Captivated By The Fae: A Cinderella Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 2)

Captivated By The Fae: Chapter 28

I want Ella as my bondmate. I have never desired anything as much as I desire her. Surely Father will understand once I speak to him.

As I make my way through the crowd, myriad scenarios play out in my mind. If worse comes to worst, I will simply leave with Ella for Arnafell. Together, we will start a new life abroad.

When I reach the dais, my father’s eyes flash with anger. Inhaling deeply, I start up the stairs toward him. “Father?”

He narrows his eyes. “Where were you?”

“I…” My voice trails off when I notice Lorala ascending the stairs, her father, Lord Fenlyr, trailing behind her.

Father stands and raises his hands, motioning for the crowd to pay attention. Panic sparks inside me.

“Father, wait,” I whisper through gritted teeth.

“No, Ryvan. I’ve already waited long enough,” he hisses. “Honored guests, I have an announcement to make.”

All eyes turn to us, and dread fills me. “Father, no.”

“My son, Prince Ryvan,” he announces, loud enough to thunder over my voice, “heir to the throne of Anara, is to be bonded to Lady Lorala Fenlyr.”

I peer at the crowd, numb with shock, as everyone cheers. Everyone except for my brother, who is watching me with surprise written across his features. Ella stands beside him, her blue gaze locked on mine. Her expression is full of sadness as a tear slips down her cheek.

Panic tightens my chest as the clock begins to chime on the hour. It’s midnight. The enchantment hiding Ella will fade once the last bell sounds.

Her mouth drifts open as worry flits across her features. She spins on her heels and races toward the door.

“Ella!” I shout, but she does not turn around.

I rush after her, pushing my way through the crowd. The world slows around me as the space between each chime of the clock seems to grow longer. Even flying is impossible as everyone gathers around me, slowing my chase as they offer their congratulations on my betrothal.

But all I can think of, and all I can see is Ella. My heart hammers in my chest, I’m desperate to reach her. I have to explain.

I call out to her again but she keeps going. When I reach the outside, she’s already halfway down the path, heading toward the forest.

I race toward her, my wings fluttering furiously to catch up. “Ella, please! Wait!”

I come up behind her, spreading my arms wide to gather her to my chest. The moment my arms wrap around her smaller form, I lift her from the ground as the final toll of the hour sounds.

Her enchanted disguise fades away as I spin her in my arms to face me. Her face is puffy and red, her eyelids swollen as tears stream down her face.

“Ella, please. Listen to me. Let me explain. My father made the announcement against my wishes. I don’t want to bond with Lorala. I won’t. I only want you.”

She shakes her head softly as she cups my cheek. “You must choose her, Ryvan. We cannot be together.”

I search her eyes in shock. “What are you talking about?”

“You have to let me go. It is too dangerous for you to be with me. Eryl told me what could happen if you were to lose yourself to the darkness. You need her Light Magic to help you.”

“No, Ella. I only want you.”

“And I don’t want you to be killed.” She chokes back a sob. “I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you, Ryvan. You have to let me go.”

“Ella, I—’

The glass slipper falls from her left foot as the last chime of the hour strikes. Glowing green light surrounds her. Her blue eyes meet mine, full of pain. “You have to let me go, Ryvan.”

“Ella, please listen to me. I—’

In the blink of an eye, she disappears. I tip forward from the sudden loss of her weight as she’s ripped from my hold by the magic that protects our kingdom. I drop to the ground and quickly gather the glass slipper.

If I’m right, the magic will have left her on the other side of the veil at the exact spot where she first crossed. I lift off and rush toward the forest, desperate to reach her. My heart pounds as I fly through the trees. The long branches pull at my form, but I summon the wind and push them aside, snapping off several in the process.

The glowing light of the veil up ahead sparks hope in my chest. I gasp as soon as I reach it and find the barrier completely repaired. I beat my fists against the wall, crying out her name.


I recognize the voice of my father. Slowly, I spin to face him. Disbelief followed quickly by anger fills me and I point to the veil. “Did you do this? Did you have it repaired?”

“Of course, I did,” he replies indignantly. “We cannot have a breach in our defenses.”

I grit my teeth. “Did you have me followed?”

“I care about you,” he replies, providing me with all the answer I need. I thought I’d been careful to avoid detection, but it seems I was wrong.

I glare at him. “Let me pass.”

He tips up his chin. “No.”

“If you do not lower the barrier, I will break it down with my magic.”

Power arcs across the tips of my fingers, crackling like bits of lightning as it builds deep within. Closing my eyes, I gather the darkness, rallying it to me as I ready to take down the veil.

“Do it,” my father says. “If for no other reason than to realize exactly why you cannot be with her.”

I still.

He continues. “Can you not see how dangerous it would be for you to bond with a human? A creature that possesses no innate magic to counter your own?” He steps forward, his gaze holding mine intently. “Do you want to end up like King Erebyr? Destroying everything and everyone you love?”

“That will not happen,” I grind out. “I can control it.”

His gaze drops to my hands, the magic still sparking across my palm. “Are you certain? Because unless you are… you must let her go.”

Sadness tightens my chest for his words are truth. I curl my hands into fists at my side, struggling to contain the destructive power that threatens to break free.

“You do not understand, Father. Her stepmother is a witch. She will—”

Oradon appears behind him. I had not noticed him earlier and suspect he used a transportation spell to arrive with such stealth. He bows low before me. “My prince—Ryvan,” he corrects himself. “I have cast a protection spell upon her. The witch cannot harm her now.”

Relief fills me, but it is quickly overshadowed by my devastation.

Father places a hand on my shoulder. “I am sorry, Ryvan. But know that everything I do is to protect you, my son. I do not want you to end up like Erebyr. His power was too great, Ryvan. He killed his own bondmate and child. Can you not understand that I am trying to help you?”

I shake my head. “I would never harm her. I couldn’t. I love her too much.”

“And that is why it would destroy you, Ryvan. Could you live with yourself if—”

“Enough!” I squeeze my eyes shut against the pain. The image of Ella staring at me through tear-filled eyes surfaces in my mind. I lower my head in defeat. “I understand.”

“Come.” He squeezes my shoulder. “Let us go home.”

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