Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 33

(Chapter song ‘Californication’ by Red Hot Chili Peppers)


“Ok. So, what I want is to go around the circle and I want a feeling. One feeling. What you’re feeling right now and why you think you’re feeling it. Caleb. Why don’t you go first?”

I sit in the middle of my new buildings therapy room. I now run a center for troubled youth, but mostly, it’s for kids who are having trouble coming to terms with who and what they are so there’s a lot of Lycan kids in here. Including my 8 year old brothers who now look like very large 14 year olds and sound like 14 year olds too.

They all look like me and my boys. Black hair, tanned skinned and blue eyes with brown rings. All of us look identical to my dad. Which tells me his genes are strong for males Anne’s the only one who looks like my mother.

My boys shifted last year at 5 like me. I knew they would so I had councillors on stand by. I wasn’t going to let them suffer the pain alone like I did.

First chance I got, I suppressed them. My boys will never become addicts like me.

During my prison stay, I had my venom tested and it seems that my Lycan can mix with my shifter to allow for turning. I didn’t think any of it was possible. When I researched further, I can see why none of my victims every died from my bite. My Lycan saved them from my shifter.

But what that means is all of us have to be careful who we bite. We’re genetic turners. The suppression suppresses our breeding and blood lust, but it seems life found a way. Lycans can turn. The full Lycan has a bigger success rate than any other, but it seems now, we hybrids can too and if Rita is any indication, that can be dangerous.

I also tested my protection glands. They’re dormant now, but are still there. Ricky’s very interested in that one. So am I. My pups have them and now they’re on watch.

I’m so obsessed with making sure my brothers and my kids grow up right, I had them in my group sessions from day one. They’re over it, but I’m not quitting them. They don’t understand it right now, but they will.

I’m glad I was there for them all. My parents were glad too. My experience can help a lot of kids understand what’s happening with them and how to deal with it. The number one thing I can teach them, running is never the answer.

“Caleb?” I eye the teenage Quadruplet as he slumps in his chair.

“This is stupid, man.” Chris, my second brother, holds his hand out to me.

“Why do you think that, Chris?” I ask him.

“Because. We all know we get the short end of the stick.” Chase, Quad number 3, says as he leans back in his chair and kicks his leg out.

“Yeah. How are we supposed to fight and stuff if…if Aunt Ricky takes that away?” Theo scowls.

I lower my head. “Theo. You still can fight. You can still use your Lycan powers, what the suppression does is save you from addiction.”

“It also makes it so we can’t have kids.” Another Lycan girl says.

I nod. “I understand the pain of that. If you’re not a hybrid, it’s not going to be easy, but there are services to help you when that time comes, so it’s not a total loss.”

“I don’t get why we have to be suppressed while everyone else doesn’t have to do shit.” Levi growls his interruption.

The circle all mumbles loud.

I hold my hands up. “Ok. Ok. I hear that. I really do. Think of it this way. A tiger is kept in a cage at the zoo. A guard dog is kept on a leash, why?”

“People are stupid?” Colin, my forth brother, speaks up.

“No. It’s because they’re dangerous. They can really hurt people if they were allowed to walk loose, but it’s not just for them. It keeps them safe too. If the animal were to attack someone, that animal would have to be locked away or killed. Would you want that?” I look around the circle as it sits silent.

“Look. I understand this feels bad. It feels like you have to be ashamed of a part of yourself you have no control over, but you have to understand what you carry inside you is a creature that can take hold and keep you prisoner within yourself. It controls you. You can’t control it. Those that think they can, wind up in very bad places. We suppress you not to punish you. We do it to give you your best chance.”

I analyze the attitude that floats around the circle. I know how they feel. I felt the same way. Why do we need to meld with society? Society should have to adapt to us, but after what I went through, I see that’s not the case. At least not right now. The High Council was right. Lycans are unstable. Too unstable for modern civilization. Until we can better understand the Lycan creature, this is our only option.

Caleb sits up. “But what if a Lycan territory challenge comes up? We’re sitting ducks!” He growls.

I stand up and walk around the circle. “Is that what you all think?”

Heads nod.

“If that’s what you think, then I can only tell you that you’ll lose." I stop.

I look at them and I know I have to change their mindset if they’re going to be successful in life.

I stare into the eyes of all the teens. “You are so much more than your Lycans.” I try to animated and motivating as I talk to them. “Each and every one of you will never be victims if you use two of the most powerful weapons you could ever own.”

“What?” Theo arches a brow.

“This and this.” I walk around the circle tapping my head and chest.

“Your brain and your heart are the only things you need to beat that Lycan challenge. To lift you out of the poverty gutter. They are all you need to put that needle filled with Croak down and walk away.” I look into the eyes of my drug addicted kids.

“You use those two things to fight the blood lust your Lycan calls for. Your brain and heart are the only things you need to beat the drugs. Beat the violence. Beat everything this world throws at you. You stay smart, alert and true to yourself, no Lycan can take that away and you’ll win.” I eye them all as I talk. I can see at least some of it is sinking in.

This is what I was missing.

I pull my chair to the center and sit. “When I sat where you are now, I wasn’t being true to myself. I thought my genius was all I needed to succeed. I thought I had my Lycan all figured out. I released him. I took him for granted and thought he was what made me. I gave him what he wanted and what did it get me…”

I look to my brothers and sons. “It got me addicted to blood. I lied. I hurt people. People I loved. It got me put in prison. It almost got me killed. It almost killed your mother. It almost killed some dear friends of mine. I hurt dad. I hurt mom. I hurt Anne. So, suppression isn’t just about you. We do it out of love for you. I don’t want my kids going through what I went through. I don’t want any of you going through that.”

“Is this the Lycan group talk?”

I sit up and look to the door. I smile. “Yes, it is.”

Lainey is standing with a teenage boy who looks very angry. His white hair, pale skin and green eyes tell me this is Adam. He’s gotten big.

I stand and walk out of the group. “Adam. How are you?”

“Don’t know.” He grumbles.

“He’s been having a tough time dealing with his mix so I thought he could use this.” Lainey says with her usual vampire emotionless tone.

I nod. “Well, you came to the right place.”

Adam fixes his ponytail, runs his hands over the shaved sides of his head and eyes the group. I sense his vampires apprehension.

“Adam, you don’t have to feel threatened here. We’re all in the same boat.” I put my hands in my pockets and nod to him.

He narrows his eyes. “We so aren’t in the same boat.” He shakes his head at me.

I arch a brow. I can see we’re dealing with a lot. “Why don’t you take a seat? Get to know the circle.” I motion to the group.

He looks to his mother and she tells him to go.

Adam leaves us and finds a chair.

I turn to Lainey. “What’s going on?”

“Suppression's not working. Ricky thinks its because of the vampire DNA. He’s been sneaking out during the day and night. He’s been lying about where he goes. I’m…afraid.” She eyes me as she crosses her arms.

“What’s Hunter say?” I ask.

“He thinks it’s just a phase. I’m not so sure. He doesn’t take to his natural vampire control. Vampires aren’t ones for undisciplined actions.” She says. “He seems to have zero respect for the hive. I believe his Lycan is adapting all three creatures to what it wants and we can’t stop it.”

“How is he with friends?” I study her face.

“He has none. He says friends will only slow him down. He’s preparing for something.”

“What?” I arch a brow.

“I don’t know. He keeps that part of his mind hidden well. It feels big.” She is definitely worried about her son. I would be too.

“I’ll try to help him. We have a little more circle time then it’s chores with some minor training. You can pick him up in four hours, unless he wants a room here. We have a great group of people living here.” I offer.

“I’d have to talk with his father. I’ll see you in four hours.” She says.

“See you then.”

She turns and practically floats down the hall to the exit.

I turn back to the circle. “Adam. Why don’t you introduce yourself to the group?”

The room explodes in black smoke and two boys are sitting in chairs on either side of Adam. Adam scowls and waves his hand in front of his face.

The other kids cough and wave off the smoke too.


“Come on!”


The protests fill the room.

One boy leans to Adam. “Hey! I’m Braydon this is my bro, Raegan. Adam, is it?”

“Ok. Boys. How many times do I have to tell you both, no smoking in the circle." I scowl at the boys who are just like their father and need to make a dramatic entrance.

“Sorry, Q.” They say in unison.

I wave away the lingering smoke and look to Adam. “Go ahead, Adam.”

I observe the kids as they ask Adam questions about himself and he seems to answer most of them, but he’s still holding a lot back. I can tell he’s battling himself. I can’t say I can totally relate to him because he’s a triple threat, Lycan/Shifter/Vampire, but I will try my hardest. He needs to know he’s a good person like his mother and father. Sure Hunter has his own problems dealing with his psychotic tendencies, but if his dad can beat back the beast, so can Adam.

I look at my watch. “Ok, guys. Chore time.”

The room fills with groans.

“Don’t give me that. You guys like it, come on.” I smirk.

“Yeah, right.” The Quads all say in unison.

I point to them. “Just for that all four of you are on the fence crew.”

They all whine.

“Adam. You can join them. Everything is outside. I want that fence repaired guys. No goofing around or you’re running laps until sundown.” I warn.

They all stand and take Adam to the back where we’re installing fences around the property outside the wall next to the chasm.

“For the rest of you, the back rooms still need that second coat of paint. Get going.” I wave my arms at them.

With full attitude, the rest of the group get up and head to the four back rooms. Rooms the will eventually be classrooms for those struggling with school or need a better environment than the current school system can provide. For now, we only have one teacher, me. If we get enough kids, I’ll hire more.

“Remember, guys! We’re a team!” I yell down the hall.

“YEAH, RIGHT!” They all yell back and giggle.

I giggle and shake my head.

This is what I was born for. This is why I went through my abuse. This is why I let my Lycan take me over. I know this now. This life I led was all a Devine plan to prepare me for this. To understand the creature inside me and help teach the next generation that we don’t have to live like the lore says. We don’t have accept that fact that 86.4 percent of all lycans end up in prison or dead. We don’t have to accept the fact that as lycans, we can’t be better. We can be. We can learn that we can rise above the stereotypes and stigmas society puts on us. Yes, that does mean we have to supress our breeding. Yes, it does mean we are dying a slow death as far as a species goes, but until we can find a solution to a lycans mental instability, we must do what we can to make sure everyone is safe, happy and surrounded by love.

No Lycan should be left alone and as long as I’m alive, no Lycan will be.

I walk outside to the back and watch Adam, my twins and my brothers fix the fence posts. I look up to the beaming sun above their heads.

‘My name is Quinten Preston. To all the lycans around the Phoenix City area, hear this. I will welcome you with open arms. I will help you deal with your lycan. If you come for a challenge, I will face you, but I won’t do it alone. You will lose. Phoenix City is my territory. Under my protection. You challenge me in anyway, I will beat you. That’s a promise.’

I close my call out and walk over to the boys. I pick up a shovel and help them with the fence.

I meant every word. This city and the people in it are my responsibility as a lycan male. There will be no Queen here. There will be no territory challenges. There will be only family and peace.

I promise, I will fight to the death to make sure that happens.

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