Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 6

“He’s late.” I pointed out the obvious as we waited in the car.

“Relax, have some patience. I’m sure he’ll show.” Jacob tried to sound reassuring but even I could hear the doubt in his voice. “Let me see his picture again.” I handed him my phone. Kyle sent me a picture of himself earlier to look out for him. I must say he was drop dead gorgeous. I almost broke my phone from staring so hard.

“There he is!” I spotted him getting out of a limo. I pulled the visor down to check my hair and makeup, before getting out of the car.

“Slut.” Jacob chuckled when I fixed my dress to show more cleavage.

“Shut up.” We made our way across the street, meeting Kyle at the door. “Hey Kyle.”

He turned upon hearing his name, a grin taking over his gorgeous feature. He didn’t even hide the once over he gave me, giving my cleavage extra attention. “You must be Valentina; my uncle spoke so highly of you.”

I shivered remembering how I had flirted with his uncle. Man, I really am a slut. “At least it was good things.”

He laughed. “I guess almost giving a guy a heart attack could be a good thing.” He winked. I bit my lip, giving him the once over again. He was dressed in a dark Grey suit, something I thought was weird considering he was going to a club. “Shall we go in?” He held his arm out to me. I looked back at Jacob who just rolled his eyes.

I grinned, looping my arm through his. “We shall.”

I was surprised the bouncer didn’t stop us, didn’t even ask for his name just simply let us walk by. Asshole.

The moment we entered the club I was transfixed; I could feel all the different types of species in here. But I couldn’t pin point who was who. Kyle released my arm. “You kids enjoy yourself, I have something to tend to.” He started walking off until I grabbed his arm.

“Thanks for getting us in.”

He smirked. “I’ll be back to collect you later, for that favor.” I nodded mutely at him.

The moment he was out of sight I turned to Jacob. ”So, what are we going to do first?”

He walked closer to me, placing a hand on my waist. “Do you feel that? The energy in this place? I think I might be the only human here.” He looked around curiously. I followed his actions giving the crowd another once over. These people definitely weren’t human.

“Yes, it’s coming from every part of the room.” He placed his hand on my lower back, leading me to the dance floor.

“Do you think that’s why you wanted to get in here so bad? You could feel the energy?”

I shook my head. ”No,it’s not that, it’s something else. I just don’t know what.”

“Well until you find out, let’s enjoy this.” The lights were low and the music gave you an energetic vibe. I knew I wouldn’t have any problem enjoying myself tonight.

“Let’s.” I grinned at him.

One Hour Later...

I sipped my drink as Jacob chatted with the witch next to him. We don’t usually stick together when we go out but since this was a new joint for us, we thought it was best to stick together. Especially since we didn’t know what exactly we were dealing with here.

This was only my second drink, though I doubt it’ll be my last. Surprisingly I actually felt buzz. Whatever they were serving us here it was definitely for the supernatural.

Bringing the glass to my lips once again, I froze. The ground beneath me starting to shake. I watched my drink as it rippled with the vibration. My eyes widened, I opened my mouth to ask what’s going on, but noticed no one else seemed effected. Jacob was still shamelessly flirting with the witch and others were still dancing.

Did no one else feel this earthquake? I looked around frantically, but no one seemed effected. What the hell was going on?

The shaking stopped but I was still confused. Was I the only one who felt that? This drink must be stronger than I thought.

I jumped when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. A guy dressed as a butler was standing behind me. “Can I help you?” I asked him politely.

“Your audience has been requested.”

I frowned at him. “Not interested.” I faced back around.

He cleared his throat. “You will come with me or I’ll have to escort you out.”

I growled lowly in my throat, catching Jacob’s attention. “What’s going on?” He asked.

"Apparently someone wants my attention and if I don’t go see what they want I’ll be escorted out.” He laughed.

“Maybe it’s Kyle, he did say he’ll come for you later.” I mentally slapped my forehead; I had forgotten all about him.

“Right.” Setting my drink down on the counter I hopped off my stool facing the guy. “Lead the way.”

He led me through the crowd and up two flights of stairs. The more we walked the less music I heard, which worried me. If I couldn’t hear the music that means no one would hear me scream if I was in danger. I tried to use my vision and look through the walls but for some reason it wasn’t working. I blame it on the alcohol.

He stopped at the last door in the hallway. “I bid you farewell.” I tried to ignore the huge guys standing outside of the door. They made no indication that they saw me standing there, ok then. I twisted the knob to the door pushing it open slowly. “Kyle what -” I stopped short seeing the figure standing in front of me. Definitely not Kyle.

He regarded me coolly. “Sorry, I’m not Kyle.”

I stood nervously in the doorway. “I see that.”

“Please close the door.” His voice was deep, awakening parts of my body I shouldn’t be thinking with right now.

When I hesitated to do what he asked, he flicked his wrist and the door instantly slammed shut behind me. Ok I can check that he’s human off my list. I wasn’t getting any kind of energy surge from him like all the others downstairs. In fact, he seemed perfectly normal.

I watched him as he watched me. He was dressed to pristine in a Burgundy suit. His black hair was unruly, like he just got done taking his fingers through it. And his face, oh my God his face. He looked like Sin himself if Sin was a person. Strong jaw line, and bedroom eyes. His features looked rough, like he could take a few hits and has.

“Um,” I cleared my throat. It wouldn’t be good to sound like I wanted to jump him, that’s if he couldn’t see it on my face already. “Who are you?”

His mouth transformed slowly into a smile. I sucked in a breath at the sharp fangs protruding from his gums. Was he a vampire? If so, why didn’t he smell like one?

My time being back on earth I learned a few things with my abilities. One, all supernaturals had a distinct smell. Lycans a woodsy smell, no surprise there. Witches smelled like strawberries, surprising enough. Vampires smelled like copper, I guess it had to do with the blood they drank.

But this guy, he didn’t smell like anything. “Who are you?”

I frowned; didn’t he request me? “What kind of game are you playing at?”

His fangs disappeared as the smile dropped from his face. “How did you get into my club human?” Human? Did he really just call me a human?

“What?” His nostrils flared as he took a step towards me. I instantly went on guard. No matter how hot this guy was I didn’t know him or what his intentions were. I didn’t even know what his species was.

“Come here,” He demanded.

I raised an eyebrow. “How about no?”

“No?” His voice took on a dangerous edge, a threatening one. I reached behind me trying to locate the door knob. Where the fuck was it?

“What for?”

He watched me, a calculating look in his eyes. “If I come to you, I won’t be gentle.” The threat in his voice and stance was very clear.

I shivered. “Why can’t we just stay where we’re at?” In a flash he was in front of me. Fear gripped me as he slammed me against the door, his hand wrapped tightly around my neck.

“I don’t like stubborn people.” I growled at him. I placed my hands on his chest, giving him a hard shove. He flew back, landing gracefully on the couch. I felt a wave of rage hit me like never before. How dare he put his hands on me!

In four long strides I was across the room and straddling him. I wrapped my hands around his neck, squeezing. I expected him to choke or show any sign of pain, but he didn’t.

His large hands grabbed hold of mine, calmly and slowly, he unwrapped them from around his neck. “I don’t know if you’re dumb or stupid.” He growled out. Hmm, I’d say a little bit of both.

His eyes suddenly focused on my lips as he licked his own. Oh no. I tried to yank my hands out of his grip. “Release me!” He cocked his head watching me as I squirmed against his lap.

It wasn’t until I felt something hard poking my inner thigh that I stilled. I exhaled slowly, trying to calm my hormones. This was not the time! I had no idea who this man was, or what his intentions were. I needed to get out of here. “Let me go.” I demanded, tugging my arms back.

He was still studying me, but raised an eyebrow at my tone. His hand went to the small of my back, pressing me against him, then shifted us until I was laying on my back with him hovering over me. He leaned forward, pressing his nose against my neck. I could feel goosebumps cover my skin.

Bringing my wrist up with one hand, he trapped my arms above my head. My dress rose slightly, his eyes zeroed in on the tan flesh now revealing itself. A deep groan left his throat when he saw the begging of my red lace panties. I gulped, “Let me go or I’ll scream.” My words came out husky. Who was I kidding? The only thing I wanted to scream right now was his name while he pounds me senseless. Only problem was I didn’t know his name.

I should be fighting him off, but instead I was letting him get a good look. What was wrong with me? Why was I so weak against him? This stranger? “Little minx, I would love it if you screamed.” His grin was wicked, as his hand traveled up the inside of my bare leg. My skin burned everywhere he touched, like he was leaving a trail of flames.

“Don’t touch me.” I growled, trying not to show how affected I was by his touch. His finger curled around the band of my panties, giving a little tug. When did his hand get that high up? My breathing was irregular as he started to slide them down, watching me. His eyes were so dark, almost like he was looking into my soul. Why wasn’t I stopping this? Why was I enjoying this? To the point of almost craving it? Something inside of me wanted this.

“Don’t touch you?” He whispered, dragging a finger across my now exposed mound. Thank Goodness I shaved recently. I gasped when a finger slowly invaded my womanhood. ”So, don’t do this?” He asks, sliding it out slowly, then back in again.

I moaned, lifting my hips to meet his finger. “Y-yes.”

"Yes, you want me to do this? You have to be clearer little minx.” He teased, adding another finger.

“I-I-I.” I couldn’t think with his fingers inside of me. What did he ask again?

“Y-y-you, you what?” Another finger slipped in, and I lost it. Moaning loudly, I bucked my hips, trying to get his fingers deeper. He released my hands; his other hand made its way to my breast. I bit my lip when he flicked my hardened nipple.

“More,” I moan, closing my eyes.

I heard a deep growl and he withdrew his fingers from me. Wait what? No! My eyes opened to come face to face with a monster.

His pants were gone and his cock stood loud and proud, aimed right at me. He was still removing his shirt so he didn’t notice my ogling, or me reaching for it. A hiss left his mouth when I wrapped my hands around him, stroking. “You’re not putting that in me.” This thing would split me into two! No matter how pleasurable it looked, I wasn’t willing to risk my vagina.

“Not putting what in you?” He leaned forward, licking his lips. I brought both hands up placing them on his chest, stopping him from coming any further.

There was this electric charge between us that I couldn’t explain. The closer he got to me, the more I wanted him. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else. But I know I shouldn’t be feeling like this, considering the situation.

A part of me wanted to explore all the different way she’d make me feel. While another part was screaming at me to get the hell out of here. Even though I couldn’t sense his power, it wasn’t hard to detect the aura of danger around him. I still wasn’t sure what he was, but I knew I’d be screwed if our bodies joined. I wasn’t going to fight him after that.

“The thing poking my inner thigh.” I pushed, trying to create more space between us. “Let me up now.”

He grabbed my leg, yanking my body down the couch. Now I was under him even more. “You mean this?” He rolled his hips and I felt the tip of him poke my entrance. Oh God. He growled, grabbing hold of my dress. With one tug it was gone. He leaned back, taking a second to scan my now naked body. “Enchantress.” He smirked. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

My eyes widened, “Don’t you d-” He pushed forward, filling me. Holy cow! I’ve never been so full in my life. I winced at the slight pain I felt. He was stretching me to my limits. “Damn you’re tight.” He pulled out slowly, then slammed back in.

I moaned arcing my back, trying to take in more of him. He leaned down, rocking against me, trying to find his rhythm. I inhaled his scent, a low purr leaving my mouth. He smelled delicious. My tongue flicked out, getting a taste of his bare shoulder.

“Did you just lick me?” He asks with a groan. His thrusts started to get harder and faster, as if the thought of me licking him turned him on more.

I started to feel hot, my nails dug into his back, trying to get him closer. Burying his face in my neck, he inhaled deeply, then growled. “What are you?” He snarled pulling back, no longer moving. I opened my eyes to see alarming red ones staring back. Oh shit.

Like a switch flipped, my mind told me to run. I tried separating our bodies to get away. He grabbed my leg hooking it around his thigh. “Stop it little angel.” I froze at his words.

“W-what did you just call me?”

He stared down at me. “I can smell your grace now,” He inhaled, “and it’s driving me crazy.” His nail dug into my leg. My hand slipped between us, grabbing the part of him that wasn’t in me. “Why couldn’t I smell you before?” He demanded to know. Whatever was blocking my scent from him must’ve blocked his from me as well.

“What are you?” The question came out like a whisper. I felt his power, but I didn’t know what he was. I knew he was stronger than any other supernatural I’ve encountered before, much stronger. But it seems like a familiar strength.

Leaning down he brought his mouth next to my ear. “I’m fallen,” His hand gripped the hand that was holding him, prying my death grip of him. “Just like you.” He pushed forward, making my next question turn into a moan.

I had more questions, but it seemed he was done talking. His length moved in and out of me with purpose now. Like he was going to fuck the answers out of me. I moaned, enjoying every second of it. I'll ask my questions after.

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