Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 13

(Chapter song ‘Suspense Music' by Gabriel Andrade, ‘It Ain't Over Til It's Over’ by Lenny Kravitz)


The Lycan Attacker was on my mind all week. I kept my eyes and ears open as I passed out parking tickets up and down 2nd Main Street.

Everyone’s a suspect since the place crawls with Lycans. The Lycans in this city have to be registered and verified to be suppressed of their blood lust since humans live here too.

I’m writing a ticket when I hear a sound come from the alley behind me.

I turn and step into it. It’s dark at the end so I have to adjust my vision.

I step slowly. I put my pad away and pull out my can of pepper spray. Ticket Enforcers don’t get weapons.

I see movement, then the flash of a wristwatch. I hear an ‘Oof' and shadow of someone fighting another person.


The person standing, looks my way and his eyes glow gold in the dark. He doesn’t move as I walk closer.

“ON YOUR KNEES!” I say as I point my pepper spray at him.

Groaning comes from the person on the ground.

As I get closer, I see and smell the situation. It’s two lycans.

I step into the zone as the standing guy puts his hands up.

“There’s no problem here, officer.” He says. He flicks his medium length, brown hair and sports a smile that looks both snarly and psychotic.

“ON YOUR KNEES!” I repeat.

“Me and my friend here were just talking. There’s no need for arrest.” He grins and tilts his head. He looks like the Devil himself in a black suit.

“The blood on his face says different, buddy.” I tick my head to him. “On the ground, now.”

“Listen, if we just talk about this, I’m sure you’ll see…” He starts.

The guy on the ground slides to his feet, up the wall.

“Get down or I’ll be forced to shoot.” I warn.

His brown eyes bore into my soul as I connect with him and show him I’m dead serious.

He chuckles. “You’re going to pepper spray me?”

I look at the can in my hand and back at him. “Yeah.” I say in a snarky tone.

He shakes his head. “You have no other weapons?”

I shrug. “No.”

His lips spread in a maniacal smile. “Good.”

In a split second, he was on me and we fell to the ground. My pepper spray went off, but it was a complete miss.

His growl wasn’t a growl. It was a call from Hell. He pinned me down, sunk his teeth into my shoulder and tore a chunk off it.

My screams could be heard on Mars as my skin tore and my blood flowed out.

He spit my flesh on the ground and grabbed my chin so he could look directly at me. He was practically nose to nose with me as I cried. “Now, let this be a lesson. New York Lycans don’t like to be interrupted. Especially from the lowest common denominator of shifter. As your life bleeds out onto the pavement, think about the many mistakes you made here.”

I’m whimpering through pressed lips as I stare at him through tears. I’ve never felt pain this bad in my life. I’ve also never felt so weak, but I wasn’t weak enough to not be able to send out a link.

Sirens blared and the guy looked up to the entrance of the alley.


He looked down at me. My eyes were wild with pain and fear.

“You’re…fucked…” I grind out as tears wet my cheeks.

His face twists to anger and pushes off me.


I’m rolling on the ground, crying as I hold my shoulder.

The guy runs down the alley and Enforcers chase after him.

“Paisley! P?”

I’m arched back and my knees are up. Casey drops to my side. “Paisley. Paisley. It’s OK. I’m getting help. WE NEED A MEDICAL TEAM! ENFORCER DOWN!” He yells to the Enforcers at the entrance.

He inspects my shoulder and I scream.

“Paisley. It’s OK.”

His voice is so far away. I can’t hear anything but my own hysterical cries.

My first real encounter with a bad guy and I get myself a one way ticket to the gates.

Great, Paisley. Just great.


I stare out the window of my room at Phoenix General.

My shoulder is bandaged. It’s going to take a few days to a week for the skin to grow back.

They managed to neutralize his venom and prevent it from destroying my healing ability. Another great trick from a Lycan. They discovered it a while back during one of the many attacks on Falcon Ridge.

The nurses were kind to me. The doctors call me a lucky girl.

Me? I’m beating myself to a pulp. I was stupid. I should have just shot once I realized it was a Lycan. Dumb move, Paisley. You’ll never get the attention of higher ups this way.

My thoughts are interrupted by Casey knocking on my door.

He smiles that pearly white smile as my eyes meet his.

“Hi.” I breathe as I try to sit up. I wince at the pain. The pain killers help, but not totally.

He waves a file as he walks over to my bed. “Hi.” He sits on the edge by my legs.

He sees my lunch tray. “How’s the food?” He grins as he picks up my half sandwich, sniffs it and puts it down.

“Well, it’s not the donut shop on Wallace, but it’s food.” I chuckle and wince.

“Still hurts, huh.” He points to my shoulder.

“Yeah.” I blow out a breath.

“P. What were thinking, huh? What made you think you could take on a Lycan by yourself?” He leans on his knees and turns his head to me.

I shake my head. “I thought I could handle it. I could have taken him down.”

“With pepper spray? Paisley, you should have known that would do nothing but piss him off. You don’t go into a situation without knowing all the facts!” He talked sternly.

“I know…I just…” I say in a soft, whiney tone.

“Look, P. I know you want to be this big hero, but you aren’t trained for it. Please. This is too much for you. I can’t keep visiting your ass in the hospital. Just…leave these guys to me OK?” He takes my hand in his. He always knows how to keep me calm and comfort me. Even when he’s scolding me like my father would.

All through my childhood, I was always biting off more than I could chew. It’s kind of part of being the smallest species of wolf. All of us red wolves have a bit of what humans call ‘Small Man’s Complex’. Some of us use it badly. Some of us use it for good. It drove my dad up the wall, but the way I saw it, someone had to fight the injustices of the schoolyard. This often resulted in me sporting a nice pair of shiners.

“So, did you get him?” I ask.

He tosses the file at me. “Liam Vinelli. New York State. 25. Brown hair, brown eyes, 6 foot 6 inches. This the guy?”

I open the file to the mug shot of a guy who looks like all our efforts are just a waste of time to him.

I stare into his eyes and the fear I felt on the asphalt of that alley flooding every vein. It’s icy and heartless. Death surrounds him.

My mouth goes small and my hand goes to my shoulder. I nod.

“I need a yes, P.” He says quietly.

I swallow. “Yeah. Yes. That’s him.”

“What was he doing?” He questions.

“He…um…He was roughing someone up. I don’t know why. I…just wanted to stop it.” I say as I study Liam’s face. I look up at Casey. “Who is he?”

“I don’t know for sure. The name is well known in the North. Data banks have him as a family member of the Vinelli crime family, but there’s not much on him. We’re still searching.” He says.

“He’s in lock up?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “He was transferred to New York this morning. He’s not vetted and not suppressed. He’ll serve his sentence up there. New York can have him.”

“What if he’s the Lycan dropping stiffs?” I look at him with wide eyes.

“He’s not. The evidence we do have doesn’t put him at the scene. There’s another one. From what we found out, he’s here to recruit. That guy in the alley said he was sending a message. Join Liam or bad things happen. He’s rounding up Lycans.” Casey informs.

“What for?” I close the file.

“Lycans are dying, P. Liam isn’t dying without a fight. My guess…he’s building another outfit.” Casey plays with his fingers.

“What? Here?” My face falls. “Casey. We need to tell the council.”

He shakes his head. “The chief wants it kept in the department. We stopped him. He won’t come back.”

“I hope not. I don’t think this city could take a Lycan shake up.” A worried look crosses my face.

I open the file again and Liam's face sends shivers up my spine.

This guy is bad news. If the lycans do rise up, we’re all done for.


A week later, I walk into my empty, lonely apartment.

Casey drove me home. He’s always been so nice to me.

I stop in the hallway. “Um…Thanks for the ride.”

He smiles. “Anytime, P. You know that.”

“Yeah. I know.” I blush and tuck my hair behind my ear.

“How’s the shoulder?” He asks.

I take off my jacket to a tank top and show him. “Good as new. I don’t even feel it.” I smile as I wiggle it.

“And how are you, really?” He stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I shrug. “I’m a little shaken still, but nothing a little bourbon can’t take care of.”

He places his hands on my cheeks. “If you need someone to talk to, I’m here, P. You will always have my ear no matter what happens between us.”

I give a little smile. “I know.” I whisper.

He looks into my eyes. “You scared me, you know. I know we’ve been done for a year, but I still care about you a lot. I couldn’t stand to see you hurt, Red. You have to promise me to stop these stupid stunts.”

I nod and look down.

Casey was the best fling I ever had. Way better than my first boyfriend. He’s a great guy, but committed to his job. He has no time for relationships and really, neither do I. Not when I’m trying to reach my goals.

He raises my chin with his knuckle and he’s dangerously close. His scent fills me.

“Do you need me to stay?” He locks his blue eyes with mine. His voice is soft and quiet.

As much as I want to say no, Liam still sits in the front of my mind. A distraction could be good.

“Yes.” My lips fall as I whisper.

He leans in and kisses me. The touch of another pair of lips makes me whine and melt. It’s been so long.

I wrap my arms around his large waist and he shuts the door.

He picks me up and carries me to my room without breaking the kiss. His tongue dances with mine as he kicks my bedroom door closed.

He lowers me to my bed and pulls off his tie. I help him unbutton his dress shirt.

He’s kissing me hard and deep as he pulls his shirt off his shoulders and throws it to the floor.

He lifts me up and pulls off my tank top. He devours my lips again. “I miss kissing these lips.” He quietly growls. He kisses my neck and kicks off his suit pants and shoes.

“I miss you, too…” I pant with a tiny whine.

His hands are cupping my small breasts and he licks his way down to my hardened nipples.

“Casey…” I moan as my head falls back.

He rolls them in his teeth and he travels his hand to my jeans. He pops the button and his grabs the hem. As he pushes them off me, he nips my skin, following my jeans.

He sits up and pulls everything off and throws them to the floor.

He kisses my stomach as he raises my legs in the air and spreads them.

His tongue dances around my core. “Red, you still taste so good.” He purrs.

His tongue slips into my slit and I arch back with a moan. “Yes…”

I grip the pillow with my hands as he locks my pussy all over.

He holds up my thighs and spreads me. His lips and tongue send a fire through my middle and my desire goes through the roof. He finds my clit and flicks it with the tip of his velvet tongue.

“Oh my god! Yes!!” I hold his hair and buck my hips on his lips.

He’s growling on my slit and nipping my clit as he sends shocks of pleasure through me.

His fingers indent my thighs as he increases his hunger. My climax starts to build.

“Casey…Right there! Oh god!” I’m panting hard as my eyes meet his.

He buries deep and laps me up. The feeling of the tip of his tongue on me has all my muscles tighten. My nerves stand on end and tingle and my orgasm teeters.

He squeezes a finger into my wet entrance and pumps it in and out. He hooks it while he licks and I’m done.

“YESS! GOD, YESSS!” My orgasm tears through as I arch back and shake.

He attacks harder making my euphoric pleasure last as long as possible.

When I start to buck him off, he lifts himself off my pussy and crawls up my body like a leopard stalking an injured gazelle.

The smirk on his lips tells me I’m in trouble now.

He smashes his lips into mine and his solid dick hits my entrance. He shoves in and I scream on his lips. The lingering orgasm came back in full force.

I wrap my arms around him as best I can.

Being a red wolf female, my 5 foot 4 frame is engulfed by his swollen, muscle bound 6 foot 5 frame. His girth is representative of his size, oh my god.

He rocks his hips up to the base and almost out as he hooks my leg.

“YES! CASEY! HARDER!” I cry out as my nails dig into his shoulder.

He’s grunting and grinding as he thrusts into me. “Damn, Red…so fucking fantastic!” He grabs my ass cheek and slams me harder.

His dick is throbbing, his lips are soft and juicy. He’s squeezing my breast and twisting my nipple as he dives his length deeper into me.

My legs pull up higher and I feel my climax die down, but it immediately comes right back as he lifts my hips off the bed.

He sits up and lifts my bottom half into the air as he slams my pussy.


His large hands almost touch around my waist as he pulls me into his hips.

“Red… so fucking tight…I’m gonna…” He clenches. His fingers hold tighter and he speeds up.

My ass is bouncing off him, the bed is shaking and I can barely breathe. I’ve got a pillow jammed on my face as I scream into it. “FUCCKKKK!”

My climax explodes and my pussy grips him like a vice.

“YESSS, REDDD!” He growls loud.

I feel his dick swell and his warm release hits every inch of me inside.

He grunts out his thrusts and slows down.

I feel him stop, pull out and lower himself to me.

He lifts the pillow and peeks under it. “Hi.” He smiles.

“Hi.” I pant with a tiny giggle.

He pulls the pillow off, lifts my head and puts it under me.

He fixes my hair and kisses me. “Feel better?”

“Yeah.” I breathe. “Thanks.”

He kisses the tip of my nose and grins. “Anytime, Red. Anytime.”

He bruises my lips and surrounds me with his large arms.

I like being alone, but some days I just need a pair of strong arms to make me feel safe.

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