy throbbing with the need for release, which only they’ll be able to give me considering my current predicament.

Ash stands at the foot of the bed again, the white bandage on his thigh stark against his tattooed skin, a condom already covering his hard member. He starts to crawl up the bed until his lips are level with my aching cunt. Holding my gaze, and lowering down, his wicked tongue comes out to lick me from opening to clit. My hips buck off the bed at the warm contact, and I moan loudly as I almost climax from that touch alone. His hands come up to my pelvis, holding me in place as he starts to feast on me, licking and sucking with such devastating precision, that within mere minutes I’m screaming and coming all over his face.

I look around the bed with hooded eyes, to see the others have all stripped down, hands wrapped around their rock hard members, condoms already on, and their eyes ablaze with desire.

Ash draws my attention back to him when he begins to climb back up my body, holding himself above me, his dick poised at my entrance.

He leans down to kiss me, devouring my mouth like he did my pussy, and tasting myself on his lips and tongue sets me alight all over again.

Pulling back, he looks me straight in the eyes as though he’s trying to steal my very soul from my body.

“We’re each going to fuck you, to claim you, and you’re going to take it like the good girl I know you can be,” he instructs, his voice low and demanding and I can’t stop the full body shudder at his words. “You are ours, Lilly Darling, and will be ours until we’re dragged kicking and screaming from this world into the flames. And when we’re all in Hell, we will take on Lucifer himself if he dares to keep us from you.”

Not giving me a moment to process his declaration, he slams into me up to the hilt with a deep primal groan, causing a pleasure filled shriek to issue from my parted lips. The way he starts to fuck me is not gentle, or soft and sweet. It’s as he said, a claiming. He’s branding me as his, as theirs, with every hard thrust of his hips and every grind of his pelvis into my clit. He’s practically snarling, and sweat beads his brow, his grey eyes swirling with a kind of frenzied animal madness.

I’m utterly helpless, unable to move, so I give myself over to the intense sensations that he’s eliciting from my body. It’s euphoric, giving someone complete control over you, and just letting go. Everything fades away, apart from his hardness pounding into me, stoking the flames higher, until I’m burning all over.

“Ash!” I gasp out as he keeps hitting the same spot inside me, over and over again, driving me wild.

“Come for me, Princess. Paint me with your release,” he orders, his voice strained, letting me know that he’s close, too.

As if knowing I need a little nudge, he brings one hand between us and pinches my clit, which tips me over the edge, howling my climax as I fall. I hear him roar, reaching his own pinnacle whilst I’m still floating, and he stiffens above me as he comes. His face transforms when he finds release, and for a brief moment, he looks utterly relaxed and at peace.

We lie together, him still deep inside me for several heartbeats, breathing each other in like we need the other to keep existing. He leans down, kissing me tenderly on my lips.

“Thank you, Princess,” he whispers against them, before pushing up and out of me. I mourn the loss, missing his heat already.

He kneels up between my legs, looking like a satisfied jungle cat, languid yet full of danger.

“Kai,” he declares, getting off the bed, stripping the used rubber off his semi-hard cock, and going to sit in the big armchair that’s to the side of us, which is shrouded in darkness.

My attention snaps to Kai, who’s now coming around to the other side of the bed. I notice he has something long in his hand, and when he steps into the circle of light, my breath catches. He’s holding a thin black whip with a red leather tip.

“What’s your safe word, Lilly?” Kai asks me, his voice low and melodic.

“Red,” I whisper back, a rush of excitement sweeping over me.

“Good girl,” he praises, and I fucking preen at the approval. “Do you know what this is, Lilly?” he quizzes, and I nod. “You may speak,” he instructs, his voice firm and commanding, and I can feel my core tighten with the authority in his tone.

“It’s a whip,” I say softly, my eyes darting back up to his, seeking approval.

“It’s actually called a crop, but you were very close, well done,” he congratulates, making my body flush.

I take in a sharp breath as he brings the leather tip along my side, teasing me with a light touch starting at my waist, then running it around the side of my breast, my underarm, and up to my closed fist.

“Open your palm, Lilly,” he commands, and I immediately obey, feeling a rush of anticipation as to what he will do next. I try to crane my head up to look at my open palm, but it’s too awkward of an angle, so I close my eyes and wait.

I hear the whistle of parting air milliseconds before I feel the sharp sting of the crop on my palm. Gasping, my hand involuntarily closes, and my back arches with the unexpectedly exquisite sensation.

“Open your eyes, Lilly,” he orders. I look into his honey orbs which are blazing with ravenous hunger, the only sign of what he’s thinking, as he appraises me. “I’m going to use the crop on your beautiful breasts now. Five times on each.”

The fire in his eyes rages to a blazing inferno as he brings the crop to start caressing all over my boobs, my nipples peaking with the tickling sensation. Suddenly, he brings the crop down on one globe with a crack. I cry out at the pain, yet my centre clenches, and I feel a bead of liquid drip down my inner thigh.

He moves to the other side, teasing me with the leather tip of the crop, tracing it all around my breast before bringing it down sharply on my flesh. I shriek time and again as he catches me unaware, my cries turning to moans the longer it goes on. I’m sweating and shaking by the time he’s finished, my body tingling.

“Look how beautiful she is, painted with red stripes,” he admires out loud, and I hear the others murmur their agreement. My eyes open to see his face set in an expression of intense gratification as he looks at his handiwork.

He drops the crop to the floor with a dull thud, climbing onto the bed and coming to hover over me, lining up his hard, pierced cock with my weeping opening.

“Such a good, beautiful girl,” he mumbles, cupping my face.

Slowly, torturously, he pushes inside me inch by inch, the metal of his piercings already rubbing over my g-spot. I’m shuddering by the time he’s all the way in, panting as he starts to move in earnest, surging into me harder with each thrust, until the sounds of our bodies slamming together are all that I can hear.

He moves his body up, seeking to go even deeper, and I curse as he hits the right spot unrelentingly, my climax ripping through me, my back arching, and my head thrown back as I see stars. There’s a rush of liquid between my thighs as I orgasm, my inner muscles convulsing around Kai’s hard length.

He pumps his hips hard once, twice, then plunges deep, growling in ecstasy, and biting down on my neck, which sends me over the edge again.

“So beautiful,” he rasps out, rubbing his nose along my throat, sending shivers skittering across my body, and my pussy flutters around him.

“Jax,” I hear Ash command from the chair, and I open my eyes to find his intense steel gaze on me, taking in my prone position and Kai above me.

Kai kisses me sweetly, before pulling out and climbing off the bed, taking one final look at my flushed skin, and the red stripes that decorate my chest.

The mattress dips beside me, my head turning to the side as Jax climbs on. He hesitates, one knee on the bed and looking down at me frowning, biting the inside of his cheek. I can’t bear the thought that my threats from earlier may have made him doubt my feelings for him.

“Jax, I know what I said earlier about not sleeping with you, but I shouldn’t have threatened you with withholding myself. That was wrong, and I’m so sorry. I love you. Please, make love to me.”

His whole body droops with relief, and I’m treated to one of those rare smiles that light up his entire face. Looking me over once more, still tied up and flushed from the attentions of Ash and Kai, he growls his approval.

“They warmed you up nicely for me, Baby Girl,” he rumbles out, and I whimper when his hands trace my skin with a feather light touch, setting my nerve endings alight.

He settles in between my spread legs, lining up his impressive length with my soaked entrance, and with one smooth thrust, he’s fully seated inside me. My toes curl, and my fists clench the bedclothes as he starts to fuck me so hard, the bed frame shakes and groans, hitting the wall behind us.

“Still so fucking tight,” he rasps, his thrusts getting even harder. He’s practically hitting my cervix every damn time, he’s so fucking huge, and the edge of pain helps to build a wildfire inside me, waiting to be released.

He brings one big hand up, his palm caressing my breasts, and I hiss at the delicious sting left by Kai’s crop. Supporting himself on one arm, he reaches with the other and wraps his strong fingers around my throat, squeezing. He’s doing an impressive one arm push-up, still pounding hard into me, as his grip on my throat tightens, restricting my airway, so I’m struggling for each breath.

I turn my head to find Loki stroking himself slowly next to us, his Prince Albert piercing glinting and glistening in the low lights.

“Look at me when I’m fucking you, Baby Girl,” Jax growls out, and my head snaps towards him at his commanding tone.

His eyes are wild, like a stormy sea churning with lust, as he thrusts even harder into me, squeezing my throat so that I can’t breathe at all let alone make any noise.

The lack of air sends me spiraling higher, detonating an explosion inside me that’s so intense, I blackout entirely, only coming to when I hear a lion’s roar above me as Jax finds his own release. His grip loosens enough that I take a huge gasping breath, the air tasting sweet and burning slightly, as it hits my lungs.

I will definitely have a necklace of bruises tomorrow, I ruefully think with a satisfied smile as I lie there panting and tingling, feeling spent and exhausted.

“Loki!” Ash barks from his seat, his throne.

Jax kisses my lips tenderly, then my throat, and he climbs off of me, leaving me groaning as he leaves my body.

“Hey, Pretty Girl,” Loki drawls softly, and for a second, I get lost in emerald eyes that shine with desire and love. I see him nod to Ash, and then Earned It by The Weeknd starts to play. He’s such a Cassanova!

I manage a weak smile, but I genuinely don’t know how I’m going to have another orgasm, I’m completely wrung out and my body is totally jellified.

Starting at my toes, he kisses my sweaty body in between singing along to the song, crawling up to me, and leaving delicious tingles in his wake. He gently kisses the red stripes that Kai left on my breasts, with a featherlight touch that leaves me squirming on the sheets. He teases my nipples with his tongue until they’re pebbled and rock hard. He then moves onto my throat, kissing and sucking, until I’m writhing underneath him, his lips moving to hover over mine.

“Loki…” I breathe against them, feeling the pierced tip of him begin to push inside me. “I don’t know if I can…” I whimper, shaking as he goes deeper.

“Of course you can, Pretty Girl, you’re such a good girl,” he croons, and gently keeps pushing until he bottoms out, letting out a deep contented sigh.

He begins to gently undulate his hips in time with the music, picking up the lyrics, singing to me like he did on our date night all those weeks ago. My breathing speeds up as he moves inside me, gasping every time he grinds his pelvis into my clit.

I can feel the flicker of an orgasm come to life inside me as he slowly builds me up, his body aligned with mine, not an inch of space between us. His hands tangle in my hair, as he sings in my ear, and it’s so sensual and hot that the flames turn into a bonfire, and before I know it, I’m seeing stars as he draws another shuddering climax from my aching, spent body, tears springing into my eyes.

My inner walls convulse around his cock, my nails biting into my palms with the force of my release.

“Lilly!” he cries out moments later as he reaches his own crescendo, his body going completely rigid, a look of bliss on his angelic face.

His weight settles on top of me, and I relish the crush as we both relearn what gravity feels like.

I’m so exhausted, I can barely open my eyes, and I lay there fucking glowing. I feel a tug on my wrist, then the sweet release of the bindings being undone. Through slitted lids, I see Ash moving to untie my ankles.

“Loki, get off her,” Ash demands. “Take her downstairs, and clean her up. Kai, find her fresh PJs, silk ones, then bring her back here. Jax and I will remake the bed,” Ash directs, his voice firm yet not unkind. He leans over to brush my hair off my face as Loki complies with a grumble. “You’re staying with me tonight, Princess,” he utters under his breath next to my ear, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

Loki takes my hand, encouraging me to the side of the bed, then scooping me up in his arms and carrying me out of the room, which I’m fucking grateful for as I doubt I could walk. I hear Jax grumble, “Fucking show off,” as we pass him, which makes Loki shake with laughter.

He brings me down the stairs and into the bathroom, turning on the shower and taking me inside. My legs are like jelly, what with being tied and the multiple orgasms, unable to support my weight, so he keeps ahold of me as he sets me on my feet, washing me, then toweling me dry. Kai walks in with fresh PJs, dusky pink silk with cream lace, as per Ash’s instructions, and helps me into them as Loki finishes drying himself off.

Then, Loki sweeps me back up into his arms and carries me upstairs with Kai following behind us. He sets me down gently onto the freshly made bed, pulling the covers up over me and giving me a sweet kiss on my lips.

“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Loki whispers into my ear, stroking the side of my face tenderly. Moving away, he’s replaced by Kai, who kisses me gently too, before wishing me a good night. Jax playfully barges Kai out of the way, leaning down to do the same.

My eyelids start to droop as I hear the door click shut, plunging the room into darkness. The bed dips some minutes later, just as I’m drifting off, and I’m surrounded by the scent of fresh ginger. Ash pulls me tight into him, my back to his front, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old,’

he quotes in hushed tones, and I vaguely register it’s from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, before the darkness of sleep enfolds me in its warm embrace.

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