Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 7

I closed the door behind me, wincing as I made my way to the steps. I did my hardest to ignore the guards standing outside the door. I blushed, realizing they must’ve heard everything that went on in there, and here I am doing my walk of shame.

Putting on my coward suit I sneaked out while- he was asleep. My goodness, I had sex with the guy three times and didn’t once think to ask for his name!? No matter though, I wasn’t planning to see him again. It was just a night of fun that I was sure I’d forget about. I’d forget him.

Finding my way back to the dance floor I looked around for Jacob. I found him standing worriedly next to the exit door. “Jacob!” He looked up, spotting me walking through the crowd.

“Where the hell have you been?” He asked the moment I reached him.

“Can we just go?” I needed to get out of here before the Beast woke up. That’s what he was, a beast, that’s the name I gave him, because that’s what he was. And I was now playing Cinderella trying to get away before the clock struck twelve. He sighed grabbing hold of my arm and pulling me out the door.

On my way out I could’ve sworn I heard a growl. A deep warning growl that had my toes curling. I looked over my shoulder, my eyes connecting with a pair of red ones, shining through the window upstairs.

One Week Later...

“You’re burning up Valentina.” Jacob laid a hand to my forehead.

I swatted it away. “Well maybe if you turned up the ac.”

“The ac is on fifty, my whole body is frozen.” He frowned. “Yet you’re sweating, you were like this yesterday.”

“I’m just hot is all.” I waved away his concern. Even though I was hot I felt fine.

“I think you need to see a doctor.” I rolled my eyes. Jacob was always worried about me, treating me like this fragile thing that would break at any moment. He must’ve forgotten I fell thousands of feet from the sky and got up with no scratches. I could take being hot.

“I don’t need a doctor Jacob; shouldn’t you be heading to work?” It was almost two o’clock and he usually leaves around noon, but he’s been too busy hovering over me all morning.

He sighed, “Just humor me, will you? It would ease my mind if you got yourself checked out.”

“Fine I’ll go, but if I end up in a lab somewhere getting poked and prodded just know it was your fault.” The grin on his face was contagious, making my lips lift as well. “Just go to work.”

I stretched back out on the couch the moment he left. Pulling my phone from under me I searched for the nearest hospital and dialed their number. “Mercy hospital how can I help you?”

I can’t believe I was actually doing this. “Um hi my name is Valentina, and I was wondering if you had any spots open to get me checked out today? I been feeling very feverish lately and think I might be coming down with something.” I waited for her response and waited and waited. For a moment I thought she might’ve hung up, but I could still hear her breathing. “Hello?”

“I’m sorry ma’am, what did you say your name was again?”


“And your last name?”

“Blackwood.” When I was kicked out of heaven, I didn’t think of simple things like using my real name and what a mistake that would be. Considering I died two years ago, going around giving a dead girls name wasn’t smart. So now I use Jacob’s last name. Faintly I could hear her typing.

“Lucky for you one of our doctors just got an opening. If you can get here in thirty minutes that’d be great.” Thirty minutes? I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet! If this isn’t a sign to cancel, I don’t know what is.

“I’ll be there.” I pressed my lips tightly together; Jacob is lucky I like him.

“Great, see you soon.”

I sighed loudly peeling my body off the couch. This was just too much work! I should be laying down. Grabbing some shorts and a t-shirt I quickly changed out of my pajamas. A quick brush through my hair while popping a mint in my mouth and I was out the door.

Sitting in the waiting room my body was a full of nerves. As I mentioned before, I shouldn’t be here. My body no longer functioned like a regular human. I have no idea what they would find if they were to draw a blood sample or something.

A nurse walked out a side door nearby holding a clip board. “Ms. Blackwood?” I stood up stiffly, walking towards her. “Follow me.” She started to walk briskly down the hallway. I hated when people did that, tell you to follow them then practically run to the destination.

After many twists and turns she stopped in front of a door, ushering me in. “The doctor will be in soon to see you.” There was no smile on her face as she said this. In fact, she didn’t even smile when she called my name earlier. Talk about making someone feel welcomed.

Instead of taking the bed I decided to sit in a chair. Best to make it obvious that I wasn’t planning to stay long. Looking around the room I couldn’t find anything to entertain myself with as I waited. In one corner there was a skeleton, you could tell the poor guy hasn’t eaten in days. In the center of the room was the bed, and that was it. Was this a hospital or a prison?

The door opened again, a man in a lab coat walked in. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on me. “Ahh, Ms. Blackwood.” He grinned, but nothing about it seemed friendly. In fact, it seemed a little hostile, or was I just nervous?

“In the flesh.” I smiled.

He nodded his head, motioning to the table. “Do you mind sitting down here?”

“Leave.” The voice came like a demand pass my ear. I frowned looking around. Did I accidentally tune into someone else conversation? It wouldn’t be the first time.

I shook it off, making my way to the bed. Hopping on to the stiff bed I waited for the doctors next instructions. “Lay back for me please.” I sighed laying back. I wish he would just get on with it. Check my temperature and tell me if I’m sick or not. Which I’m sure I’m not.

The lights flickered over head when he unwrapped the stethoscope from around his neck. Leaning forward he pressed it to my chest, and that’s when the lights went out. “What’s going on?” I asked him sitting up.

“Wait here.” He made his way to the door, stopping to look back at me. “Don’t move.”

I laid back down once he was gone. My plans for this going quick have back fired terribly.

“Go.” I jumped up, hearing another demand from the same voice. I wasn’t tuning in to anyone’s conversation, this demand was for me. "Run now Valentina.” And they knew my name. I jumped down from the bed, my feet having a mind of its own. Normally I wouldn’t listen to voices in my head, but this one sounded urgent.

Peeking out the door I was surprised to see the hallways deserted. Where was everyone? And why did it feel like I was escaping instead of just leaving? Not like I was being held here against my will.

I made my way down the hall in the darkness, the only light coming from nearby windows. Did they have a power outage? There were no nurses roaming the halls, and I couldn’t hear any patients. This reminded me of a scary movie I once watched with Jacob. A ghost will jump out at any second and pull my heart through my chest.

My heart was beating fast as I walked. Using my vision, I only spotted two moving bodies within the whole floor. Was there an emergency evacuation? Should I ask them or just leave?

I was halfway to the door when a voice stopped me. “Ms. Blackwood, where are you going?”

The doctor was standing at the end of the hall. From this far I couldn’t see his face, but I remembered his voice. “I was just looking for somebody, what’s going on?”

“Nothing for you to worry about, just go back to the room.” I found it weird that the whole time he was talking he hasn’t moved. A sudden tingling formed on the side of my head, alerting me that something was very wrong here.

“Why are the lights out?” I asked instead.

“Go back to your room!” He growled out. Like a literal growl, that shook the walls. No way in hell was I going back now. I turned on my heels sprinting for the door.

I could feel him coming behind me. Shit, now would be a good time to use my powers. Is it possible to compel him and see what he wants from me before he rips my head off? I continued running down every hall, I was beyond lost but there was no way I was letting him capture me.

"Turn now.” Instinct made me listen to the voice. I turned the corner so fast that I lost my footing, sliding into the nearby wall. A groan left my lips as my head smacked against it. That’s going to leave a bruise.

His footsteps were starting to get closer, I tried getting up, but the pounding in my head made my vision blur. This is not good.

Out of nowhere the ground started shaking beneath me. I looked down at my hands, this was not the time for an earthquake!

As soon as it started though it stopped suddenly. I breathed a sigh of relief, just as the doctor turned the corner. He stopped when he saw me laying there, a sinister grin on his face. His face was starting to resemble something almost animal like. I sniffed the air, he’s a Lycan. How didn’t I catch that before? “The boss is going to love this.” He reached down wrapping a hand around my arm.

“Too bad your boss will never get her.” A smooth dark voice came from the opposite end of the hall. We both looked over. There was a man leaning casually against the wall. Not just any man though, I recognized this aura. It was the guy from the club. To confirm my suspicions he looked up, glowing red eyes.

I gulped, my body shivering from his presence alone. Why did he have such an effect on me? Right now, the Lycan seemed like the safer option. “Oh yeah, and who’s going to stop me?” I rolled my eyes at the most cliché line ever. Yeah, he clearly wants to die.

The man stepped forward, grinning like the Cheshire cat. “I’m glad you asked.” His voice was like music to my ears, making my toes curl and my body arch towards him. His eyes shifted to me on the ground, before focusing back on the Lycan. “Well don’t just stand there, you waiting for a full moon?”

The Lycan ran for him, dropping my arm in the process. He switched to all four sprinting towards the beast. With a growl he leaped into the air, aiming for his jugular. I thought he would move out of the way, but instead I saw him smiling. Actually smiling! Fangs showing and all.

He reached out just as the Lycan reached him, effortlessly holding him midair by the throat. He yanked, and I heard the sounds of flesh tearing. I jumped when I felt something wet hit my face. Using my hand, I touched my face, I pulled it away to see blood on it. Ahh gross. I have Lycan blood on me. There was a thump as he dropped the body on the ground.

I shuffled back against the wall as he made his way towards me.

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