Born From Ash (Book I of The Flame Trilogy)

Chapter 19

I’m seated in the center of the room with the pack bitches seated around me. Now that I’ve been formally introduced as Alpha Female, they are no longer weary of me and allow me to be more included in their luncheon. Alana, after losing the challenge and now a newly made omega, is now in my previous position; she’s sat furthest away with her head hung in a submissive display.

I’ve used my influence and power to temporarily take full control of the event; if something is going to change, I need proof that it should be changed.

“Since coming to your pack, I’ve noticed that bitches have one choice on how to live their lives- find their mate and become housewives. I can’t help but think that so many of you could have hidden talents that could strengthen and build this pack up, but you don’t even get an opportunity to try.”

The bitches around me look surprised, looking around at each other in wonder and genuine shock.

“I’ve been talking with Alpha Dimitri desperately trying to convince him that allowing pack bitches the choice of doing something more for the pack. So far, he seems understanding but reluctant; I think it would really help if you all demonstrated that this is something you want to do.”

“But what else could we do?” One of the bitches speaks up unsurely. “It’s just always been a part of our tradition to be a mate that I can’t think of anything else.”

“Anything you want to do. You could be a warrior, a teacher, stay a mate- absolutely anything.” I reply with a shrug, “As long as it’s your choice. I know that you may find it strange or uncomfortable to go against tradition, but I honestly just want the best for the pack.”

And it’s the truth. I’ve grown attached to the people that I’ve met here, the times that I’ve interacted with the pack, are both heart-warming and learning experiences for me. I have the best interest of the pack in mind, I want everyone to be happy and safe.

The thought makes me consider the fact I’m hiding my biggest secret from Dimitri, I can’t claim to have the best interest of the pack in mind if I’m hiding vital information from their Alpha, even if that secrecy comes from a place of fear. I decide then, that once I give Dimitri the signatures, I’ll also tell him everything.

“I for one have always wanted to be a chef.” Angel speaks up from beside me. “When I was in Crimson Manes, I could make a mean stew... I mean I still cook for Viktor, but it would be so nice to share my skill with the whole pack.”

I turn to her with a small smile of thanks, she simply winks right back. At her testimony a small chatter starts up within the tea shop as the bitches consider the possibilities of doing something more for the pack.

It hardly takes any time before I have a list of signatures of the bitches who like, or is interested, in the idea. There are some bitches who don’t sign at all, they like their current position and aren’t too keen on doing something else. It’s completely expected though. In fact, I’ve gotten far more signatures than I initially thought I would.

Once I show Dimitri, he would have no choice but to listen to me. I’m also going to suggest Dimitri to train the bitches in the pack, because no matter how much he trusts the skill of his Epsilon it’s always an invaluable skill to have.

The rest of the luncheon is a pleasant affair, and I find that I’m not as worn out by it as the first few times I attended; those days seem so far away now.

The office is flooded by the bright sunlight from outside, Dimitri sits in his intimidating leather seat when I stroll into his office. His broad shoulders rest comfortably against the back, taking up the entire seat in an effortless dominant position.

I saunter over to his desk with confidence holding the sheet of paper out, placing it right in the middle of his desk. The man in question looks up at me with an amused interest. “What’s this?”

“Signatures from all the bitches in the pack who would like the opportunity to do more for the pack than sit at home waiting for their mate.” I answer, taking a seat opposite his desk, leaning all the way back with relaxed confidence.

His eyes momentarily widen, before furrowing as he looks over the two sheets of paper that holds all the petitions I collected at today’s luncheon.

“Alright, I’ll enlist a meeting with all the ranking bitches to change pack policy on its female members.” Dimitri nods writing something down on a sheet of paper. “I’ll try to get it done in the next few days or so.”

I nod gratefully, somewhat pleased with myself for being the one responsible for the positive change due to occur in the pack. Though it fades when I realise that I now have to tell him the truth.

“Dimitri, I have to tell you something.” I start up abruptly, sitting up as the anxiety begins to flood my body.

My statement is charged, instantly commanding Dimitri’s attention. He could feel my unease, it’s probably flowing through the mark like a river with how frightened I am. I’ve put it off long enough, and I owe it to these people to tell the truth, I owe it to Dimitri- not just because we made a deal but because I lo- ... Because he’s the only one who can do something about it.

“Whatever you tell me, Arashi, it won’t change anything I promise.”

I remain quiet trying to calm my raging heart and prepare myself to speak. The blanket of silence surrounding us has the air thick with tension. I only just begin to speak my part when the phone on Dimitri’s desk rings obnoxiously. His eyes soften imperceptibly, almost in an apology for cutting me off.

“Alpha Dimitri speaking.” He answers with his cool, calm and collected Alpha tone. His chest puffs a little bigger, his face a little harder and his entire aura tinges darker as he embodies the perfect example of an Alpha.

His face remains blank, as he listened then replied with the same calculated steely tone as before. I watch him carefully, the way his knuckles tighten around the phone or the way his eyebrows twitch with the urge to furrow.

He tries to hide it, though I’m not sure from who, but in any case, the agitation is written all over his face. His body radiates that primal dominance and rage that he’s trying desperately to contain- it’s so strong that it starts coming through the bond, replacing the feeling of fear that had previously taken me over.

“If I hear anything, I’ll let you know. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a few matters to address within my own pack. Thank you Chaka.” Dimitri ends the call, his tone professional, distant and brief. There’s no pleasantries exchanged, just unfeeling business. I guess all Alpha’s are that way.

Aleksandr has always been that way and had even fashioned his entire pack to be that way. To reflect upon it now actually made my heart hurt, he had brainwashed us all into believing that to be callous and inhumane is the best way to live instead of letting us all be free to choose what we want to do- to feel. I guess our best interest was never something he was looking out for. We were bred for one reason, and one reason alone; the sole destruction of the werewolf kind.

If I can, I’ll make sure that never comes to pass.

As soon as the phone clicks back onto the receiver, Dimitri’s hard look is cast over to me. “We don’t have much time. That was Chaka from the Crimson Manes pack, they were raided again. He said this time those rogues were looking for someone.”

“It was Shadow Fang. They know that I’m gone.”

“Yes, and they’re coming after you.” Dimitri grunts, “I’m guessing we have just about a week until they get here.”

“I doubt you even have that.” I sigh heavily. Now I really can’t stall anymore, I have to come clean about everything. Time is running out and Dimitri needs to know as much as possible if his kind wants even a snowball’s chance in hell.

“Aleksandr wanted to create a higher order of beings, he was-is- obsessed with obtaining power greater than the Moon Goddess herself.” I roll my eyes at the notion of a ‘Moon Goddess’, trying to stay calm and light hearted in the situation. I know this is it, this is the moment Dimitri sees who I really am. There’s a part of me that’s saddened by the thought of him turning me away, I truly have come to feel for him whilst being here.

“He said that it was asinine that creatures as powerful werewolves have to hide from an inferior species like humans, we were created with superiority that we should rule over them.”

I pause only to take a breath, barely even thinking about the words that come tumbling forth. It’s like a damn has broken loose, nothing could hold back the currents and waves that poured forth as I try to explain with the best clarity the things that have been drilled into me since I could remember..

“At first, his plan was to eradicate the humans, but he knew that the Alpha’s council wouldn’t agree. He said it was because of cultivated weak thinking that had put wolves in such a position in the first place. So instead, he decided that whoever stood in his way would get wiped out too.”

“Okay, but I don’t understand. If he wants to wipe out the werewolves and the humans, then surely, he has to have a trump card somewhere. He wouldn’t call war if he didn’t have some kind of weapon or something to ensure himself a win.” Dimitri speculates, rubbing his chin in thought.

I suck in a sharp breath, unable to meet his eyes. “He does. The packs he destroyed, he took in the members. The only reason for destroying the packs was so that there was nowhere for them to run to. He started with brainwashing then experimentation; most people didn’t survive.”

“Experimentation on what.” Dimitri hisses, threat evident in his voice. Eyes wide, nostrils flaring as he waits for me to confirm his suspicions.

I turn my head away in shame, unable to face him. I fight to keep my voice steady as a lump forms in my throat and behind my eyes begin to prick with the newly familiar sensation of tears. The smell of my embarrassment, shame and disgust clouding the room as I finally reveal my biggest secret. I only hope that the small semblance of a mate bond that we share, is enough for him- for us- to survive this.

“On the pack. The members of the Shadow Fang pack are all genetically modified hybrids. Including me.”

Dimitri’s P.O.V.

I am going to fucking murder him. Rip him to shreds. How fucking dare he, not only lay a hand on my mate but experiment on her too! On his pack members! The very lives he is supposed to protect, to serve! But instead, he manipulated and tortured them all for years.

How many innocents have had to suffer at his hands? Die at his hands?

He is no Alpha. He is unforgivable.

Now the pack, Arashi, and even the entire werewolf race is at stake because of him? Hell no. I will not let this fucking piece of filth do any more damage. I’m fucking furious at myself for not forcing Arashi to tell me the truth sooner.

Without another thought I stand from my seat, calling to my Beta, Delta and Gamma; we will need one hell of a plan to tackle this. Hell, I don’t think my pack could do this on our own. Goddess be damned, we will try at the very least.

I don’t register my surroundings, too pissed to acknowledge the pack members who greet me as I walk past. I find myself at the training grounds, my men waiting patiently. The training grounds are fairly quiet today- they usually are on a weekend; the thought of my pack relaxing whilst danger grows closer only makes my foul mood worse.

“The pack’s protection, Her protection is top priority.” I growl pacing back and forth. “Do you hear me.”

“Yes Alpha.” My mean chorus back to me, stoic and alert.

I could feel her fear as she told me, I could feel it, see it, that she was telling the truth. She is afraid of these bastards, and I am not going to let them take her. I, as her mate, would be her protection. The pack comes first yes, and she is a part of my pack and not just any member, she is my mate, mine.

“Mikhail, start working on something. Anything. I don’t care what you come up with but we need options. I want all Epsilon on high alert until we come up with something. 24-hour surveillance.”

“Alpha, with all due respect, there have never been any documented cases of Hybridism before, I wouldn’t know where to start.”

“Hybrids no, Chimera yes,” Viktor looks up with a determined look on his face. “The two have similarities right? That could be somewhere to start.”

“Go.” I send them away, with a tired sigh. Since Arashi had told me the truth a few hours ago, I’ve been pouring over ideas with my men. It’s evident to me that this shook her up, and that frightened me. She was never one to be bothered by anything.

“Alpha, is there anything you would like me to do?” Alexei takes another step closer.

“The annual mates conference needs to be postponed. That should keep you busy for a while.” He nods sternly, about to step away but he hesitates. His hand clasps my shoulder meaningfully, he nods once more before going off to do his duties.

For a moment, I consider checking on Arashi. In my current mood, I would probably end up sparking some kind of argument- we’re good at that. She is like a storm, and I’m just as bad. We would end up going back and forth, and be mad at each other for the next few days.

I can’t afford to waste any time arguing fruitlessly. I need to be productive, I can’t rest. I need to work to be able to help my pack. The pack comes first, I need to remember that. To do my duty, that is what is most important.

She’s strong, it’s not like she needs me anyway.

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