Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 15

I scrambled from underneath my bed, throwing myself in Jacob arms. "Oh my God Jacob!"

"Damn, I need to come from work early more often." He laughed. I was so relieved it was him, I thought the worse. "But why were you under the bed?"

I pulled back from him, taking a deep breath. "Someone tried to kill me."

He raised an eyebrow. "Again? You're popular these days." I glared."Was it another Lycan?"

I shook my head, "No, he was..." I trailed off, I had no clue what he was. I was too busy running for my life to pay attention.

"He was?" He pushed.

"A reason for you to start packing." Enzo stepped in the room, a hard look on his face. Vince followed in behind him, burnt spots on his clothes and sporting a busted lip.

"Vince! You're alive." The relief in my words were clear. Lord knows I didn't want a bodyguard, but I can't deny that he saved my life today.

"Obviously." Came his gruff reply.

"What is she packing for?" Jacob asked Enzo. I was so happy to see that Vince made it that his words didn't click until now.

"Yes, pack for what?"

He was busy grabbing clothes out of my closet, and loading them into a suitcase that I haven't seen in years. "It's more dangerous for you than I thought. First the Lycan and now a warlock, annoying pests."

My eyes bugged,"A warlock? How!? Why?" A warlock tried to kill me? Last I heard their kind was extinct. There's no way.

"They're not extinct, they wanted people to believe they were so they could live in peace." Enzo answered my unasked question, once again in my head.

"How is trying to kill me living in peace?" He was still grabbing clothes, I don't know where he expected me to go. I wasn't safe anywhere, not from a warlock. I'm sure they have spells to locate people.

He chuckled darkly, "Oh believe me, killing you would bring a lot of peace."

I gaped at him, "How?" He stared pointedly at me, then his gaze dropped to my stomach. "Oh, but how did he know I was um, carrying?" Now that I've come to terms with the possibility of being pregnant I'm not sure what to do. On one hand at least I know who the father is, and on the other hand, I know who the father is. Enzo was still a mystery to me, and my biggest regret. Why couldn't I just keep my legs closed? And how would killing the baby bring them peace?

"They can sense it, or someone sent him. Either way you're coming with me." By now he had filled the suitcase.

"Coming with you where? There's no safe place! What's so special about your kid anyways?" Vince flinched from my tone and took a cautious step closer, getting into a protective stance. Enzo noticed the movement and snarled.

"What do you think you're doing?" He demanded.

Vince stood his ground. "My job, sir." I was confused with the exchange, then it clicked. He was protecting me from Enzo, his boss. Vince and I weren't close at all, but it warmed my heart to know he was on my side. Well if it came down to choosing sides.

His face changed then once he realized what I did. Vince was indeed doing his job, and I could now see the pride on Enzos face. "Grab your toiletries." And just like that he was back to normal.

I sighed, then realized something. "Is Jacob coming?" My eyes shot to his, trying to silently send him a message. Don't let me leave with them alone! There's nothing wrong with us Valentina I heard the amused voice of Enzo in my head.

"What?" He asked. I wonder how much he knew of the situation? I figured since he didn't mind Vince that he was aware of things...But now? Confusion was written all over his face.

"He's welcomed to come."

"Wait, come where?" Jacob and I always stuck together, I knew he would stick with me regardless. He just wanted to know the destination like me.

"You'll know when you get there." Enzo told him.

"Well yeah..." I left to pack my stuff from the bathroom. Jacob caught up with me there.

"Valentina, you know I'd follow you anywhere, but what is going on?" He took a seat on the bath tub.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted.

His eyes widened. "What!? When? How?"

"The night we went to the club, and I'm sure you know how the process works."

"Wait, is Enzo the father? The club owner?" He was finally putting the pieces together. "Damn."

"I know."

"Can't say I saw that coming, though it now makes sense why you wanted to avoid the club." I sat down next to him. "What are we going to do now?"

"We go with him."

"Do you trust him?" Did I trust him? So far he hasn't given me a reason not to.

"I don't know."

"Just say the word and we don't have to go with them. We can go wherever you want." I knew he wasn't bluffing, we could easily sneak out the window. Leave everything, it wouldn't be the first time. But warlocks? That was above even me.

"Actually that's not an option, she's coming with me." We both looked up, Enzo was leaning against the door. I didn't even see him walk up. His gaze focused on my stomach again.

"What?" I asked him. I didn't like when he did that, it's like he was looking through me.

A wicked grin crossed his face. "Nothing Valentina." I didn't like the way he said my name either. "Come." He held his hand out to me.

"I'm gonna go pack." Jacob excused himself from the bathroom.

I grabbed Enzos hand. "Are you sure we'll be safe?"

"I guarantee," From the look in his eyes, I believed him. He wouldn't let anything harm us. Us? I've fully accepted that I'm pregnant, and now I know I need to protect him or her. "Or your money back." He finished grinning. I rolled my eyes, on second thought.

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