Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 14

(Chapter song ‘Jackeye's Tale' by Daniel Pemberton)


We’re led to a fleet of massive ships. Each are almost as big as ocean liners. The room they’re in is hundreds of feet below sea level. The walls are rock dotted with dried sea life. In front of us, is six large doors big enough for the ships to sail through. We’re told the Hunters are the fastest submarines in the ocean. Each capable of carrying 1000 warriors. There’s a lot of tech in the helms and on the decks. It’s a scientists wet dream. There’s just one problem.

There’s no water in this room.

Ok, so, this is Atlas. Atlas is full of surprises.

It’s run by a big guy who calls himself Titus. He has a massive hate on for Zander because his dad is Eternity and Titus' dad is a guy called Destiny.

Titus refers to himself as the King of the eastern seaboard. I don’t know if you can actually proclaim monarchies like that, but ok.

Titus' kingdom is protected by extremely hot, muscular women. There’s a very small army of men. Pretty cool, if you ask me. I’d love to be in Titus' shoes right now.

Ok. So they base their culture on the sea and they have the tech to control it. Nanites. It seems impossible to me and the first chance I get, I’m scooping them for a little reverse engineering.

We’re on our way to defeat a wolf pack known as Ravens. They’re dark wolves with the power to teleport. I’m seriously going to have to sit someone down to explain this to me because my brain hurts.

Darcy is apparently fated to one of these wolves, or at least wants to be, and we’re on a mission to save her. They’re on the other side of a blown up volcano and we need Titus' ships to get there. Alright then.

We’re sitting on benches on the deck as Titus opens those six, large doors and floods the room. The six ships threaten to sink and drown us all.

“I’m not liking this! Zander!” Darcy panics.

“Just remain calm.” Zander grits as our ankles are surrounded by water.

“ZANDER!” Owen yells from the end of the bench I’m sitting on.


The order is given and the Amazonian type women all yell Aye! from their helms.

The upper part of the walls have doors which open and sea water is poured in over out heads.

We all scream and growl. Covering our heads. It took us a second, if Titus' bellowing laughter was any indication, to realize the Nanites protected us. Each deck was covered in an invisible bubble.

The room fills and all six ships enter the tunnels.

We hit a certain point and the G forces push us back. Owen lands on his ass and Brody chuckles with Hunter.

I smile at him and he scowls “Shut up." He snarls as he climbs back onto the bench.

We equalize and are now on an extremely fast journey to Raven country.


Ok I’m definitely in over my head, but I fucking love it. Both my Lycan and Shifter are ruling the battlefield.

Sand and grass fly everywhere as weapons and bodies get tossed all around me.

I duck under a raven screaming through the air and pounce on one that wasn’t looking my way. My eyes glow blue gold and my canines rip into his neck. I wish I got something off these guys, I’d be jacked right now.

I’m snatching Ravens before they phase and snapping necks. My shifter is taking chunks out of their middles.

I’m throwing them like rag dolls.

I shift and find a trident. I stick it in a raven and lift him up over my head. Bringing him down hard onto the ground. Then I stab him a few more times. It breaks so I toss it and shift.

My wolf leaps over bodies and I fly, with open jaws, onto a couple of Ravens. One smokes out, but the other, I twist off his head.

Titus and Zander as using their sword and trident to stab any enemy that moves. They fight a guy named Sterling. He is apparently Sam’s captor.

I run through the fight and almost get pummeled by Titus' women.

My wolf was crossing the sand when they all jumped into the air at the same time, bringing down their tridents into a row of Ravens on the ground. My wolf hit the deck as Ravens scream and smoke out.

My wolfs eyes watch in awe as they jump over me like a rogue wave.

I blow out a breath.


I shift and look to the voice through all the fighting. Darcy is pinned. Sam is pumping his chest with electricity.

I have to do something.

A trident falls beside me and I look at it. I grab it and scramble to my feet. My grip slipping in the loose beach sand.

“Now Alpha Bourne. You die.” Sam says as she raises her electrified arm in the air. I come in on an angle like I’m making a mad sprint to the end zone. My Lycan growls and I slam that fucker into Sam’s back.

She’s in shock. Her hands shake as she looks at the forks sticking out her front.

“Darcy. You ok?” I look behind her to Darcy on the ground.

“Quinn?” He looks at both of us in shock.

I run to him as Sam starts to get angry.

“SAM!’ Darcy yells.

We get to our feet as the wind picks up and the sky gets even darker. I bounce on my toes. “Uh…we should run!” I yell to him as Sam removes the trident from her back and throws it to the ground.

Darcy’s worried face nods and we book it to the trees.

The water rose from the lagoon. A giant wave towers over all of us.

I hold onto Darcy.

“OH SHIT!” We both say at the same time as we turn and are hit by the wave. We're pushed back to the trees. Titus’ fighters and our Alphas are soaked and caught in the trunks as the water recedes.

Rocks are picked up and slammed to the ground. The wind whips violently. Lightning and thunder light up the sky and shake the ground.

Sam was on a rampage and Darcy was convinced he could bring her down.

He ran to a tree and held on against the wind. “SAM!!!”

I ran behind Darcy and saw Sam with her arms in the air. Her dress and hair whipped around her. Her face was extremely angry.

“You’re a hard warrior to find, Darcy.”

I jump back and fall on my ass when a huge guy in jeans, a black tshirt and black hair, appeared behind Darcy. He put his arm around his neck.

Sam stopped her rampage and my head flipped between the two of them.

Peter runs past and I grab his arm. “Peter who the fuck is that?” I point hastily to the construction worker.

“Eternity of the fucking world!” He yells as he helps me up.

At that moment, Eternity snapped Darcy’s neck. Like I had been shot, I stop instantly as his body falls to the ground.

My jaw falls and my brain tingles.

My first experience with death. I don’t like it. I feel all kinds emotions as Sam loses it.

She calls her magic and fires it on Eternity.

The two throw magic back and forth, then the place was filled with angry loud blackbirds. They swarm Eternity and he explodes out of them.

Zander’s white wolf, Titus’ white blue wolf and Jakes double wolf all gang up on Eternity. It looked like Eternity was going to win.

I ran to Darcy’s dead body as did a couple other Alphas. I held his pale face in my hands as my chest feels like it’s getting punched. My eyes heat and I turn back to the Zeta fight.

They relentlessly attack until Eternity just blinks out of existence.

“What the fuck is going on?!” I yell to Mateo who squatted down beside me.

He claps my shoulder. “I’ll tell you when we get home.”

I turn back to Darcy and absorb the emotions I’m feeling right now.

“We can bring him back, but we have to leave now. The question is are you coming?” Zander looks at Sam.

Sam nods and surrenders herself into his custody.


I stood at the edge of the pool with the other Alphas. I watched his body slip into the dark water.

One of Jake’s mates, Trinity, is something called a Phoenix wolf. She holds the power of the pool.

Trinity walked up beside Sam and rested a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry.” She smiles.

Trinity kneels at the edge and Sam kneels beside her.

I look in the water and watch Darcy dissappear. This is too weird.

Trinity rubs her hands together and places her palms just on the surface.

Red gold light comes from her hands and the pool starts to wave.

I watch the water closely. My scientific mind is trying to understand what I’m seeing here.

From the side, a gold bolt of light hits Darcy’s body and it jolts.

Another hits from the other side.

His body is attacked from all angles until his body is surrounded in a brilliant gold light. The pool boils. The surface becomes violently choppy.

We back up as the water starts to splash out of the pool.

The water calms down and the gold light fades around his body.

It floats in the stillness. The wait for something to happen was excruciating.

Then my eyes catch him twitch. His body flinches.

I suck in a breath.

Another…and another…

A smile grows on my lips. This can’t be possible. Is the pool reviving him?

I hold my breath.

He jolts and looks around wildly.

He panics as he realizes he’s underwater. Bubbles break the surface as he swims up.

He breaches the surface and takes a large gasp of air.

I laugh and slam my hand to my forehead. “Holy fuck! Did you see that? Holy shit!!”

I’m practically jumping up and down. Happy that my friend is alive, but also happy that I just took in something extremely amazing. I turn to Mateo. “I have to study this.” I say through a big grin.

He arches a brow at me.

“What the fuck?!” Darcy coughs and spits water. He’s looking around wildly.

The Alphas all laugh and shout yeah.

He swims to Brody and Zane.

“Dude! You were fucking dead! That was awesome!” I shout, throwing a finger at him.

“Doesn’t feel awesome. Holy shit!” Darcy says as the Alphas help him out of the pool.

“Man. Welcome back to the land of the living.” Mateo claps his shoulder.

Darcy rubs his neck. “Thanks?”

The rest of the Alphas surround him to welcome him back and ask what it felt like.

I squat down. “Look, man. I hope you’re not mad at me that I stabbed your girl.”

He ran his fingers through his soaked, black hair. He looked around for Sam and smiles at me. “No, kid. You saved my life. You’re OK.” He claps my shoulder and pushes through the Alphas to the exit.

I place my hand in the water.

“Wicked.” I smile.


Ok. So now that I’m home, I think I will leave the crazy ass wars to the Alphas. My head is still throbbing.

I’m also getting increasingly frustrated.

It’s been 4 days since my last hit and my skin is itching.

I’ve moved into Jakes pack house now. It’s nice. I’m on the guest bedroom side. The room is white stone with a red carpet and a balcony overlooking the dome.

There’s a circle bed in the center of the room and a Phoenix on the wall. I like it. I just wish I could get rid of this damn twitch.

I’ve been trying to distract myself with university course books, but it’s not helping.

As I flip through the pages, my Lycan inside growls. My shifter side joins him. They both want the hit. I just can’t leave though. Not with Jake and Len downstairs.

I rub my nape and try to concentrate when I get a knock at the door.

“It’s open.” I bark.

Jake opens my door and leans on the frame. “Hey…uh…Quinn…you have visitors.”

I sit up. “Oh yeah? Who?”

He scratches his temple. “Your parents.”

My face falls. “Fuck.” I look around my room. “Tell them I’m not here.” I get up and start to panic. I throw on my jacket.

“I already told them you were.” He holds a hand out to me.

“Then tell them you’re wrong. I’m not talking to them.” I point at him.

“Quinn. You got to at some point.” He says.

“No. I don’t.” I grab my back pack and walk to the balcony.

“What are you doing?” He steps into the middle of the room.


With a deep growl, I leap over the edge of the balcony and my Lycan/shifter power absorbs the three floor drop to the grass.

I look up and Jake is looking over the side.

I give him a two finger salute and run into the surrounding woods to the city streets.

Since I’m out now, I might as well hunt until my parents leave.

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