Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 4

“You’re seriously going?” Jacob watched me from the kitchen counter. He paused rubbing the peanut butter on his sandwich. I grinned at him, securing the hard hat on my head that I borrowed from his room.

“Of course.”

He sighed. “At least you’re wearing protection.”

Walking into the kitchen I grabbed the jar of peanut butter off the counter, sliding a finger through it. Ignoring Jacob’s look of disgust. “There’s something about that club, I have an itching to get inside. You know kind of like that itch you had after sleeping with what’s her name. What was it? Candy?”

He growled, snatching the jar from me. “Go wait in the car.”

I leaned over to place a kiss on his cheek. “Make me a sandwich too please!”

“Don’t hold your breath.” I rolled my eyes making my way to the door. If he knows what’s good for him,he’ll have me a sandwich made.

Walking down the steps to his BMW I spotted his latest fling leaning against the car. She was obviously waiting for him, but why? Why didn’t she just knock on the door like a normal person? “Um, hi?” I greeted her.

She looked up at me shyly, which I knew instantly was an act. Jacob didn’t mess with shy girls. “You’re Valentina, right? Jacob’s roommate?”

I studied her, and that’s when it clicked. She’s here to stake her claim, a shake down of sorts. I almost laughed out loud. Not surprising but this isn’t the first time this has happened. For some reason most of his flings were jealous of our relationship. Although I couldn’t blame them. I’d be jealous too if my man was living with another girl. “No.”

Her face scrunched up into a frown. “No? But you match his description...” By ‘he’ she must be referring to Jacob. I looked back at the house, using my vision to see what he was doing. I grinned when I saw he was working on my sandwich. Which means I have time to have some fun.

I cleared my throat, giving her a sympathetic look. “I’m more than his roommate, I’m his wife. Who are you?”

She looked taken back. “H-his wife?” She stuttered.

I frowned. “Who are you?”

She looked at the house then back at me. I tried to hide my smirk when I heard Jacob approaching. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing, she was just leaving.” I couldn’t even remember the girl name.

She glared at me, turning on her heels and walking away. “What did you do?” I looked up at Jacob, biting my lip innocently.

“Why do you think I did something?”

He shook his head, handing me my sandwich. “Just get in the car before we’re late.”

I grinned. “Why does it matter if you’re late? You’re the boss.” I opened my door to get in.

“I became the boss by not being late.”


The moment we pulled up to the construction site Jacob pointed the guy out to me. “Wait for me while I go check out things in the office, then we’ll talk to him together.” I watched as he walked away, raising an eyebrow. Did he really think I was going to wait on him? What am I twelve?

Heading over to the guy I studied him, trying to see if there was anything about him that stood out. Anything supernatural.

He was tall with bright red hair, muscles bulging as he sawed off wood. He wasn’t wearing a hard hat, which struck me as odd. Did he not care about his safety? “Hello,” I stopped in front of him.

He looked up, giving me the once over. “Jacob finally decided to share you with the rest of us, huh?”

I giggled, best to play nice if I want answers. Extremely nice. “No, just you.” I licked my lips, watching as his eyes followed the movement. Normally I would just use compulsion to get my answers, but after last night, I wasn’t so confident in my skills. So, that just leaves seduction. I walked around taking a stand next to him. “Can you show me how this works?”

He looked around, looking for Jacob most likely. I almost growled in annoyance. Why were they so scared of Jacob!? I didn’t belong to him, or anyone else. “You want to use a chain saw?” He asked, confusion taking over his features.

I smiled at him, then wedged myself between him and the piece of wood he was cutting. “Show me how to use it.” I not so subtly pushed my butt against him, giving my words a double meaning.

“S-sure.” I rolled my eyes. The guy was at least twice my age, maybe mid 30s, and was acting like a high school boy. I placed my hand on the machine as he placed his hands over mine. He flicked a button and the machine roared to life. “So, how close are you and Jacob?”

I slipped the pair of safety goggles on that he handed me. “Uh, we’re cool I guess.”

“Cool enough to give suggestions on where to party?”

He chuckled, guiding my hand to saw off a piece. “He told you about that did he?”

“Yes, and I was just wondering, where did you hear about it?” I was tired of beating around the bush, Jacob would be done in any minute.

“My nephew, he’s goes there almost every weekend. I thought Jacob might want to check it out since he’s always looking for a new place to party. It’s not really my style though, I’m more of a stay at home kind of guy.” He blabbered on. Ah so his nephew is the source.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how can I meet your nephew? I would love to find out any more spots he goes to.”

He stiffened. Great he’s jealous. “Uh, I could give you his number, but I’m almost positive that he’s gay.” He recited the number to me.

I laughed. “That’s good, since I’m into older guys.” I winked at him over my shoulder. Time to go, I got the information I needed. Curving my finger, I made the chain saw start malfunctioning.

“What the hell?” He pulled the machine out of my hand to look it over.

“Oh, is it broken? Well it was fun while it lasted. I better go find Jacob, nice meeting you!” I patted his shoulder, leaving him to fix it.

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