Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 10

“I can’t believe you let a stranger sit me on his lap, all because he’s a club owner! Is that all I’m worth to you?” I stood in the doorway of Jacob’s room, giving him death glares.

He sighed, clicking the button on his TV remote. “Of course not, I’d also give you away for two cheeseburgers.” He grinned.

I looked for the nearest thing to me, aiming it at his head. “You’re a jerk!”

“Get out of my room.” He was obviously bored with my antics. A knock on the door had me giving him one last glare, before turning on my heels. “If it’s Amanda send her on back!” I’ll send her back alright, back wherever the hell she came from.

“Jacob isn’t - who are you?” There was a man standing on the other side of the door.

He held a hand out to me. “My name is Vince.”

I looked at the hand, then back to his face. “Ok Vince... Why are you here?”

He sighed, “He said you would ask questions.” I waited for him to continue. “I’m your bodyguard.”

I laughed, “Bodyguard? When did I order a bodyguard? Oh right! I didn’t. You got the wrong house pal. Buh bye.” He grabbed the door before I could close it.

“Enzo sent me.” Enzo? The Beast sent me a bodyguard.

“Why would he send me a bodyguard?”

The guy glanced at my stomach, then back to my face. “For obvious reasons.”

“If it were obvious, I wouldn’t have asked.” This man was testing my patience.

He sighed, “I’ll just be out here, scream if you’re in danger.” It’s clear I wasn’t the only one losing patience. He headed down the steps towards a black charger. Was this guy serious? I’m most definitely calling the cops.

“Who was at the door?” I heard Jacob loud and clear but chose to ignore him.

Pulling out my phone I quickly dialed 911. “Hello how can I help you?” A female answered.

“Uh there’s a strange guy sitting outside of my house.”

“Are you talking about Vince?”

"Yes, he said - wait what?” Did she just?

“I’m told that he’s your bodyguard, so what’s the problem?” I pulled the phone from my face, making sure I dialed the right number.

“Who are you?” I asked stupidly.

“You don’t need to worry about that dear, is there anything else I can help you with?” She asked sweetly. I growled, hanging up. First, he owns a club, a bodyguard, and now the police?

A trickle of fear went down my spine. If he wanted me dead, could he possibly get away with it?

“It’s a good thing I don’t want you dead, now isn’t it little angel?” I backed myself against the door, seeing him standing in our kitchen. I was usually a tough girl, especially with the powers I have. But something about him, made me want to tuck tail and run the other way. He frowned at my reaction. “What’s wrong?”

“How did you get in? What are you doing here?”

“You know I’m not here to harm you. So why behave like I am?” He seemed genuinely offended.

“How do I know that?”

He leaned on the counter watching me. “I’ve had many opportunities, in fact, I could now.”

My eyes narrowed. “Are you trying to convince me to trust you or threaten me?” He grinned.

“The last time I threatened you, you allowed me inside of you.” He winked.

I gulped, “I was drunk.” Lie. I had only gotten buzzed.

“Listen Valentina,” the way he said my name was like a lover’s caress. “You’re pregnant.”

Hold the front door. “What?”

“And the kid is mine.”


“Are you deaf?”

I stared at him, “You really are mental.”

He smiled, “You’re right, what am I saying?”

My shoulders sagged in relief, for a second there I actually believed him. But why would I believe him? We only had sex once, plus I’d know if I was pregnant. “What do you want Enzo?”

I swear there was a shift in his eyes when I said his name. Good to know I’m not the only one that gets effected. “Vince is your bodyguard, where you go, he goes, got it?”

I rolled my eyes, “I don’t need a bodyguard, I’m capable of taking care of myself.”

“Like how you took care of yourself with that Lycan? If I hadn’t shown up...” He trailed off.

“The Lycan was a surprise.” It’s not every day you go for a checkup and get attacked by one.

“Vince will be there to make sure there are no more surprises.”

“I don’t need a bodyguard.”

“Well you’re getting one!” He snarled. I bit my lip to keep from whimpering, he excluded so much power. “And quite frankly this attitude of yours is not attractive.”

“I don’t have an attitude.” I said, crossing my arms.

“You do,” He started walking over to me, where I was still against the front door. He stopped when there was nothing but an inch of space between us. “If I had the time,” He leaned in closer, his lips rubbing against my ear. “I would gladly bend you over that couch, and teach you a lesson.” My eyes closed at his words, imagining them.

“What the hell are you doing?” My eyes snapped open, to see Jacob staring at me with a raised eyebrow, and Enzo nowhere in sight. “Are you having an orgasm against the door?”

“No!” I pushed off the door, ignoring the laughter I heard in my head. How the hell did he disappear like that? “But,” I took a deep breath ”I think I need a pregnancy test.”

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