Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 11

I can't do this.

I stared at the pregnancy test in my hand, before tossing it to the bed. I can't take that test. What if he was right? What if I am pregnant? Is it even possible for me to get pregnant? I mean technically wasn't I dead? No way I could have kids. The thought saddened me more than it should've.

My bedroom door opened and Jacob peeked his head in. His eyes went to my bed, to the unopened box, then to me. "You still haven't taken it? Don't tell me I wasted two dollars for nothing?"

I glared at him. "I offered to buy it, you insisted." He had gone with me to purchase it, then insisted that he pay and I can just owe him lunch. I had the money, he just wanted a free meal.

He shrugged,"Just trying to help a friend in need." He brought his arm through the door, a matching pregnancy test in it. "If you're nervous my offer still stands, we can take it together." He wiggled the box.

My gaze soften, it was moments like these that reminded me how lucky I am to have him as a friend. Not that him taking a pregnancy test would help me in the slightest. I sighed, "I'm going to do it, it's just, what if I am?"

Stepping fully into the room he took a seat on my bed. "So what if you are? Girls get pregnant all the time. I've even had a few pregnancy scares myself." I didn't doubt it.

"But I'm...different, I don't think I was sent back down here to reproduce." I was sent here as punishment, not to start a family.

"You're never going back right? May as well just enjoy life." Was I never going back? For months I tried to figure out ways to get back in his good grace. Volunteering at shelters, buying food for the homeless, I even tried going to church a few times and nothing changed. Was this truly my new life?

My shoulders sagged, "I don't know, but I know I can't have a kid!"

A startled look appeared on his face. "Wait, do you know who the father may be? I'll be honest I was surprised when you asked for a pregnancy test that I didn't even think to ask who you've been hooking up with."

My cheeks flamed. I knew exactly who was possibly the father, but I wasn't sure I was ready to tell Jacob yet. I didn't tell him fully what happened at the club that night, I was embarrassed, and honestly felt a bit cheap. How could I just sleep with some random guy? Who clearly wasn't normal or even human. "I..." My mind blanked, I couldn't come up with any excuse.

"It's ok, you'll tell me when you're ready." He stood up from my bed walking over to me. "Just...let me know when you're ready to talk, you know I won't judge you." He was right, he's never judged me before. So why was I so hesitant to tell him? I nodded, he patted my shoulder before walking out.

"Well that was touching." I jumped a mile in the air, startled. I spun around, Enzo was casually leaning against my bedroom window. Did he just appear in here? Or did he sneak in through that window? The latch on the window was still locked, also his words implied that he's been here since Jacob was. "Why didn't you tell him about us?" He smirked, getting closer.

I glared at him, his actions from earlier coming back. "Why are you here?"

He stopped once he was an inch away, lifting a hand to my cheek, I smacked it away. "I don't think I like being your dirty little secret angel." His words held a dangerous glint to them. Like the mere thought of me keeping him a secret angered him.

"I don't care what you like, there's nothing going on between us so there's nothing to tell."

He laughed and right before my eyes he vanished, appearing on my bed. Looking quite comfortable, leaning back against my headboard with his legs crossed at the ankle. "Nothing going on between us? You're carrying my first born, my heir, my pride and joy."

I turned to face him, crossing my arms. "I'm not carrying anything, because I'm not pregnant."

He rolled his eyes, "If you're so sure, then why haven't you taken this?" My eyes zeroed in on the pink box now in his hand. I'd forgotten all about it.

"That isn't mine." I lied. Which was so obviously a lie.

He tossed the box to the side, "Of course it's not, why would I think something inside your room that's inside your house belonged to you? Silly of me." The amusement in his eyes infuriated me more.

"Is there a reason why you're here?" My question seemed to sober him up.

In a flash he was in front of me again. "Actually yes, I need your assistance with something."

Now it was my turn to laugh, "Why on earth would you think I'd help you?"

The corners of his mouth lifted, "It's cute that you think you were given a choice."

I glared at him, "I do have a choice."

He smirked,"Like I said, cute. Now what size do you wear?"

I was so thrown off by his question that I automatically answered. "Four, wait why?"

His eyes traveled from my face then slowly down my body. "I'll leave the dress with Vince, I'll be back to pick you up at eight." And then he was gone. Was this guy serious? Did he really expect me to get dressed and just help him? And what did I need a dress for? He was out of his mind if he thought I was going anywhere with him.

I shook my head, deciding to take a nap. I laid down on my bed, as far away from the pink box as possible. I'd deal with that later.

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