A New Era

Chapter Chapter Twenty Seven

Our grandparents were overwhelmed with happiness and joy when they found out my parents were alive all this time. I didn't blame them though. For over a year we all thought they were dead, gone for good. But here they are in front of us, breathing and alive. These past few weeks it seemed that everything had slowly been falling into place. The capital was quiet, Viktor and his men patrolled the streets, informed all the people that President Martin was no longer in office. His reign of terror, and all those before him for the past 75 years was now over.

The entire rebellion was now resting in Big Pine Key Florida. Thanks to our grandparents who created a home here, everyone who defied the government and presidents laws was here. Many people who still believed and followed President Martin stayed in the capital. It was going to be very difficult to change their minds and their views on the world now.

We finally won. But these next few weeks, months and years were definitely not going to be easy. There were many of us who believed in the cause and the freedom, and there were many people who still believe in the rules and laws. We had the upper hand though. We had President Martin locked up and under our surveillance.

Thanks to Viktor and his men, along with some of our group, they took down the rest of the troops who followed Martin. Locking them up and throwing them in cells.

I was currently laying in bed due to my early morning sickness. Everyone else was up having breakfast but I couldn't stand the smell of the cooked bacon and sausages. Instead I grabbed some toast and a cup of orange juice and returned to my room. As I rubbed my face with my hands there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I called out just loud enough for them to hear. The door opened revealing Noah, a concerned look on his face.

"Hey, feeling any better?" He asked, the door shut behind him as he sat on the floor beside me. One hand reached over stroking my hair while the other took my hand, interlocking our fingers. I nodded my head slowly and turned on my side to face him.

"Yeah, I'm alright. This morning sickness is kicking my ass more than anything we've faced." I chuckled. Noah smiled in response.

"Well, I'm just glad our little one is gonna grow up in a safer and free world."

"Me too."

Noah then stood up from the floor as I shifted my body over closer to the wall side to let him lay next to me. Once he laid down, my head rested on his chest, an arm draped around his waist. The only sound that could be heard was our breathing and the feel of his steady heartbeat. It had been so long since we enjoyed some piece and quiet. These past two years have been nothing but suffering and agonizing pain.

But some good things did come out of it all. Learning about my grandparents, me being pregnant, my parents being alive and finally capturing President Martin.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and I lifted up my head when the door opened, revealing my dad.

"Hey sweetheart, can we talk?" Judging from the smile on his lips it was most likely going to be a good talk. I glanced up at Noah and he placed a kiss on my forehead before standing up. My dad gave him a grin and a pat on the shoulder before Noah stepped out the room, closing the door behind him.

I sat up in my bed and patted the spot next to me. Dad sat down and wrapped an arm around me immediately, pulling me into a tight embrace.

"You have no idea how relieved and happy your mother and I are to find out you two were alive." A heavy sigh escaped his lips and I felt a kiss on the top of my head.

"I know, me too." I said as I lifted my head to face him.

"Kyle talked to us, explained everything that happened these past couple of years. I am so proud of the two of you."

"I thought you guys were going to be pissed."

"We weren't, we were worried, scared. Your mother and I left to protect you. What your grandparents started, of course we supported it, but your mother she was scared for us, for you. She wanted to hide amongst everyone, live by the rules.."

"That's why you kept it a secret all these years."

A slight smile appeared on his lips and he nodded his head.

"We left you some clues, I'm surprised you found them."

"I had a feeling deep down that you guys must have been hiding something." I chuckled softly. Dad smiled in response and pulled me into another hug. The silence between us was calming. It was really great having both my parents back. I was thankful they were alive. The moment I left, to the moment I thought they were dead, I've always blamed myself for it. I always felt that if I hadn't left, they would have been alive all this time.

But if I didn't leave, I wouldn't have met Noah, we wouldn't have met Joe to help us rescue Noah, he could have died, his mom, everyone. If I hadn't left, if Kyle hadn't left, they would have been sent to prison or killed.

The door opened once again to reveal my mom this time. "Hi sweetheart."

"Hey." I replied as she took a seat beside me.

"I'm sure your father spoke to you already." She said and I nodded my head.

"He did. Look, can we just put this all in the past? I don't want to think about it. I just, I want to move forward." I said looking between the two of them.

"That sounds like a good idea." My dad commented. The three of us held one another in a long loving embrace.

"Alright, come on." Mom said as she stood up. "Let's get you something to eat."

The three of us stood up and stepped out the room to join the others.

Ben, Krista and Noah were sitting on the couch laughing at something. Alec, Joe, Dave, Jill and Linda were having their coffee at the table. My grandparents were scattered around making sure everyone was okay.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kyle talking to a girl, a new member who joined a few weeks ago. Lilly I think her name was. A small smile formed on my lips as I watched my brother nervously rub the back of his neck listening to the girl talk.

"Samantha!" My grandmother Charlotte piped up from across the room. I smiled and made my way over as she placed a plate full of fresh fruit and some muffins. I didn't realize how hungry I was until my mouth started watering and my stomach was grumbling. I took a seat and grabbed one of the blueberry muffins.

"You made these?" I asked her and she gave a proud nod. "Old family recipe, I'll give it to you don't worry." She chuckled as I took a bite out of the muffin.

The remainder of the day was just that, a relaxing quiet day. It had been a while since we actually had some time to rest and relax. My eyes flickered around the room, a smile on my face as I watched what I call these people my family.

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