Alpha Maximus: The Last Lycan

Alpha Maximus: Chapter 10

I slowly step out from behind Nathan. My cheeks are still rosy-red from seeing Alpha Maximus’s large appendage. I keep eye contact as I slowly walk toward him and gently place my hand in his. There is an instant feeling of love and bliss between us. He rubs his thumb across the back of my hand, sending sparks igniting. Alpha Maximus smiles at me with his gentle brown eyes. My heart flutters, and a sense of happiness fills my soul. I know right then that I can trust him and that I’m now his to cherish.

‘Let’s go,’ he smiles. I nod and let him lead me out of the dungeon. It’s so bright outside. I have to use my free hand to cover my eyes from the sun.

Alpha Maximus opens the door of the long black car. I have never seen a car like this before. He gestures for me to hop in, but everything is bright and blurry. My eyes are hurting too much. Alpha Maximus notices my eyes are struggling to focus. He places his hands on my hips and guides me into the back seat.

He reaches for some trousers and a shirt from his bag and swiftly dresses before he steps into the car and sits next to me.

Nathan gets in the back with us and closes the door, then after a moment, Nathan stiffens, ‘Oh! Wait… our driver is dead. All good, I’ll drive.’ he says.

I gasp at his words. Alpha Maximus makes a grumbling growl at Nathan, puts his arm around me and pulls me into his chest.

‘Do your eyes hurt, my love?’ he asks me, sending a hot shiver through my body. I nod. ‘Close your eyes and rest your head on my chest. They will adjust soon,’ he says, reassuring me as he softly strokes my hair. He smells so good, and his chest is so warm. I’ve never experienced such kindness or gentleness before.

I doze off the moment my head rests on his chest. Then, after a nap, I sit up, squinting, my eyes aren’t hurting so bad now, and I can see clearer.

I look out the window and see we aren’t in Blackwood anymore. I have never left Blackwood before. Everything is unfamiliar. I realise I’m finally free. I’m not a prisoner anymore, and more importantly, I’m in the arms of my mate. I can’t believe I have another mate. I’m overjoyed that Alpha Maximus is treating me so lovingly. I thank Moon Goddess under my breath.

‘Feeling better?’ Alpha Maximus asks me. I nod and smile. He smiles back.

‘You’ve been asleep for half the day,’ he says.

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ I say in fear of punishment.

He grabs my hands and kisses them, making me blush. His lips are very soft against my skin.

‘Don’t be sorry. You needed the sleep. You know we haven’t had the pleasure of a proper introduction yet,’ Alpha Maximus beams.

‘My name is Alpha Maximus. I’m from Blood Moon pack. I have been searching desperately for you for a long time, and you don’t know how happy I am and how delighted my wolf Chaos is to have found you,’ he tells me.

Smiling, I blush at his sweet words. I never thought I would ever hear anyone say nice things like that to me.

‘What beautiful name has been bestowed upon you?’ he asks.

‘My name is Slave,’ I say sweetly as I gaze endearingly into his eyes.

The car suddenly swerves, and Alpha Maximus quickly wraps his arm around me tighter to stop me from flying across the car seat.

Nathan slows the car down to a stop and looks at us. ‘I’m sorry, but did you just say your name is Slave?’

I nod and gaze up at Alpha Maximus, whose eyes have turned black. Nathan freaks out, ‘Wands! Chaos, stay calm. Surely they have something else they call her?’ Nathan says and looks to me for another answer.

‘I’ve always been named Slave since I came to the pack as a baby, but sometimes they call me Freak. You can call me that if you don’t like Slave,’ I say innocently, shrugging my shoulders.

Chaos takes over. I rise higher on his lap as his clothes rip, and he grows larger and hairier. He viciously snarls, and Nathan panics again, ‘No Chaos! You are not returning to Blackwood to kill the rest of the pack!’

I shuffle towards Nathan. ‘Is Chaos going to hurt me?’ I ask, unsure of what is happening. The look on Chaos’s face changes from angry to hurt from the question.

He whimpers and slowly brings his snout closer to my face. I think he wants me to pat him. I stroke his face.

I can’t help but smile as his face completely relaxes. He lets out a heavy purr like a cat. Giggling, I let him lick my face ‘Stop Chaos,’ I say, and playfully push his snout away. I look over at Nathan, who has the biggest grin.

‘You know I have never in my twenty-three years of knowing Alpha Maximus ever seen this side of Chaos,’ he says in disbelief and happiness.

‘Really?’ I say. ‘Chaos is really cute and adorable, though,’ I say, rubbing my nose against his wet snout.

Nathan laughs. ‘Well, I never thought I’d see the day someone would say that about Chaos,’ he laughs.

Chaos snaps and growls at Nathan. ‘Whoa, boy! You know I’m just kidding,’ Nathan tells him.

‘Chaos, I know you are being a very good boy right now, but I would really like to talk to Alpha Maximus now, and maybe later I can give you another cuddle?’ I say in my sweet tone as I caress the fur across his massive chest. I smile at Alpha Maximus, now shifted back in his human form.

He looks as if he has seen a ghost. ‘Nathan? Did she just control Chaos?’ he asks in disbelief.

‘Yup! I’m struggling to believe it too!’ Nathan answers.

‘Why were you upset when I told you my name?’ I ask them.

Alpha Maximus raises an eyebrow and glances at Nathan briefly.

‘Slave is not a name, nor is freak. They are negative terms.’ he explains.

‘Oh, I’m sorry. No one ever told me that. It’s just how people call out for me, so I assumed it was my name.’ I tell them.

Alpha Maximus gently holds my chin, ‘Well, I would love to give you a new name.’ he says.

‘Really? What name do you suggest?’ I say, excited.

‘What about… Hope? I know we could all use some in this world, and you have brought hope to my life now that I have found you,’ he smiles.

Hope, I like it. Storm says.

It’s the first time I’ve heard from Storm since Alpha Tate rejected me. I’m so happy she is back.

I wrap my arms around Alpha Maximus’s neck and pull him in for a hug. ‘I love it! And, Storm, my wolf likes it too!’ I tell him.

Alpha Maximus is taken aback by the sudden hug. He wraps his arms around me, hugging me back.

‘It’s going to be a few weeks until we arrive back at Blood Moon pack. I’ll contact the packs along the way to have a room ready for overnight stays along the way,’ I squeeze him tighter and smile.

We arrive at the Silent Howl pack, it’s snowing, and I’m freezing. Alpha Maximus gives me one of his shirts to put over my thin raggedy dress. It’s plain black and almost looks like a dress as it reaches my knees.

My nerves grow. This is my first time at another packhouse. I cling to the back of Alpha Maximus’s shirt and stay close to him while Nathan walks behind me.

They must be able to sense I’m scared and nervous. Alpha Maximus holds my hand behind his back, and we walk up the path to the packhouse.

Everyone stares at us, whispering and chattering, but none approach or greet us.

A tall masculine man with blonde hair comes out of the pack house and walks towards us.

Peeking from behind Alpha Maximus’s back, I make brief eye contact with the man. He looks angry. I whimper and hide back behind Alpha Maximus.

‘Alpha Liam,’ Alpha Maximus greets.

Alpha Liam scoffs, ‘I think you have a lot of explaining to do, Alpha Maximus,’ he says.

I felt Alpha Maximus’s back stiffen, ‘Is there some kind of problem?’ He replies.

‘We have just had word that you murdered and wiped out half of the Blackwood pack after you kidnapped Alpha Tate’s mate! Tell me this isn’t true?’

‘I think we should have this conversation inside,’ Alpha Maximus suggests as he notices more annoyed-looking pack members coming out and forming a crowd.

‘No! You will hand the girl over so she can be returned to Alpha Tate, and you will leave and be exiled from entering our territory again.’

Alpha Maximus growls ferociously as his eyes turn black. Chaos is trying to take over. He pulls me from behind him and presses me against his chest ‘MINE!’ he snarls, making Alpha Liam’s pack step back.

I peer into his black eyes, ‘Chaos, please, I won’t go with them. I’m going to stay with you, but you need to let Alpha Maximus have control, so no one gets hurt, okay?’ I tell him.

His shoulders relax, and his heartbeat slows down. I stay pressed against him to keep him calm. ‘Hope is my mate, and I would rather die than hand her back to that bastard!’ He tells Alpha Liam.

‘That can be arranged!’ Alpha Liam retorts. He nods at his pack warriors, and they all charge toward us.

I fall backwards as Alpha Maximus shifts into his Lycan. His clothes rip as he shifts. He let out a roar of warning at

the pack racing towards him. They shift into their wolves and continue to pursue us. They don’t back away or hesitate.

Nathan grabs my arm, helping me up, ‘Run, run back to the car and lock the doors! There are too many wolves. I have to help Alpha Maximus.’ he says.

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