A New Era

Chapter Chapter Twenty Two

Flashback - 10 years ago

"Make sure you all do your readings, we have an exam coming up this week!" Ms. Taylor bellowed out over the entire class talking amongst themselves. The bell finally rang and everyone immediately got up from their seats, chairs scooting across the floor and slamming into tables as everyone rushed out the room.

"See you Monday Ms. Taylor." I waved to my history teacher as I slung my bag over my shoulder. She gave me a nod and smile as I walked out the classroom. The halls were crowded, like a sea of white and brown, everyone on top of each other as they tried to make their way out the building.

I stood there for a moment, looking both ways to see if there was a quicker way out. My eyes stopped at one of the exits no one was going through, a small smile formed on my lips as I pushed my way through some people before getting to the doors.

The door swung open revealing a staircase and I rushed down the stairs, my eyes darting down to my pager to check the time. My brother was already out of school and I had to get there as soon as possible so he wasn't alone.

Kyles school was only a few blocks away from mine, so it took about five minutes to get there. Once his elementary school building came into view, I headed to the back of the building to the large schoolyard, waiting by the fence. My eyes scanned the area, hoping to find my brother. It would have been easy if everyone wasn't wearing the same thing. I let out a huff when I heard my name being shouted from the distance.

"Sam!!" Kyles voice called. My eyes shifted to where he was, tapping his teacher on the arm and pointing to me. She gave a nod as he raced on over my way, tackling me in a hug.

"Hey little bro." I giggled ruffling his hair. He swatted my hand as the two of us made our way to our house.


Kyle and I sat in the kitchen, getting homework done. I flipped to the next page of my textbook. We were currently studying about the world many years ago and how things have changed from then til now. Back then everyone was able to dress differently, speak freely and have a fun life. Now, it feels like we were living in a simulation, being told what to wear and how to speak.

There were times that I wish I grew up in a world not like this. A world where we can dress how we want, express ourselves how we want. But we can't. Nobody can.

My eyes shifted to another part of the text book, the part about the riots and how people back then did try to fight back for their freedom. But they failed.

"Okay guys, dinners ready." My mom spoke up as she brought over bowls for all of us. Right on cue, my dad walked in and took his place in his seat.

Mom began serving us our dinner for the night, some chicken noodle soup.

"Thanks mom." Kyle said as he ate a spoonful of his soup.

It was quiet, just the clinking of silverware. I looked up from my plate, my eyes shifted from my dad to my mom.

"Can I talk to you guys about something?" I asked and they turned their attention over to me.

"Of course sweetheart, anything." My dad answered with a smile.

I hesitated for a moment, debating whether I should say something or not. My mouth opened to speak but no words came out.

"Samantha? What is it?" My mom questioned, head tilted as she waited patiently for me to speak.

"Well, it's about how the world was many years ago. Why can't we live like that again?"

Both of my parents eyes widened slightly, they looked at each other and then back at me.

"It's how it is now sweetheart. You know that." My mom answered as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I know, but why can't we do something about it? Why can't we fix it?"

"Because we can't Sam." My dad answered this time.

"Yeah but-"

"Samantha!" My mother barked, her voice louder now. I jumped slightly and slunk back in my seat.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Okay?"

I nodded my head quickly and went back and finished my dinner. The rest of the night, no one said a word. No one spoke, no one even looked at each other. I helped my mom with the dishes before I rushed up to my room.


I was wide awake, definitely couldn't go back to sleep. I lifted my head to look at the clock which read 2:30 a.m. I plopped my head back down with a heavy sigh before I stood up and slowly walked out my room. Hopefully a glass of water would help.

I slowly crept down the stairs but stopped in my tracks when I heard my parents voices. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, it was barely above a whisper. I shifted slightly and suddenly the stairs creaked by my movement. Their voices stopped and suddenly my dad spoke up.

"Samantha? Is that you?" I let out a sigh before I made way down the rest of the stairs.

"I got thirsty, I wanted to get some water."

"Come here sweetheart." My mom said motioning me for to come over. I hesitated for a moment before I slowly approached her and sat down between the two of them.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier."

I gave a nod and turned to look at her. "It's okay. I'm sorry for bringing it up..."

"Sam, you're young and you are a smart girl. The world isn't what it used to be. I'm tough on you because I just want to protect you, and your brother. My entire life, I've done what I did to protect the two of you. One day your father and I won't be here, and you and Kyle will have each other. You will only have each other." She added. I nodded my head as I let out a soft sigh.

"When the time comes, you will understand." My dad spoke this time and I turned to him.

"What do you mean?" I asked raising an eyebrow and looked between the two of them.

"We'll worry about it another time, okay? Just promise you will keep yourself safe. Okay?"

I nodded my head slowly and she pulled me into a hug, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"It's late, get your water and then go back to bed."

I stood up from the couch and turned to them, both with smiles on their face. I gave my dad a quick hug and kissed both of them goodnight before I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and rushed up the stairs to get some sleep.

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