A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: A Lancaster Prep Novel

A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: Chapter 37

WE CLEAN ourselves up and put our clothes back on before we order room service. The moment we shared still hangs heavily in my mind, though we haven’t really talked about it. And I have no idea how to approach the conversation so…

I don’t bring it up.

Can’t stop thinking about it, though. He seemed to lose all control earlier. He actually came on my face, which I think is an actual thing, from what I remember seeing on that one porn site the night I explored its category menu.

I didn’t mind, though it was shocking when it happened. I’m so curious about everything. All of it. It’s interesting, how internalized a woman’s orgasm is for the most part, while a man’s is incredibly obvious. To the point of exploding everywhere.


Crew is so incredibly patient with me, and while my body is still aching for something only he can fulfill, I’m okay with waiting. I know more will happen between us. Tonight. Tomorrow.

Besides, I’m hungry.

Our food arrives relatively fast and we eat it in the living room, both of us sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table, our backs leaning against the couch as we stuff our faces. We both got cheeseburgers, fries and Cokes, and I could tell Crew was pleased I didn’t order a salad.

Probably only because he wouldn’t have to share his meal with me again, like last time.

The fries are delicious and I keep dragging them in the puddle of ketchup on my plate, a little moan leaving me with every bite. Eventually I realize Crew has stopped eating and is watching me, his eyes slightly glazed over, his lips parted.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, my mouth kind of full, which is totally rude. I swallow it down, then wipe my mouth with a napkin.

“You’re so fucking sexy when you eat, Birdy. I can’t take it.” He leans in and grips the back of my head, pulling me in for a quick kiss. “I feel like everything you do is sexy as fuck.”

“I am not a sexy person,” I say primly, thinking of what we did not even forty-five minutes ago. Which was absolutely, one hundred percent sexy.

I still can’t believe I did it, but I couldn’t resist. Seeing him like that…he was just so big. I wanted to know what he tasted like. And while I didn’t give him a full-blown blow job, he seemed rather pleased with what I did do.

And I like that, pleasing him. Making him feel good, even though it’s scary and I worry I’ll make a mistake, I’m realizing that he seems to enjoy everything I do. I liked seeing the blissed-out expression on his face, and how he lost control. The sounds he made and the commanding way he took over. It was hot.

Sexy, like he says.

“Wren.” His voice is flat, and I glance over at him once again, frowning. “Please. You’re the sexiest woman I know.”

I sit up straighter, thrilled by his praise. At the way he called me a woman. I’m close enough to eighteen that I guess I should get used to that, though in some ways I still feel like a kid.

Not tonight though. Not even close.

“Thank you,” I murmur.

He pulls me in for another soft kiss, our meals soon forgotten as we lose ourselves in each other. Is this what the entire weekend is going to be like? We can’t do this so freely at school and maybe he feels all pent-up. As if his want for me is now spilling all over. On campus, I don’t want people to see us and I’m sure he doesn’t either.

Or maybe he doesn’t care who sees us. Maybe I shouldn’t care either.

It’s wild, to think how much we’ve changed. With each other, and how we feel.

When he ends the kiss, I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

“A few weeks ago, you hated me.”

He frowns. “I told you before I never hated you. Not really. You just—frustrated me. All the time.”

It still bothers me that I would affect him so terribly while I was completely oblivious—only at first. After a few short weeks, I knew Crew Lancaster didn’t like me. I just never understood it.

“Why? I never even talked to you. And once I realized you had it out for me, I avoided you as much as possible.”

“Because I wanted you, though I was in complete denial.” His smile is slow. A little arrogant. “And look. Now I’ve got you.”

Is that the only reason though? He supposedly hated me? It’s odd. Was he so disgusted with his supposed attraction for me that he masked it by acting like a complete jerk and treating me terribly? Glaring at me if I even dared to look at him? If that’s the case…

That’s kind of messed up.

“You think you’ve got me?” I raise my brows.

“I convinced the last virgin in our senior class to come away with me for the weekend.” The heat in his gaze tells me he’s thinking of all the things we’ve done together so far that takes me closer to losing my virginity, once and for all. “Pretty sure I’ve got you.”

“You’re very cocky, Crew Lancaster.” I kiss his cheek, darting away from him when he tries to recapture my lips with his own.

“Did you just say the word cock, Birdy?”

I’m immediately horrified he would even suggest such a thing. “Absolutely not. I said cocky.”

“Nope. I heard it. I heard cock.” He’s grinning. “Go on. Say it. You know you want to.”

I’m shaking my head. “No way. I don’t say words like that.”

“That’s too bad,” he murmurs, his gaze focused solely on my mouth. “I would love to hear you say a string of dirty words in that sweet voice of yours.”

“You think my voice is sweet?”

He nods. “Maybe you could whisper them in my ear.”

I slowly shake my head. “I couldn’t.”

Crew ignores my protests. “You know what I’m really looking forward to?”


“Watching those lips wrap around my cock again.” His gaze lifts to mine. “Hopefully you’ll suck me deep next time.”

My cheeks feel like they’re on fire, thanks to what he said. “You’re embarrassing me.”

“Don’t ever be embarrassed.” He pulls me in close, until I’m practically in his lap. “Get used to it, Birdy. This is all we’re going to do for the entire weekend.”

I form my lips into an exaggerated pout. “You promised to show me the Christmas lights.”

“And I will.” He kisses the tip of my nose. “For like an hour. Tops.”

“Crew.” I shove at his chest, but he doesn’t budge.

“Wren.” His tone is teasing, his eyes sparkling as he studies me.

I’ve never seen him look so handsome.

Handsome enough to make my heart hurt.

God, what are we doing? He said it so himself, that Saturday afternoon in the back of the car before he kissed me for the very first time.

This probably isn’t going to end well.

I’m scared he’s right.

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